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Everything posted by Eidenhoek

  1. ~$350,000 until I can upgrade Europe to Very Small. If I wanted to, I could already upgrade India to Very Small, helping CMW. Which would be funny. On that note, do I dare to start a CMW TV show? Hmmmmmm NO ONE CONTRACTED LUCY STONE-MCFLY ARE YOU INSANE (also her parents are divorced).
  2. Eien and Pyotr cannot go All Out It was too long. DUUUUUUUUUUDE that is a COOL as hell booking (I didn't choose a winner). Babyfaces eliminate the weakest heel, heel's rebalance with also taking out a tag member. Then the third-best face is gone, then the heels lose the other member of the tag team. Leading to the heels taking out the second-best face, cleaning up Maya, and then Aadesh solos Paolo, Walker, and Higa.
  3. Tristram Day died. I'm applying to become owner (copying save if I do) and booker. Meaning EVERYTHING to this point has not been for naught as I, somehow, have almost 30 popularity in Australia. Er, Oceania. Edit: Debonair David Peterson is Owner and refused to not be booker. friggin EPIC newspost
  4. Bit of an overview of the roster: There is the stable "Russianz" which, hilariously, doesn't have that eponymous tag team. It used to be the Eastern European second wave of hires, but only Cub Balowicz is left. Now, it's a stable of (faux)-MMA people. Cub is awesome in the ring, and there are some developing people that hopefully turn out well. "talk" is the stable of African Earthquake, Karen Bilous, and Zofia...Vergara. Earthquake has chemistry with Quake, so I might as well keep both around. Zofia's solid in the ring, and Karen...I don't think has chemistry, but she does help whoever she's managing. Top of the card are Walker Van Cleer, Fuyuko Higa, Andriy Boryokuken, Aadesh Ama...div...lad, Edison Silva, and Sergey Russianman. And Paolo Galdalfini. Gandolfini. Linguine. Andriy and I think Paolo can't call a match, but all of them have done well (Aadesh due to popularity, sadly). Beyond that, there's the other Russian guy, uh...Ronny de Veuster...uh...Edwin Velasquez, X Force...three or four tag teams with chemistry...Cub, as noted earlier, Nigel Svennson...Landon Mallory... So I have at least ten people I could, and should, let go, particularly as I went on a lucha-ish hiring spree (y'know, we ARE Lucharesu Entertainment, y'know).
  5. Sad for ACPW. Only $8,000 in debt, and they're going to die AND WON'T SELL OUT TO ME Rangen with same profile as me quit CMW. I will not rehire because I don't care. Also released Murai "give me $800". SAISHO closed Sunday 2, August, 2021.
  6. I could get on the same network as everyone else. Pros: I'd gain popularity a lot faster. Cons: I'd have to make I dunno, a weekly event maybe? Money loss? Having to up my production etc. You're one half of the tag champs. I'll look at his stats end-of-year to see if there was growth. Thinking about going Middleweight to see if Star Quality moves.
  7. Two rangens: Spectacular Falcon and Super Rhino. Yusssss I am giving them fantastic tag chemistry and best friendship after I sign them. Fun fact: Neither is very good. Tribal Warrior Regenned into AJ Wakarewarewa
  8. Man. If only I had foreseen this and spammed post-show happy things so that I could reject this with no repercussions. Note: Extremely down to just "Happy". Oh noooooo (legit)
  9. Potentially-useful style shifts from Lucharesu Entertainment: Comic Book Lucha Libre: This allows me to do the other comic book styles, I assume. It will slightly hurt my lower card due to not valuing in-ring as much. I'd have to do Story Telling and High Spots vs. Comedy and High/Steal. I'd lose my bonus sponsorship money, so that's...bad. Really bad. Nevermind. Lucha Libre Entertainment: Interesting. I'd need 15 minutes vs. 10 for top-tier matches. I'd swap Storytelling in for the Comedy. And I'd get more sponsorship money. If I made the shows longer (gaining more commercial revenue, by the way), this....this might be a thing. No-Style Style: Okay, but not great. More angles, weirder matches, less money. Yooooo Psycho Circus is nuts
  10. babaaaaaaaaaa gaaaaanoooooooooooooooosh Two things: Almost got the 100-rated angle achievement. Uh oh announcing oh noooooo. HOWEVER, note that Martin Bloydell didn't specifically get dinged. I did a microphone post-show segment. Only a 73. lule
  11. Babaganoosh? Also, Chiyeko Kita works as a foil to Aadesh, but not an ally. Dang. MAYA's over with the young girls btw w/e that means I forgot to prebook. Meh. MEH.
  12. Screw this. Most people in the company have passable Eastern European. I'm giving myself fluent. Also I might be pissing off Jumbo Jackson. Slightly. Alsoalso fishing for chemistry-which, btw, the game does NOT show me neutral chemistry if I select it, and why can't I request a list of worker chemistry from my developmental company? The game doesn't have to book the matches; just add the chem after...2 months, or whatever, send me mail that the profile is updated. Also, I now realize that Acting is useless; if I just went with Microphone segments, it's unneeded. So...free points! EWA did a show in South West USA over a month ago. why
  13. Dang it. I can't buy SAISHO. Hilariously, PGHW sucks. Wait, they aren't owned by PGHW. I mean, PGHW still sucks and is in the red, but DANG IT I WANT TO HELP YOU GUYS (and go massively into debt but
  14. You idiot. Yes, you are incredibly important. But god, it's Higa carrying the company. Or Aadesh. Or Walker. Not you. Idiot. Can't fire him tho
  15. Shoot EDIT YOU FOOL also we're getting ~$40k sponsorship woo Aadesh is going to turn face; after having a 60-rated Entertainment angle with Higa (who is passable at Eastern European. Somehow?), I initiated his turn. As in, it's April, and he's going to turn in December. I'm assuming that's due to my messing with the pop in the editor. So long as it's fixed by next month, I'm not bothered.
  16. If I have people in developmental, do their skills increase more quickly a la the past? Or is that with a performance center now? What's the point of developmental?
  17. first 60! Also, that's 50-rated Singles match (he's been in multi-mans). Also also, forgot to role for hitting Tiny. I forgot to roll pre-show, but whatevs. I got 52 and 34 28 53 ... So 52 means someone gets +10 pop. If it's a main-eventer, I lul. But WAY more important is the +2 pop to the world for the company. 53 means I get +10 pop throughout Europe. Again. Which I lost half of to Andriy but whatevs. Note for me: It's Eien Sekine
  18. Dulce Moreno is dating Chill. Guess he's more husband material than Spencer Spade HA HA HA HA HA HA look up Chill's real namee. Forgot to get CMW that network deal this time before their next show oops OH MAN SURE WOULD BE A SHAME IF MAYBE HE WORKED THERE AGAIN DUE TO MY SIGNING HIM AND SENDING HIM TO DEVELOPMENT-oh. I think the Performance Center is closer to what a developmental territory was in erstwhile games. Okay so Murai Enomoto wanted more money-fun fact is that he also works for WLW-and I said no. He's angry, except not in CMW so
  19. I messed up, as I was trying to fix CMW to have Garry as figurehead and no brand split. Singh was lost as booker. I then deleted my main player so I have to go to a backup. Dang it. Now I have to rebook the show sobs I'm redoing until I don't get bad gimmicks and a 6x main event dang it!
  20. I might. Be able to buy them out. Which totally is not against the rules maybe. Okay so I thought it would take more than one warning but like. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Guess what network just agreed to host all Curried Man Wrestling shows?
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