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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Really depends what you are asking Bot. Who do I want personally to go? Who do I think would be best for TNA as a whole to go? Who do I think they would let go?
  2. Lol way to cover your ass when the reported roster cuts do not happen, and when they do happen you are also right. Sorry but this is bs reporting.
  3. Goldust's date in the commercial parody was portrated by Canadian independent star Cherry Bomb, who had a WWE tryout today. Source PWI. Lolz.
  4. Despite the overly gimmicky nature some of the matches where pretty good imho, different strokes I guess.
  5. Ill need to see it before I believe it. And the not surprised reaction is exactly why they post stuff like that as it goes with the perception etc. No offence meant.
  6. I think Abyss is suffering from you have to like this guy backlash if you know what I mean. As far as face pops go was Pope there? Joe? The Guns? Hernandez? Shark Boy? Lethal? Ink inc have a dedicated following and get sympathy pops, not overness pops imho. I have read multiple house show reports where Rhino got one of the loudest pops. Doesn't mean a lot in the grand scheme of things.
  7. Neal much as Moore has a very dedicated twitter following, they come to the shows etc. and ad in the military connection for sympathy and one of us overness. Apart from those guys he is not over. Small but dedicated following but not over for the general public. If TNA toured he would be a blip on the radar. PPV overall RVD vs Styles and Abyss vs Wolf was not as good as I hoped but still good. Opening tag and Anderson vs Hardy and X Match where good. Tara vs Rayne and OJ vs Terry not as bad as expected. Sting vs Jarrett wtf! Save stuff like that for Impact. Band vs Ink was terrible. No real production gaffes this time except the audible 5 minutes when RVD was being interviewed by Hemme so that was good, bad production choice in putting Flair on screen that much as commentator, crowd as a whole was terrible flat and detracted imho. Overall middle of the road ppv. Anderson is really coming into his own in TNA btw.
  8. Yep but that is quality of production and I totally agree with you there. On the hyperbole, think it was kind of wishfull thinking hoping to turn it into a self fulfilling prophecy, it could of worked but mainly do to bad booking and decision making it did not .Nitro was in a similar plot before the War and it took till the NWO angle for them to be able to go on the road and really up the production values, plus the E was not at the same level production wise as it is now. They are still doing the make the change stuff but the general hyperbole has toned down somewhat and the shots towards up north have pretty much gone lately. Except the Adamle one but come on that one was good.
  9. Ok do please stop with the jokes that enforce semi false perception, I come here to be free of those. Also Stennick what you seem to forget is that Spike is paying the majority of these bills. Apparently Spike was not willing to put money into better production and advertising etc but where willing to pay or in part pay for Hogan etc. Also TNA gets no money for ratings. They get a rights fee and a bonus if they deliver a really good rating and that is it. All other figures that generate income for TNA are up, house show attendance, merchandise, ppv buys etc. I would not be surprised that on the Hogan name alone they secured the new deal in the Middle East. Plus all other television viewing numbers are up. Its just the states where they are flat. Now long term this will be a problem for when the Spike tv deal is up and the ratings have not improved. Spike will refuse to pay for a lot of the names etc and maybe offer not as good a deal. On the otherside that will mean Spike will have less influence on the booking and even with 0.9's TNA is one of their highest rated shows. Yes you are right that with the talent on board now TNA should be doing even better in all aspects, you are wrong that its costing them money though. On the hype, perception etc. TNA is a distant second and yes since Hogan has come aboard they overhyped themselves and did not deliver quality wise. Does this have anything to do with the quantity of the production values? Not much imho. If they had kept their Jan 4th momentum and had built on it and all the other figures had gone up more I am sure they would have increased the quantity. Quantity being those things you can improve by spending more, what they need to focus on and I will grant you that is the quality but that has actually improved since the new regime, are there still glaring snafu's yep, are there less and is the overall production better? yep. Look for in house themes most of the TNA themes are pretty good, they do not have the resources or are at this moment unwilling to put in the resources to make them better or hire bands to perform them. Are they different from the E? Yeps. Are they worse? Somewhat. Are they better then they used to be or any indie? Hells yes.
  10. Yep for the budget they have and the accommodation they are not doing too bad, its just small production gaffes etc and exposing the set etc when its not necessary that is a real major problem. And that does not cost money, just a different way of doing things and being better. Nobody expects them to be like the E in terms of quality that costs money but they need to do better with what they have. Simple one is for instance the pyro. Either have good pyro or none at all. Same with the lasers, have them ad to the entrance and do a certain sequence and not have them just shooting all over the place or just do not use them. Admittedly better pyro costs more money but the rest is a question of presentation and production. Edit: On the themes, I can hear them fine and I think almost everyone can its just some are not immediatly recognisable and the level of ambient noise vs entrance theme noise seems off as you can hear the crowd too much. Its more a balance thing them decibel level thing.
  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Shmoe" data-cite="Shmoe" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>TNA ...I loved you. How could you do this to me?<p> </p><p> There's no focus, everything is convoluted, over-complicated, over-drawn. I'm the biggest RVD mark in the world, and how have they really made him look as champion? Not ...much different. When I don't care for your company when you have RVD as your champion, you're doing something terribly wrong.</p><p> </p><p> Also ...I swear they released Christopher Daniels (oh, which WTF), but he's still on the roster page. Wassupwitdat?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Reportedly, so take with grain/mountain of salt, they are trying to get him to sign a new deal which would be a ppa instead of the written he was on as a cost cutting measure. Otherwise chalk it up to the crappy TNA website team. For instance Creed and the Nasties where on there long after release as well.</p><p> </p><p> TNA really, really, really need to invest in a better support crew in all areas. The talent on the roster is there to put on amazing shows, all the rest of the areas are flawed. I can not think of one area where they are not making glaring and obvious mistakes.</p>
  12. <p>On the whole all the changes to TNA while some have been plus, more have been minus so far so its still a negative imho.</p><p> </p><p> Hogan and Dixie need to stop meddling with creative. Russo and Ferrara need to go. Hogan should focus on being the TNA mainstream ambassador, Dixie should focus on the business side, Bischoff should focus on production and creative. New head of creative and secondary is needed badly with Conway remaining the junior in training. Of the trusted names out there I would say Heyman as head and Bill Behren's as secondary. Also bring in a new head of production with a lot of experience and hire a pr and marketing firm.</p>
  13. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Stennick" data-cite="Stennick" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Please don't go! Please don't go! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> Seriously though you always take the words right out of my mouth. They scored a .93 WITH Hogan, Flair, Bischoff, RVD, Hardy how much money does that cost them on a monthly basis and for what? Credibility? Nobody is going to tune into TNA and say "wow theres Hulk Hogan still in a bandana and saying "brother" every five minutes my GRANDfather remembers him wrestling." </p><p> </p><p> Then their going to see where Hogan's at in some dingy little studio in front of around a 1,000 fans and their going to turn the channel laughing to themselves. </p><p> </p><p> RVD isn't the draw he thinks he is. He was over for a short while in 01 and maybe they could have done more with him but then he was all but buried in 02 and left to wallow in the mid card until he decided to screw up what he had to know was his ONLY shot at becoming a true "name". RVD is about as popular as Matt Hardy. I know it sucks but more people recognize Matt Hardy than RVD I'd bet money on it. </p><p> </p><p> Bischoff has done nothing in the six months he's there. The T.V has been ok but they didn't bring him back to write television hell he didn't write most of WCW's crap he left that to Sullivan, Taylor, Dillon and whoever else. In 95 and 96 he did things like give away results, market the hell out of their product, do the exact OPPOSITE of what Vince was doing at the time as far as arena look, set, characters, and storylines. He counter programmed so when it was time to flip the channel because of commercial he was still on television. He was in the media. Then after he started getting to the ten weeks in a row, and thirty weeks in a row the guy coasted. He checked out and became the guy that Hogan or whoever else went to when they wanted to complain about "not looking bad on t.v brother". He came into TNA and what has he done? </p><p> </p><p> Hogan's done even less than that. He's just not the name he was. Nobody really gives a damn about him more than a passing moment or two. Sure he's recognizable but nobody wants to BUY anything from him anymore. Hell he's not even presented in an interesting way on television. He's supposed to be "the boss" well that doesn't work for Hogan's character. Hogan's character is John Cena V.1 take on unbeatable bad guy in unbeatable odds and come out victorious only to wash, rinse and repeat. All while proclaiming how its the fans and his hard training and his never say die attitude that got it done. His act was stale in 1995 until they turned him heel nobody gave a damn about Hogan. He was heel for three years they turned him back to the "red and white" and nobody gave a damn still until he came back to the WWE and did the equalivant of a touring contract. He'd come in for three or four months, feud with one or two guys draw some money and leave before the fans got sick of him. He'd come back and get cheered and do it again. That finally ran dry after they milked it for four years and now the guy has nothing left. One minute he's just supposed to be the boss and refusing to get involved the very next week he's beating up the entire roster and calling out Sting. </p><p> </p><p> Hardy was one of the most popular guys in the "E" but after debuting in January he was nowhere to be found until March taking five months out of the limelight and then coming in un announced and he's done little to nothing since coming in. A lot of his popularity was storyline driven feuds with money guys like Orton and Punk.</p><p> </p><p> They hired all of these guys that they can't use right or have no real use to the business left in the first place.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well Bischoff has done some good, the new documentary style backstage stuff is his input and the pacing of the show has gone down a bit but is still too fast. And apart from ratings everything else is up, but yeah they need major help in the production department. Hogan apart from selling merch and giving them inroads to mainstream attention has done zilch except overbook himself.</p><p> </p><p> I wanted to post about this earlier but seems I was pre empted about them actually making the backstage area seem second rate. There is absolutely no freaking reason for this. Keep the shots within the dressing rooms or within the "walls" of the interview areas. Ad the rafters for Sting and you are done.</p><p> </p><p> Good case in point this week was the snafu with Neal and Moore where you could hear Kendrick being introduced and Williams coming out. This happened before the Band won the titles and they are talking about facing the Band for the titles in the segment.</p><p> </p><p> On the themes, well they are not that bad imho but skipping them so many times for so many workers does not help, plus it helps to have a simple and catchy opening to a tune so you immediately know who it is. This is something the E always does and is not that hard to ad.</p><p> </p><p> On the Band segment. Like I said before good continuity and if they lose the straps asap to one of the younger teams its not that bad. But looking at the segment itself. Morgan destroys both of Gen Me pretty much burying them but adding to his cred as an unstoppable big guy. This cred is then immediately destroyed by Joe being an even more unstoppable guy. The Band then takes extremely long to get to ringside and all the while Morgan is still out from the 2 moves and 2 punches from Joe. Then they get an easy 1,2,3. Not making the Band more over or anything and giving them belts they do not really need. So who got more over here. Joe a little bit (, He could have just destroyed OJ or anybody else for that matter or gotten involved in the ME,) Morgan got less over, Gen Me got less over, the Band won nothing. Sorry but that is bad f'n booking.</p><p> </p><p> Abyss stuff just smacked Elizabeth, Goldberg to me. It was crappy then it was even crappier now. I like Chelsea looks wise but Wolf does not need her, but it is good to see him being the dominant one in that relation again.</p><p> </p><p> Edit: On the costs, TNA's actual costs have not gone up much as Spike footed and is footing a lot of the bill, still they probably are not very happy with the results so far so TNA can count themselves lucky they still have 2 and a half years on the contract.</p>
  14. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Slagaholic" data-cite="Slagaholic" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>They never showed Desmond Wolfe on camera. And Hogan milked that "but I don't want to" for far too long. The segment was poorly filmed.<p> </p><p> Back to the Orlando Jordan character. I think building him up as a Weirdo Bi Bad Ass could work.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It could work if as discussed before it wasn't Orlando Jordan doing it. The lines they have given him and apart from the milk segment the booking he has had has not been that bad but his delivery of the angles and execution of the persona is just god damn awfull.</p>
  15. And In June TNA Reaction, 1 hour before Impact starts, might be the reason you got mixed up.
  16. Everybody involved in this farce comes off as stupid and if this continues longer so will we for wasting so much time on something this nonsensical.
  17. At 7.15 Eastern (20 mins from now) Bischoff will be on Mondaynightmayhem show answering questions from callers and posted on his facebook page. Should be interesting.
  18. If I remember correctly though Russo was not even in hist top 5 **** list on his youshoot. He definitely was not no1.
  19. Imho everyone comes off bad with this stuff. Cornette is indeed known for hyperbole but he went a bit far here. Still Taylor should have known it was not mean seriously and should have seen it as a personal e-mail even though it was to his corporate account. Russo comes over as a wimp. TNA management comes over as over reacting and being ridiculous. All in all bad for all involved.
  20. Cornette claims that included in the filing was a copy of the e mail he sent where it was clear to see that Taylor had sent it on to Russo. Cornette who used to like Taylor has now added him to his you know what list.
  21. Lol thought everyone knew about this. Apparently not. Cornette has also ceased speaking to Taylor because of this as he immediately sent the mail on to Russo and he can prove that.
  22. Yeah same here BHK the early to mid 90's where a great time imho and basketball was hot. Nowadays not so much.
  23. Hehe yeah I can definitely see that, but the stuff Cade said was pretty interesting just unfortunate that it was on Bolin's show.
  24. Yeah me neither but the stuff Cade had to say was interesting.
  25. Lance Cade making some poignant comments about WWE's drug policy: http://whosslammingwho.podOmatic.com/entry/2010-05-06T08_44_46-07_00 Starts at 29.40.
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