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Sco xY2Jx

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Everything posted by Sco xY2Jx

  1. Brody King VS. TJP Chris Hero VS. Kevin Knight Fred Yehi & Wheeler YUTA VS. Barrett Brown & Steve Manders
  2. UNITED STATES PRO WRESTLING PRESENTS!!! Prince Adam vs T-Rex No Disqualifications! Captain USA & Des Davids vs The Other Axis of Evil Ernest Riggs vs Timothy Smalls CJ Funk vs Puerto Rican Power Giant Redwood vs Tom E. Hawk USPW in-ring debut of The Ring Generals Shades McGinty vs Darryl Devine vs Danny Rushmore #1 Contender's match for National Title Corporal Doom © vs Whistler USPW Title Match Quick Picks: Prince Adam vs T-Rex Captain USA & Des Davids vs Sheik Mustafa & Sgt. Bubba Lee West Ernest Riggs vs Timothy Small CJ Funk vs Puerto Rican Power Giant Redwood vs Tom. E. Hawk Shades McGinty vs Darryl Devine vs Danny Rushmore (#1 Contender for National Title) Corporal Doom © vs Whistler (USPW Title)
  3. <div style="padding: 10px; border: 10px solid #261930; margin:10px;background: #bb8be0; max-width:70%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Hello and welcome to this special edition of the Behind The Curtain Podcast with me, Jo-Ro. Major news in the wrestling world kicked off the new decade with the announcement of three new bookers taking charge of the three biggest companies in North America one of whom being Alicia Strong who is now running the show at USPW. So with Strong running the show, like her father in years in previous, and USPW hosting the only women's division of the big three, I decided that we should do a weekly recap of the ongoings at USPW's American Wrestling. Let's dive into the first episode of Strongs tenure in charge. The first episode of American Wrestling of the new decade came from The Dust Bowl in Tennessee. A famous USPW hotbed. The show apparently drew 13,439 fans with early estimations suggesting that the show was watched by about 10.5million subscribers on Reverie!. Segment 1: The show opened with Rich Money and The Business occupying the ring and Rich cutting a promo gloating about his title defence at Made In America! Running Wolf interrupts, demanded another shot and they decided to do a 3v3 in the main event with Wolf needing to find partners. A fine start to the show. Rich is money (pun intended) on the mic and Wolf is improving with the more time he gets. The rest of the group were just there but that's been the case for the past 12 months with The Business. (69) Segment 2: Roger Cage vs Funky Fedora The opening match of the night went a shade over 11 minutes and was a below-average TV match. The match went too long and if it had been a few minutes shorter it probably would have been better received. Fedora has a bright future in the business but it's easy to forget that he's only 21. Eventually, his ring work will match his natural charisma and he'll come close to a total package. This was a good showcase match and Cage got the win without any shenanigans. (53) Segment 3: Cage celebrates when Zeus, Bash Street and Valhalla (The Olympus Order) appeared with the post-match beatdown. It was your average post-match affair with Cage limping out of the ring on a hobbled knee. (50) Segment 4: The Muscle Monsters vs The Bombshells A lot of young and inexperienced talent on display here from the Women's Division but it's great that the company aren't scared to give them screen time to allow them to improve. It's just a pity the match didn't stick with the crowd. Glorious Gloria & Juliette King picked up the win in just under 7 minutes to keep Strong's menacing back-up looking suitably menacing. (28) Segment 5: We then jump backstage to Trent Schaffer and Raven Robinson cutting a promo together in the aftermath of Schaffer's sneaky victory over Bulldozer Brandon Smith at the PPV. Raven did more of the talking here and swore to top the Women's Division again soon. These two are excellent together and both prop each other up nicely to keep each other relevant which can only be a good thing in a company as populated as USPW. (70) Segment 6: Cooper Christie vs Lawrence Gumble Gumble was former TCW graduate and current Independent talent Quinten Queen with a silly name... if you can get sillier than Quinten Queen, no offence Quinten. The Texas Express has been making slow gains over the past 20 months in USPW but they've been looking more sure of themselves in recent times and I'm guessing a bigger push is coming. Christie, with Trenneman at ringside, crumpled Gumble in three minutes in a typically underwhelming squash but he looked impressive throughout (23) Segment 7: Then we moved onto our second post-match beatdown of the evening as The Cold Warriors, Karloff & Novak, arrived ringside, blindsided Trennenman and put the boots to Christie. The babyfaces attempted to fight off the evil Russians but the damage had been done. Nothing special here to report and I would assume this is the match-up for the upcoming Pay Per View of the old guard and the hot new team. (53) Segment 8: Then the cameras cut backstage where we saw Running Wolf roaming the area and stopping when he found Natural Storm. Of course Rayne and Howard agreed to be numbers 2 & 3 in the main event because they're good guys and want to put a hurt on bad guys. The segment was good and Natural Storm are just effortlessly cool and they'll be sure to hold up more than their share of the work in what could end up a plodding main event. (75) Segment 9: The segment then hyped up the next video package which was a sort of recap and hype video for Pariah who is currently one of the hottest things in the company let alone the Women's Division. It still seems completely surreal that this former FBI agent who outed herself after the infamous 'Operation Lullaby' has in a year become one of the biggest names in American wrestling and it started as a 'nudge nudge wink wink' situation for USPW laughing at SWF. The package was nicely produced and it was interrupted by Jillian Jarvis vowing to cut short Pariah's swift rise through the division. Short and to the point which suits Jarvis perfectly. (62) Segment 10: Wendy Anderson vs 'The Iron Lady' Jillian Jarvis Immediately following that short promo was a Jillian Jarvis match as a means to show how tough she'll be for Pariah to overcome. This match was given a little under 7 minutes and although Wendy got her share of offence in the outcome was never in doubt, especially given the previous segment. A solid enough match from two of the Women's Division workhorses. (55) Segment 11: Greg Black vs 'The Complete Package' Joss Thompson Probably the best match of the night from an actual in-ring standpoint. there's no doubt that these two know how to work and put on a good show. Both are pushing their late 40's but it would seem they are at different stages of their career as Thompson is still a hot topic in the company has still got some shine to his apple from his World Title reign. They were given 14 minutes and put on a good match with Thompson hitting his Clean Cutter finish for the win. (71) Segment 12: Thompson then grabbed a microphone and heavily put himself over in his classically arrogant manner which always draws heat from the audience and keeps him in good stead as one of the best heels in the company. His promo was then interrupted by a cryptic video on the titantron which ended with an instantly recognisable green mask and the word 'Soon' flashing up on the screen hinting at the return of Enygma. This would certainly excite a lot of the younger audience members but for the older fans, they might be a bit less thrilled. He's a former two-time World Champion but Enygma has always been an 'interesting' case who hasn't necessarily lived up to the expected potential of him in the eyes of some fans. Let's see what develops. A good segment nonetheless. (76) Segment 13: 'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley vs Jimmy Chipolata The outcome of this was never in question and Frehley continued to look absolutely unstoppable as he decimated JC in 4 minutes. Nothing to report. Frehley looked monstrous in an entertaining squash. (51) Segment 14: Another post-match promo for the evening as Frehley recapped his big 'moments' of late including shelving Nicky Champion indefinitely and defeating Rick Law a few nights ago on Pay Per View. There's cash to be made in a feud between Money and Frehley and that's what was being hinted towards here, even if it's a 'heel vs heel' affair but before any more could be said our friendly neighbourhood law enforcement appeared in Rick Law and he talked about being cheated out of victory at the PPV against Frehley and how he wants a rematch. The Destroyer ignored his pleas and exited through the crowd so as to avoid the babyface. The crowd hate Frehley, they love Law and are still hot for this feud. There are legs left in it yet and it was the best angle of the night. (81) Segment 15: Running Wolf & Natural Storm vs Rich Money, Dusty Ducount and Charlie Thatcher (The Business) The main event was a reasonable TV main event but it certainly wasn't anything that would get everyone excited except for the USPW die-hards. Obviously, the big feud here is Wolf vs Money so these two were kept apart for most of the match. Any interactions Wolf had were as the victim of hellish tactics from the two big brutes in The Business. The in-ring action wasn't spectacular but the entertainment was fine and, perhaps surprisingly, the babyfaces got the clean win after Natural Storm fired up the crowd with the hot tag and Howard pinned Thatcher. (71) Segment 16: Of course, the show can't finish with a clean babyface win as this is entertainment and storytelling. Sterling Whitlock who had remained quiet at ringside throughout the match finally got involved as the faces celebrated. With Natural Storm on either turnbuckle, this left Wolf standing in the centre exposed and Whitlock snuck in and low-blowed the young contender while Money swiftly followed up with a shot to the head using his title belt. It was very well executed and draw some great heat from the crowd to close the show and be sure to get them to tune in next week to see Money get his comeuppance. (80) A decent but unspectacular start to the year. It was classic USPW TV and it's slowly building the stories to the next PPV in 3 weeks but a company of this size needs to keep their stories 'hot' and engaging and it wasn't quite cutting it this week though there were some great elements to it. I'm sure there'll be teething problems in the beginning with a new booker but overall it'll be the same consistent USPW content we've come to expect. We'll give it a 66 and see what happens next week. Til next time friends, I'm Jo-Ro. </div>
  4. Oh, hell yeah! I'm currently running 2 MP dynasties but the day will come when I'll run WWF and this will be the mod to do it with. Excited to finally check this out, Fleisch! Thanks for all the good, great work.
  5. We've entered a new year and a new decade and the first iteration of USPW's American Wrestling of 2020 comes to you from Tennessee via the Reverie Network! There'll be a lot to unravel after the events of Made In America a few nights ago as we begin the journey towards Stars, Stripes and Slams! in four weeks time. 'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley will be in action as he looks to continue his hot run of form after beating Rick Law a few nights ago. We're sure that Law won't take his 'tainted' loss lightly in the aftermath of the event but many are wondering if a new year will see the return of the man whom many believe personifies USPW, Nicky Champion, who hasn't been since his brutal beating by Frehley at Thanksgiving Thunder two months ago. National Champion Roger Cage will open the show in a non-title affair against Funky Fedora. Cage is two months into his reign as champion but has continued to draw the ire of Zeus and the tag team Bad Intentions, collectively known as The Olympus Order. This rivalry has been ongoing since United States of Pain! in September but now that there is gold involved the stakes continue to rise! Elsewhere on the card Cooper Christie, one half of the fastest rising tag team in the company in The Texas Express, will be in action. The always impressive Women's division will be featured with two matches. Juliette King and Glorious Gloria are the muscle that backs up Alicia Strong and they'll be in tag team action as well as 'The Iron Lady' Jillian Jarvis facing off against Wendy Anderson. It's a night full of action ahead of us and all of that doesn't include the fallout of the recent World Title match in which Rich Money retained the belt against Running Wolf due to outside interference. I'm certain that won't be the last we hear of that situation and it'll develop further on American Wrestling. The only way to know is to make sure you tune in. We'll see you there! Announced Match Card
  6. Best of luck Jaysin. I do enjoy a WCW romp so I'll be following along appropriately.
  7. Prediction Key: Joss Thompson versus Casey Valentine Kirk Jameson versus Nicky Champion Non Title Match! Anthony Trask and Andre Jones versus Jett & Moor © USPW National Title Match! Roger Cage © versus ??? (1 pt for participant, 1 pt for winner) #1 Contender Match for the USPW World Championship Steve Frehley versus Enygma USPW Championship Match! Rick Law versus Running Wolf versus Rich Money © BONUS POINT: Comment on the diary so far! I feel like this diary has sort of flown under the radar but now that I'm back in the diary writing game (USPW, no less) and back on the forums a bit more often I'm happy to be checking this out and catching up, It's well written. Keep it up.
  8. Chris Dickinson VS. Josh Alexander Eli Everfly & Lucas Riley VS. West Coast Wrecking Crew Alex Coughlin VS. Warhorse Digging the presentation format Willsky. Just catching up but enjoying it. Good stuff
  9. Some good stuff going on in here and I'm enjoying smw88s fan pieces too. Loved seeing RVD return!
  10. BCG World title match 10th Champion Mabuchi Furusawa vs 2020 Sole Survivor Razan Okamoto BCG National title match Funakoshi vs Kyuichi Matsumoto BCG World Tag Team titles match 14th Champions The Horror vs Challengers Miura & Yoshizawa The American Cobras vs The Wild Ones BCG Challengers Series title match 18th Champion Giant Brody vs Challenger Rokuemon Matsushita 30 Man Battle Royal Confirmed participants: Atto Savage, Azumamaro Kita, Billy Robinson, Blast Ikoma, Conner Threepwood, Dynamite Narahashi, FEAR, Jimmy Stratosphere, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Kiyotaka, Motoyuki Miyake, Motty Kuroda, Nigel Svensson, Nobuharu Yokokawa, Roku Sotomura, SUKI, Takenori Doi, Texas Hangman, James Diaz, Yoshinaka Taku, Yoshisada Matsuzawa, Zeshin Makioka plus 7 mystery participants Don't know if you're encouraging predictions but let's go. Give Funakoshi all the belts!
  11. The 1-star bandit has struck. #blessed I'll preface my presentation and offering of USPW with this: Of the big 3 to play with and book for USPW would have been at the bottom of the list. I've never played USPW in any iteration of TEW before until running the Coalition diary and booking the 05' version of USPW. I've played big companies before and tried to present them. HGC and 21CW were the latest dynasty efforts that fell by the wayside due to a myriad of issues. Life admin, illness etc. I've read other USPW efforts over the years (AngelDelayettes) being the most well-known of them. I also usually only play exclusively as the owner for the utmost freedom so, similarly to DarK_RaideR, playing as the booker with owner goals on is going to provide a big challenge and maybe it's one that I need. But... oh man is Allen Packer a mean boss with slightly unfair expectations. But hey! USPW is sitting on top of the world. We don't need to go to war with anyone. But in the words of the illustrious Scott Hall. "You wanna go to war? You want a war? You're gonna get one!"
  12. <p>Man, I've only just checked in and I see there's a 98' mod coming this way? Hot damn!</p><p> Your mods are always a good ride, Fleisch. Looking forward to 98' when it's released as 92' is a blast!</p>
  13. Another ECW journey with Tobin? Sign me.up. An interesting start already. Curious as to what mod you're using as I've been looking for an 01'Mod. Is it an import from 16'? ECW World Heavyweight Title Match. Terry Funk vs Chris Candido vs Tommy Dreamer ECW Tag Team Title Match Doering & Roadkill vs FBI vs Chair Swingin' Freaks Steve Corino vs The Sandman Yoshihiro Tajiri vs Super Crazy C.W Anderson vs Simon Diamond
  14. Looking forward to any future updates to come, Mammoth. This is still a tremendous achievement in mod making and the pic pack is among the best on the boards. I've sung your praises before but it needs to be done again. Give me an update.
  15. I'm late to the start of this but I was considering a crack at this a dynasty. You've captured the voices and the time period nicely. Good luck. I'll be following as often as time allows.
  16. Main Event Singles Match Twenty Minute or TV Time Remaining Time Limit The Hangman versus James Diaz w/ Andrew Gibson Singles Match Fifteen Minute Time Limit El Patron Jr. versus Curtis Jenkins Singles Match Fifteen Minute Time Limit Georgia DeColt versus Guadalupe Saez Opening Match Singles Match Fifteen Minute Time Limit Mr. Grappling II versus Wentz Chrystler w/ Lucinda Lush
  17. <div style="padding: 10px; border: 20px solid #ed0707; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:70%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Friday Week 2, February 2006 South East, USA. Attendance: 5,000 (Sell out!) Show Rating: 42 <hr color = black> "Free Bird" plays out and begins to slowly fill the air of the Fairgrounds. As he has done for the past few shows since his arrival, Sam Strong calmly walked into view and flashed a big grin at those in attendance and welcomes the loyal USPW fanbase to another event. With the NAWC in full swing and the Rip Chord Invitational in the books, he declares that it's time to continuously look to the future... mostly and that some homegrown USPW talents will be making their debuts tonight. Rating: 99 <div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div> Darryl Devine [vs] Shades McGinty Darryl Devine entered this match fresh off of a decent outing at the inaugural Rip Chord Invitational where he made the semi-finals. This was McGinty's first match of the year in USPW and he looked good in the bout giving as good as he got in terms of punishment and managing to keep up with the in-form Devine. The match just broke 10 minutes when the ref took a bump after getting caught in the corner. This prompted Danny Rushmore to emerge from the back and enter the fray, plant a thunderous Atomic Boot into the face of the unsuspecting Devine and then leave without ever being noticed by McGinty or the ref. McGinty rose to his feet bringing Devine with him, landed an Oz Breaker and the ref rolled over and counted to 3. Winners: Shades McGinty Rating: 32 <div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div> Puerto Rican Power [vs] PN Epstein Strong said that some USPW homegrown talent would debut tonight and PN Epstein is one of them but unfortunately for the youngster, his first outing wouldn't be a pleasant one. Power has recently sent Mick Muscles packing and continued to maintain the momentum with a squashing and flattening of the young PN Epstein in a very quick time. Winner: Puerto Rican Power Rating: 8 <div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div> Bull Wrecker [vs] Mark Smart This was never going to win any match of the year awards. Bull Wrecker prevailed in swift, dominant fashion disposing of local talent Mark Smart. Winner: Bull Wrecker Rating: 2 <div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div> Savage Fury [vs] The Hillbillys [vs] The Tennessee Outlaws Savage Fury and The Hillbillies have their own ongoing history in USPW while The Outlaws have recently appeared and look to establish themselves as a threat to any team who exists in USPW. A rugged, slow brawl took place in this 'tornado' style tag team encounter for the gold. It wasn't a pretty wrestling much but there was a lot of pain being inflicted on everyone throughout with the champions dishing out most of it. Towards the end, all 6 were standing toe-to-toe in the ring with fists swinging wildly as it appeared that everyone had lost control. The Outlaws double clotheslined Java to the outside and continued to fight. Al & Pete pancake flattened Tribal Warrior as they bounced off ropes and came together in a human sandwich form which left Warrior laying flat. Al stepped over the top rope and propelled himself to the floor as a human bowling ball taking out the other 3 on the floor and scattering them wildly. The crowd 'popped' and sensed something big could be afoot. Hillbilly Pete slowly ascended to the top rope as the audience were in disbelief and he fell with a top rope splash crushing Tribal Warrior. The ref was stunned but counted to 3 and we have new tag team champions! Winner: The Hillbillys (The Hillbillys win the USPW Tag Team Titles) Rating: 32 <div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div> (Post-Match Segment) Everyone is still slightly stunned from the outcome of the match but none more so than Java. He rolls into the ring, stares at the Hillbillys who leave the ringside area and celebrate as they go. He helps Warrior to his feet and hesitates for a moment before bouncing off the ropes and flooring his partner with a thunderous boot. Not content with that he grabs a chair and proceeds to batter it out of shape against the body of Tribal Warrior who at this point may have been knocked unconscious. Java is absolutely incensed and lifts Warrior up and above his head. The Hillbillys see this and return to the ringside area as Java propels Warrior out of the ring where he crumples on the floor. The Hillbillys pause for a moment and then pick up Warrior and take him away with them as Java leaves the ring and storms through the crowd making waves as he goes. Rating: 43 <div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div> Des Davids [vs] Ernest Riggs Two more new debuting talents to USPW were on display here. Riggs is a product of the USPW training school while Davids is an accomplished former college football star who doesn't look at all out of place in USPW. The match went a solid 8 minutes with both men showcasing their skills but Des Davids looks like a star and put in a star performance picking up the win with his Quarterback Sack Winners: Des Davids Rating: 18 <div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div> T-Rex [vs] Timothy Smalls Smalls was the third graduate of the USPW training school debuting tonight. A lightweight, so relatively small in name and stature, he was faced with the unenviable task of fighting T-Rex. He gave it the old college try but it was an impossible task before him and the monstrous T-Rex looked dominant in victory. Rating: 24 <div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div> (Post-Match Segment) T-Rex celebrates against the jeers of the USPW faithful but a pocket of fans begin to cheer as Prince Adam enters the fray, throws his crown to the floor and began to lay heavy blows to 'The Jurassic Power' as he took him to the ground with heavy duty blows to his left knee. At one point Adam even used his 'royal sceptre' as a baton and laid in blows to T-Rex as the fans cheered him on. This was interrupted by USPW boss Sam Strong who announced that next month at Liberty and Justice! the two big men would face off in a no DQ match. Rating: 61 <div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div> Corporal Doom, Sgt. Bubba Lee West & Giant Redwood [vs] Captain USA, Whistler & Tom. E. Hawk w/ Emma Chase This match told the tale of the classic good guys vs bad guys with a big dollop of American patriotism thrown in the mix for a classic USPW feel. All six of these competitors had a vested interest in some form with at least one of their opponents and it made for a tasty grudge match. The heels utilised their dirty tactics and quick tags to keep the babyfaces secluded where possible with any comebacks quickly cut off. The veteran heels used their ring savvy to their advantage against the conditioning of the ageing Cpatain USA. Hawk & Redwood continued to engage in slug fests as this rookie vs veteran feud continued and Whistler was desperate for the 'hot tag'. It eventually came and he went to work on both West & Doom stunning both of them with that babyface fire the patriot is known for. To the shock of many in attendance Whistler managed to fend off West long enough to plant Doom with two Rebel Yells as one half of the NYCW Tag Champs pinned the USPW champ. Winners: Whistler, Captain USA & Tom. E. Hawk Rating: 36 <div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div> (Post-Match Segment) The crowd let out great jeers of adulation at the sight of seeing the dastardly heelish Corporal Doom being pinned by a fighter who bleeds red, white and blue. West regrouped and pulled Doom from the ring as he helped his mentor away from the ring along with the bruised Redwood. USA & Hawk joined Whistler in the ring who was stood atop the turnbuckle with the US flag raised high in the air overhead as he waved it from side-to-side to the appreciation of those in attendance to close the show and score one for the good guys. Rating: 51 End Show </div> A/N: Apologies in the delay in posting this to any of our loyal readers who were waiting for it. A myriad of things have got in the way recently of my writing and time to play TEW. Should be back on track now though, at least. Roll on The Coalition and thanks for reading and predicting!
  18. UNITED STATES PRO WRESTLING PRESENTS!!! Darryl Devine vs Shades McGinty Puerto Rican Power vs PN Epstein Bull Wrecker in action! Savage Fury © vs The Hillbillies vs The Tennessee Outlaws USPW Tag Team Titles In-ring debut of Des Davids! T-Rex vs Timothy Smalls Corporal Doom, Sgt. Bubba Lee West & Giant Redwood vs Captain USA, Whistler & Tom. E. Hawk Quick Picks: Darryl Devine vs Shades McGinty Puerto Rican Power vs PN Epstein Bull Wrecker vs ??? Savage Fury © vs The Hillbillies vs Tennessee Outlaws (USPW Tag Titles) Des Davids vs Ernest Riggs T-Rex vs Timothy Smalls Corporal Doom, Sgt. Bubba Lee West & Giant Redwood vs Captain USA, Whistler & Tom. E. Hawk Comments and Feedback welcome
  19. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46243" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I may or may not have cried when Cult of Personality hit</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> There were plenty in that arena who did. Hell Punk even seemed to. It was a beautiful momwnt that TK played out perfectly!</p>
  20. Not sure if it's by design and I've missed a mention of it or it's intentional but, as best I can tell, Clayton Pearlman is the only worker in the database alive without a single attribute assigned to him. Everyone else seems to have at least 1 minimum.
  21. Well done on making it this far Kato. It's a pity you're gonna fall short to King Juro! All hail and bow down to Juro Deguchi!
  22. AEW World Championship: Kenny Omega © vs. Hangman Adam Page AEW World Tag Team Championships STREET FIGHT: The Young Bucks © vs. Best Friends AEW Women's World Championship: Britt Baker DMD © vs. Kris Statlander NWA Women's World Championship: Serena Deeb © vs. Thunder Rosa TNT Championship: Miro © vs. Sting FTW Championship: Brian Cage © vs. Jacob Fatu Career vs. Career: Matt Hardy vs. Christian Cage Tag Team Casino Battle Royale: Santana & Ortiz Cody Rhodes vs. Andrade El Idolo Eddie Kingston vs. MJF BUY IN: Jade Cargill vs. Hikaru Shida BUY IN: Good Brothers vs. PAC & Kazarian
  23. I've had a brief cursory glance through the data just in 30mins I had spare. One thing I did notice is that a largely inactive for the past 15 years Rick Steiner has more popularity than a reasonably active Scott Steiner by about 5 points with both in the 40's. I'll list more as and if I find any when I get round to playing but that was a minor one.
  24. Yeah. If you can and are willing to provide that much detail to an answer it suggests that there is a strong level of dedication and effort put into the mod and I've wanted to play one since the earlier days of AEW. Will be giving this one a spin, my friend.
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