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Posts posted by Atticus

  1. PWG Betrayed in the Pentagon, 2/22/20

    Globe Theatre, Los Angeles, CA


    Flamita vs. Aramis

    Black Taurus vs. Rey Horus

    Darby Allin vs. Brody King vs. Mick Moretti

    LAX (Ortiz & Santana) vs. Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent?)

    REY FENIX vs. Jeff Cobb

    PENTA EL ZERO M vs. David Starr

    PWG World Heavyweight Title: Bandido © vs. Jonathan Gresham

  2. <p>Oooh lucha PWG taking over. i love Starr, so it's rough to vote against him, but Bandido is that guy for the foreseeable future.</p><p> </p><p>

    PWG Here Comes Another One, 1/12/20</p><p>

    Globe Theatre, Los Angeles, CA</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Jeff Cobb</strong> vs. Artemis Spencer</p><p>

    <strong>Jonathan Gresham</strong> vs. Puma King</p><p>

    <strong>The Rascalz (Dezmond Xavier, Zachary Wentz & Trey Miguel) </strong>vs. Flamita, Aramis & Laredo Kid</p><p>

    <strong>Brody King</strong> vs. Black Taurus</p><p>

    A Boy and His Dinosaur (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus) vs. <strong>Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent?)</strong></p><p>

    PWG World Tag Team Title: <strong>Lucha Brothers (PENTA EL ZERO M & REY FENIX) ©</strong> vs. LAX (Ortiz & Santana)</p><p>

    PWG World Heavyweight Title:<strong> Bandido ©</strong> vs. David Starr</p>

  3. just when you go and get me all excited for a NJPW dynasty only to kill it...you go and MAKE THIS BEAUTY, DEAN, I LOVE YA. PWG is really fascinating in that maybe with AEW watching over them and NXT being even more overcrowded af, they won't have their guys get poached as soon as they start gaining some momentum. i lost interest with the boys around the time they went to the Globe and felt like they kinda lost their way, but i've slowly been getting back into it, so i am hyped for this.


    PWG All Star Weekend 15, Night 1, 12/21/19

    Globe Theatre, Los Angeles, CA


    Rey Horus vs. Darby Allin

    Caveman Ugg vs. Jungle Boy

    Joey Janela vs. Puma King

    REY FENIX vs. El Hijo del Vikingo

    PENTA EL ZERO M vs. Flamita vs. Black Taurus

    Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent?) vs. Villain Enterprises (Marty Scurll & Brody King)

    PWG World Heavyweight Title: Jeff Cobb © vs. Bandido


    PWG All Star Weekend 15, Night 2, 12/22/19

    Globe Theatre, Los Angeles, CA


    Puma King vs. Lucky Kid

    Joey Janela vs. Darby Allin vs. Jungle Boy vs. Alex Zayne

    Jonathan Gresham vs. Black Taurus

    Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent?) vs. MexaBlood (Bandido & Flamita)

    David Starr vs. Marty Scurll

    Jeff Cobb vs. Brody King (will be a World Heavyweight Title match if Cobb retains on Night One)

    PWG World Tag Team Title: The Rascalz (Dezmond Xavier & Zachary Wentz) © vs. Lucha Brothers (REY FENIX & PENTA EL ZERO M)

  4. As a silent admirer of this dynasty I'll also chip in on the "You should write what you want" boat, but while I say this I'll also champion my vote for RAW/SD/205/NXT just because I'd also like to see your take on the brands. Maybe some happy medium doing an extra smaller PPV-esque show like Evolution with One Night Stand and Starrcade?
  5. How do people feel about match write-ups? I have noticed increasingly that more and more writers are not doing full-on match write-ups and they are just copying the results directly from the game (C-Verse writers, I do not really follow RW writers that much.).


    Even though I haven't written anything TEW related in a minute, if I ever did get the spark to do something, it'd be very short match results. I care a lot more about presentation/formatting than I probably ought to, but even without graphics, as long as it's clean looking, I'll get into it probably. If it's for a PPV, I don't mind reading a big block match for the main event and maybe for like Mania equivalent shows. I'm very content with match results being Wrestler A defeats Wrestler B in 10:00 by using Blank.


    The puro diaries knock this out of the park for me and that's why I'm drawn to them more. Body By THawk's AJPW diary, joemurphy's NJPW diary, Southside's BCG, and CGN91's WCG are the current examples in my head. Anything that'd be missed in the match is covered in the post-match angle or covered elsewhere. I also like Eisen-verse's bullet point-ish recap style too and I'd use it as inspiration for my ROH diary except instead of doing line breaks for spots, I'd just do a paragraph where I hit the needed spots to tell the story of the match and highlight whatever I wanted to without doing blow-by-blow.


    Another style I like and I've seen a few times, but can't think of any examples is the Dramatic DDT style where you'll get hit with the match results right away then below them will be a bullet point that can be as short as a sentence or as long as maybe a paragraph telling you the important stuff. Short and to the point.


    I get the appeal of long matches because they do make for an entertaining read if you're on a plane/bus/train/car/etc. trip or have a better visual imagination than me. To me, as a writer/reader who gets increasingly busy these days, shorter matches = shorter shows which rule. And if I ever got to that point, I always wanted a project that could be 50+ pages long, but wasn't daunting for new readers to get into because you could breeze through the shows in a day or two without having to skim a ton of huge match write-ups.


    I think of it like how I treat the NFL nowadays. I'll sit down and watch a full game for my favorite team, but 98% of the time, I'm perfectly fine with the NFL RedZone where I see the big plays, the scoring plays, and the final score. I don't need to see every second of every possession.

  6. <p>BCG Challengers Series Championship: <strong>©Greg Gauge</strong> vs. Roku Sotomura</p><p>

    Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

    Special Six-Man Tag Team Match: Dawnguard (Bunrakuken Torii, Inejiro Yoshizawa & Noritoshi Miura) vs. <strong>Tasuka Iesada & American Demolition (Big Bruiser Findlay & Bulldozer Brandon Smith)</strong></p><p>

    Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

    BCG World Junior Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semifinal: Stone Yoshikawa vs. <strong>Frankie Perez</strong></p><p>

    Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

    BCG World Junior Heavyweight Championship Tournament Semifinal: Orange Tsuchie vs. <strong>Razan Okamoto</strong></p><p>

    Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

    BCG Generations Series Final: Zeshin Makioka & Motoyuki Miyake vs. <strong>Tsuneyo Yanagimoto & Gidayu Katou</strong></p><p>

    Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

    Azumamaro Shimizu Seven Match Trial Series - Match #4: <strong>Yoshinaka Taku</strong> vs. Azumamaro Shimizu</p><p>

    Comments:</p><p> </p><p>

    Bonus Question: Which worker gets the pinfall/submission win in the Special Six-Man Tag match? <strong>Iesada</strong></p><p>


  7. <p>Popped this open on a whim since I know next to nothing about the CVerse and its lore and I got hooked. I'm a sucker for great presentation/formatting and puro stuff always draws me in. Binged this in one sitting and I've gotta say, this rules, man.</p><p> </p><p>

    Other than several botched PGHW runs, BGC is the other Japanese company I've tried in TEW because I love me a good ol' fashioned touring schedule, so the premise pulled me in right away. All the other stuff is just bonus. I love tournaments, the introduction of the juniors is awesome, the retirement/anniversary/celebration shows rule, got some stables, and basically you're just hitting everything I love about Japanese wrestling.</p><p> </p><p>

    Needless to say, I'm all aboard this one. Keep up the killer work!</p>

  8. You might be able to find another program that opens RAR files. I've never paid for WinRAR so not sure why a paid version would be required. In my experience, the "demo" version never stops working even after the trial period is well up.


    This is true. WinRAR "expires", but it doesn't really expire. It'll say "Buy the full version!", but just close that window and get back to what you were doing.


    Just install that bad boy, right click, and "Extract to [file name]" and you've got it.

  9. <p>And we back. The tag tournaments went off great just as Japan entered a massive recession, so I'm going broke!!! But it's okay, the shows are still lit as my dreams for my own broadcaster get put on hold for another year. But as I'm writing it, the economy is back up on the rise despite the industry dropping. Anyways, back to the important stuff, tournaments! MORE MORE MORE! Decided to just dedicate most of October/November to just one big tag tournament because there's no chance in hell I'm booking back-to-back round robin tag team tournaments. Instead, just run both tournaments at once! And boy, I definitely NEVER forgot to book a match here and there.</p><p> </p><p>

    Anyways, the Kings (Sean Girven and Alejandro Iglesias) beat Pain & Torture to win the heavyweight tag league and HashiWara won the junior tags cups as well as the reactivated Junior Tag Team Championships against SpaceWolf. EVR also defended the UPJ World Championship against Kato and Kinjo defeated Bruiser Cassidy to officially cement his place in the main event at Hall of Immortals.</p><p> </p><p>

    Now for Hall of Immortals. The pre-show saw Thunder Iesada win because he is still not in the time decline despite pushing 50 and I'm gonna see if I can't slip him into a Junior Championship title defense. Next up was the gauntlet for the Blue Rhino 6-Man Championships which saw Captain UPJ & The Hunters defeat old man Takehide Harada, Koma Kobiashi, and Seung Zhi. They then defended it against TOKI INK and the Tokyo Tigers. Then lost to TEMPEST Masato, Aydan Farrell and Ram Diablo. Who then lost it to Junichi and Pain & Torture.</p><p> </p><p>

    Next up was Ace Smith going over Ryotaro Naruto in a special exhibition match. Story just being the Four Kings starting to get a bit cocky and Ryotaro stepping up as the newer vet for the juniors trying to settle them down. Didn't work obviously. Then HashiWara defended their belts against Nakada & Yamada, who had beaten them in the tag tournament previously. Goto then challenged and defeated Furosuto for the Junior Championship. Unfortunately, this match was pretty flat-ish at a 79/B. Just a healthy reminder the junior division pop needs to step it up.</p><p> </p><p>

    And the success for Ignite Zero kept rolling on as Kato would defeat Waotaka Eda for the Openweight next. A match stemming from them beefing after Eda beat Kato in the Ozeki Summit then Kato getting a pin over Eda in the heavyweight tag league. Plus, despite his impressive star quality, Eda is just a Hirooki Goto to me. Hell be a great jobber to the stars for me and not much else unfortunately unless his in-ring skills can really up themselves before he hits the TD. Kato is someone I really like, but similar to Eda, his in-ring skills are above average, but nothing special unfortunately. He still has time to develop, but I think some have already peaked.</p><p> </p><p>

    Then Girven and Iglesias dethroned North American Scum for the tag titles. These two are either gonna have a short reign since I really think they're better off on their own or a massively long one because having a star team like this in my tag division would be great (and I need the depth anyways tbh). The Hunters are probably the next tag in line, but will probably hold off until the summer to give those belts up if I do. I'd like to see Avalanche improve just a tiny bit more first.</p><p> </p><p>

    Next up is the semi-main event, which saw Juro Deguchi retain his IC belt against Oda Yamawaki. Previously, Yamawaki had defeated Deguchi in the Ozeki Summit and called Deguchi out for the match, fairly simple set up. Anyways, future ace Yamawaki and Deguchi produced a 99/A* match, which is great for me. Deguchi is still insane and if he hits the time decline this year before him v. Kinjo at Hall of the Immortals 2017, I will cry. I think Yamawaki will be the one to take the belt off him down the line. Maybe before the Ozeki Summit or right after, depending on how that time decline rolls.</p><p> </p><p>

    And the main event, after winning the Ozeki Summit in a 100/A* against Kato, Kintaro Kinjo stood across from Erik van Rijn, ready to end his year long hold on the UPJ World Championship. And after nearly 40 minutes, the Ace of UPJ would dethrone EVR in his second 100/A* match of the year. It's almost fitting his 3rd UPJ World reign would start like his other two at Hall of Immortals and I like to imagine this is the win that truly cemented him as ace (mainly because I think December or January is when his figurehead bonus came into play) of UPJ. I think all of his stats have peaked now, but he's without a doubt my #1 wrestler, surpassing Juro, but still behind EVR for mic skills. Also the most popular wrestler in Japan (and 4th most popular in Europe after I bought out N-EW and got myself a nice PPV deal)!</p><p> </p><p>

    Show ended up being a 97/A* which is awesome and I hope to match it or maybe hit higher in 2017. Also locked up Nobuhisa Yasutake from LETHAL to a full time deal bc his star quality is insane. Might have him be the unofficial ace for the unaligned. Future is hopefully in good hands as we move forward though. It sucks to be bleeding money like I am, especially after jumping to national and signing guys to written contracts, but the economy is picking back up, so hopefully I won't be in too bad a spot once it drags itself out of the 20s. Course, I say that, but if I get a chance at buying another company, you know I'm gonna do it.</p><p> </p><p>

    Also, any recommendations for good native heavyweight tag teams and junior tag teams? Or even just some good pairings? My roster is stacked as is with enough gaijins, so trying to reign it in a bit. My heavyweight division needs the depth more than anything.</p><p> </p><p>

    and this lil brat Dustin LeFever thinks he's too good for developmental! But his SQ is rising and i'm worried that MHero put a curse on me to make sure LeFever becomes my star junior wrestler.</p>

  10. <p>Woo, another longish UPJ update for my TVerse people. One show away from Hall of Immortals, which is pretty hype. After spending a good chunk of the year averaging low 80s/high 70s, we've now moved onto averaging in the 80-87 range with the occasional 90+. We hit the threshold to grow National, but I usually like to hold off on that for a month just to make sure I don't somehow botch it right away. So I imagine we'll officially move up from Cult to National in December, which is real neato. In preparation for a rise to National, I went ahead and opened up a developmental territory in July. Still restraining myself a bit from poaching everyone and also bringing in too many gaijins (i've got a lot already and it gets worse every month). Future ace Dustin LeFever waits for his time to shine.</p><p> </p><p>

    Our first big boy tournament was the Junior Mountain Cup and you may remember I had no idea who was going to win it, but decided it'd be between Goto and Tiger Singh at the very least. And oh boy, did Tiger Singh disappoint, though to be fair, he was still one of the better performers, just didn't perform as well as hoped. But you know who didn't disappoint? Aydan Farrell! And he won! Mainly thanks to a Furosuto/Singh match tanking early on and me not wanting Goto to win it here. Here's a rundown of the two blocks</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Block A</strong>: Goto, Junichi Matsuo, Kozue, Shingo Hashi, Dark Wolf II, Leon de Oro, Fergus Storm, Utamara, Mr. Yamashita, Nakano Yuki</p><p>

    <strong>Block B</strong>: Aydan Farrell, Ryotaro Naruto, Furosuto, Tiger Singh, Nathan Jordan, Magobei Morita, Akito Nakada, Hidetsugu Genji, Ryder, Ryuko Mishamoto</p><p> </p><p>

    Kozue was MVP of the tournament with an average of an 81, making me question if I did the right thing, but he had his time! I also think this marks the first gaijin to win it? So that's kinda neat. Similar to my NJPW game, the junior tournament wasn't spectacular and just shows some definite room for improvement, but thankfully there are a lot of promising young lions to make up for it down the line.</p><p> </p><p>

    I managed to get Ryotaro Naruto after he left DRAGON (or was fired i can't recall), so 41ish and not in a time decline, he's doing wonders for my junior division alongside Kozue, Goto, Farrell, and Furosuto (who got a nice SQ bump after juicing up (allegedly)). Still would love a clear cut Ace for the Juniors, but nothing yet. Though Kozue or Furosuto (or even Goto) may take that role over come 2017. Even if only for a moment.</p><p> </p><p>

    And much like my NJPW game and my G1, the Ozeki Summit was baller, thus I will write more about it! Unbeknownst to me, there's a story in the game that boosts Kintaro Kinjo's popularity to insane heights, as if I needed anymore reason to have him win, and then he'd be my MVP with an average of an 86 overall match rating. Though, it helped that his block was stacked with Deguchi, Diablo, Ace Smith, Alejandro Iglesias, and Oda. And here's a glance at the rest of that block</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Block A</strong>: Kintaro Kinjo, Oda Yamawaki, Juro Deguchi, Alejandro Iglesias, Ace Smith, Bruiser Cassidy, Ram Diablo, Captain UPJ, Otojiro Ikina, Richie Santana Jr.</p><p> </p><p>

    Gaijin heavy block, but that's how she rolls. Thanks to a upset win by Ace Smith on Day 1 then a loss later on to Yamawaki, Deguchi would find himself eliminated just before the final day, but had a chance to ruin Kintaro's night with a victory that'd let Oda win. And it ended in a 30-minute time limit draw, just allowing Kintaro to etch on and win in a 97/A* match (my first A+ match!). Also discovered that Kintaro and Yamawaki have great chemistry, which just makes the Tanahashi/Okada connection even stronger.</p><p> </p><p>

    Ram Diablo unfortunately hit his Time Decline a month or two before the tournament, so his already borderline average stamina dipped some more, but he still put up a good tournament run. Iglesias and Smith (who has now joined Three Kings, now being Four Kings...and probably The Kingdom soon enough) had a great run as did Richie Santana Jr., who I brought in for the tour. He even got a 92/A with Kinjo one night. I'm too loaded with gaijin right now to sign him, but thanks to Diablo's decline, Santana will probably find his way onto my roster full time soon enough.</p><p> </p><p>

    Onto Block B! Wasn't as top loaded as the other block, but there were some pleasant surprises here. Mainly in the form of Sean Girven and a Graham Mackenzie on the Time Decline. And just like the other block, this was a tightly contested race between four men at the end of the tournament, but it was Kato who walked away with Block B. Here were the participants</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Block B</strong>: Kato, Sean Girven, Erik van Rijn, Waotaka Eda, Koji Yamada, Takanori Sakurai, Avalanche Miyagi, TEMPEST Masato, TOKI INK, Graham Mackenzie</p><p> </p><p>

    If I was smarter, I probably would've switched out The Hunters to be in different blocks, but oops. The big story of this one was who was gonna win it since those first four were undefeated deep into the tournament. On the final day, you had a 4-way tie (at least, I think it was). Eda held a win over Kato and Girven held a win over EVR. The first big match saw Girven beat Eda, but his dreams of winning were crushed once Kato beat EVR in the main event. I'd like to say I planned it like that all along, but it was mostly all luck.</p><p> </p><p>

    Girven really shined in this tournament in what I thought would be the weaker block and I was super impressed while also being bummed out because I hate having all these gaijins in top positions!! But they're too good. And even though he was in a rough decline, Mackenzie put together some solid matches.</p><p> </p><p>

    Fast forward a few days to the Ozeki Summit finale. In the undercard, Furosuto retains against Aydan Farrell and then we move our way on up to the main event between stablemates Kintaro Kinjo and Kato. I had high hopes for the match heading into it, but once I saw that Kinjo peaked at a 97 for stamina and Kato worked his way up to a 93, I figured after the Deguchi/Kinjo 30-minute draw, we needed to go bigger, and these two went 59 (technically 60) minutes down to the wire! And it resulted in a 100/A* match my GOD. I knew Kinjo had it in him, but Kato worried me a bit because his consistency rating is super average. Also planting more seeds for Ignite Zero breaking away.</p><p> </p><p>

    The tour wrapped up and now we're onto our big Heavyweight and Junior tag tournaments to finish up the year. Before that though, we ran a "B-level" PPV which featured EVR retaining against Girven in the main event. Deguchi also retained his IC belt against Ace Smith. North American Scum have now defended against Pain & Torture as well as The Hunters. Furosuto retained in a great match against Ryotaro Naruto. It's almost sad knowing that van Rijn's and Furosuto's year long reigns are coming to an end very soon. But move over, it's One True Ace Kintaro Kinjo's time!!! And at 37, we need to hurry up and give him a total of 8 reigns to break the record!!!</p><p> </p><p>

    As for the tag tournaments, we'll most likely see the duo of Iglesias and Girven win the heavyweight portion while HashiWara will win the junior portion (and the junior tag belts as well). After that, I'll be busting out the Blue Rhino Openweight belt and 6-man tag belts too, both to be crowned in December. Probably by Kato or Eda then some gauntlet match for the 6-man belts. And Hall of Immortals will conclude with the main event starting at the 20th hour of the show.</p>

  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Sigilistic" data-cite="Sigilistic" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41411" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm really curious how you book your shows. Do you use angles at all? What do your touring event cards look like?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Similar to how New Japan shows will end, I'll have the winner of the main event cut a promo to send the people home. Since the main event of a tour show is always a multi-man tag match for me, I make sure that at least Kintaro, Juro, EVR, or sometimes Oda are in the main event so they can cut a promo for their team. I took this tactic from DerekB in his BHOTWG game, which is I'll have a video package or two play early in the night too, just to get that extra boost to the overall. Maybe an extra promo if I want to get someone's skill up (like Oda and Juro).</p><p> </p><p> Whenever I played as NJPW, I always made sure Bullet Club and Suzuki-gun never fought since they were both the bad boy heels. Don't really have that situation in UPJ yet (i guess RENEGADES and DOOM, but eh), so my cards are usually 6 matches a show with constant faction warfare. I mix up 5v5, 4v4, 3v3, some 2v2s, and the occasional 1v1 with a vet taking on a young lion or letting the tour guys shine.</p><p> </p><p> I map my PPVs out for a whole tour then have my Road To touring shows preview what's happening. So if I'm booking Erik van Rijn (current champ) against Oda Yamawaki at my PPV, I'll have Oda pin EVR in a multi-man tag match to allow him to challenge in a post match promo (which the champion always accepts for me bc i am not very creative), then do EVR + random combinations of RENEGADES vs. Oda + random combinations of FEARLESS in various multi-man matches until the PPV rolls around. It gets tedious, but it's a good way of helping a bunch of people improve plus if I do a 2v2, I can find chemistry and what not.</p><p> </p><p> Then I just rinse and repeat that for every other PPV match. If Juro Deguchi is taking on Ram Diablo at the PPV, I'll do Juro + DOOM vs. Ram + RENEGADES and so on with everything else. I won't have EVR vs. Oda on every card because I'll sometimes need them for other stuff, but I try to keep RENEGADES vs. FEARLESS or what needed faction vs. faction I need going on elsewhere on the card, even if the leaders aren't involved.</p><p> </p><p> Someone probably has a way more efficient style out there tbh.</p>
  12. <p>Incoming wall of text. I can't believe it's been a little over three years since I last sunk my teeth into a T-Verse game with AWF. But I guess it's a blessing too because it's like rediscovering this world allll over again. I had a year-long NJPW game that ended after I poached wayyy too much WWE talent and I just had too many guys I didn't want to waste (One day my Danielson/Joe/Styles stable will come to life :') ). Watching the G1 and 5*GP got me itching for TEW again, especially with a Japanese company, so why not return to the T-Verse for something new? And now I'm running a game with UPJ, ready to make the same mistakes and poach away everyone from AWF!!!</p><p> </p><p>

    If I recall, I believe UPJ starts off with a regular schedule, but I turned that to touring for those juicy touring contracts that I will 100% forget to renew after a tour ends at least once. I like my rosters big too and I think UPJ starts at almost 40, but I'm sitting at a little over 50, which isn't compared to the 80 I had in my NJPW game, but it's a start. Once I hit national though and then open a developmental company, may god help the companies I will poach. Also did an overhaul of the events and am slowly making a bigger weight class divide. Planning to bring back the Jr. HW tag belts then have heavyweight and junior cups in November, where I'll also crown the Jr. HW Tag Champs too. Then having December's Hall Of Immortals be my big Wrestle Kingdom.</p><p> </p><p>

    All part of my plan to slowly turn UPJ into NJPW, but with three months of the year off. Haven't created my version of the IWGP just yet, so I renamed the International title to World title (with plans of world domination of course), but I might just rename it the UPJ Heavyweight too, so I can then rename the tag belts to the UPJ Tag Team. Created the UPJ Intercontinental Championship and it won't be long before I come up with some knockoff concept for the NEVER Openweight. Then stop at three...for now. Ideally I want to get to the point where I can run two or three PPVs some months to let the IC belt and to-be-named belt main event just because I get into a nasty habit of having every belt defended on one show and I hate doing that. Might have February and October serve as that for the next year.</p><p> </p><p>

    The June-August tour is basically my big two tours with the Junior Mountain Cup and Ozeki Summit Trophy being back to back. Running a World Tag League and Super Juniors Tag tournament at the same time in mid-October to late November because why not more tournaments? Get everyone involved before Hall of Immortals. Then I'm doing a United Promotions Cup in March because more tournaments.</p><p> </p><p>

    Spent my off-month in January setting up the roster and splitting everyone up into 5 stables. There's the original three, Hall of the United Throne, FEARLESS, RENEGADES and then I added Three Kings and DOOM (A super creative name for my version of CHAOS, I know).</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>The Hall</strong> stays true to their description. Not all necessarily super good guys, but guys loyal to UPJ (and hate Erik van Rijn). Kintaro is the "leader" of the loose alliance with Kato, Goto, and Kozue right behind him. Even though Ignite Zero are angled as heels, I like to more so imagine them as guys jumping into the "good guy" team to rise up the ranks and then turn on them down the line for their split from the tag division into solo competition. Even works with Kato going after Kintaro and Goto after Kozue. The Hunters are in there, Captain UPJ. Takanori Sakurai is in there to serve as another guy waiting to turn on the stable basically. HashiWara too. Tossed Aleki Puafisi into there as he's been kayfabe adopted by Kintaro, but I fully expect to have Aleki join Kato and Goto when they split off, especially with his face paint alt.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>RENEGADES</strong> stay evil/cool of course. Erik van Rijn serves as THE leader and Furosuto serving as a number 2. Along with the OGs of Cassidy, Farrell, TEMPEST, and Miller, I also tossed in Ram Diablo (who can serve as a possible defector down the line if time decline doesn't end him), Mr Yamashita because I just know I'm going to hate him, so why not have him in the big heel stable, and added in Fergus Storm (for obvious reasons) and I'm toying with the idea of bringing in Adrian Storm full time. At 19, I almost feel he's a bit too young to do anything serious with, so he's just touring now and based off their bios, I don't mind having Fergus go in alone.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>FEARLESS</strong> is still led by Oda Yamawaki and these guys were seen as the third wheel, now they're the fourth wheel. Along with TOKI, Otsuka, Nakada, and Haruko Yamada, I tossed in Gao Xi as a kayfabe protege/mascot of the group's youth oriented focus. Also tossed in the Tokyo Tigers for the same reason. I generally see this stable as more tweener than anything.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>DOOM</strong> is led by Juro Deguchi. In kayfabe and with a lot of creative gymnastics since Juro is naturally (and skillfully) a babyface, Juro split off from The Hall after feeling a bit shafted that Kintaro has become the official ace and that in less about of time, Kintaro is close to surpassing what Juro's done in UPJ. Despite being 40, Juro feels he still has a lot to offer and here is DOOM! Also with him is Waotaka Eda (with his hatred of EVR and distaste for Kintaro/Oda), as well as Pain & Torture and Tiger Singh. With Juro's turn, he brought in Crimson Matsuka, Junichi Matsuo, Dark Wolf II, Ryder, and Utamara because cool, dark masks make for a good heel stable. And Junichi's pretty boy gimmick too. Only thing I'm missing to 100% make this a CHAOS ripoff is my Okada.</p><p> </p><p>

    <strong>Three Kings</strong> isn't anything too flashy (or technically even a stable, but three qualifies to me). Just saw that Alejandro Iglesias, Sean Girven, and Nathan Jordan are all friends as well as different nationalities, which is a neat gimmick. They play real tweener too and I don't really have plans on expanding them (for obvious naming reasons), but who knows. Probably a gaijin overload, but I love the potential these three have too much. The locking down of guys who will probably never truly reach the tip top has already started. But if Iglesias keeps staying negative (he will) and keeps trying to turn Jordan negative too haha i will die inside when i banish him from the company.</p><p> </p><p>

    Rest of the roster is just touring folks, misfits, young lions, and the vets. Unofficially "led" by Takehide, Thunder, and Hidetsugu. Ace Smith is a touring pick up who will most likely become a full time member of the roster (just one more gaijin to add onto the pile, folks!). Picked up Ryan Strong as well. J.T. Rush and Derek Grace too, to maybe fit one or both into my BOSJ (or maybe junior tag division possibly).</p><p> </p><p>

    Oh and speaking of tournaments, I kicked off the first tour with a tournament for the Intercontinental Championship! A tournament that would see Juro Deguchi defeat Kintaro Kinjo for the belt, because really, who better than Juro to hold the IC belt? Helps cement Juro's split with DOOM and the obvious feud between the two. The big event also saw EVR retain over Waotaka and Furosuto over Kozue. Ignite Zero retained against Pain & Torture, getting like a 95+ and a 100 performance score which also settled it in my mind that these two will 1000% betray Kintaro and The Hall. Elsewhere on the card, the Three Kings established themselves a bit more and gave Takehide a win over Oda's stable to set up Oda getting his win back in the UPJ Cup. I was also setting up Crimson to be another strong heavyweight, but he hit the Time Decline in March and while it's only started, I'm not going to invest too much in him now, which is good news for the next interesting heavyweight I can find (Maybe ICHIBEI?)</p><p> </p><p>

    Rolling into the United Promotions Cup, I originally wanted to have Takehide beat Oda (then Oda getting his win back later), but Takehide's time decline is a lot worse than I thought. So then the plan became for Oda to beat Kato. Oda's gonna lose to van Rijn, but assuming I make it further into the game, basically gonna work up with him to being the eventually next ace after Kintaro I think. EVD, Kintaro, and Juro had a quiet night (bad booking on my part), might need to add another event in March to spice it up a bit. Or at least set up an IC title defense next year. Furosuto did retain against Junichi Matsuo, which is exciting. Also had Ram Diablo go over TOKI INK because I love me some Ram, but at 41, I gotta milk all the time I've got with him before that decline hits.</p><p> </p><p>

    Processions of Champions sees EVR retain in the main event against Oda, Juro retained against Ram, Kintaro gets one over on Waotaka (mainly to make up for him losing in the IC tournament and the UPJ Cup), Furosuto retained against Hidetsugu (to give him a bit of a boost heading into the BOSJ), and North American Scum pulled the tag belts off of Ignite Zero so I can have a heavyweight team holding them for the rebranding and weight class split of the tag belts.</p><p> </p><p>

    I'll probably update again after my BOSJ/G1 tour or maybe just when my Hall of Immortals show is done. Ideally I think my main event will be Kintaro taking the strap off of Erik van Rijn and getting a proper ace reign, but I'm not necessarily a big fan of potential back-to-back year long reigns. So I might just have Juro lose the IC belt in August then pick up the UPJ World from Erik in October. A two month reign isn't ideal, but I don't know if I have enough faith in Juro not going on the decline in 2017 to hold off on a proper build. Then again, Juro could just hit the time decline before the G1 and make things a lot easier on me.</p><p> </p><p>

    Also saw Jon The Goat's post way back in the thread with the Blue Rhino Openweight titles and I'm 100% stealing those. Very excited for when my next post is me fueling my belt addiction and now everyone in UPJ holds a belt.</p><p> </p><p>

    My Junior Mountain Cup isn't really set in stone yet either. There's no real clear cut ace of the juniors to me. Basically have settled on it either being Goto or Tiger Singh. Might even do that, have one of them beat Furosuto in August then have the two meet at Hall of Immortals. Nathan Jordan might be the long term answer? Maybe spooky ONI who can replace equally spooky Crimson because any good roster has at least 1 spooky man on it. And the tag division is spooky too (and not in a good way), but I've got plenty of time to be worried about that (save me Tokyo Tigers).</p><p> </p><p>

    Almost crossing my fingers for that Juro time decline come next post.</p>

  13. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rhyme1234" data-cite="Rhyme1234" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="40971" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Okada and Jay White named as next challengers for the Tokyo Dome contract! Your thoughts?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Very stoked for both matches. Like Mootinie, I really liked Tana/White at WK and I thought their match at the G1 was miles better. But I'm a big Jay White fan. He's improved a bunch and I think criticisms against him are fair that he's not the most polished or even boring, but he's still got plenty of time to get better. His character work is top notch though imo.</p><p> </p><p> And obviously, Tanahashi/Okada will be golden.</p>
  14. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="angeldelayette" data-cite="angeldelayette" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41210" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="font-family:TAHOMA;">Without starting a new thread, I figure this might be the best place to ask this question. Does anyone know why Wikipedia has been edited to remove the Finishing Moves and Signature Moves of a lot of the wrestlers? I admit that I use this to help me when writing matches for my diaries. It makes things a whole lot easier when writing the matches.</span></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Basically from what I can gather, a bunch of editors got into a fit over the moves/themes/etc. being difficult to cite and people adding stuff. I can understand the reasoning for like a clothesline being added to the signature moves to be removed/hard to cite, but removing the named finishers is super weak.</p><p> </p><p> There's still <a href="http://prowrestling.wikia.com/wiki/Pro_Wrestling_Wiki" rel="external nofollow">http://prowrestling.wikia.com/wiki/Pro_Wrestling_Wiki</a> but it's not as intensive. Your best bet is probably to go to the "View History" tab on Wikipedia to go to archived versions of someone's page.</p>
  15. <p>Super Jr. Tag Tournament - Round 1: El Desperado & TAKA Michinoku vs. <strong>Roppongi 3K (X & X)</strong></p><p>

    Super Jr. Tag Tournament - Round 1: <strong>BUSHI & Hiromu Takahashi</strong> vs. Jushin Thunder Liger & Tiger Mask</p><p>

    Super Jr. Tag Tournament - Round 1: Jado & Gedo vs. <strong>Ryusuke Taguchi & Ricochet</strong></p><p>

    Super Jr. Tag Tournament - Round 1: Taichi & Yoshinobu Kanemaru vs. <strong>Will Ospreay & Rocky Romero</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Super Jr. Tag Tournament - Semi-Final: <strong>Roppongi 3K</strong> vs. BUSHI & Hiromu</p><p>

    Super Jr. Tag Tournament - Semi-Final: <strong>Taguchi & Ricochet</strong> vs. Ospreay & Romero</p><p> </p><p>

    Super Jr. Tag Tournament Winner: <strong>Roppongi 3K</strong></p>

  16. <p>1. <strong>BUSHI & SANADA</strong> vs. Tomoyuki Oka & Katsuya Kitamura</p><p>

    2. <strong>Yuji Nagata, Jushin Thunder Liger, Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima</strong> vs. Minoru Suzuki, Takashi Iizuka, El Desperado & TAKA Michinoku </p><p>

    3. <strong>Beretta, Hirooki Goto, YOSHI-HASHI, Toru Yano & Rocky Romero</strong> vs. Kenny Omega, Bad Luck Fale, Yujiro Takahashi, Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa</p><p>

    4. IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Title: Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Taichi © vs. <strong>Ryusuke Taguchi & Ricochet</strong></p><p>

    5. Hiroshi Tanahashi, Juice Robinson & Michael Elgin vs. <strong>Kota Ibushi, Togi Makabe & David Finlay</strong></p><p>

    6. IWGP Tag Team Title: Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr. © vs. <strong>Hanson & Raymond Rowe</strong></p><p>

    7. IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title #1 Contendership: <strong>Will Ospreay</strong> vs. Hiromu Takahashi</p><p>

    8. IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title: <strong>KUSHIDA ©</strong> vs. Tiger Mask</p><p>

    9. Tokyo Dome IWGP Heavyweight Title #1 Contendership: <strong>Tetsuya Naito</strong> vs. Tomohiro Ishii</p><p>

    10. IWGP Heavyweight Title: <strong>Kazuchika Okada ©</strong> vs. EVIL</p>

  17. <p>1. <strong>Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Hirai Kawato</strong> vs. Tomoyuki Oka & Shota Umino </p><p>

    2. <strong>Jushin Thunder Liger & Tiger Mask</strong> vs. TAKA Michinoku & El Desperado </p><p>

    3. <strong>Togi Makabe & David Finlay</strong> vs. Michael Elgin & Katsuya Kitamura </p><p>

    4. <strong>Hirooki Goto, YOSHI-HASHI & Beretta</strong> vs. Bad Luck Fale, Yujiro Takahashi & Chase Owens</p><p>

    5. <strong>Hiroshi Tanahashi, Ryuske Taguchi & Ricochet</strong> vs. Takashi Iizuka, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Taichi </p><p>

    6. IWGP Tag Team Title, 3 Way Match: <strong>Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa ©</strong> vs. Raymond Rowe & Hanson vs. Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr.</p><p>

    7. Tomohiro Ishii, Toru Yano & Rocky Romero vs. <strong>Tetsuya Naito, SANADA & BUSHI</strong> </p><p>

    8. Kazuchika Okada & Will Ospreay vs. <strong>EVIL & Hiromu Takahashi</strong> </p><p>

    9. IWGP US Heavyweight Title: <strong>Kenny Omega ©</strong> vs. Juice Robinson</p>

  18. 1. Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Jushin Thunder Liger & Tiger Mask vs. Hirooki Goto, YOSHI-HASHI & Jado

    2. Roppongi Vice Final Match: Rocky Romero & Beretta vs. Yujiro Takahashi & Chase Owens

    3. Togi Makabe, Michael Elgin & Kota Ibushi vs. Minoru Suzuki, Takashi Iizuka & TAKA Michinoku

    4. IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Title: Ryusuke Taguchi & Ricochet © vs. Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Taichi

    5. IWGP Tag Team Title, 3 Way Match: Raymond Rowe & Hanson © vs. Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs. Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa

    6. Kenny Omega & Bad Luck Fale vs. Juice Robinson & David Finlay

    7. Tetsuya Naito, EVIL, SANADA, BUSHI & Hiromu Takahashi vs. Kazuchika Okada, Tomohiro Ishii, Toru Yano, Will Ospreay & Gedo

    8. IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title: KUSHIDA © vs. El Desperado

    9. IWGP Intercontinental Title: Hiroshi Tanahashi © vs. Zack Sabre Jr.

  19. <p>1. <strong>Yuji Nagata & Hirai Kawato</strong> vs. Manabu Nakanishi & Shota Umino </p><p>

    2. <strong>Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI</strong> vs. Tomoyuki Oka & Katsuya Kitamura </p><p>

    3. <strong>Yujiro Takahashi & Chase Owens</strong> vs. Beretta & Jado </p><p>

    4. <strong>Hiroshi Tanahashi, Togi Makabe, KUSHIDA, Ryusuke Taguchi & Ricochet</strong> vs. Takashi Iizuka, Yoshinobu Kanemaru, TAKA Michinoku , Taichi & El Desperado </p><p>

    5. IWGP Tag Team Title, 3 Way Match: <strong>Raymond Rowe & Hanson ©</strong> vs. Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs. Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa </p><p>

    6. Kenny Omega & Bad Luck Fale vs. <strong>Juice Robinson & David Finlay</strong> </p><p>

    7. <strong>Tomohiro Ishii & Will Ospreay</strong> vs. Tetsuya Naito & Hiromu Takahashi </p><p>

    8. NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Title: <strong>EVIL, SANADA & BUSHI ©</strong> vs. Kazuchika Okada, Toru Yano & Rocky Romero </p><p>

    9. NEVER Openweight Title: Minoru Suzuki © vs. <strong>Michael Elgin</strong></p><p> </p><p>

    Happy seeing you doing NJPW again. Always liked your approach.</p>

  20. <p>Trying to think of a solid name for a stable led by John Greed with Squeeky McClean and Paul Huntingdon in it. Maybe Rogue, but I dunno. Playing up the story where Huntingdon becomes increasingly desperate for the NA Championship that he eventually "breaks" and starts a crazed high society gimmick.</p><p> </p><p>

    Thought about names like Sin or The Deadly Sinners, but I'm not really sold on either name. So anything dark/spooky works.</p>

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