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Everything posted by FlightlessGypsy

  1. My guess is that perhaps they assumed it was temporary and no one ever asked. That's the only other way this could've happened lol
  2. Yeah, you're right there's been a few. I see what you're saying, I misunderstood and thought you were thinking it was an AEW staple. Yeah man, of course my bad! EDIT: I still use squash matches regularly in-game for my slow build pushes. Simple but effective and gets a potentially flawed character easy tv time on a weekly basis.
  3. Appreciate you making this point. Most of us non-gay wrestling fans don't get to hear what you guys think. If new ideas get little reaction, we are less likely to see more of it in the future and it's not something most of us will even consider being a game without a typecast to relate to as most nationalities are now covered and the females are getting their due.
  4. This could be really interesting with the new push system. With knowing what we know now, it was almost too hard not to meta the historical mods even if stats developed differently from the real life counterpart.
  5. Exact same attitude as me. No shame in being a loyal fan and having hopes of not being let down if you haven't had much evidence in the past to alert the spider senses. Grey Dog have always had pride in their work and relationship with it's community.
  6. This has been answered a few times, probably only a few pages back man! I believe it was to do with the presets having the only products that really made a difference to the ratings and company growth and whatnot and it was cutting of the fat with Adam assuming it was a niche mechanic not many people used if I remember.
  7. Has that not been since they were working with a limited roster? I don't remember seeing a squash until Wardlow's second match which wasn't that long ago, aside from maybe a few Awesome Kong matches from October/November. Could be wrong, my short term month-to-month memory is pretty bad.
  8. The push system had been around since the beginning. I understand why people are mad but it seems Adam has really made an attempt to cut a piece of fat that was literally unnecessary not to automate. I understand why some people may miss it and I understand why some people think we can have both systems, but now it seems like we will have more breakout stars as everything will be running off of stat maths and not what we think is how things would go down. In my opinion, having favorites to push can make every save feel samey and a streamlined system may be what I need to stop from repeating myself in-game by using winning formulas instinctively and an ability to turn the old system back on would negate everything I've just tried to explain because we all obviously hate change. I'm going to wait until I can play a full first year twice to give my full thoughts.
  9. There's no chance he didn't. That was probably the most vicious first 10-20 pages of a GDS launch I've been apart of haha
  10. Whether you or I think it should be pushed back or not (and I do I think), the fact of the matter is that you can put your $35 down when you believe the game is up to your standards. That's the beauty of an open market! Keep tuned to the patch notes! Adam was begged to put this out early due to Covid-19 and know he is receiving criticism heavier than ever before for not doing anything different to how every past release I remember has gone. I will be dropping my $35 I've got put back on it and not be starting a save until the community believes everything is up to a standard. I was one of the people mentioned earlier who freaked the hell out when I booted up WMMA5 for the first time so I have faith.
  11. The numpad layout of buttons has gotta go. My eyes can't dart from button to button that fast when there is a whole left side trying to draw my eyes away. Maybe category rows or just a much more visually ergonomic spacing and font. Does anybody know the extent of a button layout switch out would be? I don't like the character stat page layout either but I feel like it will grow on me over time. Just needs some refining. The actual number of the stat itself is hard to read while keeping your eyes on the same line as whatever stat the number is for. No one should expect a new design to feel automated but this one is obviously pushing players away fast so I really can't call it an adjustment period.
  12. I'm hoping it was just a technical rendering error due to the bigger resolution. Perhaps Adam is using a specialty sized monitor for development and wasn't even aware due to lack of closed beta complaints. I'm sure he will let us know in time.
  13. I agree. He'll make a lot more money and his reputation won't drop but actually increase if this manages to get smoothed over. Maybe someone make a friendly petition for people to sign? Not sure if that is considered offensive outside of New Zealand or not lol
  14. Super late on this reply but thanks for backing me up, I was not in a good mood at all when trying to explain my point and that really doesn't look good on anyone. Apologies to him, I was agreeing with most points until I was told I don't know anything about how a developer I've been buying from and following for about 15 years without a change in command runs his business model. It doesn't matter what a consumer is used to, if a developer calls it a public beta then it's a public beta. Doesn't matter if it was six months ago or this week, this is the information collected that Adam will use to perfect the gold release. Just because this is a trial does not mean that this will be how the final product looks after patches to come over the next few weeks, which in turn also updates the trial client. He had called the current version of the trial a "faux beta" when in fact, the public beta would be a faux trial under definitions. The whole idea of the trial is merely copywrite protection for people to sample the game after the public beta is over, the word trial doesn't make it what the AAA+ even AA+ community call a trial. It's more so nobody has to go back and re-edit all the wording of the website next week after they go gold I think? As it says Public Beta on the client itself where it would usually say Trial post-release. The game is going to be (and has already) changed and Adam wants our critique, hence this thread. It's not like this was kickstarted, Adam builds these games while using proceeds from last years' release to fund his expenses and once loyal customers who want the independent product as early as possible when it comes to a running build drop their dollar, he continues on working for months before the patches slow. Sorry for the rant lol, things just aren't always so cut and dry. Have patience, friends! GDS have always written their annual key gameplay mechanic coding first and then rushed the UI in time for release, gone back and fixed the errors and then finished what complaints are left. We were all begging for this to be released during Corona season, we haven't even got it yet and we're acting spoiled. Including me! I'm not innocent at all, however there is a certain way to go about public beta critique without being an asshole you know? There's a reason this is the only true game of it's kind to stand the test of time and that's because of the way this multiple patch roll-out works. It's not like the majority of us are downloading this on Steam as a pre-release blindly only for a developer to just go quiet, we've been reading and following the live updates and have a clear inside scoop of the making of these games and what the priorities are and when. I'll be dropping my money next week just to support the developer despite having issues with the UI because Adam would be stupid not to make an effort to please. A big percentage of people find this game via online and real life word of mouth and not from advertisements so he loses a lot of money if he gets lazy now. EDIT: I'm sorry if I'm wrong on any of this, this is just my understanding as someone who has purchased a handful of previous GDS releases on day #1 in the past. Forum members have always seemed to have empathy and understanding for Adams' position in creating such a niche genre of game set in another niche that is wrestling. Things seemed to of calmed down again now and I'm sorry again if this escalates it further.
  15. So I'm not incredibly wrong because your definitions are outdated, am I?
  16. Games don't work the same way as other media. You are describing what is now known as the alpha phase in video games, which was all done in-house. A short beta was introduced a month or two ago. This is the first public release and we have now officially entered Beta, which will last for one week. After full release, Adam will use information gathered from the one week public Beta phase for the patches. You can't go around acting so confident when the title of the thread says beta and the thread was started by the games' sole developer who you've now decided doesn't know what a beta is as a consumer of his product... Games haven't been complete on release for years now whether you're mad at it or not and nobodies asking for all this work to be completed in a week.
  17. yeah, if 50% of the games playerbase are claiming literal headaches and they're all saying they're not exaggerating, somethings gone wrong. perhaps adam is like myself and isn't effected by screen headaches and wasn't even aware of the issue.
  18. I got you, but visuals are easier to fix than anything. None of us have actually paid yet, this is a beta test for gameplay mechanics and the UI is what ties all the mechanics together. The game can be ugly for seven days before I'll feel the right to complain about that. EDIT: I honestly agree with you I thought I'd add hahaha, I'm just trying my best to find a potential balance through everyone's pros and cons.
  19. It doesn't even need to be not-ugly, EWR was ugly but flowed like a dream! Lost days to the EWR UI trance and I guess that's what I feel like I'm missing with this layout. I feel like with or without the ugly colour palette, if I want to do something within the office it seems to be taking me twice as long to figure out what I actually want to be doing. Obviously it has just dropped today and this could just be a case of fearing change, but I don't think that's the case. Everything needs to be moved around by a real graphic designer who knows how these things effect the brain.
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