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Everything posted by Eidenhoek

  1. PGHW and CWA are going to go bankrupt in...well, years, but they're bleeding money.
  2. Murugan, monkey-mask cool boi, and Garry the Entertainer, guy who maybe has a literal monkey idk, have bad chemistry. sob Taheji Konoe thinks Parvin Kishan sells like crap and can't work sob ^That's pretty typical. I'm gaining ~1 pop/month at the moment, 30% of the way to Merchandising level 3 (should make it in seven months, so Decemberish). I might start making money in...6 months? Maybe? Oh, and a buncha people have moved to India. Woo! Kumar Kong is retiring. Cool; he's perma-commentator, then. And won't GET INJURED DANG IT.
  3. The new guy who is both deathmatch and comedy just injured our champ. As in, simmering tension. Oh but ONE OF THE TOKYO MOUNTAIN GUYS SEPARATED THE LITERAL OWNER'S SHOULDER. In other news, we're slowly losing more money each month. So much for booking around that. We can't get TV until Medium, by the dubs, so that's...also a thing that's fine. Doesn't bother me.
  4. Aaron Andrews/Wolf Hawkins pulled a 100. Doesn't count; TCW's medium lul
  5. On the one hand, having my heel comedian and babyface comedian with negative chemistry is bad (decent gimmick rolls tho). On the other hand Well dang it.
  6. Impossible to fail. On it. ... I'M A TECHNICIAN YOU MONGOOSE-BRAIN!
  7. Plan: Hire the two announcers, Kong on commentary. One referee. Wrestlers: Me. Sarja. Pavil. 2 more. done
  8. grumbles about Growth Limits. Okay kids. It's Adash again. Aadesh. I can't type. Note the increased stamina and decreased tech; that should allow me to at least have like a...maybe 10-minute all-out match compared to version 1. I copied this from the last topic. Worse tech, but like...yolo? Ignoring that this is the second try, and thus like...you only live uh...uh...OH RIGHT GROWTH LIMITS. Three Ring Circus style, with Three Ring Circus match focus and Highlights angle focus. As in, undeniably the worst kind. 41 points. Not my best roll, but yo, 56 max is awesome. Diplomacy at 4 is...neutral, right? So I have 2 things I'm great at, and 4 that I don't do nuffins for. Sweet.
  9. I have 1 popularity, currently. What possible effects could result in that show not resulting in any popularity changes? The industry's at a 50 or so. Economy's in the 80s. I have 1 popularity. If it's possible to have too many shows in an area at a time, then...well, one, I don't remember that in the manual, so my bad, but two, it'd be nice to have a blurb to that effect on this screen. It's happened with a monthly event, a weekly event, and every iteration of a Special event I've ran this month. Found it: Growing your Company. Max Growth per Region per Month. Natural Growth Limits. And that Section of Options...doesn't mention the per month part. Welp.
  10. Probably a common question, but how does company popularity work? I've had a string of shows that are ~20 points higher than my popularity, and yet the company gets no gains. I did book a "Special" event to reactivate twice in a month, but my weekly event also didn't help me. Industry's in the 40s and falling; economy is massive.
  11. Note: You can't spam the "same" show and grow. Gotta make a new one each time (I think). I'll keep the failures, but note that I should have about $8,000 more than I do right now, assuming that this one doesn't work. Okay, second special show failed. Got a weekly and monthly going, then. ...weekly show didn't work. This...might be bad.
  12. The plan: Each show is losing me ~$3,000. That's bad. We do have 1 popularity, so...yay? ??? ^That guy? He's a nostalgia act. Haven't booked him yet.
  13. Gained 0 popularity. greeaaaaat. Lost over $3,000. wooooooo Recap of the first bonus show: Kolkata Jai is Khali: marketable, bonus to dominant, losses bad. Eric LaMonica has a crap gimmick (losses hurt and microphone penalty). But Charlie has higher pop changes from wins and losses! Ruined the show so I savescummed (awwww). Had a CRAZY-good Charlie gimmick. But messed up 😧 ... Definitely should have kept those saves. I will allow one more try with the matches not borked. Better gimmicks; marketable and such.
  14. Note: My dominant gimmick penalizes my star quality (😪), large boost to menace (🙄), may get a boost when looking dominant (MAY?!), and aside from no comedy, weasley/underdog is not to win on me. I won't go over everyone's aside from hilarious stuff like GUERRERO LOSING PSYCHOLOGY IN MATCHES. Kishan Tahil gets a charisma boost. The babyface has a psych boost. Heel can't work long (and charisma boost in segments!) Yooooo paydirt here. Duplikate is Marketable (irrelevant at the moment) AND losses don't hurt as much. Styx also can deal with losses. It's a gimmicky gimmick. Alsoalso I can't do a boneyard match if the match is not broadcasted 😧 Noted: Experience matters. Did not book the winner. Holy GOD Konoe wtf WHAT THE HELL HOW DID I GET A 44 Konoe was meant to take a crazybump, too. And btw, it was technical, comedy, regular, and deathmatch match aims, respectively. The Void, had stamina issues. NOT KONOE YEEEEEAH BOOOOOOOI Konoe is bad in comedy, but good if dominant AND STAR QUALITY BONUS YEAAAAAH With narrow focus or w/e, I think we would've hit a 36 or so. DUDE that main event was obscene.
  15. Okay, so, here's the plan: Since it's going to take ~20 shows before sponsors net me more money than 1 show/month (and I assume it will be much longer before shows themselves make money, and TV is ages away. I think.) and I have almost 2 years to not be in debt... I need to do those 20 shows in like, 2 months. Or three, counting this month which will just have 1 show. Sadly, my merchandising will not be up-and-running by that point. Oh well. Meddle Joanna Silver to have as many friends as possible. Already friends with an announcer yay! Oh. Right. She's on the roster.
  16. Prepare your butts for unintentional racism, y'all! Note the increased stamina and decreased tech; that should allow me to at least have like a...maybe 10-minute all-out match compared to version 1. Worse tech, but like...yolo? Ignoring that this is the second try, and thus like...you only live uh...uh... Three Ring Circus style, with Three Ring Circus match focus and Highlights angle focus. As in, undeniably the worst kind. ...substantially worse this time around. Only 29 points, no negotiation bonus. Good gimmicks, lot of bad working days. And I might can still convince people to transfer to India (plz Fuyuko Higa plz)
  17. I "slightly" ruined my game by "slightly" going into debt. Slightly. ._.
  18. Okay, since I can't win this legitimately, I want to see how many people I can make quit after this next show. New diary for new try soon! Edit: DANG YOU GARION LACHANCE YOU'RE AT UEW TONIGHT SO I CAN'T SCREWJOB YOU REPEATEDLYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyyyy fin
  19. King Kevin Welsh (part of my tag team in WS3) won King of the North 2021. Woo! Of all the people in CWW, he's like...one of three that I don't want to die. He's also consistently putting on the performance of the show (which doesn't always go to the participant in the highest-rated mated).
  20. Okay so: Bradley and Turnbull have good chemistry, so that squash match is happening next show. Me and Avatar do not have chemistry. This show did like 30 more rating than last year.
  21. Mebe I can booker? ~~~ No. BUT they got basically Aussie Robert Oxford so like, I can't blame them: Who's dating Raku Makuda? SERIOUSLY?!
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