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Everything posted by bigtplaystew

  1. Agreed, Jaysin. Face Orton has been a little boring. I think if Cena wasn't around (as in got hurt and was off TV for awhile) he'd take alot more heat on the net. I like the angle with Christian though. They've done good things with both characters to bring them along. In my opinion, Christian has been incredible with the heel turn. The man's very talented and I'm glad he's at the top of the company, even if it's as a heel. I have to say when I was at Smackdown a few weeks ago that I saw MANY people buying Christian Tshirts. But if you notice Philly cheers heels a bit more than some other places.
  2. Yep. And the fact that Cena never loses cleanly... wellllllll.... most faces generally are often booked not to lose cleanly to keep them strong. There ARE exceptions, but generally... heels cheat to win.
  3. Why do you have to take the low-brow approach? You are a mean person. I'm saying Cena wasn't supposed to lose that match either way you slice it. There's nothing to indicate that Shamus was supposed to go through that table at the bottom. Absolutely nothing except a theory from a board poster. How is that COMPLETELY the wrong way? I do notice how you cleverly choose not to answer other people's posts when they rip holes all through you though. I really don't know why I'm even engaging you on this.
  4. Yea I think the table was probably set up outside the ring for suspense purposes to add an air of unpredictability. That's kind of the advantage of a table match. There's always tons of tease-spots in a tables match that give the illusion the match could end at any time in any place. It's what makes them so fun. Either way hahaha.... LOL why would the table Cena went through be placed exactly where it had to be? I youtubed it. The guys that are saying it was a botch are way off. There's no way it was a botch just watch it. Cena clearly launches himself off the turnbuckle and dives through the table. I mean... I get hating Cena but comeon lol... at least watch the youtube video clip before you go posting crazy stuff online. You gave me some good lolz at least.
  5. I honestly dont believe Daniel Bryan will hold on to that briefcase until WM28. I want to. He's one of my favorite wrestlers that I've ever seen. All time. But I don't think he's gonna hang on to that briefcase. I think a Wade Barrett or someone like that is going to get him to put it on the line at some point and he'll lose it. I dont want to sound like a pessimist, because I'm not. I love WWE and most of what they do, but obviously theres things to criticise if you wanna go that route. I generally choose to enjoy WWE and rarely complain about their product. And I really like Daniel Bryan. But, to be realistic, he's a midcarder at best who has had little - to - average amount of screen time. I'm not saying that inr egards to his performance, I'm saying that in regards to his booking. To go from a midcarder to a title match at WM28 would take excellent booking and long-term vision. NOW, I feel like the Orton/Christian feud was a great long-form feud that was very well done. It is getting to that point where it should probably end soon but Christian's heel turn was brilliant and it came at a perfect time for me right when I was getting bored with face Orton. I've loved what both guys have done with their characters. So it's not impossible to think they'll book Bryan correctly over the next several months... but I still would be surprised if it comes to light.
  6. Kazarian is a natural heel as well. Kaz the face has been dull in my opinion.
  7. Was this obvious personal insult really necessary? I was commenting on something ANOTHER poster had said. Talk about center of attention...
  8. And some people are hanging on to and arguing a point I don't know that anyone made.
  9. I wasnt mad. Just put it in big words so you could have an easier time reading it.
  10. NO ONE GAVE CENA DIRECT CREDIT FOR PUTTING ANYONE OVER!!!!!! WHY DO I HAVE TO REPEAT THIS TO YOU OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN! If you're gonna go after people just read what they say, dude. I simply think guys have had good FEUDS against Cena. Cena's mic work is some of the best out there today and he's great at making a guy look great from a character perspective. I'm not talking about matches. Everyone knows about the 5 moves of doom and Super Cena. No one denies that this takes place. All of you who keep bringing this up are attacking a point no one ever made. Although, personally, I think when a dude is kicking the crap out of Cena and he barely gets out of it, which is what happened against many of his opponents, it doesn't make that character look particularly weak. But many of you say it does. OK. Not arguing that as it's your opinion. But when they attack Cena for months. They attack his fans and what makes him great. they go after his ideology and his sensibility. Guys generate a ton of heat against Cena. Like Batista did. Like Barrett did. Like Orton did. Like Miz did. Like Punk is doing. Hell Miz was beating the crap out of Cena for a month straight before WM27! If that doesn't make him look better than the guy who barely got out of a Lawler match a few times then I don't know what to tell you.
  11. It's really confusing. I doubt he's going with Immortal as that makes no sense. He's comming off of a great feud with JJ. He might go tweener maybe who knows?
  12. dude i was in high school during the Ralphus thing. we were OBSESSED with Ralphus lol. We broke into my buddy's locker and posted Ralphus photos all over it one day after school... I mean like wallpaper-cover style tons of printed photos of Ralphus covering every bit of his locker and covered with clear contact paper haha. And a note saying he had a secret admirer lol... good times.
  13. Right, HIVE, like I said. AGAIN. Lol.... THEY ARE ALL TALENTED IN THEIR OWN RIGHT Cant stress this enough.
  14. OK fair enough lol. I'm done arguing this point with you. I'm not trying to say Cena is the lord's gift to wrestling and all should behold his wonder. I think he's been reasonably fun to watch over the years. You don't. To each his own. But MAN that CM punk match was pretty good at money in the bank...
  15. Arrow, I guess we're talking about two different things. You're talking about Barrett not looking great in terms of his character not being able to win without it being dirty (like all heels but whatever) I'm more looking at it like... Cena and he headlined several PPVs together... worked on TV together... Barrett held his own with Cena on the mic and in presence. This wasn't liek a two week thing this went on for MONTHS. Wade went from rising up froma group of rookies and no names to standing in the ring with a top guy and being believable. I'm not saying Cena did it all and carried the feud by himself or anything like that as Barrett is very talented and had a ton of potential (still does IMO). I just feel like Cena didnt bury Barrett and make him look like a punk. He did the opposite in my opinion. They had some pretty decent matches and Barrett looked like a top heel against Cena. Soemthing he has yet to replicate since going to Smackdown.
  16. Your opinion. In mine... he was funny and entertaining. I liked "spotlight" Batista better than Evolution Batista myself. He made me chuckle and I was watchign pretty hardcore at that point. You aren't wrong for not liking him OR cena. In fact, most of the internet hates Cena. So I can't sit here as an intelligent adult asnd act liek EVERYONE is nuts. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
  17. OK well just say no. I guess Cena isn't one of the biggest stars in WWE. I guess he hasn't headlined as many wrestlemanias if not more than many of the greatest legends in the company's history. I also guess Cena never lost to Barrett (oh wait he did...) And I guess Barrett wasn't pushing him around on WWE TV for a month or so. I guess all that never happened because Arrow said so. BTW.. to reitterate (have to do that alot on this board for some reason) I never said Cena got them over. In fact, I specifically said they are all talented on their own but felt PERSONALLY (again.... my opinion... so I don't care if Arrow or anyone else agrees with me) felt many people had very entertaining runs agianst Cena. Batista was AWESOME against Cena. The spotlight and everything. Great stuff and a very fun to watch Batista. I actually dont want to defend Cena. Just saying I like him but I'm one of those crazy wrestling fans that hits the internet and actually still enjoys it.
  18. That's not logical at all lol. Booking doesn't perform matches. Barrett had barely gotten out of NXT and then a few months later he's holding his own with one of the greatest world champions in the company's history and main eventing TV shows and PPVs. Not only that, but looking BETTER than him on a few occasions.
  19. Propel a bunch of former midcarders to main events and made them look pretty good. Booking buried them... not Cena.
  20. I always said they'll never turn Cena heel until someone can outsell him in merch. People might think I'm nuts but I'm tellin ya... as it stands right now WWE would lose porbably millions of dollars in a Cena heel turn. Punk has a really great tshirt that is selling really well. It's no where near Cena level... but if they develop this right... by WM28 I wouldnt be shocked if they can finally pull the trigger on something like that. Like I said, it won't happen until they can sell huge amounts of merch without Cena.
  21. I thought I specifically said in each of those cases he didnt put them over. I actually used those exact words lol. I simply stated that I PERSONALLY (meaning for me and my own enjoyment) felt those guys all had some of the best most entertaining periods of time against Cena.
  22. I'm still loving Cena vs Punk and I'm really curious to see where they go with it. Punk's been pure gold. Cena's a guy I always appreciated. The smarks love to hate on him but I think he's one of the best mic workers I've seen in this era. He's no Rock or Austin but he's the best of his generation. The guy works good angles to get the crowd to do things he needs. He's benefited from decent writing in the last year or so I think with the Nexus and what not. They've had to be creative and do different things to keep him fresh. But his "top guy" status is more in jeapordy now then it's ever been. He also helped propel many guys to new hieghts in their careers the past few years. Batisa was never more entertaining to me personally than when Cena and he had that fued. Shaemus, Barrett, Miz, and now Punk reached huge levels of popularity when facing Cena and all did good work with him I think. I dont want to say Cena "put them over" as they are all great talents on their own, but even the smarkiest smark has to admit that they all had great runs against Cena. The landscape of the company is changing it seems. CM Punk might be issuing a new era but he also might be booked stupidly and end up "just another guy" on the roster. He has to be the champion after Summerslam if they want him to be the new "top guy" eventually. He's nowhere near at the level of merch sales and mainstream exposure that Cena is. Not yet. We'll see what they do but I think Punk pretty much gotta win at Summerslam... which is shaping up to be one of the bigger summerslams in a good while.
  23. Exactly. There is a place for older, eastablished talent that can still draw. That place is putting over and building up younger, fresher talent.
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