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Everything posted by Eidenhoek

  1. Stuntman was politicking, so I fired him. Well, I cut him. I might have to get rid of Viper, Maisie, and Cassie, as Viper keeps wanting raises ._. Also we outdid CWW, so that's kewl. Also Nicky Champion got renewed for $343,100 so that's hilarious. USPW is not doing great without Rocky Golden (movies), so they should be dropping in the US.
  2. Another typo in the handbook for the psychology section, "than" being used instead of "then". fyi
  3. Yoooo I lost $874 last month! Finally only triple digits! Also, El Leon had a better winrate and ratings than Tommy Cornell, who won Wrestler of the Year. We did, technically, have a guy in the 360th spot. Derek Frost, yet to wrestle for us (teams with Snow Ray (Ray Snow)). So what has improved meaningfully...Tech hasn't changed. Psych went up 1. Consistency and Safety a bit. Stamina by 3. Honestly, that's pretty crap. I'm 19 now, and my stamina went up by three. I can't have an 8-minute match. I do not like the lack of stat growth; am I going to have to spam pre-show stuff? Rolls die ➿yo we got emojicons sweet 🎲 anyway it was 2. No. Rolls die 12?! HOW DOES BRAWLING HELP ME 31...meh. Like yeah, Charisma is great, buuuuuut I don't wanna be a musicman. 18...high basics is useless... 31. Again. 42...okay, given that that would overwrite that I don't do comedy, that's interesting. And meaningless in this company. 48 Yoooooo Tag Team Specialist is p kewl. Mebe. 23 Experience would be nice... 38 There we go! First try! Note: Still not a good figurehead due to popularity, Higa being better, and the uncoupled lesbians being more charismatic. BUT. If I can get more charisma, booooy howdy could I be okay!
  4. Thursday Week 4 Year 1 (well, 2020). Yo. It was India, as they are missing one spot in...Japan, Europe, and Oceania. It's really not fair how easily they can spread. You have to kill them in battles to make them fail.
  5. No chemistry on the tag match, by the way. So yeah, that's two new teams! Strange/Heartbreak was to warm up the crowd; that was unnecessary. Oops. But I'm not going to reroll a 60-rated match! Also, my 55 outperformed a buncha companies.
  6. Not only is he on my roster, he was in a tag team with Suzanne Brazzle, who he is dating, and who retired before they could wrestle, and who now manages him. I haven't booked him since January. To be fair, not the first time I've had that story ._. Steve DeColt divorced Sarah Stone ;(
  7. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I rolled a 10 WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I rolled a 26 (Hilarious given that that angle was 30 minutes long, and the audience hated it) 2. "War is Good for Business" Your owner demands you declare war on another promotion in the same area. (do nothing if your owner blocks you) HELL YEAH IT'S CANON BABY **** YOU WIGAN **** YOUUUUUUUUUU (also I got Nigel Svennssonn btw awhile back).
  8. Sterling Whitlock and Doug Peak got poached by Burning Hammer. I'm trying to injure them. They have great chemistry as opponents. YOU'RE THE REASON I KEPT VIPER AND MADE THE STABLE (well, Cassie is, as she left...wherever) BUT STILL Right so about trying to murder a coupla guys: I'm very confident Higa/Pendergarst would get me my 50, but my stamina hasn't moved at all since game start. She has improved more than I have! Edit: Okay, I have gotten more stamina, but I'd still like psychology, star quality...I'm 18, I have great destiny. Gimme dat Figurehead money.
  9. Rich is 10 points more popular. Am confused. EWA grabbed Higa. Not good. USPW is Large. SWF is Large. TCW, 21CW, Burning Hammr, and EILL are BIg.
  10. Big Battle Wrestling Federation (Lucharesu): Tommy Cornell's in USPW (SWF is Big btw, as in Burning Hammer I think?). Making about a hundred thousand less than Rocky Golden.
  11. Christian Blithe got fired before the show. Quentin there, I tried to injure (failed) and that light tube match was a screwjob finish. He has a buncha issues with people. Yooooo Inca Jr was the ref and got like 4 people to have simmering tension with Quentin kekekkkkkekekekekekeke
  12. Note: Because it is so easy to have a technical masterclass do absurdly well, and because that must be an opener, I ought to choose a rating style that benefits the second-best match. I don't, but like... ~ Shoot. Cique Jr is retiring (has a couple chemistries). DID pull one over on CWW tho.
  13. Tommy Cornell beat Edward Cornell at the Cornell Cup for the title (for his first reign). Apropos. The darkest timeline.
  14. Okay so there's no way to win this. At best I lose like $2k/month, and I'm not getting popular enough quickly enough. Also people are getting morale issues so that's cool. You're getting buried and yeeted. btw, a lot of people have relocated. So that's awesome!
  15. As there haven't been any predictions, I'll kinda just keep moving forward until this gets more popular. Which I'm not complaining about that, by the by. Viper/Neutron are awesome, as are Cique and Higa. Woo! I'm going to remove all benefits backstage and see if I can run a show that uh...doesn't kill me financially. Got more injuries, btw!
  16. Re: Make money Sooooooo second show there was like $17,000 in extra costs. I think that's hotels and such. Which...yeeeeeeeah we're gonna die.
  17. I'll let the predictions come in, but notable things before the next event: I took a bit of damage to the head and body. Oh no. El Hijo Del Neutron is now local! Clark Alexander had his jaw broken by Grease Hogg. Cyclon has a torn ACL. Ieshige Nishio has a medium concussion. Vernon George walked out on CWW. If I can "make money" with normal shows, I'm giving myself a bailout.
  18. Started. Rolled absurdly well for talents. Talked a lot of people to coming to Europe (well, not coming to, but active in). I have 140 wrestlers on my roster. I ran a pre-show 60-man battle royal. I. yeah o no
  19. Faces vs. Heels Heels vs. Faces Merle O'Curle vs. Maurice Pendergarst The Great Avatar vs. Fuyuko Higa FOR DA CHAMPIONSHIPS
  20. Note: Aside from being a better heel, Fuyuko HIga is, I think, the best Figurehead candidate. Ignoring, y'know, popularity.
  21. Well, he got fired. Simmering tension with me, BUT he's a former user now. And the media caught wind of the situation, so we got...hurt. By...iunno, prestige? It's zero, guys! ^That's literally his gimmick, and he stole the show (which, incidentally, is now late-night). Might be able to debut her. Note: I did a test run of the show. I messed up the order of some stuff, but I don't think I'll change it. I only had two injuries that time, which means I must get at least that many for the real deal. Also, I might have to cheat in some money.
  22. Nathan Coleman's dating outside the industry. Cute. Anyway, card to follow on day-of once I finish booking. Note: my goal is to injure some of these people. Jackpot Jordan living up to his name; he's dating Venus Angeletti!
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