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Posts posted by jbergey_2005



    I don't want to get into an argument of specifics.


    My over-all point which started the "what is rey getting paid" line of discussion was that Ray could work in Mexico as more of an attraction and still make roughly what he makes for the WWE.


    I still think that.


    I guess Im not sure how big or profitable companies are in Mexico but I could see it. I could see a bigger Mexican company being able to pay what TNA does for Main Event talent. 600k+

  2. Almost five years old, and those figures were not entirely accurate. Also, tell me more of this notion that WWE's biggest draw, main eventing almost all of their PPV's and undoubtedly their biggest merchandise seller, might not be clearing $1.5M per year.


    Like Peter said I thought you meant 5 million which is what I was doubting Cena made.


    Using inflation and Reys bump up the card I could see him around 600-700k now but I think anything over 1 million is a stretch. It would be hard for the WWE as a corporation to get approval on huge salary spikes as profits are trending downward.

  3. I'm fully aware of how big a draw Rey would be in Mexico.


    Rey is earning probably in the mid seven-figure range right now, maybe a little higher if you include merchandise. For him to make that much money in Mexico would require, if he were to work four nights a week, which he rarely does now, Rey to be paid a little over $7,000 per shot. Rey might get that much for a dozen or so big matches over the course of a year in Mexico, maybe even a little more. But he isn't getting that much money for four nights a week for a year, and even if he wanted that kind of schedule, he'd just stay with WWE.


    Hes not making that much. Im not even sure if Cena is making that. Here are their salaries as of 2006.




    Ashley Massaro: $131,000

    - Batista: $813,000 (First class flight tickets paid for every week)

    - Big Show: $1,000,000 (Base salary)

    - Bob Holly: $217,000

    - Booker T: $375,000

    - Candice Michelle: $64,000

    - Carlito: $319,000

    - Chavo Guerrero: $206,000

    - Chris Benoit: $488,000 (First class flight tickets paid for every week)

    - Chris Masters: $253,000

    - Christian - $396,000

    - Danny Basham: $130,000

    - Doug Basham: $126,000

    - Eddie Guerrero: $372,000

    - Edge: $704,000

    - Eugene: $189,000

    - Funaki: $124,000

    - Gene Snitsky: $292,000

    - Gregory Helms: $277,000

    - John Cena: $1,743,000 (First class flight tickets, hotel accommodations, and ground transportation paid for every week)

    - John Layfield: $786,000 (Five star hotel accommodations paid for every week)

    - Jerry Lawler: $204,000 (First class flight tickets, hotel accommodations, and ground transportation paid for every week)

    - Jillian Hall: $52,000

    - Joey Mercury: $134,000

    - Johnny Nitro: $143,000

    - Jonathan Coachman: $175,000

    - Kane: $ 851,000 (First class flight tickets paid for every week)

    - Ken Kennedy: $133,000

    - Kid Kash: $62,000

    - Kurt Angle: $1,023,000 (First class flight tickets paid for every week)

    - Lance Cade: $118,000

    - Lilian Garcia: $90,000

    - Lita: $286,000 (Mostly downside paid due to lack of wrestling)

    - Maria: $41,000

    - Mark Henry: $300,000 (Base pay)

    - Matt Hardy: $322,000 (Missed over $70,000 of pay due to firing)

    - Matt Striker: $43,000

    - Melina: $155,000

    - Mickie James: $72,000

    - Nunzio: $186,000

    - Orlando Jordan: $145,000

    - Paul London: $177,000

    - Psicosis: $122,000

    - Randy Orton: $711,000 (First class flight tickets paid for every week)

    - Rene Dupree: $289,000

    - Rey Mysterio: $414,000

    - Ric Flair: $508,000 (First class flight tickets paid for every week)

    - Rob Conway: $186,000

    - Rob Van Dam: $220,000 (Only received downside and royalties due to injury)

    - Rosie: $105,000

    - Shawn Michaels: $1,045,000 (First class flight tickets, hotel accommodations, and ground transportation paid for every week)

    - Shelton Benjamin: $366,000

    - Simon Dean: $132,000

    - Stacy Keibler: $178,000 (Only downside paid during absence)

    - Steven Richards: $94,000

    - Torrie Wilson: $260,000

    - Trevor Murdoch: $48,000

    - Triple H: $2,013,000 (Allowed the personal use of company jet (10) times per year. First class flight tickets, hotel accommodations, and ground transportation paid for every week)

    - Trish Stratus: $618,000 (Receives 20% of all Trish Stratus merchandise sold)

    - Tyson Tomko: $127,000

    - Undertaker: $1,811,000 (First class flight tickets, hotel accommodations, and ground transportation paid for every week)

    - Val Venis: $210,000

    - Victoria: $275,000

    - Viscera: $130,000

    - William Regal: $225,000



    Here is TNA as of 2008.



    AJ Styles-$350,000

    Alex Shelley-$150,000

    Andrew Thomas-$75,000

    Angelina Love-$60,000

    Awesome Kong-$100,000

    BG James-$250,000

    Black Reign-$200,000

    Booker T-$450,000

    Brother Devon-$300,000

    Brother Ray-$300,000

    Chris Sabin-$150,000

    Christian Cage-$450,000

    Christy Hemme-$75,000

    Consequences(Austin Creed)-$75,000

    Curry Man(Christopher Daniels)-$300,000

    David Penzer-$75,000

    Don West-$150,000

    Earl Hebner-$150,000

    Eric Young-$200,000

    Frank Trigg-$200,000

    Gail Kim-$100,000

    Hector Guerrero-$100,000




    James Storm-$200,000

    Jay Lethal-$150,000

    Jeff Jarrett-$750,000(vice-president of TNA)

    Jeremy Borash-$200,000

    Jim Cornette-$250,000

    Jimmy Rave-$75,000

    Johnny Devine-$100,000


    Karen angle-$100,000

    Kevin Nash-$450,000

    Kip James-$250,000

    Kurt Angle-$650,000

    Lance Hoyt-$150,000

    Matt Morgan-$200,000

    Mike Tenay-$200,000


    Petey Williams-$150,000

    Raisha Saeed-$50,000

    Rhaka Khan-$50,000


    Robert Roode-$250,000

    Roxxi Laveaux-$60,000

    Rudy Charles-$100,000


    Samoa Joe-$350,000

    Scott Steiner-$350,000

    Shark Boy-$100,000


    So Cal Val-$60,000

    Sonjay Dutt-$100,000

    Sting-$500,000 (Has to make 12 Impact,8 PPV and 8 House show appearances)


    Traci Brooks-$100,000

    Velvet Sky-$50,000

    Willie Urbina-$75,000

  4. There's another problem... I don't blame the WWE for this, but ever since regional promotions have died, there has been places for workers to develop into their own. Guys like Ted Dibiase and Jake Roberts don't exist automatically... they work in the minors, honing their craft, exposing themselves to different styles, promotions, people, and audiences.


    The WWE's insistence on having "home-grown" talent hurts them, and they've probably come to recgonize that. Hogan had his start outside the WWE. He didn't become Hogan without working his way around.


    Indeed! I wonder if the next step for the WWE isnt bringing back the territory system as sort of their minor league umbrella to help create this sort development that was so successful at one time.


    Its gotta be a pain in the ass trying to create stars out of people that few have ever heard of that doesnt do remarkable things with the mic. Part of their current programming could be going around their different minor league affiliates and have us care about who the future big stars are.


    I remember when storylines would last for 8-12 months with them only have 1-3 matches against each other(not counting house shows). The PPVs were simply must watch TV. The TV shows were for making the attractions look strong and moving along storylines. Im not sure why they ever got away from that. All we get now is recycled feuds and recycled storylines.


    I guess Id rather watch star vs jobber than star vs star with cheap endings the majority of the time. Its hard to make your midcard look strong when they are constantly fed to your main eventers on live TV.


    In 1987 you wouldnt see the British Bulldogs getting fed to King Kong Bundy/Big John Studd just to make them look better so the Bulldogs were interesting and were thought of as a great tag team. I dont understand why the WWE today insists on treating their tag champs as jobbers.


    You would hardly see anyone midcard or above lose. It made them all appear strong. Im not sure if jobber matches would still work but dI like it better than 1/2 the roster in PPVs seemingly appearing weak.


    Koko B Ware was pretty much a PPV jobber in the late 80s however he won a lot of matches on TV so it made it appear he was a threat to whomever he was facing in the PPV.


    Sorry for the rambling. I just miss the booking during the Golden Era. The matches werent that great(5-10min) but the outcomes were usually up in the air and they had a sense of purpose.

  5. I never said he was the problem.... he certrainly IS the symptom, though. As for Main Event depth, you are correct, but that's the WWE's own fault. They have tons of stars, but none of which are Main Event caliber because of misbooking.


    I agree. The gap is huge between the midcard and the Main Event right now and a huge part of that is their own booking issues. Stables are a great way around that but apparently the big stables are a thing of the past. It was nice to see it brought back this year with NEXUS and they were instantly bumped up a few spots higher on the card because of it.


    You give Miz a stable with Mark Henry and Big Show in it and he would be a Main Event threat instead of a "weak" champion.

  6. I don't think they have a lack of stars. What they DO lack, though, is that BIG star. You know, the BIG one, ala Hulk Hogan, the Rock, or Steve Austin. They tried to make Cena this year, but they shot themselves in the foot with him.


    I dont see Cena as being the problem. Its that they lack Main Event depth. You can only have Cena vs Orton so many times before people get sick of it.


    The Rock and Austin had each other along with Undertaker, HBK, Vince McMahon, Mankind, Big Show, HHH and a few other guys they could headline with.

  7. What do you mean "this bad"? Heck, they should have done this for LAST Wrestlemania. The situation doesn't change that fast within a year. This is a culmination of what's been happening ever seen WCW died. But this year isn't that different from last year.


    That being said, you ARE correct about the "big buns" for Wrestlemania, but this is rather desperate for them. It looks as if they are admitting that banking on mostly John Cena isn't enough anymore (and that's just odd to me).


    Well I mean they have lost Ric Flair, HBK, Benoit, Booker T(athough now he is back as an announcer), JBL, Batista, Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, Jericho and some others over the past 4-5 years in which it eventually gets to the point they have just lost too much to overcome. This next 2-3 years for the WWE sort of reminds me of the time after Hogan left and before the attitude era. Basically, not really sure how they want to move forward and filling gaps until they figure it out.

  8. I agree i think hbk got what he wanted lost fair and square and retired. Thats what i got out of the storyline. They could make this about hhh wanting to 1 up hbk and so something he nor anyone else could do.


    I will agree, though. There is potential for a relatively interesting story where Trips is portrayed as selfishly being mad about HBK leaving and blaming Taker for it, as long as Trips played the heel in it.


    Problem is HHH is retiring and I dont see him wanting to go out a heel.

  9. You're making lots of assumptions here...


    --I'm not talking about contracts. I'm saying Love is better than Bosh straight up, regardless of what they're paid.



    Yeah I dunno. I guess its hard to prove either way.


    Love is having his breakout season while Bosh was a max contract guy just 7-8 months ago.


    I do agree with Lazorbeak that Love would fit in nicely on the Heat with his ability to stretch a defense and grab rebounds. Im not so sure Bosh and his midrange game is a good fit playing with 2 players like to operate in space. It seems they just call Bosh's number during games to get him his looks and not so much because he is being overly effective.

  10. If you're saying you'd take Chris Bosh over Kevin Love, you're high. There's not a GM in the league who'd agree. As a matter of fact, if the Heat went to to the Wolves today with that deal, they'd get laughed at


    Bosh has a huge contract and Love doesnt so the Twolves would be dumb for taking on a huge contract when they have a bad team and are a few years from sniffing the playoffs.. For the record, I find them both very overrated as they are both subpar defenders. Love is a product of playing on a crap team. Put him in a decent team and hes a 14 point 12 rebound player that still plays horrid man defense because of his slow feet.


    And your wrong I wouldnt get laughed at. NBA GMs are smart enough to realize stats dont tell the whole story. Bosh was putting up huge numbers when he played on a crap team just as Love is now.


    He averages 0.3 blocks and 0.6 steals a game and he shoots 47 percent. You are making him out to be a top NBA player when all hes really great at his rebounding and hes a good outside shooter for a big guy.


    Did you realize Rambis has had to bench him on more than 1 occassion in the 4th quarter because he cant guard athletic Power Forwards?

  11. Very tough one on that. I remember when the Rock first came on television and I thought he was lame. I had no clue he would become what he became.


    Same thing with The Undertaker, I was in Junior High School (yeah I am old) when he first became The Undertaker and I remember thinking he was lame and this new character he was doing was lame. I mean how could they take the guy from The Skyscrapers who walked the top rope and turn him into an Undertaker?:D Well they did.


    I was always a huge fan of Steve Austin going back to when he first came into the NWA/WCW. I am not sure why that was but I was. That being said, I found him to be a good wrestler who was a little bland. Never in my wildest dreams did I think his popularity would either equal or surpass that of Hulk Hogan's. Weird thing I actually was not a huge Stone Cold fan, because I felt like I was a fan of his before it was cool to be a fan of his. And once everyone and their brother loved him, I kind of felt blah about him.:D


    So I guess I am just a poor judge of talent.


    Yeah I agree its difficult to see into the future. Orton had a look to him that you might speculate he is going to be a big star plus if he was feuding with UT at the time it would seem the WWE did as well but a lot of these guys come out of no where. Orton was probably one more mess up from being done with the WWE. I dont think many would have expected Cena to become a megastar either.

  12. I don't agree with this at all. With the right story and the right talent, you can make a CM Punk or The Miz into a "megastar" type guy. I mean WWF in 1996-97 had lost nearly every proven main event draw they had ever had, and were left with a couple of excellent workers the casual fans never showed any interest in. But in 1998, despite losing both of those workers to injury and screwjobs, WWF had a banner year and suddenly caught mainstream attention. But if you had told those casual fans in 1996 that they would pay to see Steve Austin or Rocky Maivia wrestle anybody, they would've looked at you like you were crazy. Those guys caught fire because there was a big power vacuum and they stepped in and filled it with their ability to connect with the crowd along with a compelling story. There's no reason to think that the casual fan will never be interested again or that no one will ever come along that connects with fans to the same extent.


    Of course great storylines and exciting performers are going to bring back fans however comparing it to the late 90s is a bit extreme I think. The talent in the late 90s was great and while the NWO angle was drawing in new fans the WWF was developing new talent which would eventually steal those fans that the NWO angle had brought in. I think the worst thing the WWE has done to themselves is sort of create a monopoly on the wrestling business. Now they have no other company to help them build stars. Perhaps they need a company to steal talent from to keep their own guys looking strong.

  13. I would argue those were the only TRUE SUPERSTARS out of that list. Who outside of wrestling fans knew of Lesnar, Angle, Guerrero, and Benoit while they were wrestling in the WWE?


    The WWE could gain mainstream exposure for their current stars by having them on television shows and such. They did it in the 90s with MTV, the Drew Carey show, and many other television shows. HHH was nothing more than an IC title guy until after the Drew Carey show and MTV spots.


    It helps get the people themselves over when they get exposure like that. It's something I could see helping again eventually.


    EDIT: NOT saying HHH only got over because of those but I certainly feel they helped.


    I guess id agree with this. It was probably back then you would have Rock or Austin headlining a show and it would get tremendous buy rates whoever they were facing. I was just thinking in a few years if we get to the point of The Miz headlining vs CM Punk that the casual fans are going to have very little interest in buying that PPV. Of course this trend has been happening now despite still having Undertaker, HHH and Cena doing a lot of the headlining.

  14. Someone's prob mentioned this already, but latest rumour I heard was HHH vs Taker at Mania with HBK as special ref.


    It sounds like this is going to happen. Apparently, HHH hasnt been the same since HBK retired and with all of his injuries over the years is looking to give up the in ring work.


    I read a good article about why it wont be Sting facing taker as well which made a lot of sense. As much as we think WWE creative doesnt have a clue they are smarter than rushing a 5 week buildup with Sting-UT just to have him lose to UT and have no momentum going forward.

  15. With HHH, Kane, Undertaker, Edge and Big Show likely all close to retiring this is going to leave a lot of holes in the WWE roster.


    I think the WWE will have a hard time maintaining their current popularity in the near future. CM Punk, Shaemus, The Miz and Albert Del Rio are just not household names at this point.


    We arent too far away from Cena being the only International Superstar on the roster with Orton not being far away.


    Its quite amazing to think of all the Main Event talent they have lost since 2003 and will soon lose. Rock, Austin, Lesnar, Angle, HBK, Benoit, Guerrero and the initial list off the top of my head.

  16. Kevin Love, Blake Griffin, KG, Tim Duncan, Josh Smith, Amare, Gasol, Zach Randolph (I like his 20ppg and 13 RB at 6-9) David Lee (much better passer then Bosh), Aldridge are just a couple of people I'd use over Bosh.



    A lot of good players on your list. Im not sure if Id have Randolph, Love and Lee on that list however. As bad as Bosh is on defense these 3 are worse yet. Actually Blake Griffin is lousy on defense right now as well but Id assume in 2-3 years with his talent and work ethic he should be an above average defender. Love has the work rate but just flat out has slow feet.

  17. I dont think Id say that Bosh's offense is significantly better than KG or Duncan either. KG and Duncan defer to other options better suited to handle the bulk scoring right now while Bosh still gets his fair share of shots up despite shooting less than 50 percent. Id guess that Duncan or KG would average around what Bosh does on less shots playing on that team being forced to log more minutes than the other two.
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