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Posts posted by jbergey_2005

  1. Good points.


    They are very much struggling to produce any new stars for the past 6 years.


    The Main Event scene over from 5-6 years ago is alarmingly similar. I cant really put a finger on why it is like this.


    Is it that Undertaker, Triple H, HBK are blocking their way? Is it that the booking is that bad? Is it that the younger workers cant run with the push they have given them? Is it that the IWC is somehow getting in the way of the natural evolution of a wrestler?


    Something with the E has just stalled.

  2. By all accounts, Bret has contemplated returning to the E now at least one other time that would have involved him wrestling. And while Vince has said he's done wrestling, I just don't buy it.


    It's obviously not guaranteed that the match will happen, but I see no reason to think it won't. And why would it take away from his legacy? People say this all the time about legendary figures in wrestling or sports, but the truth is it never does. Roddy Piper's legacy is in tact. Flair's legacy is in tact. Michael Jordan's legacy? In tact. Hogan's legacy? In tact. The only way he could really hurt his legacy is if he came back and continually embarrassed himself for a long period of time.


    He went out in his prime. I guess I dont understand why he'd wrestle another match. Let people remember you for the great performer you were not the final match which will likely be a huge disappointment. And yes I do feel it hurt Jordans legacy when he came back with the Wizards.


    Piper and Hogan were brawlers so their wrestling was not a whole lot different into their late career.


    Flair was still able to perform well and his skills slowly got worse. Its not like Flair retired after the Steamboat matches in 1989 and then came back for a match against Mick Foley(which was terrible) in 2005 and called it a career.

  3. Yeah I don't see how Taker fits into that story. I think you guys are also writing off a Bret vs Vince match when it is pretty clear that is going to happen. If Steamboat could come back after his layoff and put on a good show, I'm not sure why Bret can't do a 10 minute street fight.


    I think HBK is going to win the rumble in order to "make it happen himself" with regards to his match with The Undertaker. Probably by eliminating HHH or something to start a heel turn.


    I thought Vince declared 2-3 months ago that he was done wrestling. I cant see the Hitman wrestling again either the more I think about it. It would just take away from how people remember him. One of the top performers to ever step in the ring trying to come back after 10 years and a stroke could only leave himself a shadow of his former self.

  4. The fact that you would use that point as evidence that he doesn't own both is exactly why he would do it! :p


    And the terrible production of the show as another point of evidence.


    If Vince had hired Hogan and he had made the mistakes he did on Impact the other night. Vince probably would have come out and fired him on the spot:)

  5. Seriously, why would Vince organise another wrestling company having shows at the same time as RAW? Far out conspiracy theory...


    Haha! Very good point. Bring in Bret Hart the same night as he is trying to organize another show with headliners such as Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, and Jeff Hardy would be bizzarre.


    He is Vince McMahon though so anything is possible.

  6. Wait its possible it was shane o' mac. If it was it can only mean one thing IT REALLY IS WCW ALL OVER AGAIN. Vinnie Mac owning the "alternative" I think I just puked.




    Why would Shane turn his back on his family? It's not like Vince and Shane had some type of huge fallout.


    So if it was Shane it would mean exactly what you said in your post.


    I cant think of one possible reason Shane would get into TNA. He will never need money, if he wanted to stay in wrestling he would have stayed with the E or used his name to start up a new company.

  7. The name Hulk Hogan has been known to do wonders no matter how old or out of shape he is.


    It was probably a lot of 35-50 year olds that just turned it to see him.


    I know of atleast 5-6 people that turned it there just to see him that have no interest in wrestling anymore.


    Who knows how accurate these ratings are anymore.


    I was flipping between the football game and TNA while I DVR'd RAW. RAW was the only show I watched start to finish but who knows if something like that counts on its rating.

  8. It's well thought out to an extent but Taker in that match, and the buildup, would be hugely out of place with the deadman gimmick. Bret and Vince each in one's corner in a title match could however work...maybe.


    Yeah who knows. I didnt think much of HBK/UT the rematch because I highly doubt the result would be any different. Throwing this type of swerve on it makes it interesting IMO.

  9. I think everything's as simple as it seems. If I had to guess, I would say either that was the end of their involvement and they're going to go their seperate ways (HBK chasing 'Taker, Hart fueding with Vince), or they'll team up in some way. How about Bret Hart & Shawn Michaels vs Triple H & Vince McMahon at WrestleMania?


    Someone mentioned this idea on a different forum.


    Undertaker/Bret Hart vs HBK/Vince. At the end of the match HBK turns on McMahon and screws him. Keeping UT's steak in tact, having the fans get their revenge, and keeping McMahon the bad guy. Sounded like a brilliant idea to me as I was wondering what good could come out of UT/HBK 2.


    I didnt want to get into the entire setup to the match(ruin it if it happened) but it all sounded like a well thought out scenario to me.

  10. Yeah Scott Hall and 123 Kid are pretty much worthless right now so who knows on them.


    I wonder if TNA hasnt figured out that the problem with their show is not the roster its the booking.


    They have plenty of great talent and they certainly dont need to flood it with worthless past their prime workers.


    Having a guy like Hogan, Flair, Nash or Foley as a special attraction is nice to bring in some fans but having them as full time performers just takes away from the guys they need to build around.


    It seems like TNA just got impatient and is throwing all of their chips in the middle right now.


    I like the fact that they ended the show with a great match though. Having AJ win clean over Kurt is a promising sign of things to come.

  11. What was with Hogans promos tonight?


    He was in back all day yet being shown coming in his limo???


    Telling JJ that workers can no longer rest on their name alone and have to earn their spot. An interesting choice to deliver that promo I thought.


    I guess Im just trying to piece together what all of these additions(Hogan, Flair, Hall) that cant wrestle are going to do when TNA has a few workers already doing that exact same thing.


    Kind of seems like something you might do on TEW when you have a lot of money to burn and want to rush into a National Promotion without having a well thought out plan.

  12. Very good show tonight! Bret was sharper than I expected.


    I wish Kofi would have won though.


    I dont get the building of these guys up and then just crash once they start facing Main Eventers.


    Ive also been waiting on a huge name(Undertaker, HBK, HHH, Cena) turn for a very long time with no such luck. Im not sure how long they keep their main 4 attractions doing the same things over and over.


    I know some of you may disagree but I think the DX/Hornswoggle skits are priceless. Well other than the little peoples court or whatever that was.

  13. That's where you are wrong. My viewpoint isn't special. It's normal. But it is CORRECT.



    This is a sure sign you argument was going downhill fast.


    The WWE markets who they think will be stars and have had many successes and many failures.(Ken Kennedy anyone?) The E has the money to market these guys but they dont make the performer. He still has to produce results.


    You really think the WWF could have become what it was without Hulk Hogan? He was given a great gimmick and he ran with it and made the WWF a hit. Hogan also just was in a very popular movie prior to the megapush.(Rocky III) Vince McMahon is a creative genious but he has had a lot of luck a long the way. Do you think Bob Backlund could have turned the WWF into the #1 company in the world?


    Stonecold came out of no where to become a star. They tried to push the Rock and he was hated so that kind of throws your theory out the window. It was when they stopped pushing him he became the superstar.


    Cena is just well respected within the company and works his tail off. He has a gimmick the kids love and a look the women love. It was the thing to do 4-5 years ago to hate on him but I think most people have realized what a professional he is and have learned to give him a break for some of his in ring flaws.


    Besides its entertainment and at the very least he always has charisma and it appears he shows emotion.


    To make a long story short. The E has never made anyone that couldnt produce on his own. If it were that easy the WWE would have 25 International superstars right now.


    A creative genious with a lot of money can turn a National Star into an International icon however.


    The one guy that McMahon may have made you didnt even bring up from what I seen. The Undertaker. That gimmick made his career. Of course he had to play the gimmick to perfection for people to believe it but that is as close as I can think of as to the E creating a superstar.

  14. It's easier to watch without your smark lenses on.


    Im about as far from a smark as you will actually see in this forum. I dont watch ROH and I have no idea who a lot of these guys are and what they've done in the indys.


    While a lot of people were calling for CM Punk to get a huge push from the WWE I was hoping to see him come out of his shell and act like a Main Event talent which he eventually did.


    I tend to look at things from a fan perspective and a TEW player perspective.


    About the only smark in me is actually understanding a little bit about how the business works and coming to this forum.


    I am pretty sure the 'smarky' fan actually knows who Shameus is and believes he is main event material while the fan has no idea who Shameus is or why he has the belt.

  15. There's one thing I don't get with they way Shaemus is presented at the moment. With this short buildup coming into a main even title match, I wonder why they didn't use his ECW past to put him over ? I know, most of the time, they want us to forget that ECW exists and they have a sense of continuation in their stories, so in that regard they were logic with themselves. This time though, it would have make sense to refer to the past so we could care more about Shaemus. A good body, beating up comedy jobbers, an annoucer and a non-wrestler... that's all we needed to tag him as the generic heel monster #387. Maybe I'm a little harsh on the guy, he's got talent, but they didn't do enough for me to really care about him.


    This is what bothers me the both about even having brands. They mix these brands so much it doesnt even seem like they are different.


    They could have easily had Shameus built up like a complete monster that was destoying everyone in ECW and then have him come to RAW and destroy the Champion in a surprise way.


    Instead he just shows up on RAW for no apparent reason, wins a mid card battle royal and his now the champ.

  16. I could see Kofi but not Dibiase. I just don't buy him as a face main event level guy.


    Jericho vs Taker for the title would be good or Punk vs Cena would be nice. Their match on RAW was good. So how about


    Jericho vs Taker

    Cena vs Punk

    HBK vs HHH

    Orton vs Dibiase

    Batista vs Big Show

    Kofi winning MITB


    So Punk winning the rumble? I like that choice. Im not as big on Jericho vs Undertaker for some reason. The pre WM promos would be great however I just dont think of Jericho as a threat to UT.

  17. Jericho would be my choice. He has never won it. but I couldn't come up with a good fresh world title match for Jericho.


    Yeah I dont like my selections on this much either. The UT/Cena might not happen this year as Im sure they'd want an epic storyline around it however with both of them holding belts and in seperate brands Im not seeing a good storyline.


    Maybe DiBiase wins the Rumble the same night Orton beats Cena for the title at the Rumble and that is how they complete the DiBiase turn.

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