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Posts posted by Atticus

  1. I bought Madden 16 a few weeks ago and have been playing it just about daily with my roommate. Pretty fun overall, but I found the aggressive catch and the WR/DB interactions to be way too overpowered. It seems like the receiver will make a catch 9 times out of 10 regardless of who they are and what defender is on them. Just the other night, we had a game where a fourth-string receiver caught a ball over 3 defenders and another play where he caught it over four. Defense in general seems like it got downgraded in favor of the OBJ catch.


    But it's not all bad. Draft Champions is a lot of fun and I haven't sunk in too much time into MUT so far this year. CFM is a bit screwy at the moment, but I'm a fan of the new scouting system and the draft feedback. Though, I wish the "true talent" aspect of drafting got tweaked a bit. It's a bit weird to say a kicker projected to go undrafted is the 24th best player in the draft.


    Side note, but I'm really looking forward to NBA 2K16. The MyCareer mode looks really awesome this year with being able to play through high school, college, and then get drafted into the NBA. Pretty exciting stuff.

  2. So according to you....


    Iron Sheik dropped the title to....nobody....Andre The Giant put over an invisible man at Wrestlemania 3....Andre won the title from nobody only to have it vacated the same night....Yokuzuna beat bret Hart at Wrestlemania just to lose it to nobody again.....and then beat that nobody at King of The Ring in 93. Kevin Nash and Scott Hall were the only founding members of the NWO. NWO come to WWE and nobody wrestles in the main event against the Rock. I could go all day but I think you get the point.


    Correct. I'd rather have all that history forgotten about than to honor a racist for accomplishments he did in a sport I love.

  3. Ok let me ask you this how do you tell the story of wrestling without Hulk Hogan? You couldn't tell the story without Chris Benoit. It's almost like saying how do you tell the story of wrestling without Ric Flair it isn't going to happen. So why fight what he has accomplished.


    Here's how I tell that story


    I don't


    Because I don't care that much about the past of pro wrestling nor do I care about Hulk Hogan or anything he's ever done.

  4. Ok maybe what hogan said was the heat of the moment?


    What Hogan said was the heat of many moments if he went on a full rant about it. Again, I'm saying, Booker T said it ONCE. Hulk Hogan went on a rant against a black person in which he used an offensive term multiple times and stereotyped the race. That's not an "Oopsie, slip of the tongue" moment, that's "I might be a racist" moment.

  5. Obviously you think a 30+ year career should be crucified over a paragraph. What he has done for every company he worked for is why he was given that hall of fame spot. To take it away over a few comments is insane...it's ok for warrior to bash homosexuals it's ok for Pete Rose to gamble...it's ok for Booker T and Vince McMahon to use the words even if they are not in a derogatory sense. But saying that whatever Hulk Hogan has done means nothing now is just foolish.


    Yes, I'm perfectly fine with a 30+ year old racist career in professional wrestling being wiped from history because I do not care about a racist's career. Just like I'm fine with Benoit being wiped because I do not care about a murderer's career.


    I mentioned what Warrior said in another post and nowhere did I commend him for saying what he said. If Warrior's legacy was wiped too, I'd be glad. But since he's dead, no one is going to care as much as they care about what Hogan said.


    You should stop comparing what Vince and Booker said to what Hogan said. It's two completely different sides of the spectrum. Neither what Booker or Vince said was meant to be racist. Booker's was a heat of the moment thing and Vince's was an attempt at humor which is totally subjective since some people find it funny and some don't. That's comedy.


    edit - Also what Pete Rose did is nothing compared to what Hogan and Warrior said.


    The line that gets drawn is Booker T said it once. Vince McMahon said it once. Hulk Hogan dropped it with the hard R multiple times, then continued being a racist by stereotyping.

  6. I'll rebuttle to this statement...think about the man's age first of all he is 61 years old. The first 30 years of his life it was widely "acceptable" I regret to say in open conversation. That is just his generation. Does it make it right? No it does not. But that is how his generation of white male's water cooler talk went about.


    My parents were the same generation but I guess where I grew up in the south it was too common to hear that language. Again I'm not condoning the behaviour one bit I just think people are a little too butt hurt nowadays over these things.


    Do you think there would be this much hooplah if Booker T went and made remarks about some cracker dating his daughter. "Maybe not a record producer but if she was with a doctor cracker that made millions than that would be ok." I literately spun the scenario around but no body would fire him for that...he might get suspended without pay but that's it.


    Even if they have to fire the man for PR reasons taking away the man's legacy by trying to wipe away his existence by taking him off the website and Hall of Fame is ridiculous. I understand they have to punish him in some way but trying to deny him completely is just Bull$H1T!



    Edit: I found another link to some of his close friends and his daughter...






    And this is from his twitter of everyone that is saying he is not a racist the list includes Dennis Rodman, Virgil, Glen Gilbertti (but he is not black lol!). I am pretty damn sure it was a bone head statement made by a guy who was mad at the world at the time.


    Just because there are apologists for Hogan doesn't mean anything. Just because people say he's not a racist doesn't make him not a racist. Just like people said OJ Simpson didn't murder anyone.


    And regarding your Booker T analogy, cracker is nowhere NEAR as offensive as the N word. It doesn't have the same deep roots in America as the N word. Especially since the N-word was used to refer to slaves and slavery. The N word has also been associated with numerous hate groups. A pretty bad thing to be associated with.


    People get "butt hurt" over this because Hogan said something that is, offensive, ignorant, and makes you look like an idiot who is living in the past. There are people alive today who had to fight for their rights because of their skin color and were berated with that word. I grew up in the south too and every time I heard someone drop that hard R, I knew they were an ignorant idiot.


    Just because you're mad at the world doesn't give you an excuse. When I'm mad, I cuss and I get upset, but I certainly don't start whipping racist slurs. If you do, you might be a racist. I'm pretty sure some mass shooters were mad at the world too, but I don't think they deserve a pass because they were having a rough day.


    If anything, Hogan's age should serve to the point that he should know better. He's only 61. He's not some senile old man who can't control what he's saying. And he was only in his 50s when he said it. He knows what that word is, he knows how he's using it. and he knows who it is directed at.


    Does Hogan deserve the Benoit treatment? To an extent, yes. And I don't blame the WWE for doing it. Are they being hypocritical? Sure. But I'd rather them be hypocritical and remove a racist from my screen then allow it and say "Hey, it's okay to be a racist idiot, just keep it to 5 N bombs minimum and you'll be fine."

  7. However, the NFL did suspend Ben and condem his actions.


    Thank you for reminding me about that. I wasn't sure if they punished him or not.


    I also remember watching the Super Bowl the year the Steelers made it in and the announcers commented on Ben's sexual assault charges. Definitely something you don't want on national TV shown to millions of people.


    That's not the kind of press the WWE really wants when WrestleMania or whatever rolls around.

  8. Ok but did the NBA fire Kobe? Or did the NFL fire Ben...exactly!


    Right, but both those guys were found not guilty. Yet they're still associated with that. Whether they should've been cut or whatever is a different story. Especially since the NBA/NFL cannot "fire" players without getting into legal action with the teams. Not to mention their cases were from a different time before social media hit the platform it's at now.


    In 2015? Hogan, if this is released and real, you've got actual proof that Hulk Hogan is a racist. It's one thing to be accused and go to court like those other guys I mentioned, but for actual proof to leak out too, not good. When the Ray Rice video went public, cut. And how much flack did the NFL catch for sitting on that video, knowing that the 212 pound professional athlete knocked his wife out right on tape?


    When Donald Sterling's audio and multiple witness stories came out, banned for life. The NBA was quick and severed themselves from Donald. Now Hogan is going to have a tape where he angrily talks about a black guy and drops the N-word? Cut.


    Especially in 2015. People need to be progressive and remove themselves from idiots who can't control what they say. I don't care if Hogan went out and saved a building full of orphans on fire, I'm still going to know that he's a racist and does not have any business being associated with something that brings entertainment to millions (including impressionable children).

  9. I still think that was out of anger as his daughter was 19 at the time. Me being a father I've been known to become very irrational when situations arise concerning my kids. I know I said some things that I'm not proud of but your children will bring that out of you. My daughter is autistic and I've said some crazy things to people that I feel haven't the best intentions for her.


    I can understand that and being protective, but Hogan having a problem with his daughter dating a black guy and then dropping the hard R multiple times is a problem. If you're whipping out racist terms in anger, you might be a racist (scratch that, you probably are a racist).


    And because it was recorded, that's where Hogan really screwed up. It's bad enough that one of WWE's biggest stars is a convicted wife beating ex-alcoholic, but now their other one is a racist? WWE is going to want to get as far away from that as possible.


    Cause I guarantee you anytime people see Hogan now, they're going to think of this. Maybe it's not their first thought, but they'll remember that time Hulk Hogan dropped the hard R. Just like when people see Kobe Bryant, they're always going to remember that he was tried for rape or that Ben Roethlisberger was tried for sexual assault twice. You want to cut that bad PR as soon as possible, especially if you're a publicly traded stock like the WWE is.

  10. I agree it was wrong but I don't agree with how they are handling it. Should he be fired for what he said 8 years ago not in their employ...no. But Vince using the word live on his show and then fires someone for saying it later is a little contradictory don't you think?


    He wasn't under contract when he said it, but he is now. That's all that matters. It's about PR and the WWE needs to take care of it before it becomes a problem. Such as Warrior's blog where he talks about how homosexuality is wrong. He wrote that while he wasn't under contract with the WWE and whenever he was inducted into the Hall of Fame, it didn't come into national attention like Hogan's comments are today.


    I agree that what Vince said is wrong, but we've also got to remember that Vince is crazy and if rumors are to be believed, not a good person either. However, Vince's comment in that video were again, a one-off thing where he was trying to be funny/humorous in poor taste as to where Hogan said it multiple times and used the N word in a variety of ways as a racist and even called himself a racist (again, if the reports of what he said are true)

  11. I'm not condoning his actions but some over blown comments should not take away from what he has accomplished in "their" ring. Even though that YouTube leak of Booker T calling Hulk Hogan a you know what has millions of views that didn't stop them from putting Booker in the Hall of Fame. I'm just saying they are making themselves look contradictory here.


    Assuming what everything Hogan said is 100%, which we won't know until the court transcripts show it or it is released, what Booker T said and what Hulk Hogan said are not comparable at all. Booker didn't intend for his to be racist.


    Dropping the N-word with a hard R as a white guy is not a good look because white guys who drop the N-word with a hard R usually are frowned upon and are associated with some pretty bad groups that I imagine the WWE wouldn't want to be associated with. Especially when you add "f*cking" before it and then say "I’d rather have her marry an 8-foot-tall n-word worth a hundred million dollars! Like a basketball player!"


    That's where what Booker T said and what Hogan said differ.

  12. I have the suspicion that that radio interview isn't the video/tape WWE got upset over, but I could be totally wrong.


    Considering Warrior's site about and I quote his words, not mine "queer studies" and how "many of those endorsing queers and a Queer Studies program may just end up burning in an eternal hell" is still up where he speaks out against homosexuality, I'm assuming the real tape is really rough to remove all that they can about him.

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