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Sco xY2Jx

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Everything posted by Sco xY2Jx

  1. <p>If I see an Arwink diary, I follow. Pretty simple.</p><p> Always been a fan of your retrospective approach and seeing another 97' diary on the boards is a bonus.</p><p> </p><p> Good luck.</p>
  2. #2 - The Introduction - Part 2. 16-year-olds don't know shit about running a wrestling company. Hell, 16-year-old boys have a hard time looking after and playing with their junk in moderation. I know I did. Sometimes still do. So how on earth is he expected to know what to do running a company where most of your staff are egotistical and political muscleheads who primarily care about making cash and making themselves look good? Sure, he had surrounded himself with level headed people and fellow smart business associates to keep him from doing anything stupid, but they had no idea about running a wrestling company either. I have no doubt that Stallings Jr. could teach me a lot of things but when it came to this, he was just a plucky kid with a lot of money playing fantasy booker and getting to surround himself with his childhood heroes. While they spoke to him, told him stories and got juicy contracts out of him, he was likely lapping it up and feeling like all his dreams had come true. He had just become friends with Sam freaking Strong; 'Gee, Sam, tell me another story about the good ol' days' 'You were a great champion and I was always a big fan' 'Sure, Sam, I want you to be the booker! Go have fun!' I'm not saying it definitely went down like that. J.K is a smart kid. Mature beyond his sixteen years but it's easy to get caught up in the hysteria of meeting your heroes and doing anything to be there friend. Whether he willingly gave Sam the book or Sam made a play for it, that was mistake number one in what would lead to more down the road. You can't be an in-ring performer and also be the booker as there is no way on God's green earth that you are ever going to be impartial and not put yourself in the main event every night! Sam was king of an era where, as I iterated before, his job was to fight the monster of the month. A big, beefy boy with a menacing look but little real talent. He would sometimes team with big, beefy boys with little real talent to take down the big beefy boy monster with little real talent. Don't get me wrong. He was good at it. The best. Made a lot of money in the process but this was primarily his shtick and what was about to become the status quo with HGC. Maybe not immediately but eventually. The first month of shows was admittedly pretty good. But it was inevitable that with your biggest star also in charge of the book disaster would loom eventually. Even if your name is Sam Strong. Thankfully young J.K saw that and nipped it in the bud immediately. I mean if Peter freakin' Valentine getting a 250k a year contract didn't tip you off that things could go downhill then nothing would. So I was about to walk into a pretty tense situation. The biggest icon in the history of the business had just been removed as booker after only a month and told by his 16-year-old boss that he'd be replaced by a 23-year-old cocky young SOB from the Tri-State. Sam Strong is an absolute pro. I have no question about that. But I'm pretty sure that having two 'kids' whose combined age was still eleven years short of where he was in life, pissed him off. Either way, I was about to find out what the boys really thought of the change... After I had a final meeting with J.K. to discuss some plans going forward. Phil Vibert
  3. HGC World Championship Rip Chord Reign began January WK 4. (0 defences) HGC World Tag Team The Vessey Brothers Reign began January WK 4. (0 defences) HGC International Mr. Charlie Copeland Reign began January WK 4. (0 defences) HGC Cruiserweight Vacant No title history Show History January Hollyweird TV - Episode #1 Hollyweird TV - Episode #2 Hollyweird TV - Episode #3 Hollyweird TV - Episode #4 Malice In Wonderland 97'
  4. ROSTER BLZ Bubb | Bryan Vessey | Charlie Homicide | Cobra | Cowboy Ricky Dale Danny Rushmore | Dark Angel | Dark EAGLE | Demon Anger | Demon Spite Dusty Streets | Eléctrico | Golden Fox | Grunt | Jack Bruce Jason Jackson | Java | Jimmy Power | Joel Bryant | Joey Flame Larry Vessey | Liberty | Monty Walker | Mr Lucha | Paul Steadyfast Peter Valentine | Ramon Paez | Richie Pangrazzio Jr. | Rip Chord | Robert Oxford Romeo Heartthrob | Sam Strong | Steve Flash | Stink | Teddy Flame The Danger Kid | The Hype | Tribal Warrior | Vengeance | Viper Whistler Broadcast Team Jason Azaria | Kyle Rhodes | Micky Starr Road Agents Archie Judge | Jackson Andrews | Jimmy Power | Micky Starr | Pat Deacon Managers Coach Dick Pangrazzio | Karen Killer Referees Dewey Libertine | Eugene Williams | Sam Sparrow Tag Teams Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper) Mucha Lucha (Mr Lucha & Eléctrico) Savage Fury (Java & Tribal Warrior) The Blazing Flames (Joey Flame & Teddy Flame) The Demons of Rage (Demon Anger & Demon Spite) The Nation of Filth (Grunt & Stink) The Tag Team Specialists (Joel Bryant & Robert Oxford) The Vessey Brothers (Bryan Vessey & Larry Vessey) Stables The All-Star Team (Bryan Vessey, Larry Vessey, Richie Pangrazzio Jr. & Coach Dick Pangrazzio) The Untouchables (Joel Bryant, Paul Steadyfast & Robert Oxford)
  5. #1 - The Introduction I'd had a good few years under my belt as a booker and had begun to turn the key and change the culture of wrestling. In North America, at least. We were now in a regime where your classic bad guy vs good guy just wouldn't keep the attention as it once did. Dynamic babyface vs Monster heel would still draw but not nearly in the same way it did 5-10 years earlier. It's a story as old as time itself but it just wasn't cutting the mustard anymore... unless you were willing to dress it up and give it layers, which nobody ever really did. Good vs Bad is still the crux of all great storytelling but for a long time in wrestling, it was an endless cycle of the same old garbage. My time at DAVE had to be considered a great success. I'd taken them from minor New York territory to a small powerhouse that brought in the East Coast Wars. With the introduction of more dynamic wrestlers with a multitude of skill sets and a change in product to help bring in a younger audience, I changed the way people viewed professional wrestling as a sport. As an art form. DAVE is a little engine that could kind of company and they're gonna keep plugging away and doing what they do whether I'm there or not. But I could see that there was a true limit to what I could really achieve there and that the hardcore style of wrestling wasn't gonna stand the test of time. People would eventually tire of the constant blood and guts and networks might not necessarily stick with it. So I decided to quit while I was ahead. My final act at DAVE was bringing in Nemesis from the SWF. There he is. He was miserable in Eisen country and it showed. He was looking for a way out and a new path to take and I provided him with the ultimate one. The rumour and innuendo had been going around for months that Buddy (Gaines) was keen to sell me the company after the success we were having and that he wasn't willing to stick it out running the financials etc. I'd considered it but once I'd been offered options elsewhere, I knew it wasn't for me and Mr Campbell was keen anyway having made a small fortune during his time working for Richard Eisen. He would see out his deal with SWF and simultaneously take up ownership and booking responsibilities at DAVE while I quietly slunk off out the back door heading to Hollywood. Yeah, a 23-year-old from the east coast with the hairline of a 50-year-old moving out to California doesn't sound ideal written out and it didn't seem ideal living it and putting it into action but I was offered an opportunity. A decent amount of money too but that wasn't really important to me, unlike some of the boys I was about to begin working with. The opportunity was what was most important and that's what I was presented with. An opportunity to play around with a boat-load of cash, better production values, a decent TV deal, a wide array of talent and a better footing to go to war with Richard Eisen and the SWF juggernaut. DAVE was fun. No question. But it had stopped being a challenge. Where's the fun if there's no challenge in it? What I was about to walk into was going to be a tremendous challenge with the capacity to turn into a trainwreck and piss a lot of people off in the process. Sounds perfect. Phil Vibert
  6. Tables Match Andrew Harper VS Cockroach Carter Singles Match Bob Casey VS Harlem Haynes 2 VS 2 Tag Team Match PWC Rules Canadian Hardcore VS Local Talent Singles Match PWC Rules Jerry Martin VS Mercy Michaels
  7. Main Event Singles Match Twenty Minute TV Time Limit All Action Championship "The Pharaoh" Talia Neema versus "Red" Yvonne Ericks © Singles Match Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit Edwin Garcia versus Dreadnought w/ Andrew Gibson Singles Match Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit Flip Simkins versus "Dapper" Danny Draper w/ Lucinda Lush Tag Team Match Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit Melinda Perry & Celestia Copeland versus Piper Hale and Mad Millie Morgan Eight Man Tag Team Match Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit The Montgomery Family [Robert, Eric, Kyle, & Shawn] versus Robin Leroy, Tyrone Shearer & Latin Love Coalition [Michel Bouchard & Vicente Deleon] Opening Match Singles Match Fifteen Minute TV Time Limit "The Indiana Dragon" Reggie Combs versus Brent Carpenter
  8. 10 Minute Time Limit Match Ducont & Thatcher vs. Hawkeye & Wolf Comments: 10 Minute Time Limit Match Sterling Whitlock vs. Jimmy Chipolata Comments: 15 Minute Time Limit Match Raven Robinson vs. Sara Marie Comments: 10 Minute TIme Limit Match Joss Thompson vs. D.C. Rayne Comments: 10 Minute Time Limit Match Killer Kass vs. Pariah Comments: USPW World Title Match TV Time Remaining Rich Money defends vs. Rick Law Comments: Comments on the diary in general: First show is always hard to predict in which way a diary is gonna go. Let's go with a lot of heel victories and give the faces something to fight for! Again, glad to see you back.
  9. Welcome back, my friend. I'll always be here to follow along with your tales of USPW!
  10. *In the duo of The Apocalipsticks, Wolf is listed as a black female (like her partner) but the assigned image is of a white female. *The stable of The Untouchables in HGC has a typo in their bio. "Presented an an ultra-serious...', should read 'as an'. *Monty Walker's bio has a spelling error. 'In fact his only apparant weakness'... Should be 'apparent'. Just little things I've found so far as I explore the mod. I'm feeling an HGC diary coming on, soon...
  11. Might be the wrong place to post the query but has anyone got a clean version of their folder they use for the C-Verse with everyone's re-renders? Because I've been lazy and just download as I see them, I have a default folder of people of about 27,000 pics that has been doing me for the past few years. I'm sure the T-Verse is mixed in there as well as hundreds upon hundreds of duplicate copies of pictures. Is there anybody out there who has their proverbial shit together and is much more organised than I and willing to share? If you do, thank you.
  12. Well Happy Feckin' New Year to all of us! Now, do I start as HCG or CGC?! Or PGHW?! Arrgh! Thank you, Derek-B!
  13. Happy New Year everyone! And, to hop on, thank you to all you creators for your work. You help continue to breathe new life into this game and inspire creativity within the community. So, my hats off to you. Also, Ship, that Swoop is honestly exceptional. Might be my absolute favourite of yours through all the years!
  14. A truly excellent show and one that drew many a tear from me. TK did a tremendous job to put something like this together in a few days and they honoured Brodie and the family beautifully. Well done, AEW and TK. An unfortunate, but beautiful, way to end the year.
  15. <p>Just adding on my excitement on this project Derek-B. I enjoyed the hell out of the 2016 version so am keen to get a grip on the '20 version of this Mod.</p><p> </p><p> Looking forward to the release, fella.</p>
  16. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="KibblesNVick" data-cite="KibblesNVick" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48209" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>About to start a new AEW game that begins in August. What are the rules?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong>No Hot-Shotting:</strong> If a title changes hands, the new champion/s must hold the title for at least 3 months. No playing hot potato with the belts.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>'Can't all do it, kid':</strong> MJF, Guevara, Allin: One of them must become World Champion within 6 months. One of them can never win a singles title for at least 2 years. One will never be World Champion. Choose carefully.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>We're not a charity:</strong> Any ex -WWE talent currently on the roster, or that you sign, can't win any gold for at least a full calendar year from when the game starts or when they sign.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Who's the best?!:</strong> PnP, Young Bucks, FTR & Lucha Bros. Arguably the four best tag teams in the world, but someone has to come off worst. You can choose which, but one of these teams will always be unlucky and never, ever beat the others in tag-team action.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Hosses Assemble:</strong> Brian Cage, Powerhouse Hobbs, Hager, Wardlow, Luchasauraus, Miro... they're all beefy boys. So create some beefy boy tag teams!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>We'll show you a Women's Revolution:</strong> The perception ratings aren't great for the women in AEW. Within 18 months, you must have at least 3 women perceived as 'stars' at the same time.</p><p> </p><p> Can probably think of more but have fun!</p>
  17. AEW TNT: MJF © vs. Eddie Kingston Ricky Starks vs. Darby Allin Hikaru Shida vs. Britt Baker The Elite vs. The Dark Order Jon Moxley vs. Richard Holliday Angelico vs. Scorpio Sky Echoing the thoughts of the rest... Good to see you back, my friend.
  18. <p><p>PWC Internet Championship Qualifer #1</p><p></p><p> 3 Way Dance</p><p></p><p> <strong>Jebediah</strong> VS Moroi VS Austin Smooth</p><p> </p><p></p><p> 2 VS 2</p><p></p><p> PWC Rules</p><p></p><p> <strong>The Cowboys From Hell</strong> VS Local Talent</p><p> </p><p></p><p> Singles Match</p><p></p><p> Bob Casey VS <strong>Nate DeMarcus</strong></p><p> </p><p></p><p> PWC Championship Tournament 1st Round</p><p></p><p> <strong>Animal Harker</strong> VS Mexico's Finest</p><p> </p><p></p><p> PWC Championship 1st Round</p><p></p><p> The Behemoth VS <strong>Texas Hangman</strong></p></p>
  19. 1) As a result of being too jaded by WWE, I find it difficult to book without the use of an on-screen Authority Figure/GM type. I'm trying to be better at this and less reliant on it. Maybe drift towards more of a Jack Tunney style figure. 2) Much like everyone else, hiring more people than I'm ever going to actually use. Again, trying to get better at this. There's almost certainly more but these are the ones that come to mind first and foremost.
  20. 1) Not necessarily specific to podcasts but yes, absolutely. I've been enjoying the hell out of a TCW save I'm into month 4 of but I recently started re-listening to some AEW Unrestricted podcasts and watched some of the AEW Road To series on YouTube and bam! Despite having a perfectly decent save going, I instantly downloaded an updated KTB database and figured yeah, I'll do me some AEW because it looks awesome! A few weeks back, I watched a few Eddie Guerrero matches circa 04' then went and downloaded the 04' database, set it all up, booked one RAW and haven't gone back since. I'm clearly very whimmy. 2) I've never really ever been all that bothered by Meltzer. I'll pay attention to the ratings he gives for matches (Not necessarily because it'll make me watch it but just because... everyone sort of cares about Meltzer's stars!). If I listen to anything from F4W it's primarily because I enjoy Bryan Alvarez. I don't dislike Meltzer. He's clearly been a big part of the business. I just sort of... almost nothing him.
  21. Well I just caught wind of this. Hooked on the backstory but missed predictions for the first show. Good shit, fella. Looking forward to what else is to come.
  22. Further to this, how about Jushin Liger? I always brought him in and teamed him Ultimo Dragon.
  23. An opportunity has arisen to sign Steve Frehley in April of my TCW save. 36 years old. Still an excellebt talent. Over like Rover. Gonna cost the farm to get him but think I might do it. Question is... Would this make him, canonically, the first guy to appear in all 3 big US companies as an active in-ring talent? I know Sam Strong fought in SWF, HGC and then owned USPW. Anyone else done this before in the Canon C-Verse?
  24. In Week 3 of March 2020 building towards TCW Battleground. Greg Gauge is hosting an open challenge every TV and every PPV with a different challenger each week until he loses the title. I tend to bring in a lot of guys on one night deals or short PPA's to facilitate this. He's retained vs guys like Razan Okamoto, Bunrakuken Torii, Loxley Robbins, Matt Hocking etc. Lots of varied talent but his best defence came at last PPV where he retained in a 78 rated match vs Remmy Skye. This may secure Skye a contract here. Solid consistent matches, just like Cody irl, with an array of talent. This has earned him a shot vs World Champion in a special exhibition 'Champion vs Champion' to headline Battleground. His pop has risen 10 points in the last 2.5months and a main evebt PPV vs AA should up it some more. They'll go a while but he'll fall short to show he's not quite at the ME level... yet. Sammy Bach is in decline but the starting feud with Jay Chord is $$$ as Chord is just excellent all-round. They met in the opener of last months PPV in a 2 out of 3 falls match which Chord took 2-0 due to underhanded tactics and outside interference from Memphis King (Tennessee William). The two have formed an alliance (I'm a huge William fan so want to get him over) and have proven a real thorn in the side of Bach so he called on some help from an old friend... Jack Bruce (my UC). The self-proclaimed Gods of Rock and Wrestling are united in taking down Chord and co. but the numbers on both sides have grown. Chord also has The Ring Generals w/Eric Tyler in his corner and the Rock Gods have Youngman and DWN w/Sam Keith backing them. It'll be 4v4 at Battleground to build the rivalry and continue getting 5 new stars over in the process as well as elevating Chord to a true Main Eventer. It's a lot of work but it's paying off! Hawkins has backed off the title chase knowing he has a shot at Total Mayhem in his back pocket anyway and so has recently engaged in a mini-feud with Edd Stone which resulted in an 87 rated match at last months PPV. The feud continues to Battleground as The Syndicate will do battle vs Stone and friends (Recently debuted Loxley Robbins, Dazzling Dave Diamond and a returning Texas Pete). Stone recently formed an alliance/mutual respect with Joshua Taylor and he'll face Hawkins in singles action at Battleground after coming up short kn his title challenge vs AA last PPV in the MOTN. Eddie Peak has been a thorn in the side of Mighty Mo and antagonising him at all turns. Peak beat Mo last PPV thanks to an assist from a debuting Doug Peak. He joins the Sinner Society. They'll go 4v4 against Mo and his 'Best Friends' at Battleground. Mighty Mo, Tana, T-Bone and Wes Wonderful (Fro Sure) vs Eddie & Doug Peak and The Behemoths. Shark and Titan lost the tag titles last PPV to T-Bone and Tana and so are keen for revenge here. There's other stories including an alliance and tag team between Troy Tornado and Matt Hocking (fighting for Laura's attention on the sidelines) after Freddy Huggins broke his neck at our January PPV. It's been a hell of a save so far. A lot of fun.
  25. There's a significant difference, but a small step, between pointing out flaws in the game and then actively bashing the developers saying they don't care about the product. And that's what it almost always devolves into every single time one of those threads pop up.
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