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Posts posted by jbergey_2005

  1. I think Joe would struggle find a role in the WWE. He wouldnt be near menacing enough to play a monster heel role because he is too small while he really wouldnt fit into that athletic exciting matches role either as while hes a fine athlete for his size hes just not going to be pushed by the WWE in that role. He could probably be in a fine tag team in the WWE cared about that which they dont.


    I think Joe's best run of success will be where he is at.

  2. As much as I think it would be great if the Orioles could finally get above 500 for the season it would just take too many things for that too happen.


    1. Older hitters need to stop their recent decline

    2. Young pitchers need to pitch well beyond their years

    3. AL East needs to become weaker top to bottom

    4. They need to find a closer that will be able to close against top teams

    5. Adam Jones and Matt Wieters need to start living up to their potential


    As much as it pains me to say this I believe the Yankees will win the AL East. While the Red Sox may be the best team later in the year at this point they are not gelling as a team. Crawford appears to be a fish out of water at this point and Salty should not be the catcher on a contending team.


    You have the Red Sox/Yankees who will each win 90+ games. You have one of the best hitting teams in baseball in Toronto. You also have the Rays who cant seem to hit right now but Id imagine once Longoria comes back with that young pitching and solid defense come together they will be a handful as well. Its just hard to find wins in this difficult division. I believe a big reason the Yanks/Red Sox often underachieve in the playoffs is from the grind of this division and beating on each other all season that the playoffs kind of turn into a letdown spot for each team.

  3. Assuming the Wrestlemania 2012 card is like this...


    Taker vs HHH

    Cena vs Rock


    Who will be fighting for the titles and such do you think?


    While it wouldnt be unlike the WWE to copy something that was just done Im having a hard time seeing Taker vs HHH again next year. That would be their third WM match in which UT is already 2-0.


    In fact, Id be very disapointed if that was the plan.

  4. That might be the first WM that i can remember seeing where BOTH title matches ended with that result (Not saying specifically, but the particular people winning) Is that the case?


    I believe so.


    They have become so predictable having the face win in the Main Event match of WM it was actually a nice change to see something different.


    They flubbed up by not having the 8 man as the dark match and replacing it with Bryan/Shameus. Also, at this point UT has to be the last match of the evening. From that point on Cena/Miz was screwed going after HHH/UT.

  5. It was a good match. But soooooo slooooooooow. They spent more time selling than wrestling. Am i wrong in thinking this? Am i?


    It was a little slow. However is was a brutal match so they needed the selling IMO.


    Im almost wondering if UT didnt botch that move when HHH went directly on the padded floor. Kind of seemed like he was suppose to go through the announcers table.

  6. So because you didn't expect those matches to be any good, it's okay that they sucked?


    This is Wrestlemania, every match ought to be good. It's the biggest wrestling event of the year. So far, only Alberto Del Rio/Edge was what I'd call a "good" match, with Mysterio/Rhodes and Orton/Punk being decent as well. But nothing more than that. Undertaker/Triple H looks promising so far, though. Most of the skits has been outright horrible, to a painful degree.


    Just pointing out that you should have known what you were buying. Since I didnt expect them matches to be any good I am not disappointed at this point.

  7. I have no problem with him as a military ambassador, like a Bob Hope type. My problem with him is that he is not a very good wrestler. Which is a shame, because... he's a wrestler, not just an entertainer at USO shows.


    You know a big reason for this is his gimmick correct? Do you think the kids want to see their superhero putting The Miz in an armbar for 3 minutes followed by a chinlock? Cena has been able to put on good matches in the past when hes not resticted. The "not a very good wrestler" angle is overused. He has a gimmick to play which is more important in the WWEs eyes.


    As far as the other things you mention its all fine they can do what they want. Just doesnt make much sense to have your #1 face getting booed by the outspoken minority in the crowd to be shown on live TV when an angle is being set up. Perhaps the WWE wasnt aware that he was going to get booed like that. Who knows.

  8. Oh it's definately my impression that he's a great guy irl. And there's no doubt that he's very charismatic and good on the mic. It even doesn't really bother me that he's not a stellar performer in the ring (it's not like eg. The Rock is a Kurt Angle either). That doesn't change the fact that I absolutely loathe his 'superman rapper PG' gimmick, though. I really really despise it. And that's what I respond to when seeing him, not the guy he may be behind his gimmick.


    Honestly I think that gimmick is old too but when I hear the entire crowd cheer against him it kind of pisses me off. He is suppose to be speaking for the fans which creative has him doing but of course it backfires because its Cena. Its kind of odd that creative also has The Rock picking on Cena about the gimmick they created for him. No wonder why he gets booed.

  9. I agree


    It ends up being that way but there is really no reason to dislike either of these two.


    They are both great performers that most people enjoy that add a lot to anything they are a part of.


    I still dont get the blind hatred of John Cena. He is an absolute class act in every aspect of life. Ive never seen a bad article written about him and the way he treats our military people is nothing but classy.


    I dont really care who is winning this battle. They are both playing within a gimmick to entertain us. Rock has a lot more freedom on what he can say. Cena has to hold back because of his gimmick which may be a reason people think the Rock is getting the best of him. I think Cena has actually been sharper on the mic as I think Rock is a bit rusty.

  10. But the Rock is treated so much like a face right now, he could RAPE Cena's dead Great Grandmother in the middle of the ring.....





    This is a reason they could have a great match. Cena would be the heel by default and they wouldnt even need to turn him for this feud.


    I remember 4-5 years ago for a Summerslam match between HBK and Hogan they needed HBK to cheapshot Hogan in order to get him some heel heat because both wrestlers were pretty much equal in popularity at the time. Its obvious when the Rock returned that people care about him more than Cena right now.

  11. I agree, that was one of the best Raw's in a minute.

    Even though The Rock messed up the Kip up a little bit, he doesnt look like he lost a step.


    And if Cena isnt a full blown heel by now, I bet money he WILL be before the end of Mania !!


    I could be wrong, but I doubt it.....


    No signs of heelness IMO. He was getting that reaction because he was ripping on The Rock. Like has been mentioned Cena is too important as a merchandise seller to become a heel right now.


    Kind of like Triple H brought out some boos when he was hyping the match with UT.

  12. Agreed. Poor coaching, breaking league rules, and sinking way too much time into trying to make Stephon Marbury the #2 guy sank the T-Wolves more than some notion of "stars." Sam Cassell is another guy that was never a "star," but he won 3 championships with two different teams and went to the conference finals with two other teams (the Wolves and the Bucks). No matter where he was he won. He even helped the Clippers get to the 2nd round of the playoffs for crying out loud. And they took Phoenix to 7 games! But no, the league needs "stars" and only "stars" make you win.


    Yup. In addition the Spurs are a classic example of this especially this year that you can no longer call Tim Duncan a "star." They have always been a team that overachieved IMO because they are so discipline and play right into the team philosophy. Too many teams try to force players into a system they dont fit into while the Spurs just find players that fit into their system. The make the Bonnors, Blairs, and Bowens of the world very useful players.

  13. I agree with LB and I can speak intelligently about this being a T-wolves fan.


    The Timberwolves had KG for 12-13 years and were able to get out of the first round 1 time. When that idiot McHale decided to put a couple of decent players around him.(Spree, Cassell) KG then heads to Boston and wins a championship his first year and lost in game 7 of the championship game a different year.


    I see horrendous management/coaching in the NBA as more of the problem than the "lack of stars" theory. IMO the NBA is as deep as it has ever been other than lacking great centers.


    Other than the rookie salary cap in the NFL, every 'dispute' amounts to "Hey we're not smart enough to control our own spending, so we need someone to do it for us"



    This is what bothers me so much about these labor disputes. The owners create the problem and try to take it back from the players because they can.


    In the end the owners always have the leverage and use it more than they should need it.


    With the short cycle that athletes have the players union is only going to stick strong for so long before the prime/pre prime players start giving in. Same crap over and over. Players should just understand that in the end they will have to give more than the owners so just reach a damn agreement now already and be done with it.

  15. Same here, I hope both the NBA and NFL season do not happen. Why should we care about a labor dispute between millionaires and billionaires?


    You personally may not care but the popularity of the two sports do say that people will care. Losing the NBA wouldnt really bother me as I like college hoops better but I would certainly start missing the NFL and especially fantasy football. All I really know is it would be extremely stupid of these two sides to lose all of this money knowing damn well they will eventually have to settle on something.

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