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Sco xY2Jx

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Everything posted by Sco xY2Jx

  1. The biggest issue with USPW is maintaining storyline heat. Due to the starting size we need to have 5 different storylines carrying a minimum of 70 heat which, when you're trying to build up unknown talent in a heavily pop > perf company, proves difficult. I got it under control though by Stars, Stripes and Slams! and so hope to keep it that way but keeping a roster of 60 happy at the same time compounds the challenge. The segment, match and show ratings should all improve as a result and then TCW and SWF will never get close to us!
  2. Pumped to play this when it's on full release mode. Really want a RW mod that's closer to the beginning period of AEW just for fun. Looking forward to this.
  3. GSW American title: Fro Sure © vs Sayeed Ali 2. Long Beach Street Fight: Aces High vs Cali Slick 3. GSW West Coast title: Hustle Muvva © vs Deaf Touch vs Raheem Stash 4. Los Guerilleros vs E-Soteric, Hustle Muvva &Tavon Blake Jr 5. Black Diamond & Jo Baker vs Bizarro & La Estrella 6. GSW Hottest Crew titles: State of Destruction & Lil' Henry © vs Psycho Circus (Magwitch & Coulrophobia)
  4. "This is awesome!" *clap, clap, clap clap clap "This is awesome!" *clap, clap, clap clap clap.
  5. <div style="padding: 10px; border: 20px solid #ed0707; margin:10px;background: #ffffff; max-width:70%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";">USPW Stars, Stripes and Slams! Saturday, Week 4 January 2020 Alderbrook Grounds, North West Attendance: 49,293 Reverie Rating: 13,111,343 Show Rating: 77 Pre-Show: Greg Black def. Anthony Trask Rajah, Funky Fedora & Bad Intentions def. Morgan Malone, Regular Joe & American Gold Gorgon & Killer Kass def. Miss American Pie & Wendy Anderson Announcers Brock Cornish - Belle Bryden - Emily McQueen The pyro explosion goes off in a spectacular array of colours to signal the beginning of USPW's first special event of the new decade: Stars, Stripes & Slams! We pan around to the announce team who run down the card for the show and hype up the events to come. Rating: 78 <div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div> USPW Tag Team Championship Jett & Moor © vs Shockwave Atlas & Jumbo Jackson had a look of grit and determination that seemed to want to overcompensate for the minor hobble that Jumbo had when walking to the ring. The champions entered second with a bounce in their step as they high-fived the fans at ringside. The match began in swift fashion with Jett utilising his speed and agility to keep the injured Jumbo a step behind and looking inept as he flailed to try and grab Jett. Several swift kicks and blocks to the knee of Jackson ensured the babyface kept the advantage and he started looking to connect with a few more moves from the top rope. Several did but he went for one too many and Jumbo using his Hulk like upper body strength swatted Jett out of the air like a house fly as the high-flyer crumpled to the ground. The big, bad duo then began using some heelish tag work to put a hurting on the lightweight. Atlas took his time in inflicting punishment and made it look easy keeping Moor at bay while pummeling his partner. The crowd got involved and look to bring life back into Jett and they did so at just the right time. It looked as though he was about to be planted by a powerbomb but he wriggled free and hot-tagged Moor and began to go to work. Atlas found a brief second to slap in Jackson who hadn't expected the tag. He gingerly stepped back into the ring and Moor instantly began targeting the knee. Moor locked in a figure-four leglock and before Atlas even had the opportunity to break up the hold Jumbo slapped the mat in agony and submitted. The champions held their titles high and retreated up the ramp leaving Atlas towering over his fallen partner. He attempted to help up Jumbo but Jackson quickly fell back to the mat clutching his knee. A look of embarrassment and disgust came across the face of Atlas and he stepped out leaving his partner alone in pain. Winner: Jett & Moor (Jett & Moor make the 4th defence of their Tag Team Championships) Rating: 59 <div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div> USPW National Championship 'Smooth' Roger Cage © [vs] 'The Bronzed God' Zeus This match decided to forgo any 'lock-ups' or formalities as both competitors immediately opted for hard strikes and a brawling start. A fairly even opening gradually slid towards the favour of Zeus after an, unseen by the ref, rake of the eyes of the champion. This offered Zeus the opportunity to mount an offense surrounded around working the arms of the champion. The challenger continued in this fashion with great effectiveness focusing particularly on Cage's right arm slamming it into the ring post, the mat and stomping on it. Cage had a brief flurry of a comeback but it was cut-off when the duo of Bad Intentions entered the ringside area stealing the focus from his opponent. This was all Zeus required to recover, stomp at the back of the leg of Cage to bring him to his knees and then snatch his arm maneuvering himself into a cross armbreaker leaving the champ in agony. For what felt like minutes but was perhaps only 20 seconds Zeus yanked and stretched the champs arm but Cage absolutely refused to give in, attempted a couple of escapes but to no avail. Zeus flattened himself out, back on the mat exerting all force he could to force the submission and Cage did the only thing he possibly could. He mustered enough momentum through struggling and rolling to push himself towards the challenger, roll him up and stay there long enough to get the extremely unlikely 3-count. Winner: Roger Cage (Cage makes the 4th defence of his National Championship) Rating: 57 <div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div> Roger Cage - Zeus - Bash Street - Siale Valhalla (Post-match angle) Zeus is absolutely aghast and in disbelief at trying to figure out how he lost this match. The referee grabs Cage's title and helps him up the ramp and to the back as the champion celebrates gingerly clutching his arm to his chest. Bash & Siale seem to almost share a slight chuckle to themselves at their own disbelief to the situation before them. Zeus catches them, exits the ring and approaches both. He verbally berates them for finding humour in this and for not doing enough to help him before slapping them both across the face and heading to the back. Rating: 61 <div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div> 'The Iron Lady' Jillian Jarvis [vs] 'The Lone Wolf' Pariah Pariah comes into this one riding a huge wave of momentum and the fans let her know that they are fully on her side. She offers a hand to Jarvis but Jarvis slaps it away and quickly snatches on a headlock as this one gets underway. It proves to be an exceptionally even contest in the early stages with both displaying more than adequate technical skills. When this proves them to be fairly evenly matched they opt to trade strikes in the centre of the ring with 'boos' for every Jarvis strike and 'cheers' for every Pariah blow. Both exuded toughness and grit during this stage but even Pariah couldn't chink the armour of the aptly named 'Iron Lady' and eventually regretted trying to go blow for blow with the 34 year old. The match continued with Jarvis having the upper hand but a missed clothesline allowed pariah to counter with a super kick that left Jarvis reeling. From here Pariah rode the wave of momentum from her comeback spots and eventually landed a second Super Kick that floored Jarvis. It only brought about a 2.8 count and Pariah ascended to the top rope and awaited Jarvis finding her feet before launching herself into the air and snapping on her vicious Tornado DDT for the victory. Winner: Pariah Rating: 66 <div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div> Jillian Jarvis - Pariah (Post-match angle) Pariah celebrates her victory as her hot streak continues and she high-fives and celebrates with fans at ringside before re-entering the ring. She waits for Jarvis to rise to her feet and the two stare at each other briefly before Jarvis extends a hand-out. Pariah meets it and the two shake hands in a great show of respect for each other before the celebrations continue. Rating: 62 <div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div> DC Rayne - Eddie Howard - Danny Jillefski (Backstage Promo) Natural Storm stand backstage with DJ and wait patiently before Howard speaks briefly "It would seem that time is not on our side tonight and so unfortunately D.C and I will not be in action. But fear not friends as our match with Heavy Duty will instead take place on next Wednesday's American Wrestling. So, Ladies and Gentlemen, if you have any interest in seeing D.C and I continue our dominant streak over The Business and be the reason for Thatcher and Ducont eventually getting kicked out of the group because, let's face it, that's an inevitability at this stage then please join us on Wednesday evening because once I dispose of this bumbling duo... I'm coming for Rich Money next! Rating: 69 <div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div> Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Casey Valentine & Charity Sweet [vs] Trent Shaffer, Kirk Jameson & Raven Robinson The first ever fully integrated mixed tag team match in USPW was an exciting affair between six terrific talents. Bulldozer and Trent kicked off the action in this one which made sense given that they are the reason that these six are now here together. Smith led the early goings with some strong offence but a sneaky tag to 'The Marksman' allowed the heels to gain the upper hand. Raven tagged herself in to take advantage of the downed Smith but once he began to recover she opted to tag back out. The heels continued in this quick tag fashion keeping the big man grounded and even once he made the tag to Casey, Valentine found himself in the same spot and couldn't turn the tide. Robinson was back in and putting a hurt on Valentine with headlocks and cranking the neck of the second generation star. He turned the tide though with a german suplex out of nowhere and made the hot-tag to Charity who fired up and went to work on Robinson and even knocking Trent & Kirk to the floor in the process. She hit top rope and went for her Sugar Smack cutter but Raven dodged and tagged in Jameson who instantly started stomping on the legs of Sweet. Her partners attempted to intervene but were cut off by his partners. With Sweet screaming in pain and clutching her legs Jameson took the opportunity to snatch on his Bullseye cloverleaf submission causing Sweet to tap out instantly. The heels celebrated swiftly but hit the ramp as the faces cleared the ring. Smith & Valentine lifted Sweet and helped her out the ring as the heels looked on laughing. Winners: Trent Shaffer, Kirk Jameson & Raven Robinson Rating: 72 <div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div> Joss Thompson - Enygma Call Out Brawl Joss Thompson's music hit and he entered the arena to resounding jeers from those in attendance. He looked in no mood to mess around and wanted to fight. He entered the ring, called out for Enygma and awaited the masked veterans arrival which seemingly would never come. Enygma, however, emerged from underneath the ring behind JT rolled into it and sent Thompson flying through the ropes and to the floor with an emphatic drop kick. Not pausing for even a second Enygma then hit the ropes behind him, charged towards The Complete Package and vaulted himself over the top ropes in a tópe suicida to send Thompson to the floor again. The two then continued to brawl up the rampway and then they found themselves over the barricade and fighting through the audience. Thompson was reeling but grabbed a couple of chairs on his way through the crowd and started throwing them at Enygma to give himself some time but the veteran just kept coming. They continued brawling out onto the concourse where eventually arena security showed up and kept the two seperated as this 'match' had never even officially begun. Rating: 83 <div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div> The Texas Express [vs] The Cold Warriors The Cold Warriors utilised their years of tag team experience and chemistry together to take charge of the early goings in this one but The Texas Express continued to rally and ensure that the veteran duo would know they were in for a fight. As the match progressed Cooper and Turk realised that if they could keep the 49 year old Krusher isolated from his partner they may have a better shot at victory and that's just what they did. Novak attempted to cause break ups but the babyfaces were wise to any potential antics and showed smarts beyond their years. With the advantage firmly on their side Turk bounced Karloff off the ropes, hoisted him and propelled him through the air towards Cooper who planted him with a cutter for their Dallas Drop finish. The ref counted to 3 and it's a momentum boosting win for The Texas Express. Winner: The Texas Express Rating: 62 <div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div> Two out of Three falls Rick Law [vs] Steve Frehley Rick Law entered the ring to a strong ovation from those in attendance and put on a brave face despite clearly seeming in pain with several bandages wrapped around his head and a guard covering most of his face. A broken jaw wouldn't do him any favours in this match but he was determined to continue regardless. The Dark Destroyer entered the ring and hadn't even a hint of mercy in his eyes. The bell rang and Frehley sprang from his corner with enormous agility and planted Law with a crushing big boot that instantly floored him. Frehley then continued to lay in heavy fists at the jaw of Law as we could hear him screaming in agony but failing to fight off Frehley. Frehley was so confident in himself that he pulled Law to his feet and then invited Big Bubba into the ring for a free shot. Bubba obliged and sent Law to the mat with a jaw shattering right hand that left the ref no option but to call for the DQ and give Law the first fall. Frehley chuckled to himself and covered Law for the 3 count instantly levelling the score. He pulled Law to his feet and threw him face first onto the turnbuckle in the corner before hoisting Law onto his shoulders and hitting him with Frehley's comet quickly followed by the 3-count. In a little over 5-minutes and after a truly dominant display this one was over. Winners: Steve Frehley (2-1) Rating: 71 <div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div> Steve Frehley - Big Bubba - Rick Law - Nicky Champion (Post-match Brawl) Frehley and Bubba clearly weren't wholly satisfied with the hurting they just laid down and felt like they had to do something else to continue sending a message but they wouldn't get the opportunity to. The pounding of drums echoed throughout the arena as 49,000 fans stood to attention and roared to greet Mr USPW Nicky Champion who sprinted to the ring, just as Bubba exited. Champion made a beeline for Frehley and the two traded blows but Frehley couldn't hold off Hawkeye for long. Champion stepped through the rope and readied himself for his Hawkeye Hammer but was pulled to the floor by Bubba who latched on an enormous bear hug that looked to squeeze the life out of Champion. He held it for about 30 seconds and as we saw Champion fading he threw the Icon into the ring. Champion stumbled to his feet and was met with a Dark Destroyer Spear to jeers from the audience. Nicky Champion is certainly back but it appears that Frehley still has his number. Rating: 77 <div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div> USPW Womens Championship Jaime Quine © [vs] Alicia Strong [vs] Sara Marie A trio of talent in this one that account for 9 of the 22 championship reigns that this title contains in it's history. This triple threat was a great match that really showcased why the USPW women's division may be the strongest in wrestling today. A healthy mix of brawling, technical and aerial offence in this match ensured something for everyone. Quine had a few moments throughout where she looked in danger and with only a 33% chance of retaining but Quine is as wily a champion as they come. With Strong seemingly out of action Sara Marie planted the champion with her Energy Burst finisher not once but twice and made the cover but Strong broke up the pin, sent Marie flying from the ring and covered herself but Quine kicked out at 2.9 to the surprise of Strong. Strong fumed and raised Quine to her feet and attempted a Strong Arm Tactic but the champion ducked it and hit her patented K.O. Kick. Sara Marie entered the fray but was also met with a K.O. Kick herself. Quine continued to compose herself and hit a second K.O. Kick on Strong as she was rising to her feet. Quine then covered the 7-time champion and secured the pinfall to defend her title. Winner: Jaime Quine (Quine makes the 9th defence of her women's championship) Rating: 77 <div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div> Rich Money - Running Wolf Hype Video Package We receive the classic hype video package that covered the recent history of these two individuals and all the shenanigans that have surrounded them. The video does an excellent job of building the feud nicely with Wolf appearing to be a very legitimate threat to the reign of Rich Money. Rating: 84 <div style="color:rgb(0, 0, 0);font-family:Roboto;font-size:14px;font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;border-top:6px solid rgb(0,0,0);"></div> USPW World Championship Rich Money © [vs] Running Wolf The two prize fighters entered this one with fierce looks of determination etched across their faces. Most of The Business were absent from Money's side tonight with the exception of his protégé Sterling Whitlock. Wolf, as is usually the case, was flying solo in this one but he would never let that be an issue. For the first 12 minutes of this championship match it was relatively even with Money perhaps being the more dominant of the two in terms of offense but it took a few eye pokes and cheap tactics to end up in this situation. Money ascended to the top rope and looked intent on hitting his Dollars From Heaven frog splash but Wolf kipped up, sprang to the top rope to meet Money and land a Superplex on the champion that 'popped' the crowd. The momentum shifted and Wolf was now in charge. He 'fired up' and hit a trio of suplexes followed up by a standing moonsault but could only muster a 2 count. The challenger was frustrated but not discouraged however Whitlock chose this moment to get involved. He sprang into the ring and charged at Wolf who ducked his clothesline and floored Whitlock with a big boot. He then stepped through the ropes and prepared to vault himself into the ring for his friends Hawkeye Hammer which crushed Whitlock. Wolf saw Money slowly rising to his feet and hoisted the champion onto his shoulders and he flattened the champion with his Wolf Tamer (AA) finish and made the cover... 1... 2.... FOOT ON THE ROPES! But it wasn't from Money's own efforts. Wolf looks up in disbelief and sees Jack Jackson stood ringside looking very smug and pleased with himself. Jackson pulled Money's foot onto the bottom rope. Wolf chuckles lightly to himself before rolling out the wrong and setting after Double J. They run around the ring twice before JJ rolls into the ring and begins to roll out the other side. While Wolf continues to chase he is met by Money as he enters the ring who halts the challengers momentum with a stiff armed clothesline. A swift boot the gut follows on the downed Wolf as Money slowly ascends to the top rope. He poses for the fans before flying through the air and flattening Wolf with Dollars From Heaven. He makes the cover... 1..... 2..... FOOT ON THE ROPES! Money left the challenger to close to the ropes and the challenger had the wherewithal to get his foot onto the rope. Money looks pissed and looks across to JJ who now has Whitlock standing beside him looking irked at the youngsters presence. Money pulls Wolf into the centre of the ring, ascends to the top rope again and hits Dollars From Heaven for the second time. He makes the cover... 1.... 2..... KICKOUT! The match seemed a foregone conclusion but Running Wolf may be the most determined challenger Money has had yet during this title reign. The champion can't believe what's happening. Double J attempts to roll into the ring but the referee confronts him and attempts to prevent him from doing so. This affords Whitlock the chance to enter the ring. He quickly hoists Wolf up to his feet before planting him with Whitlock's End (DDT). Money doesn't cover though instead grabbing Wolf by the legs, hoisting them and flipping him over into his Bank Roll Boston Crab. Wolf bursts to life with the pain in his back and legs sending a jolt through him as he desperately crawls towards the rope. He attempts to latch onto the bottom rope but Jackson grabs it and pulls it a few inches further away from the reach of the challenger. This allows Money time to pull Wolf back into the centre of the ring where, despite the challengers best efforts, he has no option but to submit. Winner: Rich Money (Money makes the 8th defence of his USPW World Championship Rating: 75 </div>
  6. Bryan Vessey versus Samoan Machine Kip Keenan versus Frantic Ali The Outlaw versus Public Enemy #1 Cowboy Buck Winchester versus Raheem Stash This ain't Wrasslin', this is fightin'! Vessey is gonna take that boot!
  7. ELITE Tag Team Series Final Muruyama & Ugaki vs Yasuda & Takimoto Rebel Run X vs KitoGuchi vs Akio & Kobe Kozue Kawashima vs Avalanche Takano Black Iron Corps vs Kwakami & Sanda SATO & Dojo Breakers vs Gonnohyoe Kada and Yano & Kikuchi PGHW Historical Japan Championship Hirotsugu Satou vs Tsurayuki Kamachi © William Hayes vs Dark Wing Jack Marlowe vs Danny Cavanagh Should be an excellent show. Line-up looks good.
  8. USPW Stars, Stripes & Slams! Preview LIVE! from the Alderbrook Grounds in the North West comes USPW Stars, Stripes & Slams! The first special event of the new decade from the biggest company in North America. Streaming live also on Reverie will be a night of action that you will not want to miss out on with all four titles on the line as well as a couple of grudge matches scheduled too. Let's have a quick run down and preview of the show. Jett & Moor © vs Shockwave The USPW tag team titles are on the line in this one. Neither team has been showcased much on USPW TV over the past month (such is the quality and array of talent within the company) but Jumbo & Atlas are out for revenge in this one. They dropped the tag titles to Jett & Moor a few months ago and have been looking to reclaim them ever since with this potentially seeming like their last chance to do so. They come into this strong but Jumbo appears to be clutching his knee a lot so it'll be interesting to see how this plays out. Roger Cage © vs Zeus This one is for the USPW National Title which Cage has held for 3 months now. The past few weeks have been a case of beatdowns and smacktalk between these two with each looking to their respective back-ups for support. Zeus has Bad Intentions by his side (and on his mind) while Cage roped in the young duo of American Gold to provide support. This should be an entertaining one. Jillian Jarvis vs Pariah 'The Lone Wolf' is riding a huge wave of momentum over these last few months and is one of the hottest commodities in the company. 'The Iron Lady' has taken it upon herself to knock Pariah down a few pegs and make sure she knows her place in the hierarchy of the women's division. This either turns Pariah white hot or puts Jarvis firmly in the title picture. Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Casey Valentine & Charity Sweet vs Trent Shaffer, Kirk Jameson & Raven Robinson What initially started off as a rivalry between Smith & Shaffer in a 'who's the better man' deal has escalated into something much bigger with other stars getting involved and resulting in this mixed tag team match. Singles matches have taken place over the last few weeks with wins for either team but we've yet to see Sweet & Robinson get physical with each other. As far as we're led to believe this is a fully integrated tag team match, not just men vs men and women vs women so expect shenanigans to ensue. The Texas Express vs The Cold Warriors This one is a tale as old as time. The young and upcoming hot shot duo vs the veteran team in a classic good vs evil tale. This will either prove that The Texas Express are ready to take the next step in their careers or that they're not quite at the level required to move forward in the tag ranks. They have momentum on their side but The Cold Warriors are three-time champions and won't roll over easily. Rick Law vs Steve Frehley This match has the special stipulation of it being two-out-of-three falls. In the absence of Nicky Champion, Rick Law has stepped forward as the man who wants to stop the seemingly unstoppable 'Dark Destroyer' but he comes into this one severely hindered. Not only has Frehley recently gained back-up in the form of a towering man named Big Bubba but Law seemingly broke his jaw at the latest American Wrestling show but has insisted on still stepping up to fight here. Who knows how much a toll this will take the man of justice? Jaime Quine © vs Alicia Strong vs Sara Marie The third of our four title matches features the women's title on the line. Strong & Marie faced off for #1 contendership a few weeks back but the match ended in a double count-out. Rather than drag the affair out any longer the champion, and darling of Social Media, stated arrogantly that she'll face both here at the event and still emerge as champion. With Sara Marie being a former champion and Strong being a former 7-time champion it surely won't be as straightforward as Quine is proclaiming. Rich Money © vs Running Wolf The World Championship is on the line here as Money looks to make his 8th successful defence of the title in his 6 months as champion so far. Wolf has been riding a strong wave of momentum in his fight against The Business but is yet to win the big one in his young career. Money hasn't had the best of times of late through his stable and that could be cause for distraction and playing on his mind. Plus with the return of Champion a few days ago to back-up the babyfaces this could be Wolf's time to rise to the top of the food chain. And that is the official line-up for Stars, Stripes & Slams! We also potentially could have Natural Storm vs Heavy Duty and Joss Thompson vs Enygma as were alluded to on American Wrestling a few days ago so that just stacks the card even more so than it already is. USPW have been looking to kick-off the new decade strongly under the tenure of Alicia Strong running the show and this looks to be a promising start to it all. We'll see you Saturday night! Prediction Card: USPW Tag Team Titles Jett & Moor © vs Shockwave Comments: USPW National Title Roger Cage © vs Zeus Comments: 'The Iron Lady' Jillian Jarvis vs Pariah Comments: Bulldozer Brandon Smith, Casey Valentine & Charity Sweet vs Trent Shaffer, Kirk Jameson & Raven Robinson Comments: The Texas Express vs The Cold Warriors Comments: Two out of three falls Rick Law vs 'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley Comments: USPW Women's Championship Jaime Quine © vs Alicia Strong vs Sara Marie Comments: USPW World Championship Rich Money vs Running Wolf Comments: How many titles will change hands? Which match will take MOTN honours?
  9. I'm a mark for Eddie Gilbert so I'll be keeping tabs on this. Good start.
  10. Alex DeColt. Perhaps one of the most misunderstood men in the business. I'm a sucker for anything DeColt and was once relevant to CGC. Tremendous start and characterisation.
  11. UPJ International Heavyweight Title Match “The God Emperor” Kintaro Kinjo © versus Juro Deguchi UPJ International Tag Team Title Match Pure MUSCLE (Atonga & Taheiji Ebisawa) © versus PunkRockCity (Danger Asahara & TOKI INK) UPJ Junior Heavyweight Title Match “The Steampunk Assassin” Jin Fujiwara © versus Fergus Storm UPJ Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Title Match The Dream (Kozue & Magnum Idol) © versus Hall of the United Throne (SHOGUN & Hiryu) “God’s Favorite” Katsuhiko Ishii versus “The Big Red Machine” Erik van Rijn Kato versus Go Takashi Furosuto versus Ryotaro Naruto “The Great Rebel” Oda Yamawaki versus “The Puerto Rican Pitbull” Alvaro Buey III Waotaka Eda & Torture versus Filipino Fire Power (Amado Ocampo & Apolinario) Cameron Cody & Junichi Matuso versus Akito Nakada & Haruko Yamada Koji Yamada versus Bruiser Cassidy The Neon Express (Charles Dayton & Jackson Kyle) versus WILD (Hidetsugu Genji & Joao Iwahara) Dustin LeFever versus Kyle Walker Put the belt on Deguchi... Do it!
  12. <div style="padding: 10px; border: 10px solid #261930; margin:10px;background: #bb8be0; max-width:70%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Hello and welcome to this special edition of the Behind The Curtain Podcast with me, Jo-Ro. The 'go-home' show before Stars, Stripes and Slams! is in the books for USPW so let's dive into the evenings events and see what went down on American Wrestling! We were back in the South East for this episode that latest figures suggest was watched about 11.4 million viewers on Reverie, that's an increase of almost 1 million viewers on last weeks episode. Attendance was also at 12,542 Segment 1: The show opens up with an elaborate hype package for Stars, Stripes and Slams! and a few short promos from some of the stars who'll be featured on the show. We then had Brock Cornish and company hyping up the 'Special Event' and this evenings matches to come. It was a solid segment that put over everything neatly and clarified some of the matches for the upcoming 'Special Event'. It also makes sense from a business standpoint to start calling their monthly shows that as opposed to Pay-Per-Views since... well, they don't do Pay-Per-Views anymore. A strong opening! (85) Segment 2: The Olympus Order vs Roger Cage and American Gold After a strong opening to the show it was followed up by this underwhelming match that didn't do a whole lot to hype the National Title match for Saturdays event. The match clocked in at a shade under 11 minutes which is longer than it should've gone, especially given the inexperience of the tag teams involved, but it's good that the company and Strong aren't afraid of giving them TV time. Cage picked up the win for his trio putting away Valhalla with his Cage Rage. (51) Segment 3: The announce team then throw us to a sit-down interview with The Texas Express being interviewed by Danny Jillefski. They put over their upcoming opponents The Cold Warriors but put themselves over also and set their sights on the tag titles after they win on Saturday. Not known for their promo ability the youngsters did well here in a short segment. It probably helps a lot that DJ was interviewing and it was a pre-tape. (57) Segment 4: We happen upon Rich Money backstage minus his entourage as he appears to be readying himself for the main event. Jack Jackson approaches and appears to reaffirm his message from last week that he's available should Money deem fit a reshape of The Business. Another possible tease here for future shenanigans. Jackson is solid in promo form and a potential coupling with Money could be very interesting going forward. Not to mention there's already a Rich Money protége in the form of Sterling Whitlock. A fun little segment. (72) Segment 5: Melody, Sara Marie, Pariah & Miss American Pie vs Alicia Strong, The Muscle Monsters & Jillian Jarvis A fun but unspectacular affair that allowed everyone to get a brief little showcase for themselves. The focus of the match were the rivalries between Alicia Strong and Sara Marie and then Pariah and Jillian Jarvis as we build to the matches involving them come Saturday. We got a nice little tease as the fans 'popped' for Strong & Pariah facing off as, arguably, the two are the most popular women on the roster. Miss American Pie appeared to just be making up the numbers given her affiliation with anyone involved but that was fine. The surprising finish came when things boiled over to a brawl between them all but with Pariah and Strong as the legal women Pariah vaulted herself from the top rope planting Strong with a surprise Tornado DDT and picking up the 3 count to surprise everyone. (58) Segment 6: Eddie Howard vs Rajah The third match of the evening was better than it really probably should've been given it's 8-minute run time but that could be because Eddie Howard is starting to really shine these days. Rajah is the fodder of The Business and this match now means that Howard has mixed it up with all members of the faction, except for Whitlock but including Money, in some form and come out on top each time. There were no shenanigans here. Howard picked up the clean win via his Crash and Burn finisher. (63) Segment 7: A nice little promo package hyping up the triple threat for the women's title on Saturday featuring Jaime Quine defending against Alicia Strong and Sara Marie. The match features 3 of the best wrestlers in the world and could very well steal the show at Stars, Stripes and Slams! (76) Segment 8: Joss Thompson vs Andre Jones Certainly the MOTN from an in-ring standpoint these two men put on a good wrestling match for 12-minutes. A lot of back and forth action before Thompson really started to gain an advantage. All hope looked to be lost for Jones before the match was briefly interrupted by a short video package featuring the green mask we saw a few weeks before, that also interrupted a Joss Thompson match, and hype an in-ring return. The holder of the mask was never named but everyone and their grandmother knows it's going to be Enygma. The package came to an end and Jones recovered to roll-up 'The Complete Package' for the 3 count and the unlikely victory. (76) Segment 9: Quickly following the match Joss picks up a house mic and we can see that he is pissed. He shoots off a quick promo citing that he knows it's Enygma, he's fed up of the silly games and that he's calling out the veteran for a match at Stars, Stripes and Slams! so he can finish this and move on. A very good, fiery promo from Thompson who can talk with the best of them when he gets going. Thompson is the MVP of the evening. (81) Segment 10: Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs 'The Marksman' Kirk Jameson Next we had a continuation of the fallout from last weeks events of Trent Schaffer and Casey Valentine and the beatdown that occurred there. This was a good match between two guys with contrasting styles and it entertained. Schaffer and Robinson joined Jameson ringside to support and, in seeing this, Smith was joined by Charity and Casey. Now of course this was eventually going to descend into chaos but it took 8 minutes of action and a certain Smith victory before the heels hit the ring and attacked followed by the babyfaces attempting to make the save. A messy finish that went down as a Smith victory via DQ. (63) Segment 11: The post-match fight was eventful and chaotic. The 6 stars gave us an entertaining but brief brawl that came to a close with the heels all gathered on the outside and Charity Sweet hitting the ropes, vaulting over the hunched Smith and taking out the heels with a spectacular Tope Con Hilo. Smith then grabbed a mic and called out the 'bad guy' trio for a 3 v 3 match at Stars, Stripes and Slams! A fun segment that keeps the crowd 'hot' for the main event. (73) Segment 12: We then jumped backstage to Rich Money, adorned in his wrestling gear, finishing his warm-up and then turning to address the rest of The Business. He specifically chooses to address Ducont and Thatcher and informs them that they will face off against Natural Storm at Stars, Stripes and Slams! and if they don't win then they're done! He also informs them that he expects everyone to be there tonight if things fall apart. The group agree and file out of the room leaving Rich behind. Just when we think it's over from behind another door in the room appears Zeus who just nods approvingly towards Rich. A weird end to the segment that seems to suggest that Zeus, like his namesake, may be some sort of omnipotent deity who just appears and has great authority. Strange end but seeds continue to be planted for a reshuffle of The Business. (64) Segment 13: Rick Law & Running Wolf vs Steve Frehley & Rich Money A star-studded TV main event featuring 4 of the 5 top guys in the company resulted in a good match that could've been better but it was marred by, what reports are suggesting now, a legitimate injury to Rick Law. At about the halfway point of the bout, Law was in the midst of a comeback spot and went for a splash in the corner which Money dodged but Law appeared to propel himself too far as he landed face first on the ring post and was floored briefly. Reports are coming through now, days before his 2-out-of-3 falls match with Frehley that he now has a broken jaw. The match rolled on though and it met it's DQ end in favour of the babyfaces after members of The Business got involved. (73) Segment 14: The post-match becomes an absolute mess as a mass of bodies hit the ring including Big Bubba, Sterling Whitlock, Ducont & Thatcher and Rajah. They all begin joining their respective bad guy leader in beating down the babyfaces making sure they're in no shape to fight at Stars, Stripes and Slams! when we hear the familiar pounding drum beat and battle cry that signals the return of the Icon, Nicky Champion. The crowd unleash a roar as 'Hawkeye' sprints to the ring and begins clobbering the bad guys with rights, lefts and swinging lariats as he clears the ring. Everyone begins backing off in different directions as they stare back at the ring at a 'pumped up' Champion who helps Law and Wolf to their feet as the trio stand tall to end the show. (84) A considerable improvement on the previous shows this month. The events of the evening flowed smoothly, we now have a much clearer picture of what the matches are going to be at saturdays 'Special Event' of Stars, Stripes and Slams! and we saw the return of Champion to the company after a few months of absence. It's clear that Strong is starting to find her footing with the roster at her disposal but the real test will start to come after Saturday and the stories begin flowing from her own mind and that of the creative team around her. The injury to Law is unfortunate but it'll be interesting to see if that has any effect on the upcoming match with Frehley. All in all it was a good show. The best of the month and it sets up Stars, Stripes and Slams! nicely. A 76 is a good rating for this episode. Til next time friends, I'm Jo-Ro. </div>
  13. The 'go-home' episode of American Wrestling is upon us as we are now days away from the first special event of the year - Stars, Stripes and Slams! Wednesday night is sure to be a great night of action so let's run down what's in store. Zeus will team up with his Olympus Order cohorts Bad Intentions in 6-man tag action against Roger Cage and American Gold as a precursor to their National Title match on Saturday night. We also have more multi-person tag action to follow that will continue to hype up two announced matches for Stars, Stripes and Slams! Melody, Pariah, Sara-Marie and Miss American Pie will join forces against Alicia Strong, The Muscle Monsters and Jillian Jarvis Eddie Howard of Natural Storm will face off against Rajah of The Business in singles action as the entanglement of these units continues after the 6-man tag at the start of the year. Joss Thompson, whom we haven't seen in a few weeks since his post-match interruption via a 'cryptic' video, will face of vs Andre Jones in what we expect to be an excellent encounter. Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Kirk Jameson will face off in singles action. Things spilled over into a brawl last week as Trent Schaffer and Casey Valentine faced off and it looks like we're heading towards a 6-person tag at Saturday's event but we're still awaiting an 'official' announcement of that. The main event sees Rick Law & Running Wolf vs Steve Frehley & Rich Money in what is a star-studded affair and an avenue to hype both of their respective singles matches at Stars, Striples and Slams! Another exciting night of action ahead and the final stop before our first Special Event of the year. You won't want to miss it. Announced Match Card
  14. Main Event Singles Match Sixty Minute Time Limit Destiny Crown Championship Challenger Lion Genji versus 25th Champion "The Prowling Tiger" Zeshin Makioka Semi Final Match Singles Match Thirty Minute Time Limit Fuijo Narahashi versus Mabuchi Furusawa Singles Match Thirty Minute Time Limit "Mr. SAISHO" KAZ versus Yoshii Shimoi Tag Team Match Forty Five Minute Time Limit Destiny Tag Team Championship Challengers Samoan Demolition versus 24th Champions The Golden Bulls Singles Match Thirty Minute Time Limit Ride the Tiger Championship Challenger "The Lariat" Gidayu Katou versus 18th Champion Ox Mastadon Singles Match Thirty Minute Time Limit Roll with the Dragon Champion Challenger Nigel Svensson versus 1st Champion "The Golden Dragon" Azumamaro Shimizu Special Attraction Yoemon's Retirement Match Singles Match Twenty Minute Time Limit Shiba Mizoguchi versus Strong Style Yoemon Opening Match 20-Man Over the Top Rope Battle Royal No Time Limit $10,000 Prize Entrants: Akira Arato, Aurelian Bradley, Charger Siaki, Dreadnought, Goro Hatamoto, Iron Hyodo, Isoruko Arakaki, James Diaz, Jimmy Stratosphere, Kawanari Enomoto, Lenny Mochin, Luis Montero Jr., Motty Kuroda, MUSCLE Serizawa, Naruhiko Koizumi, Noritaka Imakura, Ogai Miki, Pavel Vanzycha, Ryobe Uno, and Shogo Awatari
  15. BCG World title match 10th Champion Mabuchi Furusawa vs Challenger Big Bruiser Findlay Do it! Singles Grudge match Tanyu Toshusai vs SUKI BCG National title match 1st Champion Funakoshi vs Challenger Zeshin Makioka BCG World Tag Team titles match 15th Champions Miura & Yoshizawa vs Challengers The Hurt BCG Challengers Series title match 19th Champion Rokuemon Matsushita vs Challenger Savage/FEAR/Matsumoto Three Way Challengers Series Medallions match Atto Savage vs FEAR vs Kyuichi Matsumoto Tag Team match Black Iron Corpsvs The Diamond Dogs Six Man Tag match Bruiser Brigade (Giant Brody & Dallas Demolition Crew) vs Seven Samurai (Blast Ikoma, Kadonomaro Kamisaka, Motoyuki Miyake) Six Man Tag match Dawnguard (Bunrakuken Torii, Yoshinaka Taku & Kiyotaka) vs Dread Army (The Horror & Ragnarok) Opening Six Man Tag match Okamoto-gun (Razan Okamoto, Dynamite Narahashi & Yoshisada Matsuzawa) vs Seven Samurai (Yokokawa & Sen and Roku Sotomura) That's a stacked card! Let's go!
  16. You're churning out the shows faster than I can keep up with them but that was a heck of a show!
  17. Really good event and I nailed the predictions. I love me some PGHW. Keep it up! GIVE KOBE THE BELT YOU COWARD!
  18. I mean I could bite the bullet, bid and face the wrath of Packer... How bad could breaking one little owner goal be...?
  19. Oh, my friend. I wish that were the case but Packer has dished out some exceptionally mean owner goals whilst wanting to keep his company as the #1 in the world. I don't mind letting you all in on a little secret. As USPW I'm not allowed to sign a talent who works for a company at medium level or above without breaking a goal.
  20. I would say that this is a scenario where I may have a slight advantage over Raider and Historian as I'm more used to playing as bigger companies. I've had lengthy personal games with TCW, 21CW and CGC among others so this is more in my wheelhouse than the others but it doesn't make it any less daunting when you're playing as USPW who are a company, as I've said before, that I've never played with before so although I'm used to playing with bigger companies they aren't usually this big. I also tend to play as the owner in my saves so playing here as booker with owner goals on is another notch on the difficulty belt.
  21. <div style="padding: 10px; border: 10px solid #261930; margin:10px;background: #bb8be0; max-width:70%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> Hello and welcome to the third episode of our special edition series of the Behind The Curtain Podcast with me, Jo-Ro. We're continuing our series of recapping USPW and this week is their third episode of American Wrestling in 2020.. The show was presented from The Dust Bowl in the South East in front of a crowd of 11,048 with early estimates suggesting that viewing figures on Reverie were marginally down from last week to about 10.5million viewers. Let's jump in. Segment 1: 'Cool Hand' Casey Valentine vs 'The Talent' Trent Schaffer An excellent TV match from two of the best talents in the ring in the company that went just over 13 minutes and got the crowd 'hot' for the rest of the evening. Both men were fairly evenly matched for the most part with Raven Robinson even being unable to phase 'Cool Hand' Casey. What Valentine hadn't accounted for though was interference from his opponent last week in Kirk Jameson. 'The Marksman' tried to interfere unsuccessfully as he ate a stiff right hand but the distraction proved enough for Schaffer to get the roll-up and the 3-count. (70) Segment 2: We then get the obligatory 3-on-1 post-match beatdown on a helpless Valentine. The fans roar to life as Bulldozer and Charity Sweet run to make the save and they send the bad guys packing before helping Valentine to his feet. This is an interesting story developing here and it looks like we could be pushing towards a 6-person tag at Stars, Stripes and Slams! which I'm all for or even the mixed tag and a singles also. A few options. Good start to the show. (62) Segment 3: 'The Green Dragon' Tiffany Jade vs Pariah This match went a shade shy of 9-minutes, more than I thought it would, and gave both women a chance to show what they could do. It's easy to forget that Jade is only 30 years old as the two-time Women's champion has been with USPW for 7 years and is a good veteran. Pariah maintains her status as the hottest talent in the company and has big babyface support. She got the victory and maintains her momentum. Another good TV match. (65) Segment 4: Heavy Duty vs Natural Storm These 4 men made up 2/3s of the 6-man tag main event 2 weeks ago in which Howard got the pin over Thatcher for the win and it was a similar outcome here. Thatcher & Ducont came into this one almost desperate to prove their worth to Rich Money and their usefulness to The Business but Rayne & Howard had other ideas and continued to look good in action. Eddie Howard once again led the way in dispatching of the Heavy Duty duo and his Crash & Burn (Running Powerslam) finisher looks monstrous when done to a guy the size of Thatcher. Another decent match. (64) Segment 5: At this point we cut backstage to see Rich Money watching a TV monitor (that we couldn't see because, presumably, it would just have shown him if he were watching the live feed) and he looked very disheartened and disappointed. He was then met by Zeus, who was heading toward the ring for his match next, and the two shared a few words that essentially amounted to "You're Rich Money and you deserve better than this. I can help with that" before Zeus walked off-screen. We then caught a glimpse of Jack Jackson who offered a smarmy quip at the expense of The Business and he appeared to also offer this services. A fun little segment that seems to feed into the idea that there could be a shake-up within The Business and a tease of some new members possibly? (67) Segment 6: 'The Bronzed God' Zeus vs Leaf LeBaum Roger Cage stole the limelight in the beginning of this match as he joined the commentary booth moments before the match began clearly looking to scout out his opponent for Stars, Stripes and Slams! Cage was fun on commentary here and I would definitely enjoy seeing more of him at the desk if that was his future. He's a natural colour guy. Leaf LeBaum is a promising young talent but he hasn't had a lot of screen-time since his signing back in August but he bounced around for a shade shy of 8-minutes, even getting some flashy offence in, before Zeus put him away comfortably. The match probably went a bit too long and it was the worst match of the night. (51) Segment 7: After the match we see Zeus talking smack in the direction of the champion who throws down his headset and swaggers to the ring but before the two come to blows Cage was the victim of yet another beatdown by Bad Intentions and the champ would've been looking in rougher shape heading into the title showdown if not for American Gold running to the ring and making the save on the National Champion and encouraging the heels to back off. English & Chamberlain. An interesting spot for the babyface duo who ate a comfortable loss last week but they're plucky and young and an alliance with Cage would certainly work in their favour going forward. (51) Segment 8: We then get a backstage promo from Steve Frehley. Frehley was excellent on the mic in running down Rick Law and demanding that if Law wants his rematch, it should be tonight in the main event of the show and that he'd be in the ring waiting. His promo is briefly cut off though by a vignette and talking head from Nicky Champion. 'Hawkeye' cuts him off and promises that he's returning very soon and that Frehley needs to be afraid of what's to come. The fans roared their approval at the brief appearance of Champion and this was a wonderful segment that ended with Frehley, appearing nervous, claiming that he wasn't concerned about Champion and he has Big Bubba plus more back-up so that 'Hawkeye' should think twice before returning. Excellent segment. (92) Segment 9: 'The Amazing' Jacob Jett vs Jumbo Jackson This was the first time we've seen either of the tag team champions on TV this year as they appear to be a bit of an afterthought at the moment. The match delivered a decent spectacle for 10-minutes in which champion Jett was getting the better or the much bigger and brutish Jackson for the most part utilising his agility and aerial ability to keep the big guy grounded and work his knees. The conclusion came when Jett was caught mid-air by the hobbling Jumbo and was floored by the Jumbo Avalanche which also caught the referee and stunned him. Atlas, who had accompanied Jumbo to ringside, elected to get involved but Moor went to prevent it and was taken out. Jumbo landed another Jumbo Avalanche and the referee slowly counted to 3. A decent match that makes the gold seem relevant suddenly. (63) Segment 10: The two teams continue to brawl after the match as chaos begins to ensue. Jumbo appeared to be selling the knee and struggling to get himself together as Atlas continued trying to fight off the champions by himself. The champions toppled the big man who went tumbling into Jumbo and Jumbo once again was clutching his knee in pain. A good angle that seems to sell the heel challengers being at a possible disadvantage. Unconventional. (62) Segment 11: 'Fearless' Faith McGee vs Jaime Quine McGee, ever the bubbly babyface, had a big opportunity here in a non-title affair vs the champion. The match went past the 9-minute mark, probably a bit longer than needed, that was mostly carried by Quine who is having a great run as champion so far these past 6 months. She ended the match with her vicious K.O Kick for the convincing win. (62) Segment 12: Quine then took it upon herself to grab a mic and address Alicia Strong and Sara Marie after last week's events. Quine exudes arrogance here and claims that the title will remain hers regardless and so offers to defend it at Stars, Stripes and Slams! in a triple threat match vs the two contenders. A confident and comfortable promo from the champion who hypes up the title match at the Special Event well. (72) Segment 13: After the quick commercial break 'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley's music was blaring through the arena and he stood in the ring, backed up by Big Bubba, instantly calling out Rick Law for the sought after rematch that the man of the law so keenly wanted. Then Law's music hit and he made it clear that after last week's beatdown he wasn't up for competing tonight but that he could see Frehley was determined for a fight and so he found a very capable replacement. The anticipation grew until the mystery was revealed and we were greeted with the return of The Force which drew a big response from the live crowd. A great segment with many moving parts that kept the crowd nice and hot for the main event. (86) Segment 14: 'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley vs The Force The crowd were fired-up and hot for this match and if it had been about 3 minutes shorter it could have torn the house down. As it happened it was still a good TV match but not a great one. These two forces of nature just tore into each other with an all-out brawl that the fans ate up. To the majority of the USPW crowd this would be an all-time classic but to the smarter folks they would see that this 11-minute brawl began to expose The Force towards the end that maybe he can't quite 'go' as he used to. Bubba and Law were on hand to get involved if required but didn't need to and as The Force began to tire Frehley capitalised and utilised his powerhouse capabilities to stop The Force and bring the match to an end with his Dark Destroyer Spear to close out the show. (69) So American Wrestling this week may have been slightly down in live attendance and in the viewership but I'd actually rate it as a slightly better show than the two previous efforts. It's a big roster and ensuring everyone gets TV time whilst trying to push storylines is quite the task and so there's bound to be some teething problems in the beginning but this was an okay show that was very much carried by the angles involving Steve Frehley. At the moment the man is currently carrying the show in the absence of Nicky Champion and his segments tonight showed as much. On the whole the match quality and skit/promo quality was up on previous weeks and the company are building nicely towards Stars, Stripes and Slams! A 68 seems a fair score. Til next time friends, I'm Jo-Ro. </div>
  22. PGHW Glory Crown Champion vs Champion SATO vs Seiji Jimbo © PGHW Glory Tag Crown Beast & West © vs Muruyama & Ugaki Hijo del Relampago vs Magnum Kobe Greg Gauge vs Hirotsugu Satou Azumamaro Kita and Yano & Kikuchi vs William Hayes and Dojo Breakers (Keith Archer & Kazushige Matsuki) Kozue Kawashima & War Machine vs KitoGuchi Mamoru Nagahama vs Tanyu Toshusai PGHW Historical Japan Championship Tsurayuki Kamachi © vs Akio Really digging the content you're putting out here. Keep it coming!
  23. It's Wednesday and you know what that means. USPW brings you American Wrestling and we're back in the South East for episode #3 of the new decade. Casey Valentine emerged victorious last week from his match with 'The Marksman' Kirk Jameson and will look to build on that momentum as he goes one-on-one with Trent Schaffer. Schaffer is currently embroiled in a feud with Bulldozer Brandon Smith and will look to pick up a win himself as they look destined to lock horns once again in the near future. Pariah looks to continue her tremendous white hot streak as she is in action vs Tiffany Jade. Pariah has drawn the ire of 'The Iron Lady' Jillian Jarvis but at the moment she currently looks unstoppable. Jade, however, is a former 2-time Women's Champion and won't be easily beat. 'The Bronzed God' Zeus looks set to challenge Roger Cage at Stars, Stripes and Slams! for the National title, especially after the beatdown given by Bad Intentions a few weeks back, and will face off with Leaf LeBaum. Cage said in a VTR last week that he'll be here this Wednesday but in what capacity remains to be seen. Jumbo Jackson faces off with Jacob Jett. Shockwave were victorious in tag team action last week and are determined for one more shot at the tag team champions to regain the belts. Nothing has been officially announced yet but this certainly looks like a strong indicator that the title match will happen. Also on the show we'll see USPW Women's Champion Jaime Quine in action as well as her reaction to the draw in last week's #1 contenders match. We'll also no doubt see what 'The Dark Destroyer' Steve Frehley has in store for us after beatdown Rick Law last week with the help of his new affiliate and heavy muscle in the form of a mountain known simply as Big Bubba. Another exciting night of action ahead and you won't want to miss it. Announced Match Card
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