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Everything posted by Eidenhoek

  1. Oh right. 8. "Where There’s A Will" One of your die hard fans has passed on bequeathing their worldly possessions to your promotion. Do you accept it or donate it to charity? Gain EITHER $56,609 or +5 Prestige ... First, obviously the money. Prestige is meaningless. But lemme think if I care...I don't think so. 18. “A Bumpy Ride” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +10 to your Basics skill Nah; I'm at like 70 or w/e 48. "Grounded in Reality" You've discovered a new found ability to play Realistic gimmicks and prefer to have back up, add "Plays Realistic Well" and “Tag Team Specialist” to your attributes Y'know what? I...okay so either I'm rolling until I get tech increase, or I take what I roll. 9. "Keeping It In The Family" Create a younger sibling wrestler aged 17 (same 750 skill point split). If you are over 32 treat this as a son/daughter YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YESYYSYSYYSYSYSSSSS oh btw
  2. wait what the my numbers 1. Rocky Golden out of SWF (in politics). Yoooooo. MWGP was most improved of the year yaaaay I'm going to keep it at 1 show/month for now.
  3. Do Explosive Ring Style and Squash Master stack? And why did my first show in a new company that was 10 points higher than my popularity not improve my popularity?
  5. So, jaanavaron (Hindi for "Animals") has Mega Kraken, Spectacular Falcon, Storm Badger, and Super Rhino in it. Managed by Stevie Stoat.
  6. Okay so I have it capped at Insignificant so that I don't require more wrestlers (more on that in a moment), but fiiiiiine Tiny's only 2 popularity away. I can do that in 2 years, definitely; I just need to see if I can run 4 shows/month, and when. Tech Striker is annoying, as they're usually pretty good. Not a lot of MMA Crossovers tbqh so idk Roster: With 8 people for the May Tournament (game made a tourney title oooooo), here's the card for every other show: I beat guy a Heel beats guy b c and d fight next: I beat guy b heel beats guy c d and a fight etc. ish. The other two guys can fight too, whatevs.
  7. I messed up: given that I won't be able to "fill" a Tiny broadcast in India for some time, making it Very Small is just paying for coverage I'm not using. It's akin to building a thousand-seat arena; sure, I will eventually fill it, and it's cheaper to build one venue than a 300, then a 1,000-seat later, but...why tho? I can edit the Tiny back in and give me back the difference, which I'll do now (I already changed the company and such, so I don't wanna re-do that.) Wait no it's like $200 more a month and costs $120,000 more to make. I'll cheat in the $120,000 if/when it's relevant.
  8. They have $750,000 Just, out of curiousity. How much money did MWGP start with? IT'S ALL COMING HOME BOIS WE'RE CHALLENGING THE CURRY HEEEEELLL YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I made a save before doing this in case I die. I'll have like 5 months-ish of money, but Very Small means I'M COMING FOR YOU MWGP. Sadly, VWA already bought out KCCW and killed it. Which...probably was a waste of money, getting 19 pop in somewhere, Oceania. Oh, and we're integrated obvs. As far as roster is concerned? I'ma steal from CMW probs.
  9. MPWF have at least 20 popularity in every region. Rank 6. That is...nasty, dude. That is nasty. Yoooo Dawn Gemmell has a baby. Presumably Running Wolf, her boyfriend, is the father. Month later, explicit video leak ending their relationship.
  10. So. That *sucks*. Aside from the obvious, "Black Iron Corps" is a baller tag team name. Dang it. Surgery success! Only 7 months now ._________________. Few days later: If Walker wasn't already turning heel in VWA, this would do it.
  11. Look, UEW, you don't have to worry about VWA who just lost its primary heel. I'd be worried that you took out one of the best workers for the 7th largest fanbase in the world (obvs MWGP). We did make $272 tho! Oh, Walker's turning heel, I'm bringing in a few guys to popularity-leech due to not being able to get more popular without that, and uh...uh...
  12. If I'm reading the Handbook right-and, historically, I probably am not-tiny coverage has a popularity increase cap per show and per month, but, with enough time and good enough shows, a tiny-coverage company could still hit...50 popularity, or 70 popularity, or arbitrary-number popularity, right? Or, specifically, I made a network with tiny commercials everywhere. Eventually my company would have 60 popularity everywhere if my shows were good enough, right?
  13. MWGP made a new TV show (didn't know they had one in their data) on their Network. Early Evening timeslot. WHY Also, they're Small now, and 7th place. I could be small, but as noted, I'm still bleeding money so
  14. I've capped VWA at Tiny for now; I want to get ~10 popularity across Europe, a comfortable profit/month, before jumping up. Though I'd get a better network deal...
  15. I could okie-doke Sergey Litvinov into going onto roids, testing him, and firing him. Which...won't matter (and be mean)?
  16. Allegedly, VWA are going to push MAYA. MAYA, the woman. We have no female wrestling in VWA.
  17. Monday, Week 2, March, 2022. One of exceedingly few workers for which I have absolute respect (and a cornerstone of CWW). I am sad.
  18. I know that they started at $700,000 and haven't yet returned, but MWGP are making $40,000 a month.
  19. Primary: 55 tech is, I think, still to low (need to remember to check notes. Mental is coool; 79 is nice. Performance is going well as are the fundies
  20. Oh right, January. New year, new roll... 42. “Super Awesome Wrestling-A-Go-Go: Electric Boogaloo” You are suddenly hilarious, add "Plays Comedy Well" and “Comedy worker” to your attributes To be fair, overriding that I don't do Comedy would be pretty kewl. 10. “LEGEN… wait for it… DARY!” Gain a Best Friend relationship with someone on your roster whose picture is of them wearing a suit. If no-one on your roster is wearing a suit, you must hire someone who wears a suit and become their Best Friend anyway then add the Drinker attribute. I'm not becoming a drinker. But it'd be Lee Bambino. Oooooo VWA opened up. They're tiny, have $200,000, are losing money due to...production, looks like, and are 3 points from Small themselves. Might as well jump. 51. "Step Into The Light" You get your 15 minutes of fame. +5 Pop across entire base country ^Again, unless that means India, I'm taking it to mean of the company I work for. So let's see if I jump... I do! And...unless I can get 800 people at Cheap, Normal tickets are better. Except more people is more merchandise...doesn't change the math, though. Ish. Need a hundred more or so than I'm getting. E Z o no Don't care. Problematic. See above.
  21. Still don't know if developmental does anything more than the person learning from the segments they're in. Is a performance center what accelerates learning?
  22. Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd FCW are closed down oops we're $80,000 in debt dang it! Shoot. Back to Volunteers it is for uh...Live Event experience! We should be able to crest $10,000 profit/month. I hope. Level 6 Merchandising is a trap. Costs go up by $1,250/month, but income increases by $5/pop. Meaning I would need ~ 250 popularity points for it to be worth it; I currently have under 50.
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