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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. I won't and I won't spend any money or a real amount of attention on TNA untill they get their act together. And I don't think I will be alone. Temporary rating's increase? Sure. Long term rating increase? Unlikely. Same old same old? Likely. Long term decrease? Possibly. Personally my interest for now is gone.
  2. Ok I am done with TNA for a while. Might try ROH or just lay of wrestling. No need to recap as it did not deliver.
  3. Well I did agree moving him to X Division champ and a feud there post Flair, although they forgot the 3d rubber match, but I didn't agree putting the feud on Xplosion and or forgetting about it afterwards.
  4. Just above as he gets more ReAction segments and stuff. BTW that whole Lethal push was originally slated for Pope till he got injured. And yeah it's dumb of TNA not to fully capitalize and do the EV2 and Deception thing as higher priorities. Or just instead of talking about his house in Jersey on Impact, move that to ReAction and have him do a short promo??? It's not that hard TNA seriously. I know it's harder then most people think but some of the stuff just grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Also no need to apologize. It happens.
  5. Ehm he is on the ppv they just didn't promote it at all. Which is almost as bad.
  6. LOLZ:D, a transformer gimmick! Has it been done before? I've seen Mario and Robocop but Starscream?
  7. Or the Deception storyline and the "They" storyline are not linked and Bisch is just taking advantage of the situation.
  8. No real clues more storylines like the Joe kidnapping that need clarification. A lot of things point to Bisch though. As Abyss has never attacked him and let himself get talked down by Bisch, Bisch gave a strong speech to Joe before the abduction to find his old self again, Bisch was hinted at being not on Hogan's side pre Lockdown, Bisch went over Dixie's head making it a three way. As far as Abyss hints well the weapon's are named after Dixie's parents but that is more inside humour imho. For the rest "They" are coming and going after Dixie and then Hogan (note did not say Bisch) and are taking over. So "They" are probably pissed at current and past TNA management or an outside force. The Sting deception storyline is definitely Hogan and Bisch but Sting has not been real clear evidence wise etc yet. How it will tie into "They" is uncertain but Bisch being behind or leading "They" seems logicial.
  9. Nope it was Frontline Joe vs MEM, Nation Of Violence Joe vs MEM, Nation Of Violence Joe in MEM, Heel Joe vs AJ, Face Joe vs AJ, abduction, back as Badass Joe. The abduction more or less reset his gimmick and washed away some of his losses etc. And no it hasn't been explained yet or maybe ever. oops just noticed beaten to the punch. And yeah Joe got played for a rag doll 2009 to early 2010.
  10. Made a run down of options for another place on "They". Ill give my opinion on whether It would be Good, let down or in the middle for me. a) The Band aka NWO coming back together. Let down b) AAA, TNA's Mexican partner, invasion. Let down c) Return of James Mitchell with friends. Middle d) Group of TNA Originals. Good e) Heel turn by big name(s) Hardy, Anderson etc. Middle f) ROH faction, no3 promotion in the US. Middle g) Voices in Abyss's head. Let Down h) Dixie's parents. Let Down i) ex WWE group. Middle j) Heyman with friends. Middle k) Combination of the above or something not mentioned. Depends
  11. Yeah it sucks as an international viewer. Expect more of this short term as Bisch said they would be doing it as much as possible in order to change the viewing habits of people (and give a rating's bump to ReAction). Best course of action is to pester whatever channel is showing Impact to get ReAction and/or download ReAction. This is I think illegal though, even when it's not shown in your country, so I do not condone or encourage it.
  12. He did mention greed somewhere as well but the rambling was so hard to hear it was hard to make anything of it. Have a guy off his rocker and rambling = ok. Have it be impossible to hear said rambling = bad.
  13. That wasn't Mantell that was D'Amore. Mantell and Jarrett took over 2006 till 2009 Hard Justice. Then 2009 till Jan 2010 was Russo and now It's Russo writing for Hogan with Bisch.
  14. Nice stuff and agree to a large degree but you know that from all the brand identity and awareness etc posts I have made. Could you link the OP? Would be interesting to see the reactions.
  15. More an overall problem everywhere but I get what you are getting at. The ReAction cam perspective is fresh though and I like it. The cutting down of the number of segments to make Impact feel less rushed and give stuff more importance is also well done. And there is other good stuff. Unfortunately there has also been a lot of bad stuff hehe. I think the main problems have been Bischoff's fandom of controvesy: OJ, Shore. Hogan's fandom of nostalgia and big men: Terry, Band, Nasties etc Russo writing for Hogan and writing in general: Focus on him, convoluted storylines etc. Papa you alluded to Fourtune not feeling fresh well I like Fourtune and alluding to the Legacy of The Four Horseman. But I look at Fourtune as an Evolution of the Horseman. Problem is TNA should make that more clear. (puns intended). Same with Keep It Simple Stupid. It's not exactly keep it simple but keep it clear. Complicated = OK, Convoluted = bad. Simple example is AJ with the T.V. title. He suggested he would defend it ala TV title and then preceded to not do so. Right now it's just weird. If he or via an other medium would explain something along the lines of I am too good to defend it each week, fans are not worthy of seeing me wrestle each week etc. It would be a basic Heel move and garner heat. This would take 2/3 seconds. Now it's just left up in the air.
  16. Meh I wouldn't mind much but if some find it too predictable fine. If they Bait and Switch "They" that would be worse then an NWO type reunion imho. Even worse then voices in Abyss's head.
  17. Lol I missed that second one, where about did that happen? And yeah Dixie can't act worth.........
  18. Meh, pretty standard plot devise, especially given the emotional state Dixie was in. It all depends on who "They" will be.
  19. Yeah but for me the incessant recap's done by others turn me off. Plus it would mean even less time for matches and storyline development. If you want to know the stories, watch the show or ask. What TNA could/should do is put a story so far part on their website detailing the past of current running story-lines.
  20. 60/55 talk and 30 commercial and other stuff. 30 minutes is decent on average especially seeing as it was a hype show for the ppv. I can't get to the by the numbers page PWI does atm but of the top three shows TNA averages the most. Although Smackdown has longer matches on average. Yeah was also wondering about the so called change announcement but apparently it's not an announcement but just a change that would start at 7/10. The Shore went on too long, when they started they got some cheep heat and then that switched to boring. Get in, make your point, get heat, get out. On the gauntlet Tenay announced it would be every 45 seconds per entry.
  21. BTW Bruce Pritchard has been added as an Agent to TNA. What his role exactly is/will be we will see but he had some poignent things to say about TNA so let's see if he can execute them. Pritchard on MNM recap on PWI: http://www.pwinsider.com/article/50321/bruce-prichard-gives-his-thoughts-on-being-fired-by-wwe-the-frustration-of-having-vince-mcmahon-constantly-having-creative-rewrite-tv-thoughts-on-tna-steve-austin-and-more-.html?p=1 Some of Bruce's Podcasts: http://webtalkradio.net/shows/something-to-wrestle-with/ Haven't had time to listen to it all yet but will do.
  22. Hard to take that as evidence given all the other stuff that has gone on like the Monday move and the possible substitution of the old fan-base with a new one over time etc. The question is: "If the X Division was featured more prominently would the rating's have been higher?" And people might still be tuning in because they hope/expect X Division action. And often times they get it only it's not officially in the X Division. Last week for example AJ vs Kendrick and Gen Me vs Ink Inc.
  23. Angle has signed a contract extension btw. Pope isn't in the Main Event and Anderson could need it to solidify himself as no1 Heel/Face. Sorry but as Jaysin pointed out this has been pretty damn clear. Could be an honest over-site and this is more a general grip but people complaining about not understanding TNA's booking when they are not paying attention is kinda weird. Not saying TNA's booking isn't often convoluted but still. No Bischoff said the "They" idea etc started and was worked out in March. That is not the same as the story having started there. Yeah doing the research in Philly and having the result: ECW = relevant was a real shocker lolz. BTW my patience with TNA is also wearing pretty thin. "They" better somewhat deliver or I am taking a break from wrestling or something.
  24. No your interpretation of rating's doesn't agree. As we do not get minute by minute's or know what makes people tune in in the first place we do not know. Plus midcard drawing less then main event! What a shocker! I think in the end it comes down to perception as I can't imagine people having problem with Angle, Hardy, RVD being there (some discrepancy on how they are used though). The whole "Originals" talk is much like the classic push new talent/stars debate when it comes to the E. Right now the Nostalgia crew is still being used too much which takes away time for the other talent, that is the main gripe. As far as both the same talk. Like I said before in TEW terms both have Mainstream set to key. TNA has different (and varying) other settings then the E though, match intensity and danger are higher, blood/swearing etc stuff. Better women's division (although in decline atm), better tag division, a cruiser/X/modern division (although also low atm), more nostalgia (too much imho) and I can go on. They don't emphasize these things enough or are consistent enough with these things, which is the problem. They could do that if they finally lower the nostalgia level.
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