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Everything posted by hellshock70

  1. I'm not even a WMMA guy (TEW) but I find myself coming here every few weeks and just being amazed at the work being done. Also find myself wishing some crossed over.
  2. Messing around with creating stable logos. Thought people might get a kick out of this one.
  3. Progress Update Assigned renders to all male wrestlers active and future. Assigned renders to all active female wrestlers. (90 future remaining) All managers male & female have renders assigned. (active & future) Removed about 300 surplus unsigned staff characters Render Issues: Ran out of Asian renders low on most other ethnic renders except "white males" for all worker types out of ref renders (acquired a program to add ref shirts to surplus renders) very low on staff renders Next: Start attribute, popularity and skill adjustments. (When the mod was converted to TEW2020 a disproportionate number had been assigned the "class clown" attribute.) Work on special projects. Add more tag-teams and stables. Test the rebuilt broadcasters. ... ... ... lost my train of thought watching Revenge of the Sith
  4. Local Greensboro, NC company called FireStar Pro Wrestling has a lot of talent appearing on AEW Dark. Looking them up might fill in some gaps for you. Their facebook usually posts about every current or former student that appears on Dark. The head trainer (owner/promoter) has appeared at least twice. This is where Marcus Kross and Griff Garrison broke into the business. Also here's a massive list of indies from around the world. Some have websites and some have a facebook presence. FSPW is in there too. https://www.wrestlemap.com/map-list
  5. I had this same issue when I tried to run one from the 30's and then I talked to eff (IER) about it since he runs countless organic (effganic) mods. Say you have a comp that's 25 popularity at bare minimum you're gonna need talent that can maintain that popularity. If you want growth then you need talent and cash that can support growth. And you need a talent pool large enough with varying degrees of popularity to support growth in stages which also means fresh talent from schools. Got to be careful with the new set-up for schools, dojos, etc. It limits them to 2 minimum 12 max graduates per year. Problem #1 was that first test run had it by default set to... "picture requirements in the game settings set to on" so I had to restart. Problem #2 All the schools had opened day one and it takes a year to generate the first graduate. Go back, move opening day of the schools back 13 months and then moved the mod back a month to make sure I had graduates for the first January. Also with schools limited to 2-12 graduates a year you're gonna need to find your balance between quality (training percent) and quantity (facilities percent) per school.
  6. You don't seem to be a beacon of activity yourself and just for the record there is a page 2 in most threads. Kidding aside depending on how you have posts set to appear (personally mine is set to newest first) go to the rerender thread, find the very first post and there is a folder with almost everything Blackman mentioned that you seem to have missed. Overall there's over 10,000 combined renders and rerenders for C-verse and mods across 8 versions of TEW alone going back over a decade. And that's not including real world and fantasy mods. Just gotta look.
  7. If we move to a new one then what happens to this one? There's at least 15 years worth of legacy content just for TEW stored here.
  8. I realized about a week ago that if I released this mod unfinished it would showcase a near 15 year legacy of renders, logos, etc. in the graphics pack. And that is why I'm still working on it. This one last ride is going until I can't get back up on the horse and my family has a legacy of living into their 90's. Means I might see TEW2060 if Adam can keep up.
  9. What I'm about to suggest I actually thought was already in the game until I went to set up an International stable across 2 sister companies last month. Stables set up like tag-teams so that they're not company specific so you can cross them over more easily. If you're playing a real world mod you can bring in X members of Devastation Inc. from World Class to the Mid-South and back. You wouldn't have to piecemeal nWo Japan in individually (or as tag-teams) from WCW. Be easier to bring in Bullet Club members to multiple companies like New Japan and Impact and I think members are or were represented in at least two other promotions. Could also use it to better simulate the Elite splitting off from the Bullet Club if you only hire a portion of the larger stables. Also this could be used to hire trios since they're not really accounted for in tag teams.
  10. What I'm about to suggest I actually thought was already in the game until I went to set up an International stable across 2 sister companies last month. Stables set up like tag-teams so that they're not company specific so you can cross them over more easily. If you're playing a real world mod you can bring in X members of Devastation Inc. from World Class to the Mid-South and back. You wouldn't have to piecemeal nWo Japan in individually (or as tag-teams) from WCW. Be easier to bring in Bullet Club members to multiple companies like New Japan and Impact and I think members are or were represented in at least two other promotions. Could also use it to better simulate the Elite splitting off from the Bullet Club if you only hire a portion of the larger stables. Also this could be used to hire trios since they're not really accounted for in tag teams.
  11. It's not ready to share even with people that worked on it. I'm still developing characters that were mass added to fill out the database and some may get an update that requires a render change and/or a name change. I had to go through every single company cause roster size parameters are different. One owner had his preference at maximum and his roster requirement went from 25 to 60 so I lowered his setting. Just about every company in the game needed an additional referee and some areas didn't have any to spare. New companies were submitted and a couple future companies were activated to fill in the gaps created by additional regions being added. One new submitted company I'm gonna have to rewrite the bio cause it's twice the size allowed. None had rosters submitted beyond an owner, a booker or a main star TEW2020 caused the need for a massive overhaul. I can send you the rebuilt broadcasters to test since the new additions aren't tied to them yet.
  12. Goal accomplished... All 2,000+ male wrestlers have renders assigned.
  13. Found a new program I'm testing and looking for shirts especially ref shirts in a png format. I found some online like the one below but really need some with the back collar cut out.
  14. GREAT NEWS... Just finished talking to my mom after her doctors appointment today. They got it all. She's cancer free and should be back to normal in 3-4 weeks.
  15. I hate this. Makes me turn all Samuel L. Jackson with a few choice words. "%^&%&^$*" I am the administrator.
  16. <p>Since my inbox is full of mod information, render use permissions and other important messages I created this for anyone wanting to assist.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <a href="https://discord.gg/wWfH9vZ" rel="external nofollow">https://discord.gg/wWfH9vZ</a></p>
  17. I still have my role pm from 2010 in a folder.
  18. Hate dumb*** sites that say your password is too easy or too common to be allowed. I'm almost 50 I'm not trying to make a complex password with $%^* included. I want something I can remember as I age.
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