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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. More the income and expenditure etc, not so much those. BTW where can I find those annual reports? And how did Alvarez and Reynolds get their hands on them? Anyway nevermind as this is turning into a WCW discussion again. I just wanted info on the supposed mistreatment of Ross by WCW.
  2. Yep but even some of those hard numbers are soft numbers so to speak. Not 100 percent correct. And yes not saying exactly in the middle.
  3. Lolz in these type of cases involving perception of people the "truth" is often in the middle. The world being round is scientificly testable etc. Please also see the "" and the word often. I just want both sides of the story
  4. I do not trust either one as always the "truth" is in the middle imho. Read both Controversy and Death of WCW and think the truth is in the middle. Tried finding another source on how Ross was treated by WCW but could not find one, so if anyone knows one I would love to have it.
  5. Did not say that was not possibly the case just want the other side of the story and if possible one from a "neutral" perspective, and no Meltzer, Reynolds, Alvarez and Keller do not count in that regard.
  6. Have not heard Ross's side of what happened there so if you have a link I would be happy to read it. Preferably not shortly after the event as bad blood clouds judgement imho. Bisch's explanation sounded logical and reasonable imho.
  7. No its for post ppv as originally intended, is my understanding, so 411 kinda got that wrong. The Wolf shot was a one off to cap off the introduction of the system.
  8. Source: http://www.411mania.com/wrestling/news/138199/Various-News:-Beth-Phoenix-Injured,-WWE-to-Announce-Earnings,-More.htm Apparently it allowed him to do it every second for a couple of hours, so not automatically my bad. It is still screwing with the system and gives TNA a valid reason to pull the plug or ignore it even more. And yeah not that it matters much given the squash Wolf got but still.
  9. JR asked for his release at WCW after they moved him to another backstage role post Bill Watts who he was the strongest supporter of. At least according to Bisch's book. So that is not being treated badly in my book.
  10. According to 411 Mania someone got by the 1 vote pp system and set it up so he voted for Wolf every second. Thanks for ruining the system mate grrr.
  11. Yep he is good midcarder and at best uppermidcarder given the current TNA roster imho. But hell if The Band and others get so much TV time why not Rhino?
  12. I know the penchant of people to compare TNA to WCW in its dying days, but after reading up some stuff it is equally comparable booking wise to the early Hogan days so lets just hope for that because after that cluster f period came the great period.
  13. Combo of that vote in my mind. Sorry if I was not clear about that, I meant them with the passionate internet people. And Desmond unlike Regal has actually been a cool heel while still having British accents to his character which would help. Not the typical smarmy Brit.
  14. On the move to Monday's it could have workerd if A) It had been booked better B) It had been promoted better C) If they had done 8-10 immediately D) If they had done so immediately after Monday the 4th. Monday the 4th showed that people where interested as even for a part head to head the total wrestling audience was bigger then ever plus it was a cheap way for TNA to increase brand awareness among existing wrestling fans, the follow up after simply pissed that momentum and goodwill away though and then going immediately 9-11 killed the possibility of a lead in audience. Anyone want a good analysis I recommend the Bill Behren's podcast that I posted a while back. He has worked for TNA has booked NWA Wildside is the representative/agent of many current and past TNA talent and has worked in television.
  15. Do not think the vote is rigged and do think it is a good idea to make it one vote pp so that the vote represents as wide a fanbase as possible and not a passionate internet or UK minority. As although those fanbases are passionate they are a fraction and less likely to spend money on the product due to being more internet savy.
  16. Well at least it is continuity and the ME does not sound to bad. The rest very dire. On a specific spoiler: Wait Tara is leaving and we have her winning???? They could have accomplished the same with her just getting dqed
  17. Its also WWE's problem sometimes as Vince can be out of touch sometimes. But I do get what you are saying. Its also the whole support structure, professionalism within that support structure and a clear vision even if that vision is not the right one all the time. Also do not forget the power of Stephanie as since she took over the whole pg, predictable movement started.
  18. Because unfortunately it seems they view them as guys to make others look good and give them heat and overness as the Guns are kinda perma over. Kinda like a younger and lowercard version of Kane but not in sympathy jobber territory. That is the long version. Short version: The people on the booking team are dumb! Edit: And I mean that as a team. Bischoff has certain skills, Russo has certain skills, Hogan has certain skills. Do not know about Ferrara or Conway. But they also have bad points, unfortunately they are all working towards their weaknesses instead of strengths. Only Bischoff's presentation/production/pacing improvements and the ability of Hogan to get RVD and Hardy seem have been the positives.
  19. Bill Behren's being very on point and more aggressive then usual, as normally he is purely objective but much like me it seems he has been kinda exasperated by TNA. Really excellent stuff: http://whosslammingwho.podomatic.com/entry/2010-05-04T13_04_03-07_00
  20. Reading that I would say matches are ratings, Hogan and the band lose em.
  21. Yeah against Morgan and Red. Red picked up the pin and because of that Morgan attacked him. Guns then rescued him.
  22. Always one of the fault's in TNA not finding the fine line between supsense and confusion. Although sometimes they get criticized unduly for it.
  23. Yeah knew about that user and the ratings etc they get and have seen ROH of and on for some time, just not seriously following. Could be because I really really dislike the commentating team, both of em and that coming from someone who could tolerate face Don West. Still thanks for the info guys.
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