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Everything posted by hellshock70

  1. Try clearing your bing history. Even if it shows you have no history.
  2. Had a little incident this morning with AI where it wouldn't do a thing cause it said I had too much still processing. So I'm thinking yeah I've downloaded about 400 or so and skipped even more that were unusable. I had to figure out how to fix this though. Go to settings, clear history... fixed. Did a count of my downloads and turns out I had created over a thousand. So I'm going to be sorting this entire weekend. 🤣 Side note: Check your belts for Easter Eggs. I know there's plenty of WWE logos randomly appearing. This one was cool despite how bad AI messed up "Mid-Atlantic"
  3. There are worse things than having extra letters on a title or an extra leg on a trophy. I'm not gonna let my brain get scrambled trying to figure out what's going on here. Presenting the "Dusty Finish" trophy.
  4. Despite what I shared yesterday... here's a small taste of the real reason I went to try A.I. There be Dragons...
  5. Starting to think Scott Steiner had a hand in programming this thing. Cause sometimes it goes good...
  6. While it's on my mind and wrapping up U.S. state titles... the voodoo line for Halloween.
  7. Titles seem to be better with less text and more iconography... Wanted to show the second Maine State title even though it was messed up because it subtly added in a lobster.
  8. I'm finding it can sometimes take things too literal... American Biker for example. Or completely backwards like my luchador orangutan instead of an orangutan mask. (Don't try african gorilla... very inappropriate. Was hoping for a M'Baka style ape mask from Black Panther)
  9. No one has commented on this post... Anyone else seeing 4 broken links?
  10. I like the blue shirt idea. I have a similar thing where I overlay a red shirt onto renders I want to turn into Russian refs.
  11. Just making sure it wasn't an oversight. I've loaded a bunch of pictures before on different sites and realized I missed one later... Also posted a comment on facebook before and later realized I didn't attach what I was commenting on.
  12. @smw88 Saw this listed as an alt for 358 and noticed there wasn't a 358.
  13. First update in a while... First test run I discovered most companies were seriously lacking in tag-teams. So that's been a process of going through 50+ companies and sort out viable teams. It was easy in my own creations but others I had to take time to sort through their set-up, read bios, etc. and then either create a team from their roster or create new wrestlers in pairs specifically for that company. Some companies with just a singles title and a tag title wanted to add at least 1 more title. It was then I discovered that one of the original companies from 2 years before I joined the project never had titles. Mismatched stables were another issue. Wrong alignments would get kicked out, maybe new members added, in some cases a stable would completely disband. Thinking a game suggestion would be that it turns members instead of disbanding or kicking them out. Suggest check boxes to tell the game to keep a stable from disbanding, to keep a member from leaving. Also thinking a check box would be good on relationships too. Really not as big of an issue but you might not want a couple split up from a narrative standpoint.
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