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Everything posted by Spoons

  1. I didn't expect this kind of a response, wow. I do agree that it's a minor change that takes time away from more important changes, so it's fine if it doesn't happen, it was just a suggestion. xP
  2. Good idea! I feel like we need a "former" version of this attribute too, that has reduced effects. It makes some companies less willing to hire them, but not completely unwilling.
  3. Are you sure this isn't a bug? Sounds like there's no reason he should've walked out.
  4. "Wrestling in the Blood" is what you're looking for. They'll never leave the business no matter how old they get.
  5. Oh, that'd be a good idea! Or at least a way to set it to match the computer's theme. I've got mine set to dark mode so I can sleep better, so having TEW match that would be lovely.
  6. True, true. Maybe just the happiness effect then. If they're pro then they get a heavier morale boost from signing with a company, but if they're against then they're clearly just doing it for the money, so they get a much lesser boost, or no boost at all, or even take a hit, to morale. Also, maybe a celebrity who's extremely pro will be less likely to leave the business, or will still definitely leave but will do it later, whereas a celeb who's strongly against will leave a lot sooner.
  7. Just like with broadcasters, I think celebrities should have settings about how in-favour they are of wrestling. The more pro they are, the lighter their demands will be & the easier it will be to keep them happy, and the more against they are, vice-versa, because they already don't like being there. And I know what some of you are thinking, "If they're against wrestling then why would they even be available in a wrestling game?" well to that I answer "the same can be said about the broadcasters", so I think this would be a neat little addition that would add another wrinkle to the celebrity system.
  8. That's $26 per seat, which seems excessively cheap, I agree. Though I imagine that's done for gameplay purposes, since real costs of something like that would make it not even worth it for 99% of players.
  9. It would be a very big change, so I doubt it, but never say never. I'd love to see brand new regions in the game!
  10. Would this perhaps be better suited for tech support?
  11. Yep! Or like, having a heavyweight title that requires at least 300lbs and having someone at 295 be unable to fight for it. That little extra push would certainly help!
  12. So, here's an idea I had. So, basically, in the "golden age" of wrestling (which still lasted, like, 60 years, but who's counting?), people considered "giants" were used as special attractions, so for example Andre the Giant would draw a lot more attendance figures, or Happy Humphrey vs. Haystacks Calhoun would sell out an arena despite the lack of in-ring skill, because people wanted to pay to see the huge people. So I'm thinking we can reflect this in-game, if it's not already, and have, up until maybe like, 1995, people over, say, 6'9" get a bonus to attendance figures & segment ratings, because of how big they are, and same thing with people who are at least, like, 500 lbs., both of which having the bonus scaling with their size. This diminishes around the mid 90's and disappears completely around the late 90's, which was when the attitude era came in and people started valuing work rate over appearance. However, maybe we can also have some of the more old-school bookers still have these same values, and book giants as if it was the 80's or 90's, despite fans not being into that anymore. It would reflect situations like The Great Khali debuting in 2006, and Omos debuting in 2019.
  13. I think this would make sense. Plus, if someone with the "sleazy" personality type started a promotion, this would make sense as a feature for them.
  14. Frankly, we don't see nearly as many squash matches nowadays as we used to; I think boosting squash matches until a certain year (maybe like, '97, when the Attitude Era started) would make sense, since olden-time stars like Hogan, Savage, Warrior, etc. would often squash jobbers when not working a storyline match, but I think that should dwindle out to a lesser bonus nowadays, and should rely less heavily on menace and more heavily on things like brawling, power, and how much bigger they are than their opponent.
  15. Yes, definitely. Age range is especially helpful. For example, setting a grey-haired free picture to someone who's anywhere from 50-120, or someone who's particularly young-looking to 18-30.
  16. Though copycats of things like the rumble and MitB have made themselves known over the years, so maybe we can have a naming convention like worker alter egos, where in certain companies different match types have different names.
  17. I'd like to add to this, maybe the goal could either be that or to use them in a certain amount of matches/on a certain amount of shows, if it's a written contract, so you can get their money's worth out of them.
  18. Going Against the Grain - This worker will often suggest gimmick ideas that don't suit the person they're for (According to the "Can't Play _" roles). However, those suggestions are more likely than most to succeed. Get With the Times - This worker is very outspoken about how wrestling is changing, and they like how things are now, as compared to the olden days. They will often butt heads with workers who have old-school mindsets, and are very unlikely to start positive relationships with any. There is a tiny chance that they will convert those workers to their own mindset. Funk Retirement - This worker is on one of their many "retirements". They are treated as if they have the "Wrestling in the Blood" and "Desperado" attributes. They cannot be used in segments, even off-screen, and won't complain about being left off shows. [This attribute is automatically temporary and lasts anywhere between 6 months and 5 years.] (Could also be called "Lost Smile") Sunny Days - When paired with a worker they have a negative relationship with, this worker is likely to go off-script and shoot on them in angles, which boosts the rating of the angle, but is also far more likely to upset their opponent. Podcaster - This worker has a podcast. They have a loyal following, that keeps on growing, and thus their spillover is increased. If they have a negative personality type, then they're more likely to get into negative news stories. Legend - This worker is considered a legend of the industry. They will be far better suited to the Locker Room Leader role, even if they don't meet the typical requirements, their spillover will get a massive boost, and they will boost the attendance figures of any show they're on. However, their contract and wage demands will be higher & stricter because of their status. Gimmick Wizard - This worker can weave gold from garbage. Their gimmicks will never be rated lower than "Adequate", and are far more likely to be rated "Great" or "Legendary". Animal - This worker is an animal. Literally. Like a wrestling bear, monkey, or whatever else. They cannot talk, and thus will never learn any languages. Their skills are limited in how high they can get. Their match ratings are more heavily weighted on things like puro, since they're unable to pull their punches. They're also much more likely to injure their opponent, ignoring their own safety rating.
  19. Hmmm, good idea! And it could specify, like "Ring Announcer - Events", "Ring Announcer - (Insert TV Show Name)", "Ring Announcer - Company Brand 1", "Ring Announcer - Company Brand 2", etc.
  20. Alright then! I'll delete that post, as I don't want to offend anyone else. Thanks for pointing this out!
  21. I wonder if it might be possible to add a feature wherein companies can exaggerate the height and/or weight of a wrestler? Like, now that real heights & weights are a thing, I know that companies like WWE have done that in the past, and it might be fun to explore it as a concept. I'm thinking one of three things: Either "billed height" and "billed weight" sections on a wrestler's profile, "billed height" and "billed weight" on the contract screen, that default to "normal", which saves database makers time if most of the wrestlers are just billed as their normal size, or an owner/booker preference about how much bigger/smaller to make people seem, maybe in percentages, so like "10% bigger" would make someone who's 500 pounds be billed as 550? Not sure, maybe there are separate ones for height and weight, since for height 10% is ridiculous (would make someone who's 6 feet be billed as 6 foot 7). Also, maybe it has effects on the game? Like, maybe in certain products exaggerating someone's height or weight can add to their momentum gain, but in others the fans just get exasperated by it so it actually slows their momentum gain instead. Also, maybe if someone's height/weight is billed to be too high/low for it to be believable, then they get a slight penalty on top of whatever they've got, since fans know there's no way they're actually that size? Maybe that can start at like, 6 inches to a foot above their regular height, and maybe like, 200 pounds above their real weight? Not sure what'd be a good starting point for those, but you get the idea.
  22. Thank you! I agree, I think it'd be great to have them in the game and I figured, with the new Inner Circle mechanics, that it'd be a good way to slot them in. I hope they get implemented!
  23. I'd love to see it, but that's a really big change. Like, it would probably have to be something that's added from the beginning. We're missing out on 2 entire continents (though there's no wrestling currently happening in Antarctica) and SO many countries that aren't represented. At the very least I'd like to see Mexico turned into simply South America, and maybe have the middle east added so we can do shows like WWE Crown Jewel. I don't think it's gonna happen though, at least not in TEW IX, due to how much it would affect the things around it.
  24. Oh yeah! I forgot about that one; I'm so used to 2020 I forget about the new attributes. 😛
  25. Right, but if they're all randomly generated, as GS claims they are, then this wouldn't work as the game chooses their attributes upon spawning them.
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