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Everything posted by hellshock70

  1. Will post render needs here for anyone wanting to help out. 6 special distinct masks
  2. Old work would be the opposite... new work is "I've finished that area but where can I fit that in." Londonverse that you let me use when I thought I was almost finished for 2016 (or 2013?) were replaced but this game has a legit 800 alts so I'm still sorting and some may have slipped by... almost 5,000 renders Back on the old work... I honestly have no clue what's yours except ones with Londonverse variants or the background you used in it.
  3. Render assignment: 96.9% complete Most remaining are announcers Character count is at 4,000 (124 without a render still) Company count is 60 active including one active Indian promotion. Considering a 2nd Indian company and a Mexican women's company and there is one active with a roster still to fill out. These 3 would give the mod more active employed workers than the C-verse has overall. Most characters are unique with no connection to the c-verse. A lot of unique renders with some dating back to 2007/2008 by previous contributors coupled with more recent contributions both public and private. The public ones may be in other mods. Some unique-ish renders have variants (I'll use the Loki term here) in other mods that were released after contributors moved on to other projects.
  4. Been messing around with Silhouettes and started a side project.
  5. Just because he did one once in ancient times doesn't mean he does them. And he regularly mentions he doesn't.
  6. Here's a placeholder until you get something better.
  7. Now you got me curious on this one unmasked after you unmasked the other one.
  8. This is the only one I found without date, time, location, etc added. Not sure how it will look cut down to fit TEW specs.
  9. I found these online and just reduced them to fit TEW specs.
  10. Achievement: 90% of the characters in the database have now been assigned renders. Wrestlers active & yet to debut, male: complete female: 2 Indian wrestlers remain. occasional Wrestlers: complete Managers: Complete On Screen Personalities: Complete Refs, males: Complete Refs, female: 27 remain Road Agents: 16 left all Japanese but being created The majority of the remaining 10% are announcers & color commentators. May not sound like a lot but this database has roughly 35% more characters than the default data. Minor disappointment: Found that one of the earliest created companies never had titles added into the data. This company was originally created roughly 2 years before I joined the forum and possibly 3 years before I joined the mod. Usually we were hands off each others creations barring a few minor exceptions but this particular company is definitely making that courtesy harder as most everything else is wrapping up. Removal is not an option as this is 10+ year legacy content and the legacy renders created are among the most unique ever on the site.
  11. I think this is his Texas tag belts he tried to link to.
  12. If anyone needs it here's the microphone png I created. And here's a link to the place I used to add the microphone to the render. https://overlay.imageonline.co/
  13. And I tested one of these guys with a microphone png I created.
  14. The default data has a lot of deficiencies like that. If you haven't done it yet import names from other mods so your game won't crash if you get creative and decide to make someone from a more obscure country. I know there's one that adds 30,000 names just not sure which.
  15. That's why I jumped on the chance to do an Australian company 12-13 years ago in the BE mod even though I had Mexico and Japan.
  16. Sometimes you put two things together and it just clicks... now what to do with it?
  17. I'm not even a WMMA guy (TEW) but I find myself coming here every few weeks and just being amazed at the work being done. Also find myself wishing some crossed over.
  18. Messing around with creating stable logos. Thought people might get a kick out of this one.
  19. Progress Update Assigned renders to all male wrestlers active and future. Assigned renders to all active female wrestlers. (90 future remaining) All managers male & female have renders assigned. (active & future) Removed about 300 surplus unsigned staff characters Render Issues: Ran out of Asian renders low on most other ethnic renders except "white males" for all worker types out of ref renders (acquired a program to add ref shirts to surplus renders) very low on staff renders Next: Start attribute, popularity and skill adjustments. (When the mod was converted to TEW2020 a disproportionate number had been assigned the "class clown" attribute.) Work on special projects. Add more tag-teams and stables. Test the rebuilt broadcasters. ... ... ... lost my train of thought watching Revenge of the Sith
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