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Everything posted by Kamchatka

  1. i am personally most enamoured with the times JD Drake get to live his best bear life #WingmenWednesday
  2. But they werent, and we now have Dave Meltzer on record explicitly saying none of them were spreading rumours. Punk could have literally just talked to them about it. Instead he sullied them.
  3. Its WINGMEN WEDNESDAY (in most timezones) post your favourite wingmen and wednesdays
  4. thanks, yeah i even tried to get the slightly odd placement of the periods accurate to the WWF one.
  5. yeah, the fan got his goat (which by the by is kind of hilarious after how many years of fans at WWE events chanting CM PUNK endlessly) my point is what he shouted at the fan. Everyone watching saw CM Punk instinctively call someone fat as an insult. Not as a character, Phil Brooks did. To some people thats just an immediate red flag, you can't root for that guy anymore. He thinks fat people are disgusting. He thinks calling someone fat is a put down, which means he thinks hes better than a fat person. Its body shaming. Plenty of my fat friends and family members wont say anything about it but they're never going to see him as a face anymore. He's now that guy. Just another bully.
  6. Quick recut of the World of Wrestling design so its closer in and more readable
  7. i mean my reaction was oooo finally a reason for this fight, this is actually exciting. I didnt know what it was in reference to except for the tweet. Like up to that point Hangman was the AEW hero champ, Punk was the Chicago hero, there wasn't any real reason they were beefing except Punk wanted the title. And yeah i did assume it was leading to something because, again, Kingston had already said the same thing in their feud. And in the end it lead to this, Punk going on an unhinged rant looking incredibly toxic, calling a fan fat.
  8. But either way, it doesnt change the huge public meltdown that it lead to with what Punk said about him in the scrum.
  9. theres a huge difference between using a vague allusion to a tweet to add to a feud as part of an improvised promo (something which a ton of other wrestlers in AEW have done in their promos) and burying someone else as a coward when they're not there. The promo battle between Hangman and Punk did actually benefit the show.
  10. People in the company will talk to each other about a lot of things thats for sure, but we dont know anything about that. What we do know is The Bucks/Kenny/Hangman didnt go to the journalists to spread bad stories about Punk and Colt to make the company look bad. Punk however did, and he did it on camera. I just want to lay out the timeline as far as people have reported: Hangman cut a promo to Punk when they were in ring using his tweet about Sasha / Naomi leaving WWE (Stand by those in the company etc) as a callback saying he didnt believe Punk did do those things or was good for the company and he was here to defend AEW from him. It was a great back and forth between the two of them and really did a great job to hype a match which was between two faces and going to be Punk winning the World Title. Kingston did the same thing, he said Punk was a snake and he would poison AEW, people didnt see it yet but he did and Punks response was to tell Kingston that yeah actually everyone did think he was lazy and a waste back in ROH. They both used real snippets to make the promo battle and feud come alive. Punk however took Hangmans attempt at this as a giant slight to do with Colt Cabana (even though Hangman never mentioned anything to do with him) and saw it as Hangman going into business for himself "endangering the first one million dollar take for the company". He saw it as Hangman choosing to fuck everything up and dig at him. Punk doesnt discuss it with Hangman. They do the match, Punk gets injured and ALL that time he didnt say anything about it to Hangman until he came back, and then Punk comes out to cut a promo, before Mox is to enter through the crowd. He calls out Hangman, knowing hes not there that night so wont come out, and then calls him a coward. Not scripted, no one knew he was going to do it. This was not in aid of a match, there was no match between them, he just buried Hangman by making him look like a loser and a coward. Punk has made it clear he saw that as a receipt for what Hangman did to him by bringing up Colt Cabana (which he didnt do). Mox comes out and while hes coming out, Punk lays down and does starfish movements to mock Mox's entrance also which was.. weird. The dirtsheets start to ask their sources why Punk called out Hangman and begin to get word about it being about it being a receipt and about Colt and how Colt was going to be dropped from AEW because of Punk and the Bucks had to push to get him moved over to ROH. Again this didnt come from The Elite. Tons of people in the company likely knew this. Fans all had put two and two together ages ago as well. There's then a the big meeting where its said that workers need to button the heck up and stop talking to the media or painting the company in a bad light. Punk says hes always open to people talking to him, people should approach him and they can talk it all out. Everything is now copacetic. Dynamite happens, Punk the hometown hero comes out, one fan chants COLT CABANA and Punk in an instant trigger blind rage calls him a Fat swearword on the microphone. Which uh, really not great in 2022 for a company that built up a progressive fanbase. All Out happens. Punk regains the title, beats Mox, first guy to pin him clean in a straight 1v1. Huge rub to Punk. Punk sits down and immediately does what everyone at The Big Meeting was told they CAN NOT do. He badmouths everyone to the press. He does it on a live mic, on an AEW broadcast, looking directly at the journalists gathered, while sat next to the owner of the company who has to just sit there like an idiot. Live. He isnt asked a question, he specifically uses prior knowledge about a journalist/comedian and forces him to admit he did improv classes with Colt. He then proceeds to take a dump on Colt Cabana, dump on Colt Cabanas Mum, dumps on Hangman, he dumps on the EVPs. He even told Bryan Alvarez he was angry with him too for saying on Wrestling Observer that Punk setting up Hangman to look like a coward was pretty whack. It was all in all painfully unprofessional and disrespectful. It appears to a lot of onlookers that Punk sees himself as above everyone else in the company, what was said at the meeting doesnt apply to him, he is in the right so hes now allowed to badmouth whoever he wants infront of Tony Khan, its all the other wrestlers who need to not spread bad press to journalists. and it all stemmed from these perceived slights that Punk has built up and are stuck in his craw and didnt take the time talk out with them. "Come and talk to me, im open", except he never went and talked to them, he just went public on air with it. Punk came into AEW saying he was excited to work with the new young talent. The next generation. In his rant he called them children. And then there was an altercation and we dont yet know the full details except that Punks side are saying the YoungBucks kicked down the door and Ace Steel threw a chair(s) hitting one of the bucks, and pulled Kennys hair and bit him which he states was in defense of his wife.
  11. all the dirt sheets so far confirmed it wasnt any of the Elite who were talking to them tho. That seems to have been a presumption by Punk. But you cant really get around that Punk already put people on blast in a promo before Mox came out, called out Hangman for no reason other to make him look bad, then after the whole "stand by each other", and then the big company meeting of "no one talk to the press" etc then literally sat down facing ALL the press at a media scrum and put everyone on full blast again, burying the founders, the hero of the company, while sat next to his boss. If he was high as a kite, or angry from pain it doesnt really matter, thats whatever everyone saw and remembers. No one has seen the Elite do anything in this situation only Punk ranting on it and prior to this we saw him unload on a fan calling him fat over him chanting for Colt Cabana when he was meant to be the big hero. So things are kind of stacking up on him being a super short fused asshole who cant control himself. Reports are that even the people who are punks friends are not fully supporting him and wont go so far as to say he was in the right. Huge heat from the locker room, huge heat from fans.
  12. idk i havent seen much to suggest he could be the good guy here If he gets allowed back on camera and they put him up against MJF to hand off the title at Grand Slam then MJF is going to be the defacto face and thats saying a lot.
  13. Id say thats kind of harsh to TKs booking, he has managed some of the strongest long term booking wrestling fans have had in the US for decades. WWE, TNA/Impact, ROH none have managed anything on the same level. Hangmans anxiety and lack of self belief leading to the Elite turning on him leading to his eventual rise to the title, Wardlow and MJF, MJFs leaving and return, they're all really good storytelling and built up huge stars that nobody knew a few years back. He builds up a lot of great homegrown talent. Womens division storylines has been the main weak point for a while but its getting there. We're finally now reaching a point where there are big names that people associate with that storylines hold their own. We've had Hayter and Britt building and now thats happening, Jades star is only rising and shes proved a lot of people wrong (when thinking back to fans immediate response to her). Both the 4 way and TBS title were good PPV womens matches that i was invested in. Im optimistic about the worked shoots (and things like Kip Sabians year in the box) because it shows they're taking risks, and they do need to do something to get the attention on them in media cycles and stand out as a evolving product or they will end up getting the TNA reputation of being just a lesser WWE. Their bigger concern i have is WMD, the political moves they're making as a media company about dropping anything with progressive content while also glomming up CNN and pushing that into MAGA stuff. AEW might get pushed through some radical transformations if it wants to keep on their network and thats going to lose them a fair chunk of their day 1 fans after all the Wrestling is for Everyone beginnings. the whole MJF saga being a worked shoot with the plane ticket etc, ending with us all in pitch black listening to TK on an answering matchine begging him to come back, was goosebumps down the spine levels of good. My personal belief on people losing interest is more to do with Punk. He brought in a lot of fans who see themselves in him and it turned so much of the stream chats hostile because they were so used to hate watching wrestling. So in a matter of weeks the reddit threads went from a mostly positive place to being toxic as hell. Endless September scenario happened and the long term fan culture got washed away at that point and ultimately it didnt end up being for the better. Punk's star has waned, after his big return he hasnt blown any doors off in his matches and is clearly behind a step of a lot of the rest of the roster. But yeah, they're tethered to him now because a chunk of the fans still watching are really only there for Punk. If it all turns out to be a worked shoot then it has been a truly masterful story to finally get Punk to a place of being the ultra heel of AEW but if not and we havent actually been building to this this whole time, then the other answer is he's actually just been trying to get over with weak dull Mr Chicago Hero blandness and messed up the locker room.
  14. CWB does go out of business after a year and a half in game as it turns out. Normally it coincides with Gene retiring a few months prior which is also eerily accurate (except he died). In current sim im running now: Out of business July 1978 (100% bang on the dot to canon). They are also totally saveable as a player. As for AI saving them, they do have that potential, theres a chance they can spike into the black after the first few months which would reset the timer and give them more time to try and pull up later on when they're medium size and making bigger bucks. However im reluctant to put a thumb on the scale as its so accurate right now - they only start with 50k, it is suggested they are struggling, Genes death was just a final nail in the coffin, but i think the company continued on without him briefly before full financial collapse in canon and in order for that to happen it does need to be in the red for a year and a half already. APWF goes first in January 1978 - which is 6 months late but as its the start of the game it gets an automatic 12 months to right the ship and you cant really shorten that), however it does begin to pull up its finances somewhere along the lines and theres a 1 in 5 chance it will actually become in the black by end of december or mid January without a player getting involved. It can certainly be saved by a player, especially if they're the owner and not the booker, if they're the booker or it survives on its own it will still certainly lose its tv slot and collapse a slower death as it runs out of people who will still work for Terry. Out of business January 1978 AAFW can likely be saved by a player with a little bit of elbow grease and a lot of corner cutting, but the AI will run it into the ground but its history and size ensures it two years of survival in the red) Out of business November 1978 CPW is managing to survive with finances bouncing between 800k and 200k but end of year 2 is at 500k. The Holt goes to Casino narrative will likely be the deciding factor for them. TWL makes money hand over fist (historically survived til 1995) HWA ive given a financial buffer and becomes stable after a year and a half - but may crash depending on US industry changes. Is meant to survive into mid 80s i think. TC3 (Japan) out of business December 1978 AICW is stable CICW fluctuates but likely will survive for 4 years or even flourish, havent simmed that far yet. Going to work through the random startup promotions to have a bit more buffer as they all basically crash and burn day 1, most have not enough capital or pop to survive. EXTRA HARD: APWF as booker VERY HARD AAFW, APWF as owner HARD: HWA, CWB, MEDIUM: AICW, CICW, CPW EASY: SWF, TWL
  15. Yes can do. Let me give things a look over and ill get something up shortly. I made a much more comprehensive version but then worked a lot of things back after realising my error about trying to make APWF/AAFW/CWB float on their own when they should instead be sinking without the players involvement. Have just got to the end of playing a full year so theres a few details that i want to address but then it should be green to go.
  16. I dont at the moment at the very least, might be permanently gone. Ive got a portable hard drive with some recovered stuff on it but im on the opposite side of the world for the time being trying to make do with whatever i can rummage from cloud drives. i thiiiiiiink the font is Condensed Italic Gunship with modification to remove the curve. https://www.dafont.com/gunship.font?text=SWF alternate options: https://www.whatfontis.com/CR_Cubest-Bold-Italic-otf-700.similar?customtext=SWF
  17. "In 1972, young visionary businessman and prospective wrestling promoter Richard Eisen- with help from several people already involved in the wrestling industry- created the Supreme Wrestling Federation. The promotion opened with a bang, signing the hottest act in America, Mickey Starr, to an exclusive contract (which was unheard of in North America at the time) and promoting their shows all across the United States." SWF (1970s)
  18. "Taking lessons learned from other mediums of entertainment, Richard Eisen devised a product that appealed to the most broad audience possible. While others scoffed at the lack of a clearly defined style of wrestling and heavy use of angles, the SWF succeeded brilliantly, reaching levels of popularity previously unseen in the U.S." SWF (1980s) Supreme Wrestling Federation 1972 - ??? Classic Sports Entertainment
  19. Glad to know its got the nod of approval. WBW is the only 'canon' Cverse German promotion iirc, EWCW is Austrian, VWA is Swiss, while UCR and UEW are Spain? Both times ive come to it i've have a bit of a designer conundrum of does anyone actually recognise the bear / back / red / white as a West German flag thing or instead does it rather wrongly suggest russia which is not ideal considering the political nature of that moment in time (1977). Maybe ill give it a second run and go for something more 70s traditional focused.
  20. Match card AEW Championship: Jon Moxley (c) vs. CM Punk (Punk turns heel) Bryan Danielson vs. Chris Jericho (Garcia swerve, he was always a spords ennerdainer) Interim AEW Women's Championship: Toni Storm vs. Jamie Hayter vs. Hikaru Shida vs. Britt Baker. AEW Tag Team Championships: Swerve in my Glory (c) vs. The Acclaimed. AEW World Trios Championship: Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks vs. Adam Page and The Dark Order. Ladder Match for AEW Championship shot: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Rey Fenix vs. Rush vs. Dante Martin vs. Andrade El Idolo vs. Penta vs. Wheeler Yuta vs. a mystery entrant. TBS Championship: Jade Cargill (c) vs. Athena. Wardlow and FTR vs. Jay Lethal, Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley. Christian Cage vs. Jungle Boy. Ricky Starks vs. Powerhouse Hobbs. House of Black vs. Darby Allin, Sting and Miro. Preshow card AEW All Atlantic Championship: Pac (c) vs. Kip Sabian. Eddie Kingston vs. Tomohiro Ishii. FTW Championship: Hook (c) vs. Angelo Parker. Mixed tag team match: Tay Melo and Sammy Guervara vs. Ruby Soho and Ortiz. For the main event Mox v Punk i care more that its a springboard to something rather than who wins. If Mox wins i hope it propels punk to being a heel who hates Chicago, Ace, and all the fans for pushing him to get back in the fight when he wasnt ready, If Punk wins i hope its because he cheats in the way that Hangman refused to because he couldnt get it done any other way.
  21. Ah now heres the kicker, they all wear the red shorts and jackets, and they argue about which one of them is the Hoff which they all assume is themselves. No one has yet done the "slow-mo" chikara gimmick in AEW and i think this is the way to do it while it still being grounded in reality. They're doing 'a bit' and also being sexy for all their fans.
  22. Its absolutely a banger, and dying to be used as an entrance theme that gets people singing along and pumped while also conveying cheese and himbo vibes
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