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Everything posted by Slagaholic

  1. You're doing a lot of assuming, going "well I grew up around it" to describe how people would perceive the character Pope D'Angelo Dinero. You don't know for sure, and that segment of the religious population you're talking about wouldn't watch TNA anyway considering the name. The Last Temptation of Christ was a fantastic movie btw.
  2. Catholicism and the Religious Right are not synonyms. Pope goes to the top of the Catholic religious good chain. The other religions don't really listen to the Pope...and why should they?
  3. Jason Campbell is a good QB, he's just been screwed by Daniel Snyder and last year the offensive line was basically Arena League players.
  4. Never underestimate homophobia, especially amongst wrestling fans.
  5. Flair's is getting 250 thousand reasons to overlook that hate.
  6. Christy Hemme and Brian Kendrick re-sign to long term deals.
  7. It looks like they threw the Ladder Match in the first hour to take advantage of the unopposed hour. Which isn't a bad idea at all.
  8. Change the word spectacle to spectacular and it makes sense. What did you honestly expect? If it hurt the Knockouts in your view because they didn't send one of their endless supply of blond beauties up there, then I can't argue with you.
  9. Daffney would definitely be the best **** out of all the Knockouts. In character or out of character.
  10. How could spectacle female antics hurt the Knockouts Division to anyone but the porn-addicted IWC?
  11. Well if they want to separate themselves from WWE upping the sex will help them do that. But that also probably means less Hamada even though I would totally tap that.
  12. Mark Buerhle made the most spectacular defensive play of all time by a pitcher. http://www.mlb.com/video/play.jsp?content_id=7282679
  13. The Eagles got Washington's 2nd rounder and a 3rd or 4th next year. Matt Schaub wasn't a 33 going on 34 year-old QB, who has a long list of past injuries, and is in a contract year. Matt Schaub was a 26-year old QB who was being paid a fraction of what McNabb is being paid, and will command this off-season. Peyton Manning and Tom Brady are also in the last year of their deals and (illogically or not) McNabb will want a similar contract money-wise. The Eagles probably got the most they possibly could have gotten with just the #37 pick, let alone an extra mid-rounder. The Eagles are in full rebuild mode, trying to rebuild with McNabb as the QB would be dumb for them to do. Trading McNabb is the Eagles finally admitting that they should take a step back before taking a step forward. Hell, the fans agree with that assessment. From all I've gathered, the Eagles fanbase would be totally fine with a 6-10 Kolb season. It may sound silly, but we're pretty tired of the 10-6/11-5 seasons where we're good, but not great, and find a way to lose in heartbreaking fashion in the NFC Playoffs. It's clear this team wasn't going to win a championship in the forseeable future, McNabb isn't getting any younger, and will be looking to get p-a-i-d after this year. Just made sense to deal him.
  14. The Nats are doing the right thing to win right now, they could very well win 80 games this year.
  15. I think that was more Orlando Jordan's fault than Pope's.
  16. Bryce Harper who you're talking about? He dropped out of HS, got his GED and is currently hitting around .400 for the College of Southern Nevada. Soo..he's prolly the #1 pick in June.
  17. There's a hilarious video of him and a switch hitter going back and forth and back and forth for minutes.
  18. Because you already have DVR, the networks have to do something to justify the money they charge for ads.
  19. They've been watchable for a few weeks now, but that's after a 2 months of appallingly awful television and they're turning the corner at the same time the biggest Wrestling event in the world happens. Just a potpourri of awfulness. If they keep pulling sub-.8s when they move to 8pm they may be best set to just admit failure and move back to Thursdays.
  20. You think they're hinging on viewers turning on the show next Monday on a 3 minute segment 1/2 way through the show?
  21. The show is getting better. Heels going over all show long, but in the main event the faces get a measure of justice. Am I the only enjoying the feeling of nostalgia of the wrestlers pushing "April 18th in St. Louis". Reminds me of the territory days.
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