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Everything posted by Eidenhoek

  1. MAN AM I GLAD I DON'T PRODUCE A LOT OF INJURIES' Okay so the show was 40-something, as the usual. War Piece bruised his pec btw. Walker Van Cleer says Yvonne Hicks, who injured Crusher, is charismatic and has upside. ALSO, since Crusher and Notrious F.R.E.A.K. have heat, he's manipulating the locker room against them. So the question is, who do I fire (Freak obvs)? yoooooo our rating went down it's sub-5k again noooooo
  2. Wes Stryker: I'm annoyed a bit. Got injured and it just kinda- immediately bruises his eye socket Yeah, this is hurting my match ratings. But, BUT, I'm less likely to... have... injuriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiies Edit: I forgot to defend the tag titles. oops
  3. Hoping this helps. I will require angles, which is...not good. Yet. I need my guy to learn Eastern European ASAP. Also, my matches are less performance-based I think, so that's a thing. Fast and Furious was our previous, btw. Oh. I need a comedy match now. So...that'll work to calm the crowd. More sponsorship and less wear-and-tear. Woop. OH! No "important match must be long" and 10 minutes is necessary to get high scores. wewp. I think I like this style, tbh. I can go Royal Puroresu if I'm insane, and I can go more popularity-rated if I want. And 10 minutes is totally fine. I like it.
  4. fffff I messed up the main event. Tech Masterclass should be done to a dead crowd. Calm Crowd->Tech. No intervening match. I still pulled a 59-rated show, and it was a 62 main event, but... ALSO I GOT 2 POP EVERYWHERE KEKKKEKKEKKEKEEE Note: If doing this yourself, drop Consistency, Safety, and Selling by 5. Put that 15 points into Technical. It'll help your match rating a lot and allow you to have enough skill to slow build.
  5. The post-show was a chem check, btw (none). We can NOT run angles to save our lives.
  6. Duuuuuuude. I hate that technical masterclass do ... JUST DO IT TO A NEUTRAL CROWD IN THE MAIN EVENT YOU MORON
  7. Good for him! I think it'll not be 6 figures, tho. I HOPE it is, but Edit: $97,000
  8. o nooooo USPW is Titanic (and my psych went up by one. woo!) Next day, as in 1st of October: TCW is Big (SWF Large, USPW Titanic) FUYUKO HIGA QUIT YEEEEEEEEEEEEESH We lost ~$27k last month. With merchandising growing in two months, with the general trend upward of finances, we should be positive in ~9 months. Ish. We have 5 months of funds left. .______________________________________________. Query: Would a very small Euro-only broadcaster have been better? I'd have another hundred or so thousand, I'd have no functional European pop cap/month...oh, and I gain pop in Europe 3/4 weeks woo! But I don't have any numbers inn USA, for example, so it is slooooooooooooow.
  9. Signed Atlas. Overused him in Angles. Bonkers gimmick with a huge menace boost kekeke Oh. I signed Gianfranco Morelli (already had Roberto Milano so) and he broke Wes Stryker's ribs. First match. y tho. Also, still don't have 1 pop anywhere weird yet. Well, I do, obviously.
  10. I can't breeeeeeathe I'm laughing too haaaaard btw, SWF cannot be big. They're either Medium or Large; they have too much external popularity to "just" be big. Or...I have it backwards. w/e.
  11. ...NO POPULARITY CHANGES COOL. So yeah, world tour next month I guess? Still dumb that I can't gain half a point or something. Rolled a 34 bleh injury shminjury Rolled a 32 MMA shmimma 23. “Quick Learner” You suddenly have an eureka moment in the ring +10 to Experience Skill Yo. I'll take that and give myself Prodigy ligma
  12. Thanks for the comment! So, it turns out that Commercial everywhere still doesn't let me get popular, but I do get seen everywhere. So that's kinda stupid, actually, but I'll assume it's due to not having any initial popularity. Which leads to the question: am I better served re-rolling with a free-to-air broadcaster? Answer: God no you idiot you'll lose a bajillion of dollars. INSTEAD It's time to do a worldwide tooooooooooour.
  13. Singh is the new booker for CMW. My new company didn't get any gains, but...we were seen the world over for the first time, so that's...odd. I'd understand Russia being an issue, but... IT'S PAY-PER-VIEW YOU IDIOT. Okay, so that was bad. Perhaps I go Commercial? Free-to-Air won't make me money is the issue....
  14. pondres Should have made a Titanic-everywhere iSubscription broadcaster at ye olde CMW come to think of it lul.
  15. I made a tiny-everywhere iPPV broadcaster (couldn't go Cable/Terrestrial). I want to see if we go super red. Fun fact: I still have over $100k in the bank. Upped the music to not get killed. I'm mad pushing merchandising for obvs reasons. Dear god is that impossible to fail with this many events. Meh. Possibly problematic.
  17. On my third try, I got Angry Gilmore, and the next day an offer for a 12-pop company opened. In Europe. Where he doesn't work. And my company won't die for like 7 months. bawls 😭
  18. WHY WHEN I JUST GOT MY FAVORITE WORKER WHY DID YOU NOT DENY ME?! They have 12 popularity and actual finances. I have to jump, but I can't cut Tom just to cheese him into Europe.
  19. I broke Caulfield's fingers. Er...I think one of the Tokyo...something's did. Tag team. He broke Siguruddrussoson's tailbone. Like, no blame, but as far as who was in the match.
  20. Angry Gilmore's not getting renewed in SWF My stats haven't gone up much. Hardcore McAvatar FINALLY goes to SNP.
  21. Man. Am I glad that I don't have him in the main event. In a Deathmatch. Wouldn't want him to get injured ._. Man. Am I glad that I didn't anger him a lot by dominating him. Repeatedly. A third time. Yoooo two legendary gimmicks! And yes, Caulfield was supposed to get squashed here.
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