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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Tough Enough winner Andy Levine the one that got fired. Some others still with the company in fcw mainly and the one that got eliminated first is one of Brodus's dancers and works in fcw
  2. That is not what or how you said it first. But yeah good promo skills can be a good factor in drawing money. Although on a side not in this day and age individual wrestlers, even ME, are not that big a factor in drawing as before imho. But taking a TEW example for me Orton has mediocre mic skills, they just made the character fit his style of promo's, but good charisma, for some, and acting skills, that fit the character, and very good star quality and a hell of a push.
  3. On a similar note, a winner of a televised talent contest for a contract, which he already had, be released while some of the people that where eliminated well before him, and even first, due to lack of talent/passion etc be under contract and on television while even better talent never got signed.
  4. Horse, Cart wrong way. Dislike both Orton (boring) and Ziggler (cookie cutter, overrated by IWC atm just like Miz last year, and even worse promo). BTW anybody else kinda frowning on a Smackdown guy and an old announcer guy being in the top ten for the top RAW belt. Ace can prolly explain it away easy but still bleh. If Smackdown guys can now even challenge for the titles in such a direct way lets just totally end the split please.
  5. Ok read it wrong and yeah, very bad gimmick for ME level talent imho.
  6. I think that was in reference to Ryder not Lesnar the glass jaw gimmick. Decent one for a midcard sympathy jobber.
  7. Dixie talking about a lot of stuff: Open Fight night is a promising concept just needs some tweeking imho. Hope this doesn't mean they go more PG with the new timeslot ugh + it's one of the view advantages they have. Want to grab a younger audience? Do a PG edited replay Saturday post cartoons and thus build audience for main show years from now. Have heard that hogan is doing a lot backstage and promoting a couple of times so that's good at least effort wise. Thing is with the time people are getting is that it is not just about time it is also about focus. Jeff does seem to be in a good place right now but that incident really hurt them and him. Seems they are really pushing for a second show to help them increase competition and ppv buys. Good they need a good "b" show in TEW terms. Hope it is something good they got in return for the HOF, eyebrows raised ey, Rock cameo? Lol man can dream. Garett is nowhere near as talented as those guys, especially Magnus, and should be removed from screen asap as he is harming a for the rest pretty good product at this time. Go live first as its comparatively cheaper then tour second or both at same time, have to take the plunge at least for a year for it to have effect and will take a major investment also infrastructure wise so need a good backup of cash in case it doesn't work out and have to return to the zone. Take the plunge imho. Also it does seem they have finally gotten that in order to have sustainable growth they have to focus more on their "own/younger/fresher" guys. Plus I am pretty sure the part where she mentioned that the 10k reports from mainly the Observer where BS was left out of this version but was noted by someone who had heard it.
  8. I saw it as I was watching the show. No way for me to prove that is the case or for you to disprove. And like I said it was a very good show.
  9. Least predictable? Apart from the Cena win, even tough it followed standard Cena recipe I didn't expect them to have Brock loose, they where all pretty straightforward and even telegraphed way in advance. Oh tables match -> Show somehow looses. Jericho Turnbuckle -> Punk wins . Danielson gives up first fall -> Sheamus wins. Rybeck vs Jobbers. Returning Diva and leaving Divas. Funkasaurus push. Orton Bigger star, Kane always threat even if looses a lot. The whole telegraphed who won actually detracted from the p.p.v for me. Edit: Apart from that 3 Good matches, 1 mediocre and the standard filler made for a pretty good ppv.
  10. WWE only fines for the good herb, which is less damaging then alcohol and most proscription drugs by the by ( Dutch I should know lol), unless they have radically changed that policy. So it was either roids which he couldn't show a proscription for or too many or unsubscribed pain killers. Given rey's history I would go with the second.
  11. I am pretty sure it was announced on the day of that RAW or the day after that they where making the YES shirts. Either way the writers could have thought it was a possibility that the reaction would happen the way it did but be unsure so as to not have the shirts made. But in this case I think you are giving the writers too much credit. With the Cena thing I think that the writers are trying to do what you are saying and are aware of it but it did take them a hell of a long time to find out as Anti Cena has been going on for a good long while now.
  12. AJ is pretty much in the Jericho, HBK spot sorta on a TNA level now imho. Always a credible contender and a reaction from the crowd but not THE main guy or full own main event. Not that bad a spot for him although I would prefer him as a true main eventer.
  13. Can't beat Cena too much or many of his fans will stop believing in him. With both the Bryan and Cena thing it really depends how much credit you are giving creative or not.
  14. Yeah my bad, or actually TNA's bad for being inconsistent with it given that AJ's TNA title reign stands as the longest world title reign and Jarrett's is discounted and never mentioning Abyss as a grand slam winner. That is what got me confused.
  15. Undefeated in singles competition and unpinned/submitted in others. And Garret still gets little to no reaction on his own. Hes pretty much a vacuum of heat or he gets blasted by the smarks. He gets some cheers in the Impact Zone but that doesn't count for much. Impact was a good show though although Hogan could have been a bit clearer in his concept promo and Garrett is still on the show. Rest was entertaining. And was it me or did AJ look good promo/acting wise in that segment with Garrett?
  16. It depends if you count the NWA/TNA world heavyweight championship or not. Seeing as TNA themselves don't I would only count AJ.
  17. Yup that announce table was one of the bad production things but I didn't want to go into specifics as there where so many but that one stood out immediately. And yeah I can't remember such a bad crowd for any of the bigger companies shows I ever watched WWE, WCW, TNA, ECW both t.v. and p.p.v.
  18. They could have easily gone the route similar to Christian and Orton with Roode getting his rematch at Sacrifice and getting screwed out of the title but without Storm going heel, like with the missed foot under the rope, and then getting the true rematch at Slammiversary under a stipulation that benefits Roode or something like that.
  19. Bad Production + Bad crowd + Bad match order + Bad Finish really put a downer on this for me. I liked 4 of the matches but it just felt really flat too me. Time wasted on Flair Hogan babbling and knockout tag should have gone to the undercard matches. And yes I don't like Storm loosing here or Roode loosing at BFG either. Both where perfectly set up for feel good moments and they should have delivered. Could have made Roode even bigger heel after the win at BFG and Storm should have become champ here and then continue the story with Roode till it really ends at Slammiversary. Continuing the chase now is just meh.
  20. ODB + EY © vs Sorita + Rosita (rumored) comments: Crimson vs Morgan comments: Robbie E vs Devon © comments: MCMG vs MagJoe © comments: Velvet Sky vs Gail Kim © comments: Team EB vs Team GB comments: Angle vs Hardy comments: Storm vs Roode © comments:
  21. So Lockdown predictions?: ODB + EY © vs Sorita + Rosita (rumored) comments: Crimson vs Morgan comments: Robbie E vs Devon © comments: MCMG vs MagJoe © comments: Velvet Sky vs Gail Kim © comments: Team EB vs Team GB comments: Angle vs Hardy comments: Storm vs Roode © comments:
  22. True but the one where you can see the video as well is even better as Petey Williams body language while hes doing it is priceless. Still my favorite especially as it was totally impromptu:
  23. Kinda both liked most of the product and certain wrestlers and like wrestling in general and didn't like the other 2 alternatives as much. Haven't really watched much for about a year and a half but just keeping up to date with recaps ( both TNA and WWE) and it seemed that TNA where doing stuff more to my liking lately and I enjoyed the last two shows so now I am giving them a second chance. Thanks mate. Also considering finally making that alternative "they" diary still have the notes for em and they where plenty.
  24. No real comment to make just to let you guys know I am back so hide the women and children and all who dare mock TNA muhahahaha jk. Man that "they" fall out really took my passion away for a while.
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