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Everything posted by MrCanada

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="critical-23" data-cite="critical-23" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>LOP.net or <a href="http://www.lordsofpain.net." rel="external nofollow">http://www.lordsofpain.net.</a> This is where I get all MY news from anyways. Pretty accurate website when it comes to rumors and stuff and not many pop-up ads.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> pretty much all sited just steal from PWinsider or the Observer. Best place to probably go is 411mania.com if you ask me. Since they dont post bull**** EVER unlike a lot of those other, only-wrestling, sites like LoP and WrestleZone.</p>
  2. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="1234" data-cite="1234" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26106" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I am sure the rumor mill will be spurred on by a recent Chris Hero twitter post. Look who he bumped into:<p> </p><p> <a href="http://lockerz.com/s/104238548" rel="external nofollow">http://lockerz.com/s/104238548</a></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> a poster for a British band playing in Chicago! CRYPTIC.... Music, music has notes. Notes first vowel is an "O"... O... o... GO! Go 2 Sleep! Go 2 Sleep was invented by Kenta... Kenta worked for Ring of Honor. Ring of Honor runs in Chicago.... Art_Brut are going to start a rival wrestling promotion to try and take over ROH in Chicago headed up by the Kings of Wrestling.</p><p> </p><p> Cant wait.</p><p> </p><p> EDIT:</p><p> </p><p> Oh, the other picture. Koko B. Ware is coming to Ring of Honor!</p>
  3. <p>From WWE:</p><p> John Cena (IMAGINE THAT ANGLE!), David Hart Smith & Tyson Kidd (Kidd appeared once though I believe), Jack Swagger, Joe Hennig</p><p> </p><p> From TNA:</p><p> Elijah Burke, Kurt Angle, RVD.</p><p> </p><p> I think, face facts or not, ROH does need to become a BIT more mainstream to draw viewers when some show does come about. So people like Angle/RVD/Swagger who are good at the entertainment side and wrestling side are perfect fits. And someone like Cena jumping would just be epic.</p><p> </p><p> I do think the most likely of anything is MVP showing up obviously as I said before. CM Punk seems the second most likely for bigger names that may be on the market soon.</p>
  4. <p>random thought:</p><p> </p><p> With ROH now owned by Sinclair and likely getting pretty widespread distribution soon, it has been rumored that they will bring in a few former WWE talents to boost the name value. Makes sense. Someone like MVP is availible, can work, and would fit in. </p><p> </p><p> But what if ROH made a bit of splash and gets CM Punk back if he chooses not to resign with WWE? I dont know why no one has seemingly mentioned this yet, but I would love to see it happen.</p>
  5. Going up to 40 stars it would definitely make sense and seem easier.
  6. is it just me or does sitting through WWE (or TNA for that matter) simply not matter anymore? I mean, now all you need to do is watch the highlight bits they do after and before every commercial and you can pretty much catch all the important stuff. Always makes me wonder when I watch 2 hours of RAW how it can usually be summed up in some sort of RAW Rebound on NXT the next night in 4 minutes. I think this is a huge problem no one really talks about, or at least if people notice they dont talk about. Back in the day of WWF vs. WCW if you didnt watch the whole show from start to finish (sans a Mark Henry match or something) you felt you missed something. now I tend to just read results and watch highlights..... is it just me or is that all wrestling is good for lately?
  7. well as far as North American female workers, Kong is obviously in the top as far as ability. And whether people who are indyrific crazy admit it or not, Nattie and Beth are also amazing workers.. Just imagine the ultimate (TALENT BASED) female division in WWE: Nattie Neidhart Sarah Stock Amazing Kong Beth Phoenix Cheerleader Melissa Mercedes Martinez Sara Del Rey Daizee Haze Victoria Mickie James Gail Kim Michelle McCool Velvet Sky (as a referee who constantly goes in and out of the ring..... She cant wrestle though) Now that I could watch.
  8. WHOA! Just caught this now. Bit of an overreaction. The only reason I watched it online is because I felt the PPV was going to suck and had it on sort of in the background as I was doing some stuff for work. And I was right. It was a crappy PPV (IMO) that I had zero intention of ordering and having a friend send me a link why not watch. Kind of like someone robbing a bank then offering you 50 bucks. I'd take it, and so would most people. I do however completely agree it is 100% stealing and I 100% stole in that sense. But too many people get holier than thou when it comes to such things. Never download a song? a movie? video game? get software from a friend? take a pen from work? It's all stealing and everyone in the world basically does it who doesnt have the money to toss around at petty things. I very much look at wrestling PPV's the same way I look at downloading music (and its a good comparison to me.) Now a CD is what, 15 songs lets say? Now most bands have 1, maybe 2 songs I'll ever want to listen to consistently more then once. To me, that's not earning $20-25. Really, 10 bucks a song? and I don't care about album art or stuff like that so it is literally just the song. Even the CD I will throw away at some point (after copying the music to my computer). So they didnt earn their money IMO. However, if I go out and download a CD (or listen to samples) and realize more then 8 minutes of the CD is decent I'd then go out and buy it. (granted iTunes has changed this somewhat). Wrestling is the same way, a PPV has what, 8-9 matches/segments? Now if only 1 of those things really interest me, should I have to pay $55 bucks for that one thing? Now sure, I may get lucky and end up liking more, but thats the gamble. And I'd rather have the odds in my favour. The only difference is I cant see a sample of each match to know if its worth my time. So you have to judge the book by it's cover. You mention WWE PROVIDING me with entertainment, well what if I pay my $55 and then am not entertained? Did WWE steal from me? Wrestling PPV's (and MMA for that matter) are like big gambles, and I've never been one to bet when I know there's a good chance I might lose. So I look at the odds of me being entertained in advance and order/don't order based on that. And I'm usually right in my assumptions. Why must I have an undying loyalty in ordering WWE PPV's that I hope entertain me but 50-75% of the time dont, but WWE has no loyalty to me it seems? The only way to make WWE care about me is to not order. But not to watch is a little different. I ended up turning the PPV off before Cena/Barrett went on out of bordom. Now had I ordered, WWE would count their cash and thing "look how good we did". Don't get me wrong, I buy PPV's too, when they interest me on the whole, but WWE sometimes doesn't do the best job at that. I know I'm kind of rambling (tired) but had TLC been a good PPV that would of guaranteed I ordered the next one to "make up" for it anyway. Thinking of it, wouldn't that be a brilliant move by WWE? Some sort of "order one get one free" or loyalty system? but they'd never do that. They might have to be consistently entertaining and in recent years they have shown no true effort to be that for a 23 year old guy.
  9. Wasnt that good. Been let down. It was a ladder match after all, and there was really only one BIG spot, and one other cool spot (the ankle thing with the ladder). Dunno. Let down so far. Dont see Miz vs. Orton saving it either. Whens the last time Orton honestly had a GREAT match? Been a long long time. He has okay matches, watchable matches, but a great one? Rarely.
  10. found a way to watch it online, and its sucked thus far. Ziggler vs. Swagger vs. Kofi -- Nothing happened. Literally. I cant even remember a spot besides a sleeper on the ladder. Finish was Swagger and Kofi fighting for the belt, they drop it, Ziggler grabs it and wins. Nattie and Beth vs. Laycool -- I remember why women dont work gimmick matches more often now. It was just them stalling all the time. Hold someone in military press for 30 seconds so Michelle can get in.... over and over. Finish was anti climactic. Nattie just pushing them through the table. Luckily the botch actually helped save face. Not a good start..... So far 1/3 of the matches have happened in 30 minutes, and they both sucked, good thing I saved my 50 bucks.
  11. correct. rohbrazil is no more. No good place to see them. I think ROH may of recently jumped the shark as far as its matches go. I think they are just as systematic as WWE or TNA now just in different ways. Every match is basically the same and then at the end they kick out of 20 moves they shouldnt kick out of, not false finishes, simply kicking out of finishers. "You hit me with a flipping tombstone, a shooting star press, and a punt to the head, I kick out, stand up, kick you in the head, package piledriver, senton bomb, spike you on your head again, you kick out." Rinse and repeat until smarks cream themselves and people shout match of the year. I just get sad sometimes. I want ROH to be the promotion to change the business, but they just havnt seemed to rebound once Punk and Joe left. Now its more people just like them because they hate WWE and TNA (and I'm not denying thats not maybe a good reason). I just go back and watch all the old cruiser matches and stuff from the attitude era (see anything with Mysterio, Guerrero, Helms, Benoit, Melanko, Angle, Jericho, ext) and compare it to today and it just makes me sad.
  12. I wish Cena would turn, however they have long missed their opportunity. Now too many people are rallying/wanting it for it to truly make a large impact. Not that it wouldnt still be a big deal, just not as big as if Cena had been revealed as the mastermind behind Nexus a while ago, with the whole thing a ploy for him to get the WWE title back somehow. ANYWAY... Anyone ordering TLC tonight? I'm on the fence and have to decide soon obviously. On paper the card looks like what it looks like, a gimmick filled spotfest with likely half decent wrestling. But if I wanted to see that I'd just order a ROH PPV (and Final Battle didnt interest me at all). I dont really see too much of a reason to order (although I may just do it, nothing else to do tonight, lol). I could see CM Punk returning, costing Orton his match with Miz. Punk is slated to return to house shows next week or so. And his promo about how someone wronged him and he never forgets and blah blah blah, I think could reference Orton costing him his first WWE belt. So it fits. What would make me want to order this: -- The World Heavyweight belt switching hands. Gong = distraction = Del Rio winning! I can hope. -- CM Punk returning to the ring. -- Possibly finally pulling the trigger on a Morrison push. Morrison vs. Miz for the WWE title! Who'd of thunk it? And a HHH return to help that along fits, but I actually have been enjoying HHHless WWE. I see Sheamus and Morrison curtain jerking tonight which isnt a bad thing either. -- Maybe WWE finally giving women's wrestling a chance. Have Beth turn on Natalya and do an ultimate best of 100000000 series. lol. -- That said there are only 6 matches, and WWE made the decision to cut it to there from 7. So obviously either: a) Matches are going to get time to be good or b) there is enough storylines/angles going on like a Punk or HHH return or Beth turn to warrent the extra time.
  13. I agree with Miami being a terrible crowd. So far have cheered for MVP and Big Show now... thats it.
  14. Bryan/Dibiase was okay. Not as good as his stuff vs. The Miz or Ziggler, but still good. I can only wonder who is next for Bryan. I hope maybe they do a Mentor/Protoge program with Bryan/Regal. But anyway.... The Miz is how cutting a promo. The chance of him cashing in tonight is also a good possibility. Would be cool if maybe he cashed it in on Kane, SD could use the influx of star power. Edge/Mysterio/Undertaker vs. The Miz would all be fresh matches so...
  15. So the card has convinced me to order Survivor Series... Kaval and Danielson matches have me hooked (Bryan is curtain jerking) + Natalya hopefully winning and the Cena fallout is all interesting to me. I'm praying Barrett wins the belt cheap, then turns, smiles, and hands the belt to Cena as garbage flies into the ring and kids cry.... I can dream.
  16. Dont really get some of the releases. This reminds me of when WWE went and brought up Spears, Cabana, Braddock, ext didnt even give them a chance to get over then fired them. Although these guys (especially the Dudebusters) were really starting to show promise. And I guess my dreams of a Archer & Gallows team called The Executioners (get it?) will never come true. Seems like such a simple and natural fit. Shad, Tiffany, and Jillian could care less about. Dont undertstand Gallows, Archer, and Croft though. Especially with FCW sucking pretty hard right now outside of a very select few guys. And even those select few guys are only as good as the guys released.
  17. RELEASE: Shad Gaspard endeavored. Not his tyme I guess. EDIT: Might be Christmas cleaning time... Luke Gallows & Big Dick Johnson are also released.. Gallows upsets me, he actually showed good skill his whole time in WWE and even good mic work thanks to his SES stuff.
  18. <p>HAHAH!</p><p> </p><p> Alex Riley got a DUI this morning.</p><p> </p><p> <a href="http://www.hcso.tampa.fl.us/PublicInquiry/ArrestInquiry/ViewArrest?id=10056587&k1=8cd5448d944712c&k2=LTM2OTkyODk0OA%3D%3D" rel="external nofollow">http://www.hcso.tampa.fl.us/PublicInquiry/ArrestInquiry/ViewArrest?id=10056587&k1=8cd5448d944712c&k2=LTM2OTkyODk0OA%3d%3d</a></p>
  19. Prediction for the Main Event (time is 10:29). Cena attacks Barrett. Barrett wins by DQ, no belt, but since he won, Cena isnt fired.
  20. Kind of fell apart at the end of that match. Mysterio was trying a little to hard to sell the arm which kind of led to him screwing up a couple times. IT also seemed they were trying to stall for time on a fly (Jackson & Mysterio that is) and it led to some awkwardness. I refuse to bad mouth Zeke for at least a little while longer. His greatness alongside Kendrick a while back has bought him a pass as he attempts to grow on his own. I do think he may make a better babyface then heel though. Have him go around reading Cat In The Hat and acting like a giant 5-year-old.... Hook him up with Santino or something (better then Kozlov) and you got buys from me. If you are going to go PG, might as well get some good wrestlecrap out of it.
  21. I find a good crushing death usually only increases the amount I want to cheer. But I think we have stumbled across a more philasophical debate. What is more crushing to a hot crowd? The supposed death of a Phenom, or Tyler Reks?
  22. so far a good ppv. Thoughts (WARNING SPOILERS! BUT YOU ARE AN IDIOT IF YOU ARE IN A THREAD DEVOTED TO WWE TRYING TO AVOID THEM) -- Bryan vs. Ziggler. Good match. Not perfect by any chance and easily torn apart if you want to, but I enjoyed it. Wouldnt mind seeing these two go at it more. Goes to show that near-20-minute matches work still. Maybe even on TV, take note WWE! -- Cena & Otunga winning the gold is a cool thing. Would prefer if it had been Gabriel instead of Otunga as I simply find Otunga useless and oddly shaped. Reminds me of Geodude from Pokemon. Now what they do with Rhodes & MacIntyre is beyond me. MacIntyre is a bit of a bust so far to me. I mean Alberto Del Rio is WAY better. I'd just fire him. lol. -- Goldust vs. Dibiase was perfectley fine. But why put THAT match on PPV? I mean, I have no issue with either of the two guys on PPV (especially Goldust, what crawled up his ass since his return to WWE and made him the most solid worker on the roster?) but why have this match that just left the feud open? Are we REALLY going to get another Goldust vs. Dibiase match on PPV? If not, then why was this one? I dont want to see an Intergender match either so... whats next? Would of been a perfect jumping point to have Dibiase fail to retain the title, have Maryse dump him, his father come out and tell him how dissapointed he is and then go from there with maybe Brett Dibiase debuting as "The Chosen Son" and regeining the Million Dollar belt then having Ted go face, possibly even teaming with Goldust against Brett Dibiase and whomever.... just a thought. lol. - Natayla didnt win the belt. Good! I want her to win, dont get me wrong. But hear me out. Clearly they are building to a point where Natalya needs back-up, enter The Glamazon. Eventually either-or wins the Diva's belt then we can have a 5-year long Natalya vs. Beth Phoenix feud (as one would eventually turn on the other) and I can die happy. - Kane vs. Taker up now. Agree with the above. How does a buried alive match work in PG? Its one of those things where WWE continues to tease die-hard fans with a return to glory, but it wont work out. Hopefully they end the match in an interesting way. I'm calling double burial by Bearer or something. Have a THIRD brother debut... lol. I dunno.
  23. I think the Marquee Events are the ones they do on iPPV... Whatever it is. Everything else is just a house show.
  24. I think this is 100% completely wrong. Sure, maybe the fact its a gold elbow pad is stupid, but workers having a gimmick to win matches is terrific! Its not done all that often, and can make a career when it works (Bob Orton), or mean interesting matches and storylines involving the gimmick as almost its own character. However it WILL become done if it doenst lead somewhere. Doesnt lead to a gold pad on a pole match, or a "if its used, behind the refs back or not, you lose the belts" match. Or a comeuppance situation where someone uses the pad, or maybe their own version (a boot?) to finally beat KOW leading to a boot vs pad match or what not. Slow build is FINE by me. You dont want WGTT beating the KOW right now, you dont have another team thats really intersting or ready to beat KOW elsewhere. You dont want KOW beating WGTT cleanly, so if its going to be a cheap finish anyway, sewing that together with a golden elbow pad works for me.
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