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Everything posted by Dawn

  1. The Outsiders Brian Pillman Cactus Jack Dustin Rhodes Steiners Sting OMG Ron Simmons
  2. Really hoping for that eventual Jeff Hardy push! For now, a Jericho for the gold baybay
  3. Rey Mysterio Albert & Perry Saturn Umaga Razor Ramon & Bill DeMott Batista Triple H
  4. Bryan Danielson Miro Jordynne Grace Sydal & MCMG Cody Rhodes
  5. Rick Rude Ron Simmons & WCW Patriots Cactus Jack Scott Steiner Tom Zenk Freebirds & ??? - Bam Bam The York Foundation
  6. Pretty sure someone told me once it's bots who rate diaries 1 star at times, not sure about the validity of that. Either way taste is subjective and you're far and away the most popular writer on the boards currently in my estimation, so bot or legit one person not enjoying your content I wouldn't worry too much about it.
  7. Looks quite intriguing for sure! Consider me a reader
  8. Oh I thought I had predicted, guess not Bam Bam Bigelow Steve Austin The Enforcers The Freebirds Tom Zenk Johnny B. Badd
  9. Shane Douglas Van Hammer BRIAN PILLMAN! PUSH THE GOAT The Outsiders The Fabulous Freebirds Nikita Koloff Lex Luger Sting
  10. Shooters Club Austin Idol Kevin Von Erich The Fantastics The Enforcers Dustin Rhodes Ron Simmons Ricky Steamboat
  11. That dastardly Kip really proving to do a number on the locker room so far
  12. Surprised none of the Gargano-Ciampa matches are there tbh.
  13. Brother, doing multiple diaries at once is an insanely taxing task for any writer, let alone talented ones like Piper's and Kimberly who always work to deliver the best, well thought out content. I was also sad to see their previous diary go, but life goes on and now we get to enjoy them with rejuvenated creative juices flowing.
  14. AAAAAAAW HELL YEAH! I absolutely love anything that comes from you guys. I will be reading as always, best of luck!
  15. Punk vs. Cena from MITB 2011 and I believe HBK-Undertaker HIAC at Badd Blood.
  16. Rikishi, Haku & Umaga Batista Dean Malenko Kane Scotty 2 Hotty The Rock
  17. KAIRI Saya Donna Del Mondo Giulia STARS Tam Nakano Peach HEARTS Mai Sakurai Utami Yui I am definitely a fan of the in-game screenshots! Not really anything that jarring that I could point out as a con of the diary since I'm not that familiar with the joshi scene. This diary is sparking any and every interest of mine for that!
  18. Tag Team Table Elimination Match: Dean Malenko & William Regal [vs] Bubba Ray & D-Von – The Dudley Boyz Grudge Match: 'The Real Deal' D'Lo Brown [vs] Mr. Perfect w/ Mr. Sexay D'Lo's got more upside I feel. WWF Light Heavyweight Title Match: Marty Jannetty © [vs] Scotty Too Hotty [vs] Jeff Hardy [vs] X-Pac Push Jeff to the moon maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnn Mixed McMahon Tag Team Match: Triple H & Stephanie McMahon [vs] Vince & Shane McMahon WWF World Heavyweight Title Match: 'The World's Largest Athlete' Big Show [vs] 'The Texas Rattlesnake' Steve Austin © The 2002 Royal Rumble Match: The Rock | The Undertaker | Kane | Rikishi | Razor Ramon | Eddie Guerrero | Edge | Christian Chris Jericho | Chris Benoit | Bradshaw | Faarooq | Matt Hardy | Shelton Benjamin | Test | Val Venis Billy Gunn | K-Kwik | Mr. Sexay | Umaga | Haku | ???? | ???? | ???? ???? | ???? | ???? | ???? | ???? | ???? I feel I might be screwing myself over with this pick instead of just going with the crowd with The Rock but it's purely a gut feeling. Bonus Questions: 1). Which Match will be the Match Of The Night...? Rumble 2). What will the Overall Rating of the Show be...? 95 (within 5 gets a point, spot on gets 2 points) 3). Who will be in the Final Four of the Royal Rumble Match...?Benoit, The Rock, Eddie, Jericho 4). Who will be the Iron Man of the Rumble...? Benoit 5). Who will get the Most Eliminations...? Umaga is f'n awesome so I'll just say and hope it's him
  19. Unfortunately I wish there was a way to get them back
  20. I'm not very familiar with joshi wrestling, but the presentation of this diary is stunning and definitely has me hooked enough to read up and be here for the ride. Mad props!
  21. Billy Gunn D'Lo Brown Hardyz Headshrinkers APA Kurt Angle
  22. Sting's Squadron Eddie Kingston Orange Cassidy Jordynne Grace Christian Cage
  23. Will definitely be keeping an eye on this one, looks quite promising!
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