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Sco xY2Jx

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Everything posted by Sco xY2Jx

  1. Here is the prediction card for the second episode of Hollyweird TV in 1997 for those who wish to participate.
  2. High Flyin Hernandez vs Benny Benson Mighty Meaty © vs Cougar Stone vs The Syndicate for the TCW Tag Team Titles T-Bone Bright vs Eddie Peak in a hardcore match Doc Hammond, Human Arsenal and Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Troy Tornado, Davis Wayne Newton and Del Neutron Steven Parker and Mainstream Hernandez vs Jay Chord and Greg Gauge? One Man Army © vs Matt Hocking for the TCW TV Title Sammy Bach vs Freddy Huggins Wolf Hawkins © vs Aaron Andrews for the TCW Word Heavyweight Title
  3. Eddy Guerrero vs Dean Malenko Wallstreet vs Lord Steven Regal © Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Syxx © Big Bubba Rogers vs. Diamond Dallas Page Arn Anderson vs. Randy Savage © Lex Luger vs. The Giant Chris Benoit & Steve McMichael vs. The Outsiders © Ric Flair vs Hollywood Hogan ©
  4. Taken me a while but I've just caught up on this. Excellent stuff. I can hopefully follow in real-time bow. Non-Title Match: Aaron Andrews © vs Doc Hammond Non-Title Match: Dogs of War © vs The Elite Wolf Hawkins vs Freddy Huggins Joshua Taylor’s Open Challenge - Roderick Remus Ernest Youngman & Greg Gauge vs T-Bone Bright & Troy Tornado Mighty Mo vs Nick Booth Bart Biggins & Frankie Perez vs Shocking Matt Hocking & Maverick
  5. Thank you very much. The first of many more to come I hope. It felt good writing it up anyway so I'm grateful for the positivity. My thanks go to TheLloyd who has been a great help over the past few days. As well as providing me with the de-aged versions of The Demons of Rage, they also offered advice and tips on formatting the show and the presentation. With regards to the predictions, the Mucha Lucha vs Tag Team Specialists seemed to throw all but one of you off. Understandable. The scores are below. We'll consider that 1 win for M0xl3y. The plan will be that after our second PPV, The War To Settle To The Score, the predictor with the most 'wins' will win a prize. I have got a decent idea in mind that means the winner will have a good influence on the diary. Anyway... The card for the next show should be up later this evening.
  6. I check in on this every couple of months just to see what I've missed and, to echo the others, the work that had gone into this is tremendous Togg! It looks fantastic and is a wonderful review of the history pf the boards.
  7. <div style="padding: 15px; border: 3px solid #ed0707; margin:10px;background: #948787; max-width:100%;box-shadow: 0 3px 12px ";"> JANUARY 2020, WEEK 1 Episode #1 Attendance: 1,100 Pre-Show Results Whistler def. Danny Rushmore Larry Vessey def. Peter Valentine Announce team Jason Azaria, Kyle Rhodes & Micky Starr Show Opening The pyro goes off in the arena and the camera pans around to show our audience hyped-up and excited for another night of HGC action. The announce team wish the audience a Happy New Year, hype the broadcast and build up the main event that will feature Sam Strong & Liberty vs Rip Chord & BLZ Bubb. Angle Rating: 75 Singles Match 15-minute time limit Cowboy Ricky Dale [vs] Romeo Heartthrob The 'Modern Day Cowboy' met the self-proclaimed 'Sexiest Man Alive' in our opener this evening in what was, for the most part, a fairly even back-and-forth affair. The cowboy began to build up a head of steam before some cheap heat tactics from Romeo cut off RD's momentum. The tide quickly turned and the cowboy never recovered. He tapped out after being locked in Cupid's Clutch. Winner: Romeo Heartthrob in 11:34 Finish: ''Cupid's Clutch" (Million Dollar Dream) Match Rating:54 Singles Match 15-minute time limit Bryan Vessey [vs] Demon Anger The fans have quickly taken Bryan Vessey to their hearts as he received a generous ovation prior to this match beginning. Both fighters were unaccompanied by their respective partners and managers for this one. Both may be tag-team specialists but they certainly know how to go to war in singles action. It was a stiff, bruising battle with hard punches and chops being traded throughout. As the match built towards a finish, Vessey had the upper hand and Anger couldn't accept this so blatantly low-blowed Vessey in front of the referee. Winner: Bryan Vessey in 10:58 Finish: DQ via low-blow. Match Rating: 54 Vicious beatdown prevented Demon Spite is quickly down to ringside as the bell rings out. He joins his partner and begins putting the boots to the already downed Vessey. The Demonic badasses begin to set up a table at ringside but a small 'pop' rings out as Larry Vessey rushes to his younger brothers aid. The Demon's duck out the way and head back up the ramp. It's a hotly contested tag division in HGC and it seems the Demons of Rage are sending a statement of intent for the vacant tag team titles. Angle Rating: 55 Tag-Team Match 15-minute time limit Mucha Lucha [vs] The Tag Team Specialists The high-flying, fast-paced duo of Mr Lucha and Eléctrico face off vs the more technical minded duo of Bryant & Oxford. Evenly paced in the early goings, the specialists eventually took the advantage with some quick tags and limb work as they took turns beating on the legs of Eléctrico so as to impede his speed. Oxford & Eléctrico collided in the ring with a double clothesline as the fans were begging for the hot-tag. Mr Lucha fired up and the comeback was on. With the heels reeling, Mr Lucha landed the ever-impressive Lucha Drop from the top rope on for 1-2-3 as Oxford couldn't make the save. Winner: Mucha Lucha in 9:28 Finish: Lucha Drop (450 Splash) Match Rating: 68 Backstage Promo Killer stands in front of the menacing, towering BLZ Bubb who seems entirely emotionless. He just stares into the camera as Killer speaks. Killer: "It matters not who he teams with. It matters not he fights against. Everyone is considered an enemy to the Devil's Favourite Son! It doesn't matter if you're Rip Chord. It doesn't matter if you're Sam Strong. Anyone who steps into a ring with the spawn of The Prince of Darkness should be very, very afraid." Angle Rating: 62 Tag-Team Match 15-minute time limit Spirit Warriors vs Black Serpent Cult The night rolls on with more tag-team action as these two teams had the job of following that eerie promo. Both delivered though with 11-minutes of exciting action but it was the veteran duo who came out on top to prove they can still hang with the young guns. Winner: Black Serpent Cult in 11:17 Finish: Dragon's Breath (Fall of Man) Match Rating: 62 Dusty walks & talks Dusty Streets enters the arena to generous cheers from the crowd. He spends time dishing out high-fives to fans at ringside before grabbing a microphone and ascending the steps and stepping into the ring. But before he could speak the classic synth, guitar riff and drumbeat of "Separate Ways" by Journey blares out through the arena... Jack Bruce appears mic in hand and begins preening & posturing to the fans with little reaction. The music fades out as he begins to talk. Bruce: " I'm worried about all that high-fiving you were doing... I guess you're not gonna have much energy left for a fight, old-timer. This'll be easy. (He chuckles to himself as Dusty looks on with an almost 'Who the f is this, kid?' sort of look.) I'm the next big thing in the entertainment business. A bonafide rock star, a premiere ass-kicker and the future King of Hollywood & Hollyweird. I can do it all, y'all. I'll prove the ass-kicking part now..." Angle Rating: 51 Singles Match 15-minute time limit Dusty Streets [vs] Jack Bruce Bruce tosses the microphone aside and sprints to the ring, ripping off his shirt as he goes. But as he slides into the ring, he is immediately met with a clothesline that sends him back out to ringside via the top rope. This was mainly how the match went for the early goings. Anything Bruce tried to get going was shut down immediately by Streets. A dirty rake of the eyes gave Bruce an advantage but he couldn't maintain it and Streets fired up the babyface comeback to put away the self-proclaimed Rock star. Bruce writhes about the mat, almost in agony, as Streets looks down upon him. He shakes his head in disbelief and then exits the ring high-fiving more fans as he leaves. Winner: Dusty Streets in 8:47 Finish: The Dust-Off (Cross-Rhodes) Match Rating: 43 Tournament Announcement & Main Event Hype A hype video package plays on the Big Screen above the stage. We see compilation footage of some of the stars of HGC. As the footage fades out, a bright image of the HGC World Championship appears on the screen for a few moments... As it fades out we are met with a view of the 8 names entered into the tournament as the participant's picture flashes beside their name. Sam Strong, Rip Chord, Richie Pangrazzio Jr., Whistler, Romeo Heartthrob, Dusty Streets, Liberty & BLZ Bubb. The screen fades to black. Sam Strong & Liberty are backstage looking very pleased that they've got spots in the tournament. They focus on the camera as Strong brings the mic to his mouth. Strong: "That starts next week but let's focus on tonight, baby. Apparently, I should fear BLZ Bubb? It'll be a cold day in hell before I fear anybody I'll tell you that for free, brother. Tonight, I team with the coolest duuuuude in Hollywoooood, my friend right here, Liberty. Let's go kick some ass, baby! Angle Rating: 92 Tag-Team Match TV time remaining Rip Chord & BLZ Bubb [vs] Sam Strong & Liberty The fans are pumped up for this one with 4 of the biggest stars HGC has to offer in action. A good solid tag-team brawl from four competitors who aren't necessarily tag team experts. Evenly poised in the early stages, BLZ Bubb quickly began to dominate as his sheer strength proved too much for Liberty to handle. It was a bit of a manhandling at this stage with the demon tossing Liberty around the ring for fun as the dude struggled to get to his corner and tag in Strong. Bubb also refused, however, to tag in his partner which after a while began to irk Chord. As Bubb lifted Liberty onto his shoulders, Chord slapped the back of his partner to tag himself in. Bubb immediately dropped Liberty, turned to Chord and look incensed. Chord shrugged and walked past the demon. Infuriated further, Bubb delivered a crushing big boot to the back of Chord's head then lifted him up for a devastating Hades Bomb! Bubb then faced off with Strong before exiting the ring leaving his partner. Liberty made the hot-tag and Strong went to work taking advantage of the situation and 'popped' the crowd with a myriad of strikes and chops. He pandered to the crowd as Chord was stumbling on his feet. Strong clobbered Chord with a Strong Arm Tactic before tagging in Liberty who put the legend away with a Liberation Slam! Winner: Liberty & Sam Strong in 15:48 Finish: Liberation Slam (Angle Slam) Match Rating: 79 Sending the fans home happy The babyface duo celebrates their victory with a series of poses and taunts to the crowd in the arena. Meanwhile, Chord slowly stumbles his way up the ramp in a mixture of bewilderment and annoyance as Azaria closes out the broadcast reminding us that the tournament begins next week! Angle Rating: 77 Overall Show Rating: 75 </div>
  9. Enjoyed that last show. Lau vs Spade should be an absolute banger come PPV time! Jungle Lord [vs] 'The Supreme Star' Spencer Spade w/ Dulce Moreno 'Fast Ball' Oliver Kobb [vs] 'The King of Charisma' Robbie Wright ZWB & The Dallas Cowboys w/ Hannah [vs] Primus Allen & The Pain Alliance Bear Bekowski [vs] 'The African Assassin' Makutsi Angry Gilmore & Joey Morgan [vs] The Awesomeness 'The Dragon' Mikey Lau [vs] Hollywood Bret Starr w/ The Unleashed Rat Pack Fully expect Spade to cost Lau the match.
  10. Really good show. Zippy will forever be the MVP of the company. Episode #3 Predictions Main Event Singles Match Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit "The Mayor of Muscle Mountain" Sandman Winks versus The Masked Mauler Tag Team Match Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit The Texas Express versus AC King & Robin Leroy Tag Team Match Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit Nate DeMarcus & Warwick Good versus Brent Carpenter & Edwin Garcia Singles Match Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit Black Diamond versus Melinda Perry Singles Match Fifteen Minute TV Limit Celestia Copeland versus Akari Kawashima Opening Match Tag Team Match Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit Victor Crash & Jimmy Dillon versus The Manifesto
  11. I also agree with the sentiment and point about hiatus. If someone is going on hiatus who are currently free agents, then that's different of course. But if it's someone under contract there ideally should be a grace period where they go: "Hey, boss. I'm looking to take a break for a bit and time off to pursue other things. How would you feel me about me taking time off at the beginning of next month?" Even a few weeks warning so you could hot-shot an angle, story or title switch is better than just immediately becoming unavailable.
  12. The first prediction card is up for those who wish to participate. Also, the roster and title histories (as exciting as that is for a brand new company) pages have been updated further up on the reserved posts. Happy predicting everybody.
  13. Has anybody in their folders or on their travels come across a set of belts for HGC from the 97' CV mod?
  14. 'The Living Legend' Rocky Golden [vs] 'The King of Charisma' Robbie Wright Ekuma w/ High Flyin' Hawaiian [vs] 'Mainstream' Jimmy Hernandez The Sharp Shooters (Gilmore & Morgan) [vs] Fame & Money (Huntingdon & Trescarde) w/ Unleashed Rat Pack 'The Disco Stud' Robbie Retro [vs] 'Platinum' James Prudence Bear Bekowski [vs] 'The Con Man' Sammy Smoke 'The Dragon' Mikey Lau [vs] 'All-American' Des Davids Spencer Spade must decide if he's going to Cash In his SWF World Tag Team Title shot at Awesome Impact...If he's not cashing in, then he can 'Defend' the shot against anyone on the SWF Main Roster, and 'Upgrade' it to a North American Title shot... But what will he do...?! Upgrade or Cash-In Upgrade | Cash-In
  15. Hustle Muvva vs. PsychoMike Minnesota Awesome© vs. Canadian Hardcore [iPW Tag Team Championship Match] Babau vs. Deadly Deadshot vs. Tigre Salvaje Jr. The Outlaw vs. Sanchez Villano Hugh de Aske© vs. Zombie Boy [iPW Californian Championship Match] Barnaby & Rudge vs. Coulrophobia Frantic Ali vs. JOJI Aldous Blackfriar© vs. Deacon Darkhold vs. Lug Phelan [iPW Championship Match] I could only hope and aspire to ever have a diary as graphically pleasing as yours E-V. An E-V diary is always gonna get a follow out of me.
  16. Thank you for being a part of this and supporting this. It's greatly appreciated and is encouraging also. Blackman, the HGC locker room is precariously poised at the game start and is indeed the proverbial minefield. I look forward to seeing or hearing any progress in your own HGC game also. The roster page up top will hopefully be updated at some point tomorrow.
  17. #3 - Meeting J.K and building the hype train I stood at the door outside the hallway to the meeting room pacing back and forth. I was doing it with such fervour I was starting to form a groove in the carpet that I can only expect cost more than my contract would end up paying me. Despite all the air conditioning blowing in the building, I was still building up a sweat. In December. That's California for you, I guess. J.K had renovated a building that was quickly building up to become the headquarters of HGC. No expense was being spared. He was determined to at least give the impression of being big-time and that was a good start. I'd understood that there was a meeting in progress involving young Stallings but I'd assumed it was something regarding his technological business so didn't have any great concerns walking into this planned meeting with just the two of us. At least, that's the impression that I was under. The hallway door opened automatically. I walked down the well-lit corridor and looked through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows that stood the length of the corridor into the meeting room. It wasn't just the two of us. J.K opened the door. J.K. Phil, thanks so much for coming by so swiftly. It's great to see you. Don't worry we haven't started without you. You don't mind that I assembled some of the guys, do you? [Of course, I ****ing did. Not that I've got anything against them being here but a bit of warning would've been a treat. Jesus...] P.V No, no, not at all. Happy to see them, of course. [Occupying some of the chairs in the office were some of the guys who would be working for me. People I had pre-approved to be part of a creative team, of sorts, with the understanding that I would still be having final say on all matters. It never hurts to get input from the boys... sometimes.] [Assembled in front of me were Sam Strong, Rip Chord, Jimmy Power, Dusty Streets and Pat Deacon. A line-up of industry veterans and legends, the first two of which were basically set to lead the charge in the war against the SWF... at a combined age of 97. Still, they were two all-time greats who could still work and one of them, I had just taken the booking gig from.] S.S Hey Phil. Nice to finally meet you. And hey, sincerely, no hard feelings about the booking gig. I understand that it isn't always in the best interests of the business when one of the stars has the book. [Well, shit... I knew Sam was a model professional but I was surprised that he said that so swiftly and sincerely.] P.V You too, sir. All of you. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am to come in and get to work with you all and, of course, I appreciate you saying that regarding the booking job. I'm only here because I want to be and if me being here lets you focus on the in-ring stuff? Well, that's just good business! [The thrill of meeting these men was quite sincere but I had to be careful with how I worded things in this meeting now. Some slight sugar coating might be necessary to avoid bruised egos.] R.C Well we're happy to have you, kid. Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us. I'm led to believe you developed quite the cult-like following at DAVE with your genius. Let's hope you've not blown it all too soon. [Rip began laughing heartily and giving me a couple of firm slaps on the back as he sat back down. He looked in good condition and fighting fit. Which was remarkably impressive given his well-documented battles with his demons over the years. This filled me with confidence. If I could have a fully committed, well-conditioned Rip Chord in my midst, things would be looking up.] D.S So how about we do this? We all shut up for a little bit. We let you get your speech out of the way. Lay your cards and ideas on the table and let us get caught up in the hysteria of the east coast genius. [The guys seemed jovial enough but I could read the room easily enough to know that there was a thick layer of sarcasm being laid down in the verbiage. Still, what did I have to lose? I figured Dusty would be happy I was here anyway since it meant Sam was no longer booker and I knew that they had history] P.V Thank you, sir. I appreciate it. First of all, Jimmy, I'm glad that you are here, sir. A performer with your years of knowledge and experience is always gonna be invaluable to any company. How would you feel about becoming an agent as well as still performing in the ring? J.P Whatever you need, kid. Happy to help out the talent where I can. P.V Thank you. Now, obviously, we wouldn't be in the position we are currently with regards to our TV & PPV deals if it weren't for some of you who are present: Sam, Rip & Dusty. No-one can deny the impact you have all had on the business in your years in it and I'm thrilled to get to work with you and use you on T.V. But of course, you all understand that at your ages in life you're not necessarily expecting to be at the top of the card forever, right? [i paused to take a sip of water and get a brief reading of the room to see if anyone would blink or say anything in return. Sure enough, as Dusty said, they stayed shut-up.] I don't have any plans to downgrade your billing and lower your stock. With the money that you're commanding that would be incredibly foolish of me. We are in a business that requires the building of new stars on a consistent basis and you are gonna be incredibly important regarding that. We're gonna leverage your star power, your promo skills and in-ring abilities to build fresh, new talent that'll keep our audience from being jaded and give you guys fresh people to work with as we build our audience. At this stage, despite your name power and gravitas, we're a 'small' company. We're not gonna be selling out 10,000 seat arenas instantly, as has been evident from the first month. But we're going to be the champions of good storytelling, hot angles and the best in-ring talent in the world. Which brings me to my next part, Mr Stallings. You sign the cheques so you get the final say but I'd like to make three immediate hirings to the company for reasons that will be unveiled later. One of which, I believe, is a huge gamble but will pay incredible dividends in the long-run. [i waited patiently to see how the young billionaire would react. I adjusted the cufflinks on my shirt and waited for his response.] J.K Of course, that should be fine. Who did you have in mind? P.V Well one is a British talent who is currently performing around the world and destined to become one of the all-time greats in the ring. One is a former employee of mine from DAVE that would be a perfect fit for this company and who I intend on initially teaming up with said British talent forming part of a bigger stable. The last one... is somebody who I brought with me. I hope you don't mind? [i didn't think he would and, to be honest, I didn't care if he would after the surprise he sprung on me minutes earlier. I exited the room, wiping a bead of sweat from my brow as I did and headed down the corridor. I opened the door, poked my head out and beckoned over to my associate that I'd brought along with me. "It's time", I said, as he stood up and followed me through. I re-entered the room.] P.V Gentlemen, this is Todd Cusson. Some of you may know him more infamously as The Hype. Now, before you say anything... here's what I want. Todd refused help from the SWF regarding his demons and he was subsequently released anyway. He's had time to think and re-assess his options. I've spoken with him at length about his situation and how we can help him in the short-term for him to help us in the long-term as nobody can deny that this man hasn't got the talent within him to be a truly great performer. [sceptical looks crept across the faces of Sam and Pat who clearly weren't thrilled with this turn of events but I'm a go big or go home kind of guy. I was all chips in at this point.] So here's what I propose. We sign him to a contract and immediately send him to rehab. We'll pay for him to go to rehab and get his treatment and get well. Nothing outrageous in terms of money. A couple of thousand per month to keep him in our possession if you will. He goes to rehab, he gets clean and he comes back ready to make his mark on this business as I know he can. D.S Todd, it's good to see you, kid. I'll support Phil on this. This kid has natural talents like you wouldn't believe and with professional help, he can get on the right track. R.C I'm with Dusty and Phil on this. We know I've had my demons but through determination, hard work and surviving some really dark days I've come out the other side and I did it without the backing of a billionaire. If I can get clean, anybody can. I'll even make the arrangements for him. [i was thrilled with the support of Dusty and Rip. I could see that Todd was too. He appeared to be humbled almost by their gestures. Sam, still didn't look convinced so I appealed to him next] P.V Listen, Sam. We can get this kid clean and turn him into one of the top performers in the world for a fraction of the cost that we're paying your friend Peter Valentine to learn the business. [That probably wasn't smart but I couldn't resist a cheap shot that got a laugh out of the rest of them.] S.S As long as you promise to give it your absolute all on this sobriety pledge, kid, I'll support you. And when you get clean and come back, I'll work a program with you to see if you're really all that I hear you are J.K Well, that's enough for me. Todd. You're hired. We'll finalise the details of a contract while Rip makes your arrangements to go to rehab. We're all supporting you, friend. Don't let us down! [Todd thanked the boss and shook the hands of the men in the room. In this whole time this had been ongoing, Pat hadn't spoken. I was beginning to think the injury that forced him into retirement must've had something to do with his ears. Or perhaps he lost his tongue. Rip walked Todd out of the room as I turned to the rest.] P.V This was a productive start, gentlemen. Thank you for your support thus far. We're all on the same page after only 5 minutes. That's promising. [The rest of the meeting went smoothly. We bashed out and discussed some ideas and storylines. We shared a few jokes and the beginnings of a productive relationship were blossoming. Next up, would be our first TV or 1997]. Phil Vibert
  18. <p>If I see an Arwink diary, I follow. Pretty simple.</p><p> Always been a fan of your retrospective approach and seeing another 97' diary on the boards is a bonus.</p><p> </p><p> Good luck.</p>
  19. #2 - The Introduction - Part 2. 16-year-olds don't know shit about running a wrestling company. Hell, 16-year-old boys have a hard time looking after and playing with their junk in moderation. I know I did. Sometimes still do. So how on earth is he expected to know what to do running a company where most of your staff are egotistical and political muscleheads who primarily care about making cash and making themselves look good? Sure, he had surrounded himself with level headed people and fellow smart business associates to keep him from doing anything stupid, but they had no idea about running a wrestling company either. I have no doubt that Stallings Jr. could teach me a lot of things but when it came to this, he was just a plucky kid with a lot of money playing fantasy booker and getting to surround himself with his childhood heroes. While they spoke to him, told him stories and got juicy contracts out of him, he was likely lapping it up and feeling like all his dreams had come true. He had just become friends with Sam freaking Strong; 'Gee, Sam, tell me another story about the good ol' days' 'You were a great champion and I was always a big fan' 'Sure, Sam, I want you to be the booker! Go have fun!' I'm not saying it definitely went down like that. J.K is a smart kid. Mature beyond his sixteen years but it's easy to get caught up in the hysteria of meeting your heroes and doing anything to be there friend. Whether he willingly gave Sam the book or Sam made a play for it, that was mistake number one in what would lead to more down the road. You can't be an in-ring performer and also be the booker as there is no way on God's green earth that you are ever going to be impartial and not put yourself in the main event every night! Sam was king of an era where, as I iterated before, his job was to fight the monster of the month. A big, beefy boy with a menacing look but little real talent. He would sometimes team with big, beefy boys with little real talent to take down the big beefy boy monster with little real talent. Don't get me wrong. He was good at it. The best. Made a lot of money in the process but this was primarily his shtick and what was about to become the status quo with HGC. Maybe not immediately but eventually. The first month of shows was admittedly pretty good. But it was inevitable that with your biggest star also in charge of the book disaster would loom eventually. Even if your name is Sam Strong. Thankfully young J.K saw that and nipped it in the bud immediately. I mean if Peter freakin' Valentine getting a 250k a year contract didn't tip you off that things could go downhill then nothing would. So I was about to walk into a pretty tense situation. The biggest icon in the history of the business had just been removed as booker after only a month and told by his 16-year-old boss that he'd be replaced by a 23-year-old cocky young SOB from the Tri-State. Sam Strong is an absolute pro. I have no question about that. But I'm pretty sure that having two 'kids' whose combined age was still eleven years short of where he was in life, pissed him off. Either way, I was about to find out what the boys really thought of the change... After I had a final meeting with J.K. to discuss some plans going forward. Phil Vibert
  20. HGC World Championship Rip Chord Reign began January WK 4. (0 defences) HGC World Tag Team The Vessey Brothers Reign began January WK 4. (0 defences) HGC International Mr. Charlie Copeland Reign began January WK 4. (0 defences) HGC Cruiserweight Vacant No title history Show History January Hollyweird TV - Episode #1 Hollyweird TV - Episode #2 Hollyweird TV - Episode #3 Hollyweird TV - Episode #4 Malice In Wonderland 97'
  21. ROSTER BLZ Bubb | Bryan Vessey | Charlie Homicide | Cobra | Cowboy Ricky Dale Danny Rushmore | Dark Angel | Dark EAGLE | Demon Anger | Demon Spite Dusty Streets | Eléctrico | Golden Fox | Grunt | Jack Bruce Jason Jackson | Java | Jimmy Power | Joel Bryant | Joey Flame Larry Vessey | Liberty | Monty Walker | Mr Lucha | Paul Steadyfast Peter Valentine | Ramon Paez | Richie Pangrazzio Jr. | Rip Chord | Robert Oxford Romeo Heartthrob | Sam Strong | Steve Flash | Stink | Teddy Flame The Danger Kid | The Hype | Tribal Warrior | Vengeance | Viper Whistler Broadcast Team Jason Azaria | Kyle Rhodes | Micky Starr Road Agents Archie Judge | Jackson Andrews | Jimmy Power | Micky Starr | Pat Deacon Managers Coach Dick Pangrazzio | Karen Killer Referees Dewey Libertine | Eugene Williams | Sam Sparrow Tag Teams Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper) Mucha Lucha (Mr Lucha & Eléctrico) Savage Fury (Java & Tribal Warrior) The Blazing Flames (Joey Flame & Teddy Flame) The Demons of Rage (Demon Anger & Demon Spite) The Nation of Filth (Grunt & Stink) The Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford) The Vessey Brothers (Bryan Vessey & Larry Vessey) Stables The All-Star Team (Bryan Vessey, Larry Vessey, Richie Pangrazzio Jr. & Coach Dick Pangrazzio) The Untouchables (Joel Bryant, Paul Steadyfast & Robert Oxford)
  22. #1 - The Introduction I'd had a good few years under my belt as a booker and had begun to turn the key and change the culture of wrestling. In North America, at least. We were now in a regime where your classic bad guy vs good guy just wouldn't keep the attention as it once did. Dynamic babyface vs Monster heel would still draw but not nearly in the same way it did 5-10 years earlier. It's a story as old as time itself but it just wasn't cutting the mustard anymore... unless you were willing to dress it up and give it layers, which nobody ever really did. Good vs Bad is still the crux of all great storytelling but for a long time in wrestling, it was an endless cycle of the same old garbage. My time at DAVE had to be considered a great success. I'd taken them from minor New York territory to a small powerhouse that brought in the East Coast Wars. With the introduction of more dynamic wrestlers with a multitude of skill sets and a change in product to help bring in a younger audience, I changed the way people viewed professional wrestling as a sport. As an art form. DAVE is a little engine that could kind of company and they're gonna keep plugging away and doing what they do whether I'm there or not. But I could see that there was a true limit to what I could really achieve there and that the hardcore style of wrestling wasn't gonna stand the test of time. People would eventually tire of the constant blood and guts and networks might not necessarily stick with it. So I decided to quit while I was ahead. My final act at DAVE was bringing in Nemesis from the SWF. There he is. He was miserable in Eisen country and it showed. He was looking for a way out and a new path to take and I provided him with the ultimate one. The rumour and innuendo had been going around for months that Buddy (Gaines) was keen to sell me the company after the success we were having and that he wasn't willing to stick it out running the financials etc. I'd considered it but once I'd been offered options elsewhere, I knew it wasn't for me and Mr Campbell was keen anyway having made a small fortune during his time working for Richard Eisen. He would see out his deal with SWF and simultaneously take up ownership and booking responsibilities at DAVE while I quietly slunk off out the back door heading to Hollywood. Yeah, a 23-year-old from the east coast with the hairline of a 50-year-old moving out to California doesn't sound ideal written out and it didn't seem ideal living it and putting it into action but I was offered an opportunity. A decent amount of money too but that wasn't really important to me, unlike some of the boys I was about to begin working with. The opportunity was what was most important and that's what I was presented with. An opportunity to play around with a boat-load of cash, better production values, a decent TV deal, a wide array of talent and a better footing to go to war with Richard Eisen and the SWF juggernaut. DAVE was fun. No question. But it had stopped being a challenge. Where's the fun if there's no challenge in it? What I was about to walk into was going to be a tremendous challenge with the capacity to turn into a trainwreck and piss a lot of people off in the process. Sounds perfect. Phil Vibert
  23. Tables Match Andrew Harper VS Cockroach Carter Singles Match Bob Casey VS Harlem Haynes 2 VS 2 Tag Team Match PWC Rules Canadian Hardcore VS Local Talent Singles Match PWC Rules Jerry Martin VS Mercy Michaels
  24. Main Event Singles Match Twenty Minute TV Time Limit All Action Championship "The Pharaoh" Talia Neema versus "Red" Yvonne Ericks © Singles Match Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit Edwin Garcia versus Dreadnought w/ Andrew Gibson Singles Match Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit Flip Simkins versus "Dapper" Danny Draper w/ Lucinda Lush Tag Team Match Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit Melinda Perry & Celestia Copeland versus Piper Hale and Mad Millie Morgan Eight Man Tag Team Match Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit The Montgomery Family [Robert, Eric, Kyle, & Shawn] versus Robin Leroy, Tyrone Shearer & Latin Love Coalition [Michel Bouchard & Vicente Deleon] Opening Match Singles Match Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit "The Indiana Dragon" Reggie Combs versus Brent Carpenter
  25. 10 Minute Time Limit Match Ducont & Thatcher vs. Hawkeye & Wolf Comments: 10 Minute Time Limit Match Sterling Whitlock vs. Jimmy Chipolata Comments: 15 Minute Time Limit Match Raven Robinson vs. Sara Marie Comments: 10 Minute TIme Limit Match Joss Thompson vs. D.C. Rayne Comments: 10 Minute Time Limit Match Killer Kass vs. Pariah Comments: USPW World Title Match TV Time Remaining Rich Money defends vs. Rick Law Comments: Comments on the diary in general: First show is always hard to predict in which way a diary is gonna go. Let's go with a lot of heel victories and give the faces something to fight for! Again, glad to see you back.
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