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Everything posted by MrCanada

  1. Somehow, CMLL & AAA are done. Fair warning I'm sure I'm way off on a lot of things with them. But they function well enough for now and thats all I really wanted/need. A place for luchadors that I do know, that may be impactful in North America can hang out. So, I think I'm going to finish adding Toryumon Mexico (they are already in there technically but need lots of their guys added), and poke away at Mexican free agents, and then we will likely be at "RELEASE 1.0" instead of BETA. Likely a new thread. After the release, focus will likely be to play for a bit for me. I find that usually the most useful way to help see problems & balance issues.
  2. I really got into wrestling in 2000 or so. I think I saw it a handful of times before that here-or-there but my mother didn't like the idea of wrestling when I was just a small kid. Weirdly I never have stopped watching. I have had periods where I watched less and attended Ontario indies more. And a small period where I really just grew sick of WWE and would keep up on news and just catch interesting segments/matches from TNA/WWE/ROH at the time, but no real time off for me in probably 25-years.
  3. I came to a crazy realization today, that I've been around, not consistently, on GDS forums for a long long time. I've been around since the EWR days, into the first TEW (which was a different company that released it or something?) and I've been on several iterations of forums through all that. According to the forums, I registered here on September 8, 2004. So its been almost 19-years here alone. I think I got into EWR near-er the beginning too. So I've spent well over 20-years enjoying Adam's work. And 19-years enjoying GDS' work which weirdly makes them my favourite game publisher I suppose. So, I was just wondering what other old-timers are kicking around?
  4. Thanks for the kind words. Fleisch, thanks for the offer, I'll give it a poke. Please feel free to steal anything from me without anything. Fleisch especially, you've given SO much to TEW over the years. We are all in your debt. I'll say again as with all my data I will ever release, its open to use, I just hope everyone follows the same path as more mods = better. We're all allowed to have our own opinions on how data should be. I think I've expanded my scope with Mexico. I'm really jumping into AAA more and more in-depth. The more I scratch away the more information I find. CMLL will equally take a long time to put together. I am an adult with a family so I cant just mod all day. The good/bad news is, I think I've decided to add Toryumon Mexico & possibly even Xtreme Latin American Wrestling. Both will be rough, XLAW specifically, but there's enough in the data already to somewhat easily add them. The bad news is, it likely means a bit longer before a "full release". I will likely drop a new data once CMLL/AAA are complete, but Toryumon Mex and XLAW will be in really rough states still at that point.
  5. Just a small update/note. I somehow managed to get AAA in Mexico to a playable state. Playable meaning as a promotion in the game, not actually playable... If that makes sense. No guarantee and dont expect anything immediately, but its given me a bit of drive to try and power through CMLL and get it done to make Mexico useful. I will admit I'm far far far from a Lucha expert, I have no foundation of knowledge unless a specific worker has made waves in North America or Japan, so it is and will be by far the least researched/accurate region. AAA is also a decent amount smaller as far as roster then CMLL, so I expect CMLL to take me at least a few weeks if not more to plow through. I think once Mexico is done, I'll officially move the data/mod out of "beta" and into a full release. As a functioning USA, Japan & Mexico are really the only important regions. Not slighting UK or Europe, but they've really only become Canada-level regions (lots of companies, workers, and notable workers making it on the world stage) in the last 10-years or so. They really are not relevant until ICW really took off. Post-proper release roadmap as I see it now. Continuing to flesh out the active data with workers (I'm always trying to do that). Maybe making the UK more useful. Adding some "to-debut" people. And then hopefully a focus on locations & broadcasters. Do note, I think I'm likely not going to add a crazy number of "to-debut" people past 2006. Most people, myself included, who play games I feel dont make it past 10-years, so adding MJF and Darby Allin is useless. AAA As Of This Second: I've tried to give workers non-copywrited gimmicks. For example La Parka Jr. is Maligno. This simulates that La Parka Jr. is a trademark owned by AAA. In some places I used future knowledge to pick a name. Like Psicosis being Psyco Ripper. I love how they have 12-titles and 1-tournament so it feels like everyone gets a title. I'm missing the Dark Family, who will be added eventually. I included their women's division which is awkward since there are so few matches on record for 2001 for women. I kind of broke my own rules for deciding who gets to be on the roster for the women as some were not appearing with the company until later in the year. Abismo Negro Alan Antonio Pena Owner, Booker, Road Agent Armando Quintero Announcer Arturo Rivera Colour Commentator Billy Boy Blue Demon Jr. Cibernetico AAA Campeon de Campeones & IWC World Heavyweight Champion Copetes Salazar Referee Cynthia Moreno Decnis El Alebrije El Canek UWA World Heavyweight Champion El Cobarde El Sanguinario as Mascara Maligna El Texano Mexican National Tag Team Champion Espiritu Esther Moreno Heavy Metal UWA World Light Heavyweight Champion Hector Garza Mexican National Light Heavyweight Champion Hijo del Solitario Hijo del Tirantes Referee Lady Apache AAA Reina de Reinas Latino as Latin Lover Mexican National Heavyweight Champion Maligno as La Parka Jr. Mexican National Cruiserweight Champion Martha Villalobos Mascara Divina as Mascara Sagrada May Flowers Morphosis as Histeria Mr. Condor Mr. Electro as Electroshock Nygma Octagon Pepe Casas Referee & Road Agent Perro Aguayo Jr. Picudo Pimpinela Escarlata Mexican National Middleweight Champion Pirata Morgan Mexican National Tag Team Champion Polvo de Estrellas Princesa Sujei Psyco Ripper as Psicosis Sangre Chicana Silver Cat Tiffany Mexican National Women's Champion
  6. I'd assume mine. Jaysin, shame you lost your save. I think the WCW rebirth/invasion diary has been done to death, but (like my mod) no one does one with realistic handcuffs which is what you looked like you were going to do. Hopefully you can give it another go!
  7. 0.3 Data Update: Whats new: I dont know. I took a longer-ish break from the data and had changed some things, then came back and over the last week or so added some more workers. Likely just a handful of new workers are notable. Latest Graphics Latest Data Main post also updated with the new links. Whats next: I never know. In my head now I just really want to add workers. Mainly because I wanted to play game and found I struggled to use "local workers" as jobbers as most regions its the same handful of guys besides the bigger Tri-State and South East. I still think TEW needs to be updated to allow workers on handshake deals with smaller companies still be available as local workers (as long as they dont have a better booking on a real show). Like, David Young would come and job out on WCW even though he works for NWA Wildside. But I digress.
  8. Saw this which gave me a small ego boost and felt like sharing: The mod is still being poked at, I took a long break (family! I am old with one and they come first). I might have a small update in a few weeks.
  9. Feel free to make your own mod. You can use mine as a base. Konnan not being there is because he wasnt. He did work Puerto Rico shortly after WCW's sale, but I feel this is more a no one cares about PR situation and that he was under a TW contract. He didnt make any mainland appearances until August. And he wasnt part of the Invasion. Jarrett wasnt picked up by WWF because a) he never accepted a Turner contract buyout b) he had heat with Vince. In this mod, Shane is still Vince's loving son, so I doubt he'd bring in Jarrett either. I do think had WWF shown interest, Jarrett would have probably taken a buyout. But again, thats not what this mod is about. Juvi was A) Not in WCW at its closure B) On drugs C) On drugs for a long time. He is signable at this time, but likely will have drug / personal issues. Juvi, Scott Hall, Crowbar, Disqo, Jim Duggan, Konnan, Daffney, Vampiro, Major Gunns, Lenny Lane & Lodi are just a small list off the top of my head of people that its very realistic that WCW may have signed back at this time, who are able to signed back in-game using in-game mechanics. Hugh Morrus was not General Rection anymore. MIA had broken up in January and everyone had gone back to their initial gimmicks. Hugh had been moving up the ranks in 2000, but had basically stalled out around this time. A month or two of him going over and his popularity will start going up. Again, realistic. Lance Storm is a hard egg to crack and I struggled with him. On one hand, he was very over, but WCW had botched him so badly at this point that he never did really "breakthrough" to me. Christian in WWF, for example, I feel was "more known" and getting better reactions by more people at this time. Right? Think team RECK at this time. Christian is a 60. Lance Storm is a 55... That about tracks. If you think Lance should be 60, then Christian has to be 65. Okay. But Edge was more "over" then Christian at this time and is 65 since Christian is only 60. So if Christian is 65, then Edge should be 70. But Kurt Angle... See what happens? I basically just have to bump everyone 5-points of overness in the entire game for people with "national" name recognition. Lance is still plenty capable of being Booker T's first main heel rival (if you dont use Buff or turn DDP right away). His in-ring ability is enough to get 70+ matches and even his promos can get there too. Lance DOES need some image rehabilitation at this point IRL, so it actually makes sense where he is. A strong feud to give Booker something to do, then maybe moving him down the card into a feud with a new hire like RVD will easily see his popularity shoot up very quickly. Fun Fact, Rey Mysterio Jr. was actually going to take a Turner contract buyout and join the WCW Invasion (possibly). Jim Ross actually talked Rey out of it, advising him that he would get lost in the shuffle and that WWF wasnt ready for him yet. So he advised Rey to get healthy and take his free Time Warner money, which he did. WWF obviously did eventually come calling and re-masked Rey and thanks to the brand split and Paul Heyman, Rey DID take off in WWF. Had he not taken this break, he likely would have never re-masked. LINK Paul London is "other american" because he's 1/4 Mexican (and speaks spanish) and even looks kind of spanish so I did it for fun because I wanted it. There should be a lack of broadcasters as a) they are not done. b) their were not a ton of networks willing to put wrestling on TV at this point (or until about 5-years ago). No point adding 100 broadcasters with "strongly against" Pro-Wrestling. I have my own list of people I may add to the data. Heyman - I'm not intersted in that direction. The base idea of the base data here is, in short, instead of doing an invasion, Shane operates WCW as its own entity using only what WWF really had/used for WCW as thats the closest "real" what if scenariothat can be made as a mod without peoples own biases. But as always I encourage people to make their own mods for their own biases.
  10. I feel like this suggestion is great, but I cant think of a good way to apply it to active games as a random event. That said, having some sort of ability to do it via the editor before hand would be great for mods and stuff.
  11. Venues are under used in many many ways. The ways you mentioned as well as other things. My list of things that can improve venues: 1. Capacity - Capacity is a really liquid thing. Take Madison Square Garden. If you look at its wiki page it can have 19,812 for basketball, has 18500 listed as wrestling capacity. However its been higher and lower than that. Mainly based on stage setups/entrance setups and a bunch of other factors. Could you just put a ring and a small aisle way? Sure, And get probably 20,000 people in there. But set up a big TV/PPV stage? Thats a few thousand gone. TV shows have more production stuff/hardcam that cuts down on capacity. I think having a max capacity set, but having certain factors cut into it would be cool. So 20,000 as a baseline. TV show? -100 for cameras, -1000 for stage. Special stage set up? -500 ect. I dont know WHAT the math should be but I find it would be way better. Also it would make more venues more usable. The punishment for empty seats should be far less. 2. Generic Venues - Should only be available >1000 capacity events. Or maybe 2500 or 5000, I dont really know. But I feel any venue big enough to hold more then 1000 people and used for wrestling should be a "known" venue. I find the generic venue should only be used to represent the various Legions, *Ethnicity* Hall, bars, random nightclubs that are never really notable. As such there should be far more "larger" venues. Further, tying into above, companies should be more forced to either have a sold out show in a smaller venue, or maybe a more empty show in a larger one, the monetary punishement should be smaller. Take AEW for exaple. It came to Toronto and ran Ricoh/Coca-Cola Coliseum instead of Scotiabank Place. It chose to sell out 2-nights at Ricoh. 3. Venue limitations - I think some venues should be limited in certain factors. Stuff like "Low ceilings" which could maybe mean no ladder matches or cage matches or even possibly hurt wrestler performance. "Small Backstage", "No Blood", "No alcohol", "No food". And more. Lots of those can have obvious side effects. No food can cause longer shows to burn out crowds faster. Hell, "No AC". Could go really in depth. 4. Locations within Locations - I understand the reasoning behind not having individual cities/states on a larger scale, but with venues I think it could be useful. At least by state. So you are more easily able to run around the tri-state without burning it out if you just roate through the various tri-state states for example. 5. Production Limitations - Kind of like #3, and even arguably tied to #1, but some venues should be unfit for certain production values. One reason WWE will run emptier, big arenas, is they simply have the ability to hold their production. Their "broadcast readiness" is higher when proper power supplies and what not, not to meniton room for catering and locker rooms and sets and all that jazz. This would somewhat force larger companies to use larger venues, even if they are not full, epsecially for "A-Shows" and PPVs. General idea that would need much fleshing out.
  12. That is intended. A major aspect of this data (though there are exceptions) is to make the data like its May 2001 without a lot of future knowledge. What you are suggesting would be like making a January 2023 data and naming Evil Uno to Nicolas Dansereau because in 3-years he unmasks ans uses his real name. Or when I do Mexico, having Dos Caras Jr. as Alberto el Patron with Dos Caras Jr. as an alter ego. "John Cena" never wrestled before May 2002, only The Prototype did. All "default" names are meant to simulate what someone was known as in May 2001, or what they MAY be known as if they left a current company and its copywrited gimmick behind. The game world is not meant to evolve in a way to simulate what we know happened, because every single change made in my fantasy scenario, not to mention what happens in a game, would change the future. There is no guarantee The Prototype becomes John Cena, there is no guarantee AJ Styles becomes the amazing wrestler he is today (though there is a good chance of that). I'm a strong advocate of people modifying the data to their own likes however, and further, I'm a an advocate of people using the in-game editor to help the world evolve a little better since there is only so much the AI can do. I for one think the in-game editor should be as advances as the basic editor, but I digress.
  13. I literally just did this yesterday and even updated graphics for it. But thanks for the suggestion!
  14. I have a list of people to-add. For "to-debuts" as I call them, I'm focusing on people who debut before 2004 or 2006 at the latest. There are some exceptions, but thats just what I've done. Most people are not going to play a game for 10-years I find, so spending hours and hours adding people who will never actually show up in 99% of games is a waste of time. For fun, here's my current notepad called "ToAdd": The ones with birthdays are because I've tracked down the birthdays already (its really important to me to have as accurate as possibly birthdays) and I just throw them into the list as I update it for future use. Also note, this in no way means all these people will be added, but just they've come across my radar as people worth possibly adding. I'm actually going through the process of expanding/changing this list. COMPANIES: AAW: Professional Wrestling Redefined Absolute Intense Wrestling -Chandler Biggins (April 6, 1973) CyberSpace Wrestling Federation Full Impact Pro Wrestle-1 Smash ALREADY DEBUT: Van Hammer Danny Daniels Damian Dragon (Aug 1st 1976) Tim Arson (Dec 27th 1976) Mike Tobin (Mar 15th 1977) Danny Drake (Apr 11th 1977) Tommy Cairo (Deb 19th 1958) Sean Casey Chris Michaels Trailer Park Trash Elvis Elliot Malia Hosaka ODB Krissy Vaine Rain (payton banks) Lizzy Valentine TO DEBUT: Melina Perez Victoria Crawford (Alicia Fox) Barbie Blank (Kelly Kelly) Roderick Strong Paul Burchill Mark Magnus Johnny Jeter Chris Cage Derrick Neikirk Jack Bull Todd Grisham Scott Stanford DIVA SARCH: Joy Giovanni Ashley Massaro Kristal Marshall Trenesha Biggers Layla El Milena Roucka Maryse Ouellet The Bella Twins Brooke Adams Eve Torres Taryn Terrell Angela Fong CANADA: Arda Ocal Ashley Sixx Shawn Spears Flesh Gordon Jake O'Reilly Xtremo (July 31, 1984) Michael Elgin Dan Paysan Phil Atlas Kris Chambers -Tiana Ringer Shantelle Taylor Danyah Rays (Feb 24, 1982) Vanessa Kraven Speaking of Power Plant graduates, Kelly Kelly & Alicia Fox will be power plant graduates. Some PP graduate reasons: Generational talent I could have seen going to the Power Plant had it existed (Cody Rhodes, Cody Hall, Jesse White, Rex Steiner,). People recruited into wrestling by members of the WCW roster at the onset of the data (Kelly & Fox via Johnny Ace). People who trained in Georiga, notably WWA4, who I think would have gone to the PP instead and WWA4 will not exist in this data by default for that reason (Heath Miller, Moose, Uhaa Nation). Like WWA4, Team 3D graduates I feel likely migrate to the PP since there is no guarantee Bubba or D-Von open a school (Jesse Neal). And The Boogeyman, because I wanted too.
  15. I added Blue Demon Jr. for some reason (I'm guessing title lineage) but didn't do anything with him as I haven't touched Mexico yet. I've made most Mexico guys, Mexico-base only too so they are not in the game right now, but are in the data... if that makes sense. My focus right now is adding a handful of new, active, workers to America/Canada. I'm constantly blown away just how... shallow... the talent pool is around this time and really for he next decade. Most of the "indy darlings" are already active but waiting to develop and their big break. Most are too early (or small) to be used by WWF or WCW at this time. And most guys WWF brought in were either ex-WCW guys, already in developmental, or the few bigger workers in like UPW and stuff. I just find it baffling how important Jon Heidenrich, Luther Reigns, The Bashams and people like that were to WWE for the next 5-years.
  16. Merry... Boxing Day? A third Christmas Miracle means a third data type, The HCTM May 2001 - Fast Forward Edition: DATA Whats the fast forward edition? Well its an example of the third major "mod variant" I have been planning on making. The first is the overall mod as described in the first post. The 2nd variant is the "Real World" data in the post above this. This is what I call the "Fast Forward Variant". Basically, all datas from around this time have almost always "Fast forwarded" past Memphis Championship Wrestling's closure, and already has HWA adopted as a WWE developmental territory. Further, many tend to have wrestlers likes Grandmaster Sexay, Essa Rios, and maybe a few others released from WWF a bit early. This is my take on that. Personally, its also my favourite version of the data to play. Another big jump forward I just prefer is Keiji Muto and his pals are already in AJPW and Muto is the owner/booker. While its fun to see a "what if.." scenario where the mini-NJPW exodus never happens, I actually prefer seeing Muto/Kojima/Kashin/Hayashi in AJPW. Whats Fast Forwarded: - Memphis Championship Wrestling is closed. - All members of the Mean Street Posse have left wrestling. - American Dragon, Spanky, Joey Matthews & Christian York have been released from WWF. Some have contracts with indy companies. - WWF no longer uses IWA as a developmental territory. - Gangrel, Tiger Ali Singh & Chaz have all been released from WWF. Tiger Ali is retired early. Gangrel and Chaz stay in IWA but not as a developmental workers. - All other IWA/MCW developmental talent is moved to HWA. OG Ekmo & Kimo are renamed Jamal & Rosey. - Victoria is on the main roster. - Grandmaster Sexay & Eddie Guerrero are both out of WWF with their 2001 addiction issues arising earlier. - Eddie Guerrero is in rehab and clean of drugs, on Hiatus until November. A fun little "get" for a player playing as WCW. Guerrero actually has an IWA contract too so when he does come back he gets to work right away. - The Right to Censor is gone and workers are set to their original gimmicks. All but Ivory have starting abscesses. Buchanan is in OVW and Val Venis is in HWA. - Keiji Muto, Satoshi Kojima & Kendo Kashin are AJPW loyal and have AJPW contracts but are on loan to NJPW. - Muto is the AJPW owner & booker. - Kaz Hayashi is out of WCW, deciding to return home. A AJPW loyalist now. - WCW has Turnbuckle Champioship Wrestling as a developmental company, because... Why not? TCW will always run into finacial issues and is always a good company to target to purchase as a dev company anyway.
  17. I've added a normal May 2001 data/mod to my Here Comes The Money. It wont be updated with every BETA but is something I'll keep up as it goes. So maybe it should be added under the Historic Real World Scenarios as well.
  18. Surprise Christmas Day Special: May 2001 Real World Mod: DATA Use the Graphics above. This is just the data as it is, but with WCW shut down and workers moved into WWF in a WCW stable (and HWA which is preemptively a developmental company for WWF). Its really only made to work if the player plays in-control of WWF, since all the WCW titles and such are just active in WWF and the AI is simply to dumb to somehow book its own invasion, so if you play as non-WWE it will be fairly annoying. This is basically as close to a reality/real world May 2001 mod as I know is out there.
  19. A new level under small like "featured" would be cool. Reduces the amount of women needed even further and limits it to 1 or 2) matches a card. It would really better simulate real history with women's divisions.
  20. Merry Christmas!

  21. NEW BETA! DATA 0.2 GRAPHICS Merry Christmas! I think I said I may upload a new BETA by Christmas and I think I did it by an hour. I don't know whats all changed. A handful of new promotions (IPW Hardcore, NWA Florida & Steel Domain Wrestling for sure) some new workers and tweaks. I did a bunch of Hall of Fame stuff because... I felt like it? It is a decent update as far as size, I just dont record stuff. As well I added a decent amount of "to debut" workers and companies but obviously intend to add more. More tweaking and fleshing out broadcasters properly (I may wait and steal from Idolized upcoming 2004 mod. He's a good dude he does good work, check his stuff out). I also tweaked companies and tries to have it so most had proper roster sized to avoid hiring blitzes which I think improves the realism. I did a 22-year sim (left the game running while I did Christmas Eve family stuff) and was pretty happy with how it sims. Obviously there's some "WTF?" stuff (Multi-time WWF Champion Chaz!), but that happens in every mod. That said, whats next? More tweaking. I tend to just update what I feel like as thats what makes modding fun. I do want to / need to tackle Mexico to make it playable at least, though I'm kind of dreading that. So expect the next update to me mostly just big worker adds. To debuts especially.
  22. Looking for a couple of tag team names for a WCW 2001 game (using my mod!) Shawn Stasiak & Mark Jindrak - teaming with Stacy Keibler as their manager. The general ideal is the guys think they are the sex appeal more then Stacy. Stacy is the only reason they ever win a match. Maybe something like Keibler Models... but more creative. D'Lo Brown & Jason Jett - A new team that will be somewhat short lived and lead to a feud between the two. The idea with these two is Stacy has been taunting Torrie Wilson that she manages Stasiak/Jindrak so Torrie went out and got her own team, the flashy fan favourites in D'Lo and Jett.
  23. Just started a longer-playtest of my WCW 2001 mod, only played 1-month so far, idea behind the mod is Shane McMahon actually purchases WCW in 2001 in an attempt to build his own legacy, the WCW he has is basically just the invasion wrestlers to make it more challening so no Hogan, Goldberg, ect. So far, I've held WCW Big Bang, the big return and rebirth of WCW. The World Heavyweight title is still held by Booker T after defeating Diamond Dallas Page in the main event of WCW's first PPV. The match was built as DDP's big return to WCW to prove he can still go, but he came up short. Earlier in the show, Lance Storm won the "Big Bang Brawl" to become the #1 Contender and will face Booker T in the main event of The Great American Bash. A Canadian challenging for the big belt at the American PPV! Storm is very much a transitional challenger, and DDP will very shortly end up back in the main event and winning the belt, as below... DDP himself seems dejected and many think he is going to move to the announcers desk and hang up the boots. However, this is going to be a swerve as he's going to drop Shane McMahon with a Diamond Cutter when Shane offers him the commentators job and turn heel. DDP vs. Shane will happen at GAB as well, with DDP becoming WCW's big heel. Kanyon is going to also help DDP beat Shane and DDP is going to be forming a stable with Kanyon its first member. Mike Awesome will also eventually join with someone else (uncertain so far) as a tag team. A typical big heel being protected by a stable. DDP will likely run the show and win the belt until Booker T can win the belt back at Starrcade to become a 5-time, 5-time, 5-time, 5-time, 5-time WCW Champion. Elsewhere the WCW Tag Team champions Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo are simply plowing through the tag team ranks currently in WCW. Sadly the rest of the division are mostly cruiserweights and former jobber teams like the Jung Dragons, who dont give Palumbo & O'Haire much of a challenge. They have been defending the belts at every Nitro in open challenges and have another open challenge at GAB. The Headbangers of all teams are being brought in to lose! I'm not 100% sure to do with the tag division right now. I dont want to break up Palumbo & O'Haire yet, since I have other singles stars to establish. So its really a holding pattern. The Road Warriors seem the logical big speed bump to maybe bring in and run an actual fued. The WCW Cruiserweight belt was won by Billy Kidman. Like a lot of the roster, I'm currently needing to build up the star power of the CW division which is why Kidman takes the belt of Helms. Kidman is in a feud with Chavo Guerrero Jr. for the belt, but the newly signed Nova is picking up lots of wins. WCW retired the US title for now, but that didnt stop Buff Bagwell from bringing a secondary belt to the company again. Bagwell has declared himself the Hardcore Champion! After losing the Big Bang Brawl, Bagwell freaked out that he was even in the match as he felt he should have been in the main event. Further, he decided to focus his anger on the fact Shane McMahon signed Rob Van Dam & Tommy Dreamer and signed them to wrestler 1-on-1 in a Hardcore match at Big Bang instead of giving Bagwell the spotlight. Sick of the Extreme Failures, Bagwell said no one is more Hardcore then himself and declared himself the champion. Bagwells brand of hardcore though seems to just be low blows and eye gouges, which has so far been very effective against Tommy Dreamer and a few local talents, but at GAB he is signed to wrestler Rob Van Dam for the belt. RVD is very much being built as the future of the company alongside Booker T. Its very much the reason I dont want to split O'Haire & Palumbo and give O'Haire a push since RVD is basically going to get that run right now. Elsewhere, WCW has Jesse James (Road Dogg), Disqo & Hugh Morrus of some name value. Shawn Stasiak & Mark Jindrak are also beginning to focus as a tag team under Stacy Keibler and will likely become a semi-major player in the tag division.
  24. I think if ever going down this route, it would almost be worth it to go overboard with the realism and try and implement a system that helps mirror Copywrites and how wrestling plays out now, and, how that can effect popularity. Hulk Hogan is popular. Terry Bollea is not. However, Terry Bollea is more popular then he otherwise should be, because he's Hulk Hogan. Well, maybe a bad example. Lets use Seth Rollins. Seth Rollins is (lets just argue) 90 popularity across the US. But Seth Rollins is a name owned by WWE. So how popular is Tyler Black? Well while he was with ROH, I'd argue he was... 25-ish across America with some regional variance. However, should Seth Rollins leave WWE and go back to being Tyler Black, how over is Tyler Black? Not 90, because he's not Seth Rollins... But like... 70? Alter Egos should have their own popularity, I'd argue, but there should also be some "splash" over between them. I think alter egos should play a much larger role in popularity, and by extension, also adding an option like "Prefers to Own Alter Ego" or something, will cause a company to create an alter ego. However, I think there should be some further additions. Small companies trying to create alter egos for bigger stars should be basically a thing that doesnt happen. Even workers a certain level of popularity should be unwilling to be renamed (see AJ Styles going to WWE). Some workers should have an attribute that makes them unwilling to ever let a company own a name. Some workers should be slightly more willing but consider it a negative in a contract and want more money to compensate. But anyway, your idea is decent at its base but I think you need to go full regalia with it. Even possibly further then I have.
  25. Another small update: Began slowly poking at the data bit more. Right now, as stated, my big focus is fleshing out the future workers and companies, part of that however is fleshing out current companies and workers. I find in playtests the same workers get snagged up by debuting companies. Roadkill, Balls Mahoney, guys like that. They end up dominating ROH, MLW, CHIKARA, whoever... And I dont really like it as it doesnt allow the younger workers a chance to really take over. Since most workers will only sign 2-3 contracts, I figured adding some more companies I dont care as much about was the best idea. This is where NWA Florida and IPW Hardcore come in, as I dont mind them having Balls Mahoney main eventing. (this is also why I wanted WWA in the mod, even though Australia is a really a black hole of wrestling until just recently) With that, I've also now added USA Pro Wrestling. For those who remember, they were a staple of early EWR/TEW datas as they were one of the few "big" indies, despite running sporadically. But I've added them anyway! I'm still plugging away at it, but I have slowed down. Real life has busied up with the holidays coming up. So dont expect big massive changes. But I may have a new beta release out before Christmas. Updated List of Active Companies: (31!) All Pro Wrestling (South West, United States) Combat Zone Wrestling (Tri-State) Heartland Wrestling Association (Great Lakes) International Wrestling Association (Puerto Rico) IPW Hardcore Wrestling (South East) IWA Mid-South (Great Lakes) Jersey All Pro Wrestling (Tri-State) Memphis Championship Wrestling (South East) NWA Florida (South East) NWA Wildside (South East) Ohio Valley Wrestling (Mid Atlantic) Turnbuckle Championship Wrestling (South East) Ultimate Pro Wrestling (South West) USA Pro Wrestling (Tri State) World Championship Wrestling (Mid Atlantic) World Wrestling Council (Puerto Rico) World Wrestling Federation (New England) Xtreme Pro Wrestling (South West) Border City Wrestling (Ontario, Canada) Extreme Canadian Championship Wrestling (British Columbia) All Japan Pro-Wrestling (Kanto, Japan) All Japan Women's Pro-Wrestling (Kanto) Big Japan Pro Wrestling (Kanto) Frontier Martial-Arts Wrestling (Kanto) Michinoku Pro Wrestling (Tohoku) New Japan Pro-Wrestling (Kanto) Osaka Pro Wrestling (Kansai) Pro Wrestling NOAH (Kanto) Pro Wrestling ZERO-ONE (Kanto) Toryumon (Kansai) Frontier Wrestling Alliance (Southern England, British Isles) Yet To Open Companies: (16) CHIKARA Pro (Tri-State, United States) Deep South Wrestling (South East) IWA East Coast (Mid Atlantic) Major League Wrestling (Tri-State) Pro Wrestling Alliance (Mid South) Pro Wrestling Fusion (South East) Pro Wrestling Guerrilla (South West) Pro Wrestling IRON (South West) Pro-Pain Pro Wrestling (Tri-State) Ring Of Honor (Tri-State) SHIMMER Women Athletes (Great Lakes) Total Nonstop Action (South East) Blood, Sweat & Ears (Ontario, Canada) IMPACT Wrestling (Ontario) Fighting Of World Japan Pro-Wrestling (Kanto, Japan) World Wrestling All-Stars (Queensland, Oceania)
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