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Everything posted by Eidenhoek

  1. FINALLY yoooooooooooooooooooo I tried to get myself 20 experience; I think I have it now (wrong), but not for the main event. Which wasn't our best match ever, but top 4 so like
  2. Roster thoughts: I have ~12 people that I probably ought to cut. As in, the roster is too big; I don't know who I should cut just yet. Candidates: Joao Vicente: He's in terminal time decline. He's not bad backstage, but...he functionally doesn't do anything. Thunderbolt: $40 per appearance is relatively high given his peers. He's not bad, and he's done a bunch of 4x matches, and he allegedly does comedy matches, and there's the tag chemistry with Lothar Prime, and he's dating MAYA so nevermind. Acheron: Not a good worker. Is menacing, which is cute. Only $20, but like...he's totally superfluous. Were it not that he's fluent in Eastern European. Murai Enomoto: The good: very good worker. Can hit the 5x level on matches. Has a bit of a team with Rokusomethingoranother. The bad: $2xx/appearance. Sheik Ali-Al Avatar: Pretty popular and can talk. Bad wrestler. $30. Tribal Warrior: 33 pop. $90 Zeus: $250, a bit of decline, early 20s popularity. I cut Joao. That's it.
  3. Wooooyeaaaaaahboooooiiiiiiiii Sweet bruv! And it's only going to get better with merchandising!
  4. If he has bad chem with Walker he's getting canned. Like, he won't, as he's very popular, but COME ON withawhat Two injuries btw Magnifico jailed two years for trying to pervert the course of justice. Oh. Darin Flynn, who I gave Prodigy to (it's his gimmick) left 21CW. Let me hir him. Oh. I can't. He's in JAIL FOR SECOND DEGREE MURDER FOR 14 PLUS YEARS SINCE OCTOBER OF LAST YEAR.
  5. VWA broke Walker's ribs. stares at war button Alicia Strong starts dating Sterling Whitlock. doesn't renew his contract
  6. Got a Great gimmick for the user character. With psych and charisma penalties and segment length penalties. ._.
  7. KCCW opened; as that would be a downgrade, I'm not jumping. And they only have $25,000; if they had a few million, then I absolutely would and make a bigger broadcaster kekeke. Quake's doing political stuff per the news; fortunately he hasn't actually done anything, and he has the Squash Master trait, and manager chemistry, sooooooooooooooooo Also, we lost more money this month due to ~$3,000 more worker costs (and higher show costs). That's...annoying. We have enough for six more months, so...whatevs.
  8. Okay, so notice that I had a good angle in there. While I'm sure I messed up the crowd again, that is pretty cool. Can't wait to learn Eastern European; Entertainment-spam-a-go-go #ThatOneBroadcaster Oh, and Murai Enimoto wanted a raise to $800. I gave him 25%, and now he's on vacation. Idiot. You are NOT worth that much, at ALL. Very good wrestler, but god no. You were going to get a title shot, too (and lose but Oh, speaking of someone who still hasn't faced Higa, I think: Ah. So he has. still tho I OBVIOUSLY will pay him $100 are you insane?
  9. Makes a feud for a debuting wrestler. Pre-books a second match. clicks Next Segment. ... WH
  10. Was it Bob? His name was-IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT HIS NAME IS
  11. nuuuu wrong guy nuuuu nuuuu lame injury nuuuuu stawp injuries Okay lame but I'll take the rating ALSO. Of COURSE I made a heel/heel main event Spectacle to a too-hot crowd.
  12. P.S. I have one more show to try to break Sammy's neck utilize Sammy the Shark. If I move the event. Which I have. Re: Finances It is possible that we'll dip due to company growth. However, assuming we don't, should be in the white after this month. So...April. After April, we're making money per month. Note: Not making money per show. Oh, and 19th in the world kekeke
  13. No injuries, positive chemistry in the pre-show. Btw, you can't have an all-out match beyond 45 minutes, period (I assume that a battle royal could do that?). HOWEVER, I pray TCW try to use him tomorrow. Because lul. They did not ._. Alsoalso, Irwin Gutmann won the TV title due to me not choosing a match winner. He lost it back to Andriy, but I just figured out how Irwin got it in the first place (I think it was a triple threat with Zeus and Andriy).
  14. HOW DID HE NOT GET INJURED Also, African Earthquake managing Quake has good chemistry lul Update: I just about died choking on my drink. Sammy lost 14 popularity in the USA.
  15. Sammy the Smokin' Shark wants to go to TCW? Oh, they can have his ROTTING CORPSE
  16. 1 year. 3 months. And this was my god-tier team due to chemistry. well ****
  17. Okay so my base country is India, but the base of my company is Russia, so I'm going to do it in Europe, as hilarious as randomly improving my already-solid popularity in India to no benefit would be. btw to make a new company in Russia with 2 pop would cost $100,000. I...don't know if that means it's a developmental company, since that's...a separate investment? It is a dev company. I can't buy one I will balloon my roster. Is totes going to buy one when he can.
  18. We're at 16 Pop in Russia; I'm not looking forward to managing pre-booking at all. Nor the regional wars that-oh crap. OH GOD WE'RE GOING TO BE IN LITERALLY ALL OF THEM. Wait no are we? I think we are. Fortunately, since I'm only running shows in Russia, that's not going to affect my attendance at home. Btw, Regional is Best Show, and Area is Star Power btw. So lets' see. That's a point of technical, TWO in psychology, 7 actual points in Experience...Entertainment went up. Fundies are better...Stamina's improving...I'm...still annoyed at the Star Quality not changing ._. Oh right, the roll! 39. “Run Forest Run”. You outshine everyone athletically. Add ‘Stud Athlete’ to your character. Add +10 across Power, Athleticism and Stamina Stud Athlete useless, and the Stamina is...maaaaybe good but nah reroll 3. "Trusted Companion" You gain the Loyalty of one of your roster (random roll from the list of your current roster). Booooooo 1. "Friends with Benefits" You gain one Working Agreement (you may try a different company if you are rejected) OR you can join an existing Alliance (assuming they let you in) OR you may invite another company to join your alliance (you may try a different company if you are rejected). Yo. YOOOOOOooooooo lemme think here. I actually have (had, with Atlas ._.) the ability to do a LOT of trades lemme think heeeree. So the issue is, who would I want? Oh I can search duh. Okay so the Big Three (SWF is Medium tho) in the USA won't do it so rerooooooooooooll (yes I could do 21CW for literally Adam Matravers but y tho) UEW would have given me Hinote Dojo graduates btw 53. “Viral Video” A promo you cut is all over the internet. +10 Pop across entire base country I mean. Poggers bruh Edit: 52. "Internet Sensation" One of your wrestlers (random roll from the list) has become an internet video hit due to a pirate recording of his last match. +2 pop for your company in every area that you already have popularity in and +10 pop for the wrestler in all areas HMMM I WONDER WHERE I WOULD HAVE POPULARITY so obviously this is the god roll. I didn't get it, but
  19. Cool note I guess? new render I guess >________________> Also DANG IT THE CROWD WAS ALREADY AT AN EMOTIONAL HIGH It's not a bad Season Finale, but it isn't the 60 I was wanting. Oh, "talk" is Karen Bilous, Haiti Voodude, African Earthquake, and Zofia ...uh...Ver...gara.
  20. I need to be able to speak Eastern European on the pronto.
  21. btw my next show is Psycho Circus. It's about a week and a half before TCW's. So that's cute.
  22. On one hand, Atlas has an extremely marketable gimmick. I shouldn't lose that. On the other hand: Er. On the other hand: o no Atlas has 53 to match ability fffff I should have used him like I am Zeus OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOHOHOHOHOHOH pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  23. Another month, another movement closer to the white. I think I will go into debt for a few months, but I should be able to pop out quickly. Merchandising + worldwide popularity = poggy woggy
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