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Posts posted by ArcheoOutOfNowhere

  1. Since people have already given most of the ideas I had, I'll add the two I haven't see mentioned yet (at least I don't think):

    - On TEW 2016, I had a blast playing with the 1933 mod that I had (way too heavily and clumsily) modified to include future workers in the vain hope I would ever go the full distance up to the 21st century. So maybe the return of this mod, especially with the new narratives, although it would also be amazing if it could have the same depth of future workers Fleisch's 92 mod had. Hey, a man can dream, right ?

    - In the same vein, and I don't think it has ever been done, a real world mod that covered either the 50's or 60's would be dope. There are plenty of things happening in the world at the time, and again, with the new narratives there would be plenty of stuff to influence the game world. Plus, those are the years of what is often thought of as the "Golden Era" of French and Spanish wrestling, and I'd love the opportunity to book the "Bourreau de Béthune" as the Undertaker before the Undertaker was even born.

    Apart from that, honestly, there isn't a specific year I'm more interested than others, it's more often than not the depth (both in the "current" and future workers) I'm searching for rather than a year/an event in particular: booking the giants is fun, but making a star out of a random guy from the middle of nowhere starting is way more fun for me, and it's only really possible when we have a lot of depth.

    • Like 3
  2. I'm far from being the greatest booker in the universe, and I don't have any guide to recommend, but I do have a couple of remarks that might help understand where the problem is.

    • Depending on the database you are using (default one ? a real world one ?), it might just be that the mod maker overrated the company popularity or underrated the ones of your workers. Sometimes, it's normal to book properly your show but still lose popularity, because the difference between workers pop and company pop is too great and it'll take time to catch up to it.
    • Your product might also play a big role: are you respecting the requirements (match aims, etc) ? What focus are you using ? Does your product focus on worker's popularity, or on their skills ? If you have a bunch of talented workers that your fans know nothing about in a pop over ring company, you're not going to get good scores until they've had time to grow their popularity. And if you only have a couple of guys that are fitting what you need, you might want to change the match focus so that your shows are rated almost solely on your main event.
    • With angles, it will depend on what you are rating your workers on, but personally, I tend to always go for freestyle angles with at least one person rated on microphone, Acting, Selling, etc. Anything that isn't an action (Overness, Charisma, Star Quality, Sex Appeal, Menace) is to be limited to other workers participating in the angle or special occasions, and must then be kept short: nobody wants to watch 10minutes of a dude looking menacing but doing nothing else. Basically, respect the rules written in the player's handbook in "Angles" -> "Uninteresting angles".
    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  3. You did ask for chaotic rules, so I'm giving you chaotic rules.

    One of each: One worker from every match that happened in the real life Badd Blood 97 event must win a world title, including the matchs that were supposed to happen (so, Pillman vs Dude Love).

    The heirs of legends: During the same show, there was a ceremony to pay tribute to legends of wrestling. Your very first 6-way match (whether it's an Elimination Chamber one or something else) must future an "heir" of those legends: if they have one, a family member, if not a student, and if they have neither, someone they fought with (the more often the better). If there are no one that fits any of those three, then hire someone who will be a kayfabe family member.

    You get a contract, and you get a contract: Pick the "all-time roster" page on cagematch for WWF in 1997, and start from the bottom of the list (so, Zoltan Bigg). One after the other, those workers must get a title shot of your choice: it doesn't have to be a World title, it can be a lowcard title you'll create for the occasion, it can be a 2 min title match against a heel champion, but it has to happen. You can obviously skip anyone who's not in the database, retired, not a wrestler or dead... but you have to do each member of a tag team/stable.
    If any of these people have a match performance over the lowest of the other workers on the show, they get a year long contract.

    The Anti-Vince: Create a women division. None of the five first champions can have a Sex Appeal over 60 (or whatever the threshold for "Sexy" would be in that mod).

    Could you train your replacement before you go ?: Each time someone in your roster retires (either from the ring or entirely), you must hire one of their students to replace them. If they don't have one, congrats, you get a pass.

    Get it ? Because it's her song ? And he was in the Lip Sync Battle rendition ? No ?: Every worker whose last name is either Taylor or Swift must be hired, and one of them must become tag team champions multiple times with the Big Show.

    The Alphabet Song: To be able to change your world champion, one of your champions must change for the next letter in the alphabet. For instance, let's say your champions are Bret Hart (World), Owen Hart (IC), The Headbangers (Tag), and Shawn Michaels. In order to have Bret Hart lose, either Owen, Shawn Michaels, The Headbangers or Bret himself must lose it to someone whose first, last or gimmick name (or, for the tag title, one of the members name) starts with A: Ahmed Johnson, Al Snow, Steve Austin, Road Warrior Animal, Aldo Montoya, Tiger Ali Singh, etc are all candidates. Then same with B, C, etc.

    • Thanks 1
  4. Two quick questions, only one of which I'm sure fits here:

    - is there a way to calculate approximatively how many people would show up based on a company popularity, so I can give the proper popularity to a company I create ? Basically, if a company has X popularity in a region Y with , they'd have at least that many fans in attendance, that kind of maths (including other variables obviously, I know it isn't as simple as just "pop=x fans in the audience") ? I know roughly the amount of fans they had for their first shows IRL, but I'm not sure if simply comparing it to other companies in the mod would be enough, especially if they're not in the same area.

    - not directly related to modding, but does anyone know of any resources I could use to determine whether a local NWA title was the top title for that territory/booking office, which was a midcard one, etc ? Obviously, the World titles were the top NWA titles (and alliance ones), but is there some place I can check to determine whether the NWA International Television title was more important than the NWA Pacific Coast Heavyweight in California, etc ?

  5. Depending on how many of the workers on my shortlist agree to sign, I think I could easily have 16 men in the round robin, because in the end, even if I was to put a 90 min ironmatch between the two worst workers I could find, I'd still gain popularity. The biggest problem would be to have matches other than those in the round robin, unless I use the good ol' kayfabe rule of "just because you never saw it doesn't mean it didn't happen". However, yes, the women one would be rough, if only because most of them have very little popularity and it'll take time to grow them into stars.

    I like single elimination tournaments too, but I've found that round robin help a lot with my creative juices: I get to organically test multiple chemistries, don't have to figure out the face/heel balance for people qualifying, and it makes the winner look strong but not unbeatable. And of course, sometimes it's just that it gives great matches for a while without me having to pick storylines with workers I don't know enough of to give a direction, or help me test if someone is still able to go or should be relocated to the role of "veteran tag partner".

    • Like 1
  6. I'm probably not doing a tournament for tag teams (or at least, not a round robin one, but they might get a single elimination one), but I've thought about doing the other three ! I was thinking having one that would have a similar importance (for my company) as the G1 Climax, an equivalent for women, and either an "Invitational" to honor one of our former deceased champions, that would be for rookies/free agents, or one where I'd invite workers from the other NWA companies to fight with my own guys to get a shot at the NWA World Title. Maybe even alternate what the third one would be themed on: cruserweight, midcarders, free agents, etc.

    The problem with round robin tournaments being obviously that they can take a long time (hence why I am unsure how many to book: 7 matches + the finals are two months if I only have a weekly show, and I don't want the whole schedule to be tournaments after tournaments), and when the division is rather poor in talent and/or popularity (as will probably be the case of my women division), I'll need to have other huge matches to compensate the rather poor ratings.

    Any logos would still be welcome though ! One can never have too many logos, just in case 😛

    (As for other readers, still interested in answers for the other questions !)


  7. I could have sworn I saw the info somewhere, but I couldn't find it again, so I'll ask instead my questions about alliances:

    1) when borrowing a worker from another company (whether through an alliance or a simple trade agreement), can they be used in different roles than in their usual company ? For instance, if I want to borrow a woman wrestler/manager that is signed in another company as only a manager, could I still use her as a wrestler myself, or am I automatically limited to what she's allowed to do there ?

    2) when using alliance titles, would making another company's worker the champion allow me to bypass the limitation on how many times I can borrown the same worker ? For instance, if I make a WCW worker the NWA World champion while being in my own NWA company, would I be allowed to borrow him more than four times in 6 months, or would I still be limited as if he was a regular, untitled, worker ?

    3) if I make another company's wrestler win an alliance title, are their original company more likely to use that title more often, or woud that have no influence on whether they will or won't book those titles on their show ?

    Thanks !

  8. Hey guys, I could need some help for a few questions, before I start my NWA Los Angeles 92 save. Basically, to give you some lore, I'll play with the (fictional) grandson of one of the original members of the California Combine, and the one who's most often forgotten from what I've seen. Due to his newfound wealth, he'll bring back wrestling to the family by recreating the company that made his grandfather famous-ish, and join the NWA (until a turning point where I'll want to destroy them from the inside). He'll also have good relationships with other members of that group, allowing me to use the following rules: 1) Everyone who held one of the original company titles and/or had a match there while still available in the data must be signed and used for any role they can fill, 2) Everyone who had a match in Hollywood Wrestling, or was the student/a family member of one of the original NWA:LA roster is put on a shortlist and takes precedence over people not on it 3) Every title of the original company listed by cagematch must be used, although I can change their rules/the people they'd be awarded to (in other words, a title for main eventers can become a midcard title, etc).

    Now that you have the lore, here are the questions:

    - what would be good ways to crown new champions ? Apart from one of the two tag titles, where Los Brazos (Brazo de Oro and Brazo de Plata) can simply get their titles back as they were the last champions (the belt having been used in another company), every other "reigning" champion is either dead or retired. In other words, I'll have to crown a new Main Event champ, a new Midcard champ,  new tag champs, a new women champion, and a new "Beat the Champ" champion (although for this one, I already have the solution of either a battle royale, or two randomly drawn workers since that's the rule for challengers anyway). I love the idea of having round-robin tournaments, but that would make 4 tournaments, either simultaneously or back-to-back, and I fear it's a bit too many. Ladder matches weren't really a big thing in 1992, and just picking the best two workers for each title doesn't really fit with the product I want.

    - speaking of round-robin tournaments, how many is too many, and how often is too often ? I'd like to have at least one men and one women tournament annually, but how many workers should be in it maximum before it becomes way too long, bloated and uninteresting ?

    - the "NWA Beat the Champ" title originally (as far as I know) was in kayfabe about money: the champ would win a certain amount of money for the original win, a bit more for the 4 wins after against randomly drawn opponents (in kayfabe, again), then the title went vacant. I'd rather have the champ winning all 5 matches gain a title shot, but what would be the best choice: the winner picks the stipulation of his choice ? The title turns into a "cash-in" opportunity at any moment, although the champion would still need to defend it until he decides to cash-in ? Something else ?

    - Amongst the people I'll be forced to hire are workers like Little Tokyo, Lord Littlebrook, Cowboy Lang (all three being midget wrestlers), and Mae Young. I'm not going to create a midget division just for Cowboy Lang, and unlike Claude Giroux (who's a decent manager and that I also have to hire), none of the other three have the skills needed to be good managers, authority figures or road agents. Any ideas on what I could do with them ? Lang could probably pair in a jobber tag team, but the other three I'm entirely clueless on possible uses.

    Thanks, and sorry for the long message !

  9. I like it like that: Unless you have a very specific need for a storyline that can't be filled by anyone in your current roster, you can't sign anyone without firing/letting go of someone else in the same division/role. You can't borrow someone from another company either, unless they hold an alliance title.

    You're still here ?!: Anyone you haven't used in a year because you had nothing for them must be sent to other companies for at least 6 months, in the hope they'll get some momentum there.

    Out with the old, in with the new: Except for tag teams, nobody over 55 can still have regular solo matches, and you're not allowed to hire anyone over 50 as an active solo wrestler. However, you can still hire anyone (following the "I like it like that" rule, obviously) if they're there to be a worker's manager or tag team partner.

    Which one ?: You can't have multiple people with the same first or last names as on-screen characters: you have to pick one, and rebrand the other(s) with a new gimmick or let them go... including different spellings for the same name, with the exception being if they are of different genders. In other words, you can have Billie Starks and Billy Gunn, or Toni Storm and Tony Schiavone, but you can't have Tony Schiavone and Tony Nese nor John Silver and Jon Moxley. I'll let you imagine the despair of having Adam Copeland, Adam Cole and Adam Page at the same time.

    The Karen rule: Solo wrestlers with less than ideal Mic Skills must be paired with a manager if you want to use them in storylines. Whether that manager has multiple clients, or focus on only one is up to you.

    Spin the wheel, make the deal ?: Every 6 months, draw a random worker from your roster. You then decide whether they can be in a title chase or not: if they can, you have 3 months to make them the contender; if not, you have 3 months to come up with a storyline to take them off screen... and of your roster (although you can of course simply fire them on the spot).

  10. Currently preparing a 1992 save with a re-opened NWA Los Angeles (the one that ran from 1949 to 1958 with Doyle, Nichols and later Eaton at the top) with the logos CQI13 made for me, but I just realised that I don't have any belts to go with it. After a quick search for the real life ones, it turns out there are either no pictures, or awful ones, so I'll have to go for custom made ones unless anyone has them somehow.

    With that being said, can anyone give a try at the following titles:

    - NWA Pacific Coast Heavyweigh Championship (not the Vancouver based one)

    - Either the NWA Los Angeles World Tag Team Championship (that one might simply be a copy from the other World Tag titles ? I haven't found infos either way) or the WWA World Tag Team they used (which is not to be confused with WWA titles from WWA Mexico, or the multiple other WWA companies that popped up here and there). Alternatively, I'm also fine with a custom "NWA Pacific Coast Tag Team Championship"

    - NWA International Television Championship

    - NWA Los Angeles "Beat the Champ" title (this one can either be a belt, a trophy or anything that could be held and given to a referee before a match)

    - This one would automatically be custom, but a NWA Pacific Coast Women Championship (or NWA Los Angeles Women Championship)

    Basically, I'm either fine with copies of the actual belts as they were (if anybody can find good pictures of them), or custom titles that could pass for NWA titles in the 90's. Preferably in the joined picture style, so they'll go nicely with the other belts, but I'm not picky.

    Thank you very much to anyone willing to help !

    NWA World Premium Heavy.jpg

  11. They pretty much are, yes ! Do you think you could do the second one with this image, and on a black background ? While it will be an indy territory and I will probably go through an "Attitude Era"/"Hardcore-ish" phase, it'll start as a more traditional company with lots of old-timers and I can't really imagine, say The Destroyer or Al Madril work for a company with an Anarchist logo 😅

    For events, at the moment I don't have any ideas other than maybe one referencing Hollywood, but any reference to either the city itself (Skid Row, the Venice Canals, Hollywood Boulevard), or people from LA (famous songs from local bands, celebrities, etc) would be fine. Those will serve as the future PPV types events, but it'll be a while before I need them so I haven't thought of names yet.

  12. Could anyone make me a jpg logo for a new NWA territory in the 90's ? Either called "NWA: Los Angeles", "NWA: Hollywood" or any variation that would be related to Los Angeles. Since it will be a 90's company, they can look a bit "cheap", much like the NWA Hammerlock, NWA Wildside, NWA Top Rope, etc were, but I don't want to use the "NWA Championship Wrestling from Hollywood" since that will be an entirely different company.

    Also, if anyone has logos for NWA events/PPVs, preferably related to Los Angeles once again but more neutral ones are entirely fine, that'd be amazing !

  13. Speaking of bookers/owners, I actually have need of people's knowledge to pick one myself !

    I've decided to (re-) open a NWA company that hadn't been open for more than 34 years, namely NWA Los Angeles (or NWA Hollywood) in 1992. However, I'm stuck on who would be a legitimate choice as the owner of the company. Basically, the idea is that I'll be similar to one of those many companies that opened under the NWA umbrella in the late 90's and early 00's (NWA Florida, NWA 2000, NWA Anarchy, etc), and will try to first become a giant, then "eat" every other NWA companies until I'm the only one left.

    However, I don't know who to pick as a legitimate owner: ideally, I'd want someone who would have had ties with NWA back in the days, who didn't open another company in the database (hence why Rick Bassman, Johnny Legend, Roland Alexander or David McLane aren't really options) and preferably in the Los Angeles area at the time, or at the very least in California.
    Based on the database and the very limited research I've done so far, I probably could go for either José Lothario, Jack Armstrong, Ray Stevens, Ivan Putski or (just for the pun) Jeanne Basone who used to be known as Hollywood in GLOW, but none of those names seem to really fit, so any suggestions would be more than welcome !

  14. Also, while I never worked on TEW mods (or well, not published ones at least), I did work on some for other management games, and in general have done a lot of group projects at Uni and at work, so I have at least some experience when I say this: it can be very, very difficult to find people you have enough common ground with that you can agree on anything subjective.

    For instance, Fleisch and SkyCrasher (apparently) have found in each other someone who sees modding the same way, so their work mesh particularly well together. However, if they were to add someone new to the team, that person might think workers from "their" area are massively better and should be upped 10-20 points when it's not the case, or argue over and over that people already in the mod should be much better/much worse than the actual consensus. Even if they might theorically be right (which, to be fair, I don't think is true considering how great the 92 mod is, but that's another debate), it'll make updating take much longer because while you're arguing on every detail, you're not adding new data. Add to that discussions on whether some people should be added, how they should be named (their most known name ? their first gimmick name ? their real name ?), which company does or doesn't belong, etc and it might end up not being worth trying to find someone to work with because the amount of time lost doing all of that might end up bigger than the amount of time gained by having someone to work with.

    That's also why a project I wanted to consider at one point (having a mod with only debuting workers you could import in any other mod for long saves), is something that in practice will never really work: I'm not knowledgeable enough in lucha libre or old school puro to rate how talented X or Y would have been the day of their debut, and even if I was, there are odds I'd rate them too low/too high to mesh well with, say, A New Trust, Territory Daze or The Yes! Mod. Therefore, I'd probably need to make multiple mods with different starting dates, and I'm really, really not tempted to do that.

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  15. I'm looking to start a new save with what is my favorite historical mod of all time, but I have a question ! Basically, I'm looking into adding some future workers (mostly rom the French and Belgian scene) for my own use, but I don't want to either have them too good or not enough. So, I was wondering how do you rate your workers, specifically those that haven't debuted yet ?
    I know more or less how to rate people who have debuted already (watching their matches, etc and comparing them to workers already in the mod), but for people who have not debuted, and even more in the cases of those who have little to no footages online, I have no clue how to rate properly.

    Thanks for any advices, and again, congrats on doing such an amazing job !

  16. Never again, you hear me ?!: Due to the recent scandals that might turn even worse for the company's reputation, your new owners do not want to ever hear about a scandal ever again, and want you to act fast and decisively at the smallest hint of it. As such, do not hire anyone caught in a scandal, and fire those who will get caught instantly. (As a bonus point, you can do that with IRL stuff as well, but you don't have to)

    I could have sworn I left it there: Bring back the 24/7 title, and make it an alliance title. For each show you book, have a segment (either angle or match) between the current champion and someone you'll draw from a randomizer containing every member of your roster (or at least the brand for that show), as well as two wildcards ("Local Worker" and "Local Legend", aka a worker from the region you picked that is free that night, with the choice being yours): if you don't intend for the random worker to win the title, you don't have to force it, unless it's either the Local Worker or Local Legend. In that case, they have to not only win the 24/7 title but get a one year contract.

    Don't be greedy: A worker can't hold more than one title at a time: if someone has two, they must either defend both at each PPV until they lose one (if one solo title and one tag title), vacate the one with less importance (if they've won a main title and a midcard one), or combine them (if they're at the same level of importance and you don't want two midcard or two main titles).

    You're not ready: Workers from NXT can only go for a solo (or, in the case of tag teams, tag) career in the main roster if they've won the top title of their division at least once. However, if they go up to join a tag team/a stable, they can do so without restrictions.

    Mixed Match Challenge: Bring back the Mixed Match Challenge, drawing 16 random people from each division and pairing them as you wish. The winners of the tournament get a title shot of their choice at the Royal Rumble.

    You already have one: Champions are banned from participating in the Royal Rumble match, even if they're just tag, 24/7 or NXT champions.

    NXT Worldwide: Every year in January, hire the best under 30yo worker from each nationality (one for each) to a one year contract in NXT. You can skip countries if you want, but must still hire at least 10 people, not counting the US, Mexico and Japan (unless there is simply not enough workers to do so).

    I'm not a part-time lover: Workers can only work full-time (even if they can be off screen), so you can't have someone showing up for 3 months then go back to their other job until it's Wrestlemania. In other words, The Rock, John Cena, or even Logan Paul and Brock Lesnar (if you don't fire them) can't just do the big PPVs and never have regular weekly matches.

    Fighting champs: Each title must be defended at least once a month, either on PPV or weekly shows, and preshows do not count. However, having Roman Reigns defend in a one-minute squash against a local jobber is fine.

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  17. I have no idea how they'd be rated (and therefore, if they would be any good) in TheWho's mod, and I would not necessarily call them go-to, but here are a few names that have the potential to at least make decent midcarders, and/or that I've signed a couple of times just because. I'm not fully aware of everyone that is/isn't signed with Impact and AEW, so apologies if there are some names that are not eligible.

    Male Division Wrestlers

    Adam Brooks, Anthony Greene, Devantes, Andrew Everett, Brian Johnson, Isaias Velazquez, Silas Mason, Odinson, Caveman Ugg, Max ZERO, Weber Hatfield, Mike D Vecchio, Senza Volto, Tristan Archer, Jurn Simmons, Shane Mercer, Bradley Prescott IV, Juicy Finau, Naoya Nomura, Kenny Williams, Michael Oku, Cara Noir, ... Maybe a couple of former Chikara guys like Frightmare if they're still around ? Also, the Bollywood Boyz for tag teams ?

    Female Division Wrestlers

    Amale, Tenille Dashwood, Edith Surreal, Shea McCoy, Thekla, VENY, Session Moth Martina, Natsu Sumire, Lindsay Snow, Charli Evans, Holidead, Charlie Morgan, Rachael Ellering, Steph DeLander, Vita VonStarr, Millie McKenzie, and if they're still around, maybe Solo Darling, Chardonnay and Alpha Female ? (I know VENY, Edith and Shea might be a bit more complicated in real life to "pick" for a division or the other, but in TEW2020, most if not all mods have them as female workers, as far as I know)

    Non-ring workers and broadcasters

    Sam Leterna, Melissa Santos, Joe Sposto, Lenny Leonard, Veda Scott


    Artemis d'Ortygie


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  18. How reliable is aging/de-aging when importing a worker from a mod to another ? Obviously, I'd assume it is also influenced by how similar the way of rating workers is between the two mod authors, but if they have relatively similar ways of doing so, how reliable is that tool ?

    I'm tempted to mass import workers from one mod to another one who's missing quite a few future workers, but as they're not set at approximatively the same time, some of the workers from the mod I'd import from have already debuted multiple years before. However, I'm worried using the de-aging tool would make them less talented than they should (specially for smaller names of the indy scene, as they already tend to be quite less skilled anyway), and not using it would make them far more talented and bring the risk of having midcarders be able to reach main eventer skill levels because they'd start with their 10 years of training and experience already.

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