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Everything posted by hellshock70

  1. Earlier when I was on a run seeing what was generated for wrestler's nicknames like Russian Nightmare, Russian Bear, American Nightmare, etc, etc. Well this is what was generated for Brock Lesnar's "The Beast" and now I'm wondering if I should've added "Incarnate" or should I leave well enough alone?
  2. After 2 weeks I was finally able to get Gorilla masks more in line with M'Baku's from the Black Panther. While not exactly like the mask Winston Duke had in the movie it's definitely much more useable than my original attempts.
  3. And just for the record... Russian Nightmare works better as a prompt... than Russian Bear...
  4. A few extras... U.S. territories just for fun. I remember a conversation in a thread somewhere that two people said they "don't subscribe to the wonky regions" in the game... well in some cases neither do I. Like the Southern Mediterranean... to me it's either the Northern Mediterranean or Southern Europe so since I couldn't change the regions name I moved all its locations to Southern Europe and added in locations for Turkey and Lebanon and in my game the Southern Mediterranean has locations from Israel out to Morocco which necessitates the need for...
  5. And back to our regularly scheduled title drop. This wraps up the 50 generic U.S. state titles. I've made other titles including one for each regional area of the game.
  6. In that case I'll make extra. 😝 And this is for the players that made pregnancy an injury in TEW 2016 that Adam hated so much he added in a pregnancy mechanic for 2020.
  7. I actually had this Hogan-Flair hybrid and a Sting-Triple H hybrid generate and neither were intentional.
  8. I was gonna post a select handful of what I was working on but decided this was a much better peek behind the curtain. A lot of these folders have 2-7 sub folders.
  9. Wanted to share this odd ref that was generated... No special prompt was entered for this. He just popped up with the normal refs.
  10. One of those aggravating moments when all the iconography is everywhere except on the belt.
  11. 2nd 10 some of the text isn't as good but if you notice on the 2 game sized belts at the bottom longer title names become harder to see anyway so may not be as bad once reduced to 200x100. That size and some of the older players getting into our middle age years iconography may be more important.
  12. Found out when you get this notification and clearing the history doesn't work... the system has too much traffic
  13. Might be the last of the animal masks but with probably 3,000 to go always a chance I could've missed some.
  14. You might have to dig in a little deeper. Click Help and go to privacy dashboard and scroll to the bottom.
  15. So you went here AND logged into microsoft AND hit to clear it again?
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