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Everything posted by Dawn

  1. I can definitely agree on the Profits. It's not like you NEED to break-up the team in order to push one half more strongly than the other.
  2. RDJ & Texas Express Jacob Jett Jaime Quine & Gorgon The Business Casey Valentine Roger Cage
  3. Chris Jericho - Major opportunity to redeem himself from the original run. Triple H - I love the work that's been done with Big Show, but it's simply too soon. Eddie Guerrero - Most 50/50 match of the night, but I'm going with what will balance my face/heel predictions. Billy & Chuck - I don't think The APA are the team to beat them. Brock Lesnar Trish Stratus & Lita - Second most unsure match of the card for me, but I suppose you push the aces forward. Chris Benoit RVD Rhyno The Rock & Hollywood Hogan
  4. Thank you for the early vote of confidence, James! It's definitely great to see you back and along for the ride. I will have the recaps going later tonight and maybe even a week of actual writeup depending on how tired I am from work.
  5. p { margin:0; padding:0; line-height: 1; } READ HERE TO CATCH UP OOC Backstory: Hello all and welcome to those who may choose to venture into my silly little writeups! My name on the boards is Smasher, but I prefer going by Dawn currently. I have a rather complicated history in these boards when it comes to dynasty writing. It all began pretty much the month I joined the boards with a very barebones WWE 2013 diary that didn't last a month in itself (but later would prove to be the most important diary I had ever written as you will see below). Over the years after that first failed attempt, I've bounced back and forth between projects, and the one thing these projects all had in common was that none of them went anywhere. Be it for lack of patience, lack of long-term planning, or in most cases just plain bad luck with my hardware (another ''fun'' fact: the day after I started re-planning for this diary to be posted in here, I had to format my computer! Thankfully Dropbox had saved my TEW 2016 version of the save and I was able to edit the database all the way to where I was in October 2014 to get us started. Still, it definitely seems I'm cursed in here.) The longest I ever went with a diary was a measly 2 months of in-game writeup (January 98 to No Way Out of Texas IYH). It's not as if I couldn't EVER stick to a save outside of diaries, as I had a WWF 1991 save that went over 2 years before my old hard drive chose to leave this world. I just needed the right setting, the right company, the right timing and the right premise. Cue the ''Civil War''. MAJORLY inspired by the WCW 94 War of the Thrones diary written by my old friend Beejus (A DIARY YOU CAN NOW READ IN HERE AGAIN AND YOU SHOULD!) I sought to create a long-term storyline that would span many years and I could write everything else around. It was a long and arduous process, but I was finally able to do it. 4-5 some years ago, I finally felt comfortable enough to bring my most ambitious project to the boards...and then my old computer died on me AGAIN. Not going to bother with details, it makes me sad just thinking about it. The bottom line is, it definitely did take a mental toll on me, big enough that I gave up on diary writing in the boards for the past half decade or so. I feared folks were losing patience with me and wouldn't want to sink their teeth into stories that would never reach their conclusion. I gave up until 2 years ago while stuck at home with the height of the pandemic. I was bored at home when one day the unofficial Discord of the boards opened up a diary writing section, and I saw I still had the savefile (what I had lost with the old computer were the writeups) for my brainchild. I figured it was worth a shot, and lo and behold, even through hardship I have been able to mantain it going strong until this day. Sure, you can say 5 (or more) years of the same diary only going from January 2013 to late 2014 is not that good of progress, but the lifeline I was provided on Discord has now given me the motivation to run with this diary until the very end. The endgoal for the Civil War storyline is and has always been WrestleMania 33 (2017) and the progress I've made on Discord has made me 100% certain I will meet that goal. I love this diary, this storyline I've come up with way too much to fail it. So I kindly ask of anyone who may interest themselves in this diary, to be patient with me one final time. I will make my return to these boards a worthwhile one by telling this story. I promise you that. It doesn't matter how long it takes, I will make it until the endgame I've proposed to myself. - Before I move on, I want to thank a few great folks from past and present of the boards and a few others. Beejus for being the biggest inspiration of mine when it comes to creating this diary. We've fallen out of contact recently, but I've always considered him a good friend and amazing writer. TFC, TheLloyd, angeldelayette, Eisen-verse, Uncrewed, ink625, Kimberly/Piper's and many more of the greatest long-term diary writers in the boards who with their projects in the time I was inactive and even before that, kept me entertained and kept alive a speck of hope that one day I could do the same as they did. MrLeedles, Jacob Jones, Chair, p4rk, lucid, Butter, Jango and anyone else who has given feedback or even just commented once on the Discord version of the diary. I appreciate even the tiniest bit of it and hope you guys continue enjoying the ride. Cody (Discord mod, unsure of his board name) for motivating me to bring back the diary to the boards after how successful it became on Discord. Everyone who's ever stuck around and given me a chance through my struggles in the past. It'd be rough to namedrop everyone, but I love all of you! And I also want to thank the entirety of the team that worked on TEW 2020, not only for this game, but for all the amazing games they've created over the years that helped keep me (and I'm sure many others) sane throughout the pandemic. STATE OF THE SAVE + CHANGES The 2013 WWE diary I mentioned in passing earlier just happened to be a prototype of sorts for what would become this diary. In short, I recycled and rewrote many ideas from my fertile 13 year old mind and passed them through a more refined mind for booking as I'm now in my 20's. All these ideas combined into the one diary that you are now reading. With that, I had erred on a few factors that I came to fixing just recently. Two of them spring to mind: 1) Back when I first started writing this, there was a friend's diary on another website where he had created his own OC for a real life company. At the time, I thought the idea was sick and looked to do the same here. The thought process was ''might as well if I were going to be committed to just one save for a long amount of time'' but eventually grew disinterested when I realized how flawed that was in execution for this particular kind of diary. I was too late to write him off in the first version of the diary years ago (the first time I revived this save it was already set in August 2013), but he's since been removed from plans entirely. It was a stupid idea and I can't believe I ran with it for so long. The angles I had planned for him now have been given to another character that fits the mold, one that is actually a real life person. 2) This is by far what I hate having done the most. You may remember I introduced Xavier Woods as the SmackDown General Manager in order to slot him into an important role right away after Teddy Long's in-game retirement. Well, way back in the infancy of planning everything for this diary, I wanted to get Hulk Hogan back into things in a similar role as Steve Austin had in mid-2000's WWE, to help provide popularity rubs to younger talent. My younger mind unfortunately didn't connect the dots back then, and as such that was another angle I couldn't change having written from when I started the first version of this diary. Once on Discord I quickly pivoted away from it and wrote Hogan off entirely due to obvious reasons. I apologize for this having ever made it into booking in first place. Surely there may have been a few other decisions I now disagree with that I made along the way, but nothing as obvious as these two. So, after this long time away from things, where do we currently stand in terms of the save? I am currently moving at a very nice pace and find myself in October 2014 (compared to the original in-writeup start of August 2013 and the in-game start of January 2013). Things are penciled in all the way through WrestleMania 31 with solid main storyline plans for the following two WrestleManias and I will connect everything in between. I'm a stickler for the long haul, what can you do? To make the current storylines make more sense to all of you, I won't be just quick recapping everything in between the first diary start and where we're currently at; I'll instead provide a very brief recap of things from August until April and start us off with actual show writeups post-WrestleMania XXX. That marks the point in time where most initial storylines I set up with a lot of real life leftover adaptations got concluded. Be warned that I will dump a lot of exposition right away, as opposed to the strategy last time where I did a month previous to the start of the diary every two days. I just don't want to take forever to get to the point. You will definitely be able to pinpoint where I've separated entirely from real life and started going with more current ideas than the disjointed ones I had in the past. Since I already have everything pre-written from April to September, that gives us a solid 6 months to work with without a large pause to start things out. In the meantime, I will of course continue working on where I am at in-game. No prediction contest outside of pay-per-views. That's definitely the better strategy pacing wise with me. Lastly, yes, anyone here can just check things from the Discord diary and be spoiled. I will still be posting shows in there along with here. Post and predict here, there, anywhere at your own volition. I just ask that if you are a Discord reader from the already posted portion of the diary in there that you please don't spoil future events.
  6. I personally love the curveballs that house show injuries throw at you in 2020.
  7. Prime Brian Pillman vs. anyone today, really. Moxley would be awesome. Jeff Hardy circa late 2000's...
  8. I was thoroughly entertained by SummerSlam. Really don't see the criticisms, including about Io's new name. I'd rather that than her losing the first or second name like everyone does these days. Insane stable for Bayley, Logan Paul is awesome, and they booked themselves out of the Liv-Ronda alley very well without making either woman look weak. Loved Roman-Brock as a match though I have to be honest that I didn't care for the finish. It's all forgiven if Drew wins at the Castle.
  9. Steve Blackman Haku & Umaga The Hardy Boyz Hardcore Holly Batista Kurt Angle & Chris Jericho
  10. Terrific job setting up Big Show as a credible threat, which was always an iffy part of real life booking. Even if there's no prediction prize, I'd love to just predict on full PPV cards for this one should you guys make that an option
  11. Samoan Swat Team Brian Pillman Dustin Rhodes The Outsiders The Fabulous Freebirds Sting One Man Gang Lex Luger
  12. Mr. Perfect Texas Tornado & LOD Sgt. Slaughter ??? The Hart Foundation Jake Roberts Going on a major hunch here that you'll capitalize from Sarge's good rolls.
  13. I can agree with this as a Rick Martel fan. I don't see why everyone else thinks it's awful. It's something different, which of course doesn't mean everyone will like it, but the talent is there to make it work. I like all four involved so I hope HHH can come up with a good long term plan for this.
  14. Tough to expect everything to change the first week he comes in. Did you expect them to do as WCW did and reset all storylines? We know how well THAT turned out. I don't know why I'm advocating for there to be patience when it comes to WWE one more time, but I'm giving them until WrestleMania to fully embrace a HHH vision.
  15. Thank you! And excellent Raw as always. Hope this Jeff Hardy wave of bad luck is just temporary
  16. I was about to bump this if it hadn't been already. Thank you so much for this!
  17. Are there any venue mods? I can't seem to find any. The location mod is great, but I'm looking for specifically updated venues.
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