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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Ok i thought you where referring to the tapings of Impact. The ppv's didn't do too badly if I remember correctly. Not great but not bad either. Depends on ones definition though.
  2. His title run was largely pre identity change. And the shows at that time had Sting as champ as they where post BFG 2008.
  3. I think he is referring to the Las Vegas shows when the Zone was being refurbished for HD taping. They where actually sold out but given the location that was not much of a feat. Hard Rock cafe LV if I remember correctly.
  4. Actually they don't have a problem with timing of matches in that sense. They are doing it on purpose with the goal to break the viewing habits of people and for them to ad Reaction to their viewing schedule. If this is wise is another question and it does not negate their other timing and balancing issues.
  5. In other news: Kaval/ Low- Ki has been released by the E. TNA would do well to (re) sign him if they are serious about rebuilding the X-Division. Gen Me have extended their contracts. Good matches with the Guns but where do they go from here and will they learn to become less spotty? Hogan is back in the hospital. Bad for him but generally good for the product for people of my tastes. And the observer is reporting TNA is looking to tape some Impacts outside the zone. Please TNA get out of the Zone!!!
  6. There are other way's then youtube to get the shows though if there is no legal avenue open to yourself. As ThOR knows where to RENT them;).
  7. This is becomming an endless debate and due to lack of real FACTS and the purely subjective idea of what is FAIR pay it is mainly becoming opinion. I was just pointing out to Blackman that there is no FACTUAL basis to think TNA is paying its UNFAIRLY more or less then any other company in or outside wrestling. And it is a dumb reason to not watch the product just because of that even if it was the case. Stop watching it because of bad booking I can get but not because of that no. Because as soon as you start doing that you have 2 options. Start your own farm/country or die. PS does anyone have the DIRECT link to where Kong said this stuff, I think it could have been on Divadirt? As it could have been all out of context etc stuff as the sheets are want to do.
  8. Don't forget Panda has made it quite clear they want TNA to stand on its own feet financially now and TNA is paying back the loan they got from Panda. Panda provides security and expertise but no cash.
  9. They weren't making money when they signed Kong and they had no idea the KO's would be any type of draw at that time. Which still has to be proven they are. I think they are from a total product standpoint. But paying them the same as midcard/ uppermidcard male talent? Nope. Just above the enhancement guys (Sharky, Neal etc) yep.
  10. Ok point by point Yeah being a full time extra pays so well that is why there are no actors etc waiting tables in LA. No job security and many many extra's definitely get paid less or even nothing. Plus their exposure is minimal at best. Also compare their income to the stars of the show and the total income of the show and also take into account the other costs which can be spread more due to being a big studio. Like tamer said. Wrestling doesn't pay that will either at both ends even. That is why the Rock is doing movies and is not in wrestling. Developmental WWE guys get paid more then TNA undercard. Hmm lets say WWE makes what 6 times as much money as TNA whow what a surprise. What is the total income of those UFL teams? How much of said income goes to player TOTAL (so not base income) wages? How long is a football career? How many days do they work for their team? What is the pay scale top to bottom? Are any of those teams trying to make it to the NFL, none? Not as with true Football where you can promote to the higher league for more income. Now that teams wants to go to promote to the higher level? Gotta get yourself some proven good players? Want them? Gotta pay them bigger money? Still need to balance the budge? Gotta pay the others less. Got a youth player you hope will be good? Not going to pay him that maximum salary immediately. Kong for instance was a relatively unknown and for that matter the potential in a serious women's division was an unknown when they first signed her. BTW know some of the budgets of those second league clubs in the Netherlands? (population 16 mil) 5-10 million Euro's. Now how much attendance they get and tv viewers? Average attendance 2.000 tv rating? Not a whole lot. Know what their substitutes get paid and youth players? Not much I can tell you that. And they only need teams of 18 people. Now look at golf for instance. Many Challenger tour players (the second level in Europe) actually lose money to play on that tour in the hopes of getting to the top level. Many at the top level also barely break even. Now look at the history of wrestling as it comes to worker pay and the general pay in all of wrestling. Also look at the fact that there are no unions, governing bodies, salary caps etc etc in wrestling. A local actor in a local theatre makes 100 bucks a night for an audience of 100 people. Local wrestler, same audience 20 bucks if lucky. This is normal. BTW TNA does pay for travel, its one of the reasons Hamada was cut and is the reason ref Charles was cut. It probably depends on the contract. Now TNA has essentially four payment types. Option A make 300 bucks a night and make your own indy bookings or get an agent aka ppa. B make 450 a night and TNA acts as your agent semi exclusive ppa. C 600 bucks a night, no indy bookings aka exclusive ppa. D Guaranteed exclusive contract 3.5 K a month aka written contract. Now this is not taking all the potential extra income into account which has the potential to be a lot larger in wrestling then in other sports/entertainment. Ex employees bitching about their employer and gossip magazines making up stuff? Now that is unheard off!!!! I can go on and on and on. Is TNA treating its workers more unfair then other companies? Nope. Is there a systemic problem in wrestling? Yep. Is TNA in a position to change that? Definitely not. If they ever get to the income level and size of the E then yeah definitely. Is the E more at fault? Yep. Are indies even worse to work for? Hell yeah.
  11. TNA DOES MAKE MONEY!!! Get that bs Meltzer notion out of your head asap.
  12. Really overestimating what the women where drawing here. And I am a fan of the women. One of the main reason their rating averages where so high was the fact they got slotted in quarter hour 5. Which in general is a very high rated slot. Yes they are an attraction and yes I like the women's division but just because their segment has high average ratings mainly due to it being in q5 that is why they deserve a lot more money? On the subcontractor thing. The talent who have that clause in their contract get paid a higher base salary. They can get a contract without that clause for a lower salary. As long as the whole independent contractor system is still in play this is normal. Also the cut isn't a huge amount it's like 10 percent or a base amount of administrative costs. Look the whole independent contractor system is BS agreed. But TNA being especially foul? Nope. And as long as we don't have any reel info we are taking shots in the dark here. Even using UFL averages by comparisons doesn't fly because we are talking about the undercard here not the main eventers. For all we know TNA's averages are higher but there is a steeper pay scale. Why? Because that is how wrestling and entertainment (not team sports) work atm. Ad to that that TNA is exactly in that middle position atm. They can't pay all the surgeries as its too expensive but they do generate a hell of a lot more exposure then any indy which causes their talent to be more over. Plus that talent can then get injured at someone else's show or get booked wrongly etc.
  13. Ok that is something different as that is industry wide and I agree with you. Also who is to say that that is not just their base salary? And they don't get paid more for the house shows and get a slice of merchandise etc. Same as the E system. That is also the problem with becoming employees according to Foley. Kiss your royalties goodbye.
  14. ROHbrazil on youtube is your answer to the tv shows D Lyrium.
  15. And now compare the total income of those leagues + teams divided by players with TNA's estimated total income and divide it by workers. Essentially those TNA employees are exclusive talent but they can get subcontracted where a part of the fee goes to TNA. Nothing weird with this.
  16. Did you actually listen to it and followed the actual postings this guy made on facebook? Look bisch took 15 minutes out of his day to school a typical smark in the bad sense of the word. Calling someone a moron does not a pissing contest make. Bisch just really dislikes these kind of smarks and if he is in the mood to vent and is called out in the way he was he will respond.
  17. Quote from one of the articles: Yeah I have my reservations. The only thing TNA could be guilty of is that the office makes mistakes as it pertains to letting workers do indy dates. Plus I agree with Lord Jaguar.
  18. Cena won't go heel till Orton is much more established as a true face and the (other) face of WWE I think. Also I don't think Orton will ever get to that level or at least anytime soon.
  19. BTW for those who don't bother to listen Bisch did unequivically state that TNA is profitable atm. (As I suspected).
  20. Bischoff goes Medi- evil on a guy during the guy's podcast after he called bisch out after the guy made some comments on Bisch's facebook page. Quite entertaining. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/michaelbarton/2010/12/18/episode-003--wrestling-mma-radio--covering-all-the
  21. Yeah wrestlecrap often highlights it under the weird world of wrestling tab. There is some other Memphis Lawler "goodness" under that same tab now.
  22. Yep we would or at least the E would have done its best to convince us to do so.
  23. More the constant pounding of the WWE machine then Lawler's work in this case though imho.
  24. There is a difference here though. Flair did beat the midcarders and undercard workers and was not taken to the limit by them. He would then be taken to the limit by the Sting's etc and that would be an accomplishment. Miz being taken to the limit in his first defence and needing two interferences is akin to Flair being taken to the limit by a WCW version of Barry Horrowitz/ Brooklyn Brawler in his first defence.
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