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Everything posted by Timber

  1. My Brother loves Death Note and i haven't seen any of it but from what i've heard and seen written about it, i need to. High school of the Dead was a pleasant surprise. It's very fan service(y), but i really did like it quite a bit. Well worth watching. The reviews are great, keep them up.
  2. Ah true, it's all entertainment. Falling back on my love of old WCW when there was work rate. Hehe. WWE tweaked things so much that it's all overness and entertainment. In a perfect world they'd crash and we'd get some real wars with ROH/TNA/WWE. That's my dream. Then again i'd have Chikara become a Global company.
  3. I know it's silly, but after playing TEW for so long, i look at card structure. Start with a good opener, control the crowd with ok matches, start the build up then hit the punk/kane/bryan match. The way they have it with Cena/Show then the ending promo of Cena smashing Ace, that'll lower your grade every time. So an A show gets a B-. I've been ruined by Adam.
  4. I didn't get to see the show, but read the reports. Was it really as bad as it seems? Every show for the last while has had Cena end it. It really seems that the titles are meaningless if they aren't really featured. Title at the start, title before the Main Event? That's just bad booking all around. It's so predictable too. I saw the card and picked all the matches but the tag team one. Everyone knew that Cena was going over. Ziggler isn't ready for the title and Punk is still the favorite babyface. I dunno, i guess it just seems rather, crappy that if you're a champ, it's your bad luck to have a title. No matter how good, or how much the fans love ya, you have to take a backseat to Super Cena. I think that Cena must have some blackmail on old Vince, i can't explain it otherwise. I know he sells merch, but still. Same old Same old. Wish i'd had seen the Christian and Cody Rhodes match. Though to be honest, most of the matches are so cookie cutter that if you've seen one you've seen them all. There's so little new or even varied in the ring. I'm not expecting Big Show to do moonsaults or Bow and Arrows. Something other than punch and kick, powerslam, finisher, end of match. Still, they are making money with it and i'm not. I'll just go back to my JOSHI watching and at least enjoy some variety.
  5. A quick question. How are you watching these? Discs or online? If online, what sites are you using? I do watch some stuff from Netflix but they are light on the streaming. I know of Crunchyroll, but haven't watched anything off of them. Always curious if there's more site that i can watch some good stuff from.
  6. I get all my news from fark.com. Yeah read about it. No comments from me as they wouldn't be polite. Life goes on.
  7. After the The Sacred Blacksmith you need to do Queen's Blade. Muhahahahaha!
  8. I'll have to check out Baccano. I've never been a fan of Cowboy Bebop. just never did anything for me. The reviews are good, keep them up.
  9. I've seen that listed on Netflix, but i haven't watched it. This review leads me to skip it as it's not the kinda stuff i watch. That's a good thing, i won't waste my time and i get a good review. Keep posting them. I'll check in from time to time.
  10. I don't have cable anymore so i just watch most stuff on line. Currently Netflix, i've been watching a lot of British TV shows. Just finished the 2010 Sherlock TV, only 3 episodes on streaming, but i really ,liked it. Dug the Inspector Lewis stuff, the mysteries aren't all that but i liked the actors and it was fun. Now to find more stuff.
  11. Good stuff, watching some of the matches that are there. Always a mark for Vader. I haven't seen much of the Japanese style of wrestling but this is a great chance to see some old and new stuff. Thanks.
  12. Not sure if this goes here but figured i'd drop it here so not to clog up the boards. Aion just went F2P. Anyone have any experience with it? I'm playing City of Heroes at the moment but i really haven't played any other MMO other than Mudds from way back in the day. I was just curious and figured i'd ask.
  13. Even after the awesome debut of Terror Risin' so many years ago, i still can not find anything that i like about Triple H. He's over rated and makes me just want to turn off the TV every time he's on screen, I don't root for any man to tear a quad and be off my TV for months at a time, unless that's old Hunter. Sit in the back with your whiny wife you jerk.
  14. As i've said elsewhere: Pats 30 Giants' 17 I'm a Steelers fan and just glad the ravens haven't gone to the Super Bowl, was hoping that the 49'ers would. Hate the pats and hate the giants. may they both lose, but in the instance, go pats.. i guess.
  15. <p>I hear ya. Rivers is always talked about as some elite quarterback. He's good and his numbers are insane but he's gone no where every year. The Chargers are put at the top of many peoples lists but the fail every year. Just sad. </p><p> </p><p> Rivers will go to the Hall of Fame because of the numbers he puts up, but never will he wear a ring.</p><p> </p><p> Go Steelers.</p>
  16. Caught ROH tonight. Got to see Lethal vs Gernico. Was a good solid match. I've seen it before but haven't in quite some time. I know that a lot of ppl really dig it and i must say that i do as well. I'm going to have to pin the time somewhere so i don't miss it next week. Good stuff.
  17. Ric Flair could wrestle a broomstick for an hour and be more entertaining than most of the roster. He can still go in the ring, not as good as he used to be but he still puts the effort into his matches. I'm so tired of Hogan though. Sting v Hogan, why? I can see the drama of them cutting promo's on each other, they both are good on the mic, but a real in ring match. Sting can still wrestle but Hogan is so busted up with injuries that it'll just be an overbooked piece of crap. I'm not sure where Hogan's Ego is at but i can't really see him putting over Sting. I'm sure that Sting will win but it'll be tainted and unsatisfying. I am looking forward to Angle and Roode. That should be a good match. I hope that Roode loses and we get a longer feud for him and Angle. I hate run ins and interferences for no reason but on this i could see EB causing a DQ or a tainted win. I'd be happy for a long set up between Beer Money and Angle and his buddies. I miss the old Knockout division. Matches with Gail Kim and Kong. They really missed out by getting rid of Scott De'more(i believe that was the trainer for the ladies.) The matches aren't as good nor are the angles. Please get Karen Jarret off my tv please.... pretty please. I agree that Jeff Hardy needed to sit for a few more months. I do hope that he's really changed. I do like Jeff, he's got talent. If he kicks his demons and refocuses on wrestling i think he could be at the top again, either in TNA or in the WWE. The drug thing is a built in gimmick. I was gonna say something about the tag team champs, but i forgot who they are. That's not good. I miss Eric Young as the head of the Global Elite(think that was the name) I like him with a stable of guys from other countries and promotions. Silly Eric has it's moments but i liked him better in a suit with the British Invasion and co backing him up.
  18. I could see TNA having a Santino type of guy, but they play Eric Young as an idiot. More of a Eugene type of character rather than a funny guy. If he was put into the Santino mold and just a fun and funny guy that could wrestle, that'd be fine. To make him a brain damaged idiot, just ruins the guy for me. I miss Eric as the leader and face of the World Elite. I liked that faction and wish they didn't just drop it. I do hope they "heal" him and give him back some respect. Honestly, i miss the Main Event Mafia, too.
  19. Poor Eric Young. I was rooting for him when he was the Global Champ and now they put him back to idiot mode. Just sad.
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