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Blake Trask

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Everything posted by Blake Trask

  1. Premise: British Cverse women's promotion, 0/0/0/0 There's no UK scene. Four friends come together to create one. Created characters abound. All four of the fabulous starting roster have rookie level skills and next to no experience. We'll see how well this goes. User character is angry teenager Ellen Ward and she is the owner of what passes for a company when you're an angry teenaged wrestling fan.
  2. It was November 27th 2019, and I was having a bad day. “YOU CONDESCENDING W**KER!” If the message had been a letter, I’d have ripped it in half. As it stood, the only reason I hadn’t punched my laptop was that I wouldn’t see another one again for a year if I broke it. I read the email again, as if poring over it for the umpteenth time would change what was staring back from my screen. “Dear Ms. Ward, Thank you for your application and video. Unfortunately, the National School of Wrestling is not accepting female in-ring talent at this time. Should you wish to apply for a role as a valet, kindly resubmit your application using the ‘non-wrestling personnel’ form, available on our website. We also urge you to avoid emulating our performers without first receiving proper training. Our athletes are experienced professionals, and we do not wish to see our loyal fans hurt by attempting to copy their moves at home or at school. Kind regards, Colin Chalke National School of Wrestling.” “HOW THE F**K AM I SUPPOSED TO GET PROPER TRAINING YOU PR**K!? THERE’S NO F**KING SCENE—” “Ellen! Are you shouting at one of your games again? Watch your language!” Oops. I bit off my first angry response, took a deep breath, and then slammed the delete key. “Sorry mum,” I called through my door. “What have we said about that temper of yours?” “Yeah mum. Sorry mum.” I stared down at my laptop. The anger wasn’t gone, still burning within me. I wasn’t going to take this lying down. I pulled the email back out of the deleted folder, pinned it, then grabbed my phone and messaged the group chat. There had to be something. Had to be. — The four of us had assembled in our usual haunt: the massive caravan at the bottom of Rajni’s garden that her parents always insisted they were going to take to the Dales this year and then lo and behold something else came up. Just as well, really, since we’d basically repurposed it into our own little hideout, complete with TV screen and playstation. We’d barely stepped inside when I broke the news. “Sal and me didn’t get it.” Abbi, the baby sister of the group, made a sympathetic noise. Rajni followed suit. “That’s right bollocks.” Sally, my best friend, leaned on a countertop and shook her head, a deep scowl on her face. “We weren’t like, asking for them to make a division for us, just to train. You’d think they’d consider it. Extra money and all.” I snorted. “Like they need money. I’m just wound up that they don’t care about women’s wrestling when they’re supposed to be this like, revolutionary, modern company. What’re we supposed to do, go to frigging Germany to train? Ring of Fire doesn’t even train girls and Samurai trained Viper! THIS IS SUCH ABSOLUTE BULLS**T!” Everyone was staring at me. I was conscious I’d started yelling again. My blood was boiling, but I held back the urge to punch something. One of the cabinets still had a hole in it from the last time I lost my rag. “Sorry. I just—me and Sal worked really hard on that application. We made a story, we did promos, we wrestled some alright matches, and then they’re like, no thanks but wanna be a valet? It’s such a joke.” “Well, what next?” said Abbi quietly. What next. Hell of a question. Sally and me had really poured our all into those videos. The production had been as good as we could possibly make it, we’d tried to sell the story of the rivalry, we’d wrestled and done—we’d done okay! I’d watched worse for sure. Even if we hit the independent scene—and calling it a scene was like calling a duck pond the Atlantic ocean—then what? EWA took notice? Maybe? Neither of us had the money to travel outside the country to wrestle. We’d be looking at years, minimum, to even hit the first rung. I wasn’t willing to accept that. If there was no scene in England, then... “That ring we rented…” I started slowly. “What about it?” asked Sal. “If I put down another two hundred quid I could probably buy it.” “Yeah, and?” Rajni drawled. “Can buy a lot of things with two hundred quid.” “Then I’d own a ring.” Abbi looked at me askance. “Ellen…” “A ring, four wrestlers…” “Four—” realisation started to dawn on Rajni’s face. “Oh for f**k’s sake.” “And the youth centre down Gloucester Street…” I met Sally’s eyes, she grinned. “...You’re serious,” said Abbi. “Sounds like a fed to me.” Rajni threw up her hands. “You’re bloody impossible when you get like this.” I already had my phone out to text the ring guy. “What do you reckon? You in?” Sally nodded instantly. “Hundred percent.” A tiny smile appeared on Abbi’s face. “It’s the least I can do.” “This isn’t like rolling around in the garden or slamming each other on trampolines!” Rajni protested, then looked between each of us and heaved a huge sigh. “...But I can tell you don’t really care. Whatever, I’m in, blud.” Sally gave an ironic cheer. Abbi beamed and clapped. Looking at my friends, the fire inside me burned ever brighter. With their help, I could accomplish anything. Let’s do this, Britwres.
  3. I occasionally play a cverse character, usually if it's a roleplaying game or a diary. Trying out the joshi scene with WINNOW, I played Suzue Katayama, as an example. However in all other instances I play an avatar I created myself and allow the other 'avatars' to inhabit the game world as their own characters. I rename almost all of them so that they have a more 'real' name and then leave 'em to it. The only two I keep the same are Jack Avatar and Masked Avatar because those feel like decent character names. But yeah, creations, usually a wrestler I can make a story for.
  4. So Legacies have been tweaked such that there's a chance workers with 'Yes As a Legacy' set, between the ages of 30-50, will generate a successor. If a worker retires without ever having generated a successor, will they still create one if they fit the criteria? If a worker hits 50 before retiring, and didn't generate a successor, will they create one then? I'm curious as to whether the guarantee still exists or if there's a chance worthy mask holders may just never be passed on because RNG didn't roll in their favour.
  5. <p>I repacked Zimmy as Xander Blake in TCW once, as I wanted to distance him from SWF and I could only imagine bringing him in under a very specific heel gimmick if he was to keep the Zimmy name.</p><p> </p><p> Otherwise I only tend to change names if there's too much overlap with other shared names on my roster, shortenings, or renames of gens.</p><p> </p><p> I've called Ant-Man, Anthony Heizenger, which is from his ring name and real name (Johnny Heizenger), since I had other Johnnys/Johns.</p><p> </p><p> Erik Strong became Erik Masterson, as I had Alicia Strong on the roster and didn't want to draw an association.</p><p> </p><p> I started to dub Steven Parker as The Future after a bit, partially storyline, partially Steve saturation (I had four Steves on the roster at one point!)</p><p> </p><p> But yeah, it's mostly gens otherwise as some of the generated names just have no snap.</p>
  6. <p>I really like that hook because as an outcome it's intriguing.</p><p> </p><p> Well, was it him... because honestly it may or may not be!</p><p> </p><p> Good way to close out the investigation arc; with unanswered questions!</p>
  7. forgetting to specify there's women's wrestling is hilariously Keith.
  8. Intriguing start, nice character work. I'm looking forward to seeing more!
  9. It would be pretty dramatic, since it would entail Victoria cheating on Sean McFly with a DeColt! <img alt="" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/eek.png.0e09df00fa222c85760b9bc1700b5405.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />
  10. I'm enjoying Curt's investigation! Fun storyline and I liked the heelish bias earlier on.
  11. I do miss being able to do that. It was good mistake-proofing for when you do something obviously stupid. It's added steps now.
  12. <p>Can we not set maturity/decline/relevancy/retirement ages any more?</p><p> </p><p> Edit: ignore me I'm blind</p>
  13. Aaron Andrews - World champ Greg Gauge - TV champ Behemoths - Tag champs Wolf Hawkins won the most recent King of Kings tourney. International title no longer exists.
  14. <p>I hired Connie Morris, Karen Bilious and Steph Blake for a short three month deal (I can't seem to find touring contracts any more, if they're still in the game) to use as a gaijin heel stable.</p><p> </p><p> It was only intended as a short term thing but Connie and Karen both got extremely marketable gimmicks, so I may need to keep hold of them.</p><p> </p><p> Pretty cool how the attributes can affect your possible booking of someone and roster decisions!</p>
  15. I can't believe I forgot my indie Japan boys! Rei Chikanatsu, Kuniko Matsura and to a slightly lesser extent, Sakura Sada. Kuniko and Rei especially are pretty much day one hires anytime I play WINNOW. I love those two.
  16. Higa owned some online trolls. Maybe she thought that they were encroaching on her territory?
  17. I think it's also in part that the nice personalities seem to overwhelm the negative ones by volume. You need to be properly scummy (bully, egomaniac, selfish, gloomy, scumbag) to have a negative effect and the basic negatives are often mitigated merely by not having negative morale. Added to that and few people seem to naturally be a scumbag and you have a lot of positives People Person, Lively, Relaxed, Irrepressible -- this are often very very strong and because poor morale doesn't matter as much, it can be hard to dent them. idk, I haven't played enough to determine whether having 100% is cancelled out by incidents happening. I had a 100% locker room in 2016 and still had troublemakers.
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