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Posts posted by jbergey_2005

  1. The Celtics play great team ball and are a lot more fun to watch than the Cavs. I'll definitely be pulling for them to close out in 6, and I think Orlando might actually get challenged for the first time in the playoffs.


    Also I don't think the Suns match up well with the Lakers at all. They're just giving up a lot of size at every position.


    Id agree with this.


    Athough I didnt think the Suns matched up well against the Spurs and they swept them. I am not sure what got into the Suns in the 2nd part of the year but they actually started playing defense. Its very strange.


    Shaq is a liability at this stage in his career as well. The Cavs are better off without him IMO. He just clogs the lane so Lebron has no room to operate.

  2. I'm finished with my input on Phil being a great coach. I think that should be fairly obvious. If Phil went to the Cavs next year and won the championship some of you would say well it wasnt Phil it was because of Lebron James despite the fact the Lebron hasnt won one and is starting to look unlikely this year.


    I just wanted to mention that Rodman was never a good shooter. He was a very poor shooter. He shot over 50 percent because all he did was shoot layups.


    Also, while I agree the NBA cap is a joke it isnt exactly how its been explained. You can go over the cap to sign your own players and teams that are over the cap are allowed 1 mid-level exception(5.3 mil). The explanation given made it sound like you could go on some sort of spending frenzy without consequence.

  3. In order to get these dream jobs you have to be respected enough to get them. He may be the luckiest person in the world that he got the Bulls job but he easily could have messed it up like Doug Collins did and be doing color commentary the rest of his life. Whether or not he is the best is debatable however results based all he has done is win which is a difficult feat no matter who you have on your team.


    If you want a coach to coach a bad team Id take Larry Brown any day of the week however if I want to win championships Im taking Phil as he has proven he can do it and the players will respect him enough to want to buy into his system.


    To me a hallmark of a good coach is someone who can get something out of nothing. Tom Kelly in baseball was the perfect example of this. He always managed to win without having the best talent around him. It is easy to win championships when you have great players (Jordan, Shaq, Kobe, Karl Malone, etc.) and great role players (Harper, Grant, Fisher, and to an extent Rodman) around you.



    Im glad you brought up TK as Im a big Twins fan I he was a great manager. The problem with it is that he really didnt do squat without great players. They were on the bottom half of the AL Central his last 5-6 years as a manager. When they won the two world series rings they had a lot of talent. Kirby Puckett, Kent Hrbek, Chuck Knoblauch, Frank Viola, Bert Blyleven, Scott Erickson, Chili Davis.


    I guess I wouldnt say they had incredible talent but they did have a Hall of Fame player and lots of good pieces to the puzzle. TK did a fine job of blending them teams together. Once he lost his talent they struggled with 70-80 wins every year.

  5. Its easy to say Pau Gasol and Scottie Pippen are great players now but before Phil coached them they were struggling players with untapped potential. Some of the points that were made above about teams not playing team basketball is exactly what makes Phil so successful. He finds roles for guys like Trevor Ariza and tones down Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan so they are not the only reliable source of points throughout the game.
  6. A coach is only as good as the players around him. If you had Phil coach them Celtic teams of the 60's and 70's and Red coach the Bulls of the 90's and early 00's the results probably would have been the same.


    Its hard to argue against Phil IMO as all he has done is win. Im not very familiar with Reds coaching but I do think it has been impressive how Phil can keep these great teams motivated. Micheal Jordan won 0 championships without Phil coaching.

  7. I really have been out of it when it comes to the NBA in recent years. I just can't seem to get behind players like I used to. As weird as this may sound I would much rather watch the players of my youth (Bird, Jordan, Malone, Magic, etc.) than the players of today. There just seems to be something missing, maybe it is the lack of fundmentals at the pro level. I am just not sure.


    Oh and to Shaq:


    You might think you are the best Center of all time but I can think of at the very least three that were better (Wilt, Russell, and Kareem)!


    I see it being Cavs vs. Lakers in the Finals. That is the money series right there.


    Id agree with all of this. I think the NBA is ready for 11 foot rims and we would see more basketball players again instead of athletes that are too gifted for 10 foot rims.

  8. I am VERY surprised the Suns are whipping the Spurs. I fully expected the Spurs to win that series. As I say that if there ever was team that could blow a 3-0 series lead it would be the Suns.


    The overconfident Suns will likely get blown out tomorrow and could easily blow the chance to close out in Phoenix in game 5. Which leaves a game 6 in San Antonio and a game 7 in which I like the Spurs experience in that situation. A lot of "what ifs" but its so hard to jump on the Suns wagon after they have continued to disappoint in the playoffs.

  9. So you think they lose 30 million and then add another 60? Pujols is going to get just below A-Rod money, Cliff Lee's agent wants the deal CC got, and Carl Crawford wants $10 million a year plus.


    They Yankees don't always sign the top free-agents just because. They don't need any of those guys, they needed the players they acquired last off-season. Just because the Yankees are the Yankees is not a good enough excuse for them to throw bad contracts at multiple players because they can afford to do so. They've tried that before and it bit them in the ass. They will not sign all three of those players next off-season.


    What do you mean "they dont need any of them guys?" They have a huge hole in left field. Since Vazquez has been sucking and doesnt seem like a Yankee guy they will need another starting pitcher next year. The Yankees are good but they arent the flawless team you make them out to be.

  10. Believe it or not the Yankees have a budget. They didn't go crazy last off-season because they just decided to.


    They went crazy because some huge contracts came off the books and gave them the money to do so. Do you really think the Yankees sign CC, AJ, AND Tex with Jason Giambi ($23M), Bobby Abreu ($16M), and Carl Pavano ($11M) still on the payroll? NOOOOO!


    Of course they have a budget. Any successful business has a budget. Having a budget doesnt mean they arent going make the changes needed to bring in the best player in baseball. Its really a silly thing to argue about because knowing the Yankees they would sign Pujols just to keep him from going to the Red Sox. We will have to wait and see but I am pretty much certain the Pujols is going to get around 7-8 years and 250 million.

  11. No, YOU don't know them very well. Jeff Wilpon won't authorize an additional $30M a year in salary on one player. Maybe 3 off-seasons ago, but not now.


    The Yankees have no where to put Pujols and they don't need him either.


    The same team that is paying ARod 25+ million into his late 30's isnt going to pay the best player in baseball 30 million a year in his prime. Sure thing.


    Saying a team cant use Pujols is ignorant. How can a team not use the best player in baseball? When they wanted ARod they got him despite having Jeter and they worked it out.

  12. I admit they have skill and talent. BUT seriously 30 Million dollars a year?


    My biggest problem with this is they do what they do because they love it and they are good at it. What about the millions of workers who are doing manual labor and getting paid crap for it?



    All the people struggling to survive and these people make MILLIONS of dollars a year ?


    Granted they go through a lot physically, but I don't think they are worth 30 MILLION dollars a year.


    I am not just saying this about baseball players either.


    Actors, sports players, and all that kind of stuff.


    Supply and demand. They are actually getting well below market value because the owners are so greedy. The make so much because they are in the gifted few that can draw in the kind of money that rev talks about.


    Its the same for actors. They have easy high paying jobs but not everyone can do it otherwise they wouldnt get paid so much.


    If people stopped watching them and stopped coming to the ballpark they would make what everyone else does.

  13. The Cards have two and potentially three #1s in their rotation. That alone can get them deep into the playoffs.



    Rarely happens in pro sports.



    Should he be? Sure. Will he be? Doubtful.



    Who is giving Pujols $30M a year in free agency? The Yankees? No. The Red Sox? Very, very long shot. The Dodgers? No. The Mets? Hell no. The Angels? No.


    No team that's worth two ****s will pay Pujols the money he wants. If Pujols wants to get paid in free agency he can go to Baltimore, Peter Angelos will be more than happy to overpay him and surround him with absolute trash.


    The only way Pujols signs a $300M deal is if a good chunk is deferred. Or if he threatens to go to the Cubs :p


    IF you dont think the Yankees or Mets would pay Pujols 30 million per year than you dont know them teams very well.

  14. Joe Mauer is probably the 2nd best in the game right now and he just got an 8 year 184 million dollar(23 million per year) contract. This was truely a hometown discount as he would have gotten atleast 10 years 250 million on the open market. Im thinking Albert sets the new price unless he gives the Cards a break.


    The biggest difference between Mauer and Pujols is that Mauer had no desire to leave Minnesota where Albert may leave St Louis if they try to low ball him.

  15. It depends on which way you look at it. Of the three "main events" only Cena winning was predictable I'd say. Edge vs. Jericho was a surprise and who knew about UT vs. Shawn. I do get your point where right now the faces are the "dominant" guys. I think your looking for that dominating heel that guys like Trips usually play


    You would be correct! I like the dominating heel and it seems like it has been ages since the WWE had one of these. Orton was pretty good but he still lost too many matches.


    I'd love to see a heel go on a 6+ month streak kicking the crap out of everyone. When that face finally beats a guy like this then the match has meaning.


    WWE books their heels to look so weak at times.


    I'm not sure if it is because the fans have become so impatient but in the past the WWF was great at booking a year in advance. Right now it just seems like everything is thrown together 2 hours before the show.

  16. I have to disagree if only because the the top performers AREN'T all faces.


    Jericho and Punk have been stellar, and I know you're not excited about him but Dave is doing his best work in years since turning heel.


    Orton can't be heel...not with the current product. He's just getting too many pops from the crowd.


    I originally had the top faces of the company were all faces and that didnt sound right so I changed it to performers which isnt exactly right either.


    I guess what I mean is that the way they have been booked Undertaker, Orton, Cena, and Triple H are capable of winning any match while guys like Batista, Punk, Edge and Jericho are usually the feeders. It gets very uninteresting when the results are so predictable.


    For instance when Cena vs Batista was booked it was highly likely that Cena was going to win at WM where as if you book Cena vs any of the other 3 its a coin flip.


    I am against the majority but I felt this last HBK/UT match was better than last years simply because i knew Undertaker would win last year while this year despite the fact UT was the huge favorite they had me believing until the very end that HBK might actually pull it out.

  17. Being that I'm from Mississippi, the only team I've ever loved my whole life was the New Orleans Saints. This is truly a dream come true! I never thought this day would come. I've been a, shameful, Saints fan my whole life and I can finally lift my head high and say they are they best team in the league. The thing this forum is missing is how big this is for Saints fans, the city of New Orleans, for the NFL in general. Who Dat nation deserves this and New Orleans deserves this. The voodoo curse on the Saints has been lifted! Finally!


    Congrats to you and your Saints!


    Now that your voodoo curse has been lifted could you please life the Vikings curse as well?


    Lost 4 Super Bowls in the 70's(thank god I wasnt old enough to have watched any of these)

    Lost their last 5 NFC Championship games(2 of them in OT and 1 on the final play of the game)


    The game two weeks ago was heartbreaking but nothing compared to the 98 season when they were 15-1 and 17 point home favorites and LOST to the Falcons.

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