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Everything posted by Vinsmoker

  1. Since we can now set potential in the editor, I think you're good if you start them out in the same range as game-generated workers would and simply set the potential according to the their prime. For example... Debut Rocky Maivia has Charisma in his... idk... 40s? But has Excellent potential for Camera & Entertainment skills. His attributes should also include the "Protege" note. That allows Rocky to develop into The Rock within a very short time period, while also stopping him from starting out as a god on the mic
  2. Ages ago I did this for a Katarina Waters/Katie Lea Burchill/Winter debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_F2POXCUkA But it's just a GoT add with "Schwanensee" put over
  3. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="21maxwell" data-cite="21maxwell" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47721" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Say yeahhh.... i mean what?<p> </p><p> </p><p> <img alt="fc89b35a3295ca12c76ec2928c94069e.png" data-src="https://i.gyazo.com/fc89b35a3295ca12c76ec2928c94069e.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Well...they do have the trademark of that. So they better put it to good use</p>
  4. What do you mean by "everything has gone to crap"? B-Shows shouldn't affect your popularity. But things like being dropped by a brodcaster because of the quality of the shows or swings of the Wrestling industry & Economic will
  5. It was already a thing in TEW 2016, whenever you failed to deliver the shows that were agreed upon in a brodcaster contract^^
  6. Because not all wrestlers are equally good. A "High Spots" "Open Match" between Jack Evans and Jake Hager is not going to be as good as a normal "High Spots" match between the two. Because in such a match Jake Hager's High Flying skills aren't portrayed to be equal to Jack Evans' High Flying skills. Not sure how directly it translates to 2020, but two great wrestlers, with similar popularity, momentum and being Major Stars are already on equal footing, so a "Open Match" wouldn't change that. As someone above said...it's more about making less "over" workers seem on the same level as more "over" workers. Irl all of Cody's AEW TNT Championship matches are this way.
  7. Just had the same happening with Candice LeRae. I think Canada is kinda dangerous
  8. <p>I love it. Looks great^^</p><p> </p><p> Thank you very much</p>
  9. <p>Do you guys really think any of Okada's best performances happened in the multi-man tag matches? Because that's what we're talking about. "The Proper use" =/= "The best use" or "The best segment rating"</p><p> </p><p> Don't take the term "Penalty" so literally</p><p> </p><p> Also...Okada doesn't wrestle Young Lions on undercards in the first place. That's the job of the old guys. So...he would never get the "Unimportant match" note to begin with, since even his x-man tag-team matches are long enough to not get the Penalty. A Yuji Nagata, for example, should not get that penalty in 2020, by working 10 minute undercard matches with Young Lions. Main Event, NJPW Ace Okada on the other hand? Definitely.</p>
  10. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Daelh" data-cite="Daelh" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47434" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I need a name for Miz and Morrison, any suggestions? They will be booked like cheating, bigger than life moviestars.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The Red Carpet</p><p> True Hollywood Express</p><p> The Stars</p>
  11. Worse than what? Obviously any match where not all the competitors are the greatest wrestlers on the planet is going to not be as good as a match could possibly get. You usually add things like "Keep Strong" to a match, to have a better match in the future. Imagine Daniel Bryan vs. AJ Styles having three matches. The first one ends via flash pinfall, after Styles hit Bryan with a low blow behind the referee's back. Daniel Bryan lost the match, but he was kepts strong. The storyline gets heat and people want to see Daniel Bryan getting his revenge. The next match has Daniel Bryan lose via DQ, because the referee saw the low blow this time. It protects Daniel Bryan, but obviously it's still not the best the match can be. There was a none-clean finish and AJ Styles didn't seem to be able to beat Bryan without cheating. Then there is the grudge match. The storyline is very hot, both wrestlers go into the match with good momentum, since Daniel Bryan never lost clean and AJ Styles never lost period. They now have a match with a clean finish and neither man being made extraordinarily stronger or more protected than their position+skill would suggest. This match is on PPV and the company gains more pop from it. You sacrifice short term high match ratings, for long term benefits overall. "Penalties" don't make a match bad. Penalties explain that the match can be even better in the future. Kazuchika Okada defeating Hiroshi Tanahashi would rightfully be treated as a short term loss. Long-term, however it was one of the best decisions NJPW ever made
  12. ^ What you're looking for is "Open Match". A match where both wrestlers seems to be on the same level. It inevitable means that Well Known Jeff Hardy looks better, even though he lost to Major Star The Undertaker. "Keep Strong" would actually make him look better than the Undertaker
  13. Having the red text pop up every match might be annoying, but the penalty associated with it is not. A x-man opening tag-team match against the Young Lions definitely shouldn't be seen as a proper usage for a Kazuchika Okada, for example. Plus the penalty isn't that big of a deal
  14. <p>Keep Strong means that in a 6-man Tag-Team match Roman Reigns wasn't able to prevent Dean Ambrose being pinned, because he was fighting two other people on the outside of the ring.</p><p> </p><p> Or it means he got pinned after all three oppoents hit their finisher on him, he still kicked out and then they had to hit a Tag-Team finisher to get the job done</p><p> </p><p> The penalty that comes with "Keep Strong" or "Protect" is hardly noticeable in a good match either way, but it is there and it's constantly used IRL for future title contenders</p>
  15. While completing the contract, you can decide to directly sign them to a child company.
  16. I sometimes add a second player to a game, in order to release people on other company's rosters, if they were no longer with the company irl at that time
  17. Love your work and I would like to make a request aswell Looking for graphics (Logo, Banner, possibly PNG?) for a promotion I frequently use. The promotion is called "New European Wrestling Association" (NEWA). As the name implies...it's a European promotion, with a Central+Northern focus. Generally speaking I'm using it in a similar style New Japan is used^^
  18. It's an actually "fixed" number, that you can edit in the Database editor. (Impossible to do in an ongoing game.) I think the maximum is 65 years. But there is also a "Random" option. And the attributes are basically there for people like the ECW Alumni guys, that seemingly never stopped being used by top companies. (Tommy Dreamer, Rhyno, RVD, etc.) A worker can enter time decline decades before no longer deeming themselves relevant. Think of it like Taz, who had a surprisingly short time of being at his peak and starting to decline.
  19. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="brandon21" data-cite="brandon21" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47811" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>has anyone ever successfully booked a 60 minute match? every time i think i plan it just right it always gets a poor rating lol match aims continue to confuse me</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Almost all my PPVs have a 40+ minute long match^^</p><p> What product are you using and what are the match aims?</p>
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