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Everything posted by Vinsmoker

  1. The game will have the company owners & bookers be assigned during the first few days/weeks of playing
  2. <p>Bloated rosters. Mainly because I usually play with a strict "three strikes and you're out" system.</p><p> </p><p> Hasn't happened in TEW 2020 yet, but in my modern playthrough in the last game, I fired the likes of Randy Orton, Brock Lesnar, Triple H and Kurt Angle for failing drug tests three times</p>
  3. What's the latest starting Year for a game? (Latest as in highest number)
  4. <p>You need to set the amount of Events in the contract itself^^</p><p> It doesn't matter how many active events you have</p>
  5. It also allows you to have a dev. territory in Oceania, without it only airing in your home region
  6. This. Since all the mods are user content and the C-Verse exists in the game and is popular enough on its own, GDS can reasonably make the point that third party conent is not the reason why modding the game is as user friendly as it is and that the game is not making money from licensed content. That would go out of the window once modders are actively paid by the company or the company's employees to work on the game/on mods early
  7. What I like to do, is put two wrestlers from different storylines into the same segment, from time to time. It will be nothing major. But a segment in which Wrestler A wishes Wrestler B luck against their match with Wrestler C, can naturally give you something to mix up later. Like having Wrestler A feud with Wrestler C next. Or Wrestler A & B versus C & D. irl...think of Jeff Hardy, Sheamus and Elias being involved with each other in segments, before Jeff Hardy feuded with the later one
  8. Also...if the title holder isn't with your company when you borrow the title, the champion will be added on a one-day contract
  9. If you plan on having the team win, Unit helps to get the sidekick up with momentum and pop. But if you want the sidekick to eat the pinfalls for the main eventer, Individuals will be better, because the main eventers momentum doesn't take a hit for being on the losing side of a tag match. Atleast less than usual
  10. It's probably the booking skill of the booker/owner. A irl save I played had Stephanie McMahon's booking skills at 90 and almost every WWE show (PPV or Raw) was in the 90s. Then I took the booking skills down to 40 and suddenly the ratings turned to 70+, while the worker's performances were still high
  11. Can't you just appoint a different Booker/Owner/CEO via the "Child Companies" screen? For me there are two big, obvious "Change CEO" buttons
  12. I got myself a fair share of several "Cody Rhodes"s myself Also had a "Duane Johnson" and a "Steven Austin" once each.
  13. In the same spirit: Send a former champion down to Developmental for atleast a year
  14. Their other contracts will run out after a month. Basically... they're finishing up their "indy bookings"
  15. Not "match types". Match aims is what you're looking for. You have to add them manually with the "Road Agent Notes" while booking a match. Match Aims such as "High Spot", "Mayhem", "Car Crash", "Steal the Show", "Epic", "Story Telling", etc. If your product penalizes you for having less than 4, you need 4 or more different aims for matches on any A-show or event Work/Calm/Lift the crowd do not count towards the count.
  16. Since I'm doing the same at the moment, I have some ideas 1. By the end of 2004 a Women's title match must main event a "Normal" PPV (no lesser or throwaway event) 2. You can only attempt to hire Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Kenny Omega, Bryan Danielson and Prince Devitt, while they're holding Championships in a Japanese promotion. 3. A wrestler with less than 25 pop in any US region needs to win a Secondary or above title in their debut match. 4. Atleast one of the top four PPVs (Wrestlemania, SummerSlam, Survivor Series, Royal Rumble) needs to be held outside the US every year. 5. By the end of the year either Goldberg or Brock Lesnar must have left the company. 6. New hiring rule: WCW lost. Get over it. No additional WCW Alumni for your company. (Feel free to ignore this for 2001 WCW or PowerPlant talent)
  17. Tanking ratings is necessary to build divisions up in the long run. I just hired Meiko Satomura in my 04 save and she has 0 pop in the US. I'm currently getting red and yellow ratings in all her segments and workers complaining about losing to her. It's a necessary defeat to get a better division in the long run. Generally speaking you need to take a look at where the strengthes of every worker are and then put them in segments with more popular people and have them look good.
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