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Everything posted by hellshock70

  1. Pretty much anyone that has ran mafia games, worked on mods or anything else that had a high volume of messages is probably gonna need a way to export their messages to sort later or might have to create a 2nd account until they can sort them out.
  2. Also seems to be a cutoff around March 23 for some threads. Reaper's title thread is 35 pages but cuts off on page 25 with the last posts being March 23, 2022. Saw another one... maybe Kam's logos that has that same date.
  3. Apparently the move recovered every message I have ever sent or received. A month or so ago I had exported a bunch then deleted them and was down to 250 (50%) on the old forum.
  4. Congrats. Keep forgetting some of us on here are still having kids instead of grand kids.
  5. Private Request (gotta make a new list with the way Reaper's been rolling)
  6. Spotlight: NACPW This was the first company I created back in 2010 for the mod. At the time the U.S., Canada, Australia and the U.K. were mostly done with a basic outline of Mexico and 2 Russian based companies in Europe. I convinced the others that had been on the project up to 2 years before my involvement to allow me this one in the U.S. before fleshing out other areas I had ideas for. A few days ago I was thinking about the outline for the NACPW. 1 rock god superstar (rock god in this case is figurative and not literal), a younger national superstar, a handful of international stars without much U.S. exposure, several very talented unknown American wrestlers and two legends on the announce team with a younger fresher face. Threw in a few family members too. That's the basic starting AEW set-up without the Khans... 10 years before.
  7. And now ready to start alpha testing by next weekend. Since next Sunday is my birthday I may have other plans for the weekend itself so wanna get this started by Friday evening (6pm EST) at the latest. If interested drop a post here or pm me. Looking for at least 5 testers and already have 1 locked in and another I plan to ask personally. Since current TEW design lets you use any character as an avatar I'm in the process of tagging all owners and bookers temporarily as user characters.
  8. Stellar as always. Eventually you guys will see the work he's done. And next private request.
  9. In 2017, she began pursuing a life-long passion for sports entertainment personally, joining San Francisco Bay Area-based promotion Wrestling for Charity. There she is a central personality in live events, acting as Co-General Manager of the company. Behind the scenes, she assumed a role as head booker for WFC's San Francisco events and oversees promotions, marketing and more.
  10. Adding to this... direct descendants gen 1-5 are integrated with blood relationship ties. Just completed adding in spouses that married into gen 1-2 and all their relationship ties. I was gonna try to start the alpha testing this weekend but suddenly having company over on Friday so today is dedicated to cleaning my house. Gen 3 addition of spouses and relationship ties will start after they leave.
  11. Honestly had no idea how long adding all this in was gonna take but definitely wasn't as quick as I envisioned. Side effect: More in the future workers pool with the last created worker debuting over 30 years after the start date.
  12. Update Every character now has a render. Fleshed out one dynasty 5 generations deep. Assigned everyone in the dynasty a render even if they don't make the final cut just for immersion. It's basically Anoa'i family sized with Hart Family elements of other wrestlers marrying into the family while also using my own family as a loose framework for the age gaps. My family has age gaps so large between some siblings that it can mimic the "Roman Reigns wrestling with his first cousins children (the Usos)" without over saturation. I call it 2 generations per generation and if you have an aunt or uncle closer to your age than your parents then you know what I mean. The Zodiac stable is complete. Once I finish implementing the Dynasty next up are 2 factions with post Apocalyptic vibes. One set in Australia with the obligatory Mad Max vibe and another set in probably Europe with Wastelands as a loose base with a more Kurgan (Highlander) type of leader. When I first started playing TEW (2010 version) one thing I always came across was how good a character was but it was the render that would at times keep me from hiring someone. Obviously I'm not the only one or we wouldn't have 4 iterations of the rerender project. I'm trying to go for the opposite feel so I'm constantly updating outdated renders. I finally feel like there's enough here for a solid personal immersion and I'm ready to run tests. Considering a limited Alpha release for play testing. Anyone interested in helping me test the mod can drop their name. And need a renderer that can do 6 specific masked renders. PM for details.
  13. And another private request. Great work as always.
  14. Apparently despite being 150x150 the file size is still huge. Ran it through my converter and the size reduced from 586kb to 7.9kb and it worked. Give me a few minutes to convert them all and I'll load up the reduced size versions
  15. Could go a little simpler... Steps. And it's dual purpose where it's the same as rungs and staves but also descriptive of the wrestler taking those steps.
  16. I have the entire code for this version of their website saved to a hidden page in one of my old websites.
  17. Here's a version without the print on it... for someone to cut down for him.
  18. Go into the database editor and click the circled button to add them yourself.
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