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Everything posted by Eidenhoek

  1. The roster (recall that the VAST majority are $200 travel, too): Referee: Lucy Avatar Road Agent (presumptively): Raku Makuda Wrestlers (I wish there was a copiable...copyable? I wish I could just copy the list): Acid Andriy Boronin Asami Okubo Atlantis Jr Aud Valkyrie Aurelian Bradley Barry Griffin Barry Kingman Battle Sakata Black Flash Blackwell Bush Blue Dragon Bob Casey Bobby Thomas Boris Kiriyakin Brady Prince Bruiser Buck Graham Bulldog Jack Bullet Babu Menon Byron Cal Sanders Chess Maniac Christian Blithe Christopher Lister Cique Jr Clark Alexander Conner Threepwood Cyclon with an accent Dallas McWade Danjuro Kikuchi Dean McWade Derrick Merrick Diamond Furusawa Dirty Frank Doug Peak El Avatar El Hijo Del Neutron El Ladron with an accent Eve Grunge Evil Spirit Felipe Caballero (and Jose and Marcos his totally brothers but I haven't brought them in yet come on give me some slack please) Fukusaburu Inao Gareth Wayne Garion LaChance German Machine Gianfranco Morelli God of War Gonzalo Rubio Grease Hogg Haiti Voodude Hammer Hadley Harry Allen Henry Bennett Hexx Hidekazu Hypnos Ieshige Nishio Inca Jr Jacques DuPont (How do I make an alter ego or a mask by the way?) Jade Lizard (Joss Thompson entered politics, btw) Jakub Krawczyk Java Joao Vicente with an accent Johnny Highspot Jose Flamenco Jules Night Kalu Owusu Keita Fukao Kenichi Komagata Kimitada Yanagita Koichi Kajiwara Kronos the Conqueror Lead Belly Lobo Blanco Mario Heroic Masashi Urogataya Maurice Pendergarst Merle O'Curle Michael Rheur Michel Bernard Mitsunari Fugunaga Monday Next Moonsault Master Morimasa Kato NATHAN COLEMAN YOU'RE GONNA DIE #jeezus New Zealand Pit Bull Omezo Shikitei Oscar Ozymandias Otto Hammerschmidt (fun fact SIX PEOPLE ARE BASED OUT OF WESTERN EUROPE. SIX) Parvin Kishan Pierre DuPont (one of the six btw) Puffy the Sand Iron Player Punisher Paul Hughes Quentin Queen Randy Haute Raphael Rave Red Dragon Reilly Patton Remmy Honeyman Rika Tsujimura Roberto Milano (I have no ring generals and no Flashy guys or nuffin) Ronny de Veuster (only one talker, only one potential Figurehead...) Saul Rubennick Scott Van Den Berg Sensational Sarja Shane Nelson Sheik Ali Al-Avatar (I think I'm trying to retire him through injury; someone already broke their spine, but their back's still at an 80 somehow?) Shingen Miyazaki Sotatsu Sarumara Stealth Z Strong Style Yoemon Sunburst Super Diestro Suzanne Brazzle (wait; I might have talkers, but no workers? She's #2 on talking list, under my UC) Takeshi Umehara Takeshi Yamanaka Takuro Awatari Ted Brady The Great Avatar Thomas Morgan Thorsten Sigurdsson Tiger Fuyuki Tobias Bastio Trance Tsuki Kawamata Turkish Delight Utamuro Nishimuraya Vincente Romero Viper Mckenna Vortex WALTER. MORGAN. THE REASON FOR THE DIARY. Washi Heat Washichi Inao (isn't there another Inao...) Wataru Kikumoto Wes Stryker Wolfgang Klose Yatsuhiro Atsushi Yusuke Takahama I think that's 138 wrestlers. Edit: It's 142.
  2. The roster (understand why there are no pictures for...well) Wait no DON'T BPOST I JUST HIRED YOU (spoilers) COME ON
  3. (Fun fact: I have 1 hidden gem. One. That...yeeeeeah I messed up) Next Day <_< >_> Woo! Good for him WHY DOES HE NOT KEEP KAYFABE THOUGH
  4. I got two people to be active in Europe! Woo-hoo! And one of them is retiring soon (doesn't bother me) which is why I looked at signing them! Edit (didn't post yet but anyway): Uh. Turns out a lot more people are open to that. Sadly, I haven't gotten anyone from CWW to do roids. Yet. Edit 2: Ohhhhhh this roster reveal is gonna be HILARIOUS. Edit 3: Okay it turns out I might hate the wrong wrestler from my 2010 save, but I'm nothing if not petty and stupid so Edit 4: If/when I find someone who will change size or something, another task will be to jerk them around the entire diary kekeke Tomorrow Edit: Language is in Personal Info btw. And I bet I could get a couple hundred people to come to Europe. Bullet Babu Menon is going to be on my commentary team. I might be getting say a hundred workers on handshake agreements I have a problem help Re: that-Why is Matt Sparrow NOT a social media user? And Mary Beth Chase isn't a bodybuilder? Feels like the database had a few details missed. Tempest Appleby. Professional. What
  5. Yooo Joss Thompson is in USPW! He's facing Enygma! And duuuuude SotBPW (EILL) just made OLLIE their developmental! Oh and we're "Very Cheap" on tickets; I do want to get some money, y'know? The first is impossible to fail, and the other two would be moronic. Yussss on the same page!
  6. Major notes (I'm still not in-character, if I ever will be for this): -We are conservatively moving our merchandising upward; as I plan on having some popularity in the region, I might as well get some money from them. This probably is a bad idea, but then again, I created a one-way war because someone already made my company in Wigan. Y'know, in Wales. -We have "Generic" music, but else I haven't changed any of that. -Our new title (stole the NotBPW Tap Out title logo thingy) is the 84th most prestigious in the industry at 30. -I can't get >20 experience in one year; I'd have to wrestle at least 5 matches a show, and that will injure me. -A L L E G E D L Y there's a negative story about CWW in the wrestling media. ALLEGEDLY Dude we are so sponsored by Red Lobster. Y'know, that International restaurant chain (actually it is International, but it mostly misses Europe. BUT NOT INDIA GO TO THE EDITOR)
  7. Nah I'm using the Underwater Union picture because it's cute steals the WWU logo Thoughts (no show/roster/anything yet): Yeah, I got complaints about the UI and stuff, but part of that is getting used to stuff on the bottom and right, where the last...three? games had it top and left. yOOOOOooooo I can't scroll with the arrow keys I know that's the color thing but that is bad. How do I see sans-editor someone's languages? Because mah boi the owner feels isolated despite the fact that we both speak English Which means that he isn't talking to me. Lul. Heh. Due to scouting, every announcer might have 45 brawling. Must stop self from spending $2 million on a special set. p sure in-canon we're in France. Cool part about that: we also are the only promotion in the region. Iberia, hilariously, doesn't have Portuguese as a language (because the game doesn't) which is both high AND larious. Why is "Europe" not "Eurasia" given that, y'know...on the map it is? I guess because I'm unperceived, I can't be a Next Big Thing or w/e. lul I went to "Generic" music because Kevin Macleod's p kewl (is his last name McCloud?) btw, McAvatar should be Irish, not Scottish. Micks are Irish. Macks are Scottish. Everything is checked backstage aside from dirty doctor. I'll change as-needed. DUDE LOOK AT THE AUTO-GENERATED EVENT NAMES THAT I AM KEEPING: Aside from that I hate rotating schedules like that, and that I'd prefer a monthly or two monthly events, we're rolling with it. To The Death is harsh, maybe a bit too baller or edgy for this company. Sin is stupid. Love is...eeeeh. Again, this is a barebones folkstyle wrestling company. Into the White is...probably racist? Wrestle Bowl is eh. Masterclass is perfect, Suckerpunch is stupid, Iron is...fine. But MAH BOI X-RATED. You would think that is the worst. But no. WE'RE TNA 2.0 BOIS YEAAAAAAAAAAH
  8. The Grand Opening of! With the Booker! With the talents: I got 43 points from Feeling Lucky. As in, eventually I'll have 58 points total. I. Lul. LUL.
  9. Addenda: 1. Maurice Pendergarst and Curtis Jenkins hate each other. Technically it's just one-way, but lul So yeah, I was going to go with, probably, a low-impact, high angle, non-tech-bad style (Monster Battle mebe). But we got emergent storytelling now. Sooooooooo (company in next post)
  10. Spams suggest name ... And so the Welsh? white heterosexual male born in December 2001 and debuting last December exists. Because that's a real name. That's pronounceable. Notable details/aberrations from a proper RtG save: He fluently speaks English; he basically speaks French, Spanish, and Central European. I THOUGHT WIGAN WAS IN WALES IT'S IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION CRAP CRAP CRAP I MEAN CRUMPETS I am absolutely gaming the system on my stats. Like totes. Plays Dominant/Legitimate/Realistic well; does not play well as Comedy/Gimmicky/Mysterious. My points: 75 technical, psychology, charisma, microphone, acting, star quality, selling, consistency, safety Basics: 41/Stamina 34 Injuries, deaths, relationships, etc. all high. Turbohigh. Autosave off for reasons. Goals: Have 200+ matches as soon as possible; this allows me to get to 20 experience and stop being green. I...I might cheese this. A little bit. Like...just a little bit. a little bit maybe ...So it turns out CWW is already a thing I either need to eliminate them or ally with them. Shoot. CRAP MY AESTHETIC NOOOOOoooooo
  11. I caved in and bought 2020. After waiting an entirely reasonable amount of time I...well that looks cool. Anyway, after deciding on SWF, I then chose to start an RTG game because yolo. I'm adding myself and my company into the game; details to follow (deets to follow? Is that a thing? Am I hip, kids?)
  12. Which promotion should I start my first game with? You have approximately...okay I have to pee so like...suggestions! Twelve minutes later: Probs SWF go go Gilmore. Was wanting to do a triple [-child] company alliance to have mega dojos for brawling/tech/flying stuff, but that seems like it would take effort. Edit 2: The bio for Jack Avatar says White American Male[s American Males American Males] and, I thought, "The All American White Boy". I...am tired.
  13. Guy's from Oklahoma, Dean somethingoranother. Can't remember what he did in...2010?, but ever since, I never hire him. Think I deleted him from my database. He'd be 4X now, anyway, but. I think...worst I ever got was three at once. Edit: Dean Daniels looks like Nathan Coleman, tag partner of Stuart Ferdinand. Coleman, I believe, is the guy I hate.
  14. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="alightfantastic" data-cite="alightfantastic" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47568" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="nagadude" data-cite="nagadude" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47568" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> </p><p> That seems like a crazy burden. If it's rating was 70 I need to keep making future angles escalate higher and higher??</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> To <em>raise</em> the heat, yes. It'll naturally drop after you've hit your maximum due to not being raised, but then you can bounce it back up to that maximum again.</p><p> </p><p> Buh. Finally finished this topic. Now to the small questions thread.</p></div></blockquote>
  15. One, I just spoiled Champagne Lover for myself D: Two, you're saying that you can't change in the in-game editor someone's status from retired/left business/active wrestler? Why?!
  16. As a supertiny lady, just beat a tag team of Tiffany Jade and...someone in 8 minutes. I got her down to ~45%, threw her out. Belle Bryden in, misses the plancha forearm? Gets hit once, takes over, something something something Blonde Ambition roll-in pin. 8 minutes flat. No stars.
  17. Yeah, it's much easier to get crazy-good matches early in the career. I did that with Dark Angel in 21CW I'm sure. I won WotY 2024-2026 in SWF, and one of those had to be the trial of hercules years (I've done it twice because yolo). Ultimate Submission matches at this point are just seeing how many custom proton locks I can spam (it's in the teens usually). What's WAY more fun is going from low damage to high damage due to consecutive missed NUCLEAR WARHEAD PLANCHAs and the opponent getting a bit of damage in. I imagine the Taker Dive from Wrestlemania to be a NWP, so imagine him vs. Michaels, when he hit the cameraguy or whatever? 7 times in a row. Then he hits it and everyone pops. ~ Every one of my guy's promos: Cleveland! Cleveland! Cleveland! Cleveland! Woo Woo Woo You know it! Woo Woo Woo You know it! Woo Woo Woo You know it! Woo Woo Woo You know it! Woo Woo Woo You know it! Woo Woo Woo You know it! Woo Woo Woo You know it! monster pop from the crowd
  18. <p>Bit of a necro, but I'm also not making a <em>new</em> thread, so...</p><p> </p><p> RtL, 20 years in. Table Match for the SWF Championship (note that I've <span style="color:#C0C0C0;">savescummed to always </span>somehow managed to always win, so I'm 8xx-0 because I'm awesome).</p><p> </p><p> 8 minutes into match, NUCLEAR WARHEAD PLANCHA!</p><p> </p><p> Three Proton Locks in a row.</p><p> </p><p> He escapes one.</p><p> </p><p> Lucha Piledriver through a Table.</p><p> </p><p> One star.</p>
  19. <p><span style="color:#C0C0C0;">Marc DuBois.</span></p><p> </p><p> Nah I'd be Nathan Coleman, the guy I hate who's also from Oklahoma, because of <em>course</em> I would.</p><p> </p><p> Also I'd be a technician, to actually answer the question, so...Iunno Oleg Dorosklov whynot.</p>
  20. <p>Do you have Dirt Sheet notes hidden? If so, turn them on.</p><p> </p><p> What is the popularity of your workers? If they're at E-D level, you're doing probably about as expected.</p><p> </p><p> Or, for the luls, turn on the option to use numbers, not grades?</p>
  21. I hope there's been a few tests where you just simmed five years or so to make sure the game has long-term viability as far as psychology etc. is concerned. I know that annoyed some people that after awhile there weren't any elite wrestlers anymore.
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