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Posts posted by ArcheoOutOfNowhere

  1. Never again, you hear me ?!: Due to the recent scandals that might turn even worse for the company's reputation, your new owners do not want to ever hear about a scandal ever again, and want you to act fast and decisively at the smallest hint of it. As such, do not hire anyone caught in a scandal, and fire those who will get caught instantly. (As a bonus point, you can do that with IRL stuff as well, but you don't have to)

    I could have sworn I left it there: Bring back the 24/7 title, and make it an alliance title. For each show you book, have a segment (either angle or match) between the current champion and someone you'll draw from a randomizer containing every member of your roster (or at least the brand for that show), as well as two wildcards ("Local Worker" and "Local Legend", aka a worker from the region you picked that is free that night, with the choice being yours): if you don't intend for the random worker to win the title, you don't have to force it, unless it's either the Local Worker or Local Legend. In that case, they have to not only win the 24/7 title but get a one year contract.

    Don't be greedy: A worker can't hold more than one title at a time: if someone has two, they must either defend both at each PPV until they lose one (if one solo title and one tag title), vacate the one with less importance (if they've won a main title and a midcard one), or combine them (if they're at the same level of importance and you don't want two midcard or two main titles).

    You're not ready: Workers from NXT can only go for a solo (or, in the case of tag teams, tag) career in the main roster if they've won the top title of their division at least once. However, if they go up to join a tag team/a stable, they can do so without restrictions.

    Mixed Match Challenge: Bring back the Mixed Match Challenge, drawing 16 random people from each division and pairing them as you wish. The winners of the tournament get a title shot of their choice at the Royal Rumble.

    You already have one: Champions are banned from participating in the Royal Rumble match, even if they're just tag, 24/7 or NXT champions.

    NXT Worldwide: Every year in January, hire the best under 30yo worker from each nationality (one for each) to a one year contract in NXT. You can skip countries if you want, but must still hire at least 10 people, not counting the US, Mexico and Japan (unless there is simply not enough workers to do so).

    I'm not a part-time lover: Workers can only work full-time (even if they can be off screen), so you can't have someone showing up for 3 months then go back to their other job until it's Wrestlemania. In other words, The Rock, John Cena, or even Logan Paul and Brock Lesnar (if you don't fire them) can't just do the big PPVs and never have regular weekly matches.

    Fighting champs: Each title must be defended at least once a month, either on PPV or weekly shows, and preshows do not count. However, having Roman Reigns defend in a one-minute squash against a local jobber is fine.

    • Like 1
  2. I have no idea how they'd be rated (and therefore, if they would be any good) in TheWho's mod, and I would not necessarily call them go-to, but here are a few names that have the potential to at least make decent midcarders, and/or that I've signed a couple of times just because. I'm not fully aware of everyone that is/isn't signed with Impact and AEW, so apologies if there are some names that are not eligible.

    Male Division Wrestlers

    Adam Brooks, Anthony Greene, Devantes, Andrew Everett, Brian Johnson, Isaias Velazquez, Silas Mason, Odinson, Caveman Ugg, Max ZERO, Weber Hatfield, Mike D Vecchio, Senza Volto, Tristan Archer, Jurn Simmons, Shane Mercer, Bradley Prescott IV, Juicy Finau, Naoya Nomura, Kenny Williams, Michael Oku, Cara Noir, ... Maybe a couple of former Chikara guys like Frightmare if they're still around ? Also, the Bollywood Boyz for tag teams ?

    Female Division Wrestlers

    Amale, Tenille Dashwood, Edith Surreal, Shea McCoy, Thekla, VENY, Session Moth Martina, Natsu Sumire, Lindsay Snow, Charli Evans, Holidead, Charlie Morgan, Rachael Ellering, Steph DeLander, Vita VonStarr, Millie McKenzie, and if they're still around, maybe Solo Darling, Chardonnay and Alpha Female ? (I know VENY, Edith and Shea might be a bit more complicated in real life to "pick" for a division or the other, but in TEW2020, most if not all mods have them as female workers, as far as I know)

    Non-ring workers and broadcasters

    Sam Leterna, Melissa Santos, Joe Sposto, Lenny Leonard, Veda Scott


    Artemis d'Ortygie


    • Like 1
  3. How reliable is aging/de-aging when importing a worker from a mod to another ? Obviously, I'd assume it is also influenced by how similar the way of rating workers is between the two mod authors, but if they have relatively similar ways of doing so, how reliable is that tool ?

    I'm tempted to mass import workers from one mod to another one who's missing quite a few future workers, but as they're not set at approximatively the same time, some of the workers from the mod I'd import from have already debuted multiple years before. However, I'm worried using the de-aging tool would make them less talented than they should (specially for smaller names of the indy scene, as they already tend to be quite less skilled anyway), and not using it would make them far more talented and bring the risk of having midcarders be able to reach main eventer skill levels because they'd start with their 10 years of training and experience already.

  4. As the title hints, I'd like in the future the possibility to add one or more co-champions to title reigns, so we could adequately book Tag titles with a Freebird rule, and also for situations where we want people to both win the match at the same time, leading to a storyline where they'll share the title until they can fight for it (or decide to defend it in alternance, much like the Chyna-Chris Jericho IC reign).

    As well, that option could be used for comedy titles such as the 24/7 or the Ironmetalheavyweight title, where every once in a while, you could decide to have a tag team/stable win the title: right now, our only way would be to have one member be the official holder and use angles to force a championship change when needed, but the other member(s) would never be recognised as former champions themselves.

    • Like 3
  5. In practice, what is the best way to reproduce what WWE does with sending down one of the main roster worker for a short feud in NXT ?

    I have an idea for a concept in a new save that would require me to send people, including the biggest names of the main roster, "down" for short storylines or even a couple of shows every once in a while, but as far as I remember, the big stars don't take well being sent to the developmental companies.
    I could always just make NXT (and any future NXT companies I'd want) into regular ones, and have an agreement for trading people, but wouldn't that mean I can't just hire hot prospects and send them there ? And I suppose I could also make them brands, but wouldn't it mean having a shit ton of B-shows/throwaway events to replicate the NXT schedule, and make it difficult to have everyone happy since they would miss a lot of shows/never be booked into the bigger ones ?

  6. This might have been suggested somewhere else already, in which case I apologise, and maybe it's simply me not using Freestyle angles properly/not understanding which skill I should pick. But could we have more options for freestyle angles, and I suppose angles in general ?

    Lately, I've been bothered by freestyle angles because the feedback from it doesn't fit what I'd want, and while it might in the end just be cosmetic, I still feel it should be "correct". For instance, if I want an angle where Worker A and B are shown searching for worker C, the current 24/7 champion who's hiding in a bin, I'll pick them to be on-screen (because they are at the show), A and B to be rated on either Menace or Acting (if I want it to be more comedic), and C on Acting. Still, I'll get a feedback that one of them has been struggling interacting with the fans, or wasn't at ease speaking, etc. However, it makes it seem like the angle is taking place in the ring, and words have been exchanged between the three participants, which isn't the case at all.

    As such, I'd propose two new options to be ticked on/off, or chosen from a menu depending on which would be easier/more user-friendly:

    • Backstage/In Ring/Out of the Arena: Obviously, this would be used to decide whether the angle is taking place in the ring ("middle of the ring" promos, etc), backstage (interviews, interactions with the Authority figures, etc would use this) or "Out of the Arena" (think "special entrances", stuff like Steve Austin throwing The Rock's belt from a bridge, home invasions, etc). Backstage/Out of the Arena would have for a result that there isn't a fan interaction, so to speak, and so workers that do struggle with those would not get penalised. Maybe "Out of the Arena" could also be limited to bigger companies ?
    • Will talk: this option would let us specify whether one of the participants is actually going to talk or not. While it could be used for aspects like valets being rated on Sex Appeal or enforcers being rated on Menace, it'd also be useful for angles where someone is hiding, comedic angles (such as "Drake Maverick is on the hunt for the 24/7 title and enters Lesnar's locker room because R-Truth changed the labels on the door, resulting in Lesnar throwing Maverick into a wall"), "reaction" angles where someone is just so confused and baffled they can't talk, etc. Also, it'd make it so that we could realistically use mute wrestlers, or limit the impact of the worker not speaking the local language.

    I could also see a need for a "Secondary Skill rated on": say I have a storyline with two women where one is considered "unattractive" for one reason or another, and the other extremely attractive. The main focus on the angle wouldn't always be on Sex Appeal, but still be needed for it: for instance, if the angle is "Mariah May tries to teach Abadon how to be hot", I want Mariah May and Abadon to be rated on Entertainment, but at the same time, Sex Appeal obviously would play a role for Mariah May's rating since it wouldn't work as much if she wasn't considered attractive.
    Same for a storyline between a "Keith Lee" type of guy and a "Marko Stunt" type of guy: part of the angle could be that Keith Lee is much bigger, stronger and more menacing than Stunt, but I would still want Keith Lee to be rated on Microphone rather than Menace because the angle is them talking, not Keith Lee threatening Stunt.
    However, maybe the combinations could be limited, so you can't use it to game the system I suppose.

    • Like 1
  7. I have yet another bunch of questions, this time about alliances, and I couldn't find the answers in the Handbook, so here we go:

    • If I'm a member of an alliance, and for any reasons the other members leave it, can I close the alliance, or will the AI automatically try to fill it with new companies that I can/cannot veto ?
    • Is it even possible to close an alliance, other than via the editor ?
    • If an alliance do close (even via the editor), do the alliance titles join the list of purchasable belts, or are they gone forever ?

    Thanks !

  8. I have a question about the 1992 mod: as I was trying out different save concepts to see what would stick and become my new long-term save, I realised that some rookies from Mexico (namely Mr. Elektro, and Lizmark Jr.) start with a huge popularity in Mexico.
    Now,  I suppose Lizmark Jr. could have gotten a boost from being the heir of Lizmark, but is there a reason for such a huge pop (in its 40 for Lizmark, 62 all around Mexico for Mr. Elektro along with some pop in the US and Japan) ? I'll admit my knowledge of Lucha Libre is limited to "I've heard that name before", but a bit of research has told me Elektro debuted that month and wasn't known before for something else, so I'm curious, especially since he's also starting a bit "broken down" compared to your usual rookie.

    Also I've noticed a small mistake with Kal Rudman, who's starting as a 25 year old but, unless I'm thinking of another Rudman, he was probably in his 60's already at the time.

    Apart from that, as always an outstanding work from the team, I can't wait for the next update !

  9. Not sure if it's the best place to ask, but I couldn't find the info in the handbook (unless I've not read it properly), so here we are:

    Can any product be used for a company and end up with a Titanic size, or are there some that are naturally limited ? I understand that some products would have difficulties attracting sponsors, be limited to certain time slots, etc, which would reduce the speed of their growth, but would it still possible to achieve Titanic size with products like Xtreme Adult Filth, Bar Room Entertainment, Lucha Libre Burlesque or Monster Battle, creating your own broadcaster to get rid of the timeslot problem, and earning money somehow with good booking, creative money management and the likes ?

    And still on the products, is there somewhere a list of real-life examples for the different products, either official or unofficial ? Some products are obvious, but I'd be interested to see how some of the others are booked in real life, so I can eventually explore them myself in game rather than use the usual ones I play with.

  10. 16 hours ago, James The Animator said:

    LU did a lot of the hardcore gimmick matches, which might be a bit over your national TV audience's head. The American media appetite for gritty violence did not start until a bit later in the 1990s. So for your first few seasons I would go more fun comic book vibes, like the animated Batman TV series that everyone loves. Then you get darker with each passing season. Also, people at this time were ready for the lucha style: remember what an unexpected success AAA When Worlds Collide was in 1994.

    Who would make a good Cueto? That's actually really tough. Dario had a very specific sort of menace to him that's hard to replicate, and he wasn't even in the acting business at this time according to IMDb. I'm tempted to say just make a user character named "Dario Cueto" and give him the stats and attribs you think are appropriate. Terry Gordy could be a stellar Matanza if you can get him past his issues. Otherwise you could get Gary Albright. 

    That was mostly why I wasn't sure the product would work: while the more scripted aspect of Lucha Underground didn't seem much of a problem, considering that people already loved TV and wrestling, I wasn't sure about the rest: after all, it'd take a couple of years for the american audience to discover the new ECW style, and since I was 4 and living in Belgium at the time, I had no idea whether US fans would be even remotely interested in luchadors save for the hispanic community.

    Yes, replacing Cueto is the most difficult really, because there are plenty of people quite as talented as he is, but none have the same "vibe" as he does: he was perfect for the role, and while I could probably find TV actors that were more than able to play this kind of character, they would not necessarily be realistic, financially speaking. Danny Trejo would be a decent choice, if it wasn't for the fact that, rather than have a monster do his biddings, he'd probably be the monster in the ring. I tried to think of whether I could find them amongst other "mafias", but if I want a "Lucha Underground" vibe, I cannot exactly start out with someone who would be best suited to play a Yakuza or the Godfather: they would work, but I'd then have to hire less luchadors, and have it be more of an "Organized crime Fight Club" and limit the supernatural aspects.
    If I want to keep the supernatural aspect, though, I suppose I could go with Father James Mitchell, but again, would he be the kind to hire young upcoming luchadors (or, really, luchadors at all) ?

    As for Matanza, I'm not familiar with the work of Gordy and Albright, but they do seem bulky enough to be perfect for the role. So far, apart from Kane (and I'll admit it was also partly because I wouldn't need to seek a masked picture of him), I had put in my shortlist guys like Bam Bam Bigelow, Hercules Hernandez, King Kong Bundy, Nikita Koloff, One Man Gang, Scott Norton, The Barbarian, or Jeep Swenson. Or, if I decided to go for cheaper, lesser known and less talented people, maybe someone like Bryan Clark/Adam Bomb, or Kurrgan, although the latter would really be limited to squash matches.

    11 hours ago, CQI13 said:

    Would Dr. Death (under a mask) be suitable?

    One thing I loved about LU were the movie style vignettes and backstage segments. It had a very unique feel. I don't honestly see anything wrong with using a Paul Heyman or a Bischoff. Heyman would have the better stats from the jump, but I could see Bischoff wanting to do something different. Could even treat it as a "real" alternative to the top companies, as opposed to trying to directly compete from the start.

    The biggest problem I have with Heyman is that he was already featured quite a lot on TV with the Dangerous Alliance in WCW, and while he would be perfect for the role, it would seem unlikely he'd resign from WCW just to join an entirely new project that, on paper, is likely to fail. In kayfabe, I also wouldn't imagine him try to sign young luchadors, and neither would Bischoff (or, well, not without Konnan's influence I guess).

    7 hours ago, rufc4eva said:

    If you are looking for a good Dario I would suggest Victor Quiñones as a good option.


    Also for the Matanza I would consider Leatherface (Corporal Kirchner) who at 6’2 would cut a commanding figure over most and can play a monster gimmick

    Victor Quinones would actually be a pretty good choice ! However, he's the owner of his own company at that time, so it seems unlikely he'd have gone for the project in real life, and I try to stay as realistic as I can.

  11. Not sure if this is really the best place to ask, but here we go...

    I've been toying with the idea of having a "Lucha Underground" type of product, probably with a similar esthetique to it, but using the excellent 1992 mod by Fleisch instead of a modern era one. Do you think such a product would have worked in 1992, or been well received by the fans ? Would there have been enough people willing and able to do some of the things that made Lucha Underground what it was ?

    And if it did work, who would be a good choice to take the "Dario Cueto" role ? In a very different style than Cueto, I thought of Paul Heyman, Eric Bischoff and Bobby Heenan, but obviously it'd feel a bit cheating to have one of the best right away, and they're maybe a bit too well known anyway. Ideally, I'd want to keep the same "cartel jefe" flair that Cueto brought, so it'd also justify the use of plenty of luchadors, but my knowledge of wrestling from that time is a bit lacking so I don't even know if there would be someone fitting. I'm also open for suggestions of TV actors that would not be in the mod !

    In a similar vein, who would you pick to "replace" Matanza ? I was thinking Kane would be perfect for the role, since in 1992 he's only debuting and could play the role for a very long time, but he might lack the experience (and, at this time, skills) to actually be the first big monster.

  12. For all four companies:

    Maybe you're right: sign all five workers given to you by the "Hidden Gems" section. One of them must end up the World champion, one have a 1+ year long reign with a midcard title, two become a tag team for however long you'll sign them for and win the title at least once, and the last one have his own stable with a decent storyline attached to it. If you have a woman or more, she can replace any of the goals above but the tag one (unless there are two for WWE, in which case the women tag title counts). If a same worker is in the list for multiple companies, pick the one you think they'd fit best in, and replace them in the list by the first worker you'll get when loading a new day.

    One of a kind: One male and one female worker must win the top title in all four companies, and once they've won the fourth title, must stay in that company until they retire.

    This is just a tribute: If someone who has been in WWE/NXT as well as one of the other two companies dies, you must have a tribute show for them, featuring workers of all the companies they've worked for, as well as (if possible) their friends and family members.

    Uncharted territories: Each of the company must have its own "territory" to explore, where they'll pick new workers without the other being able to steal them save for one per year. So for example, you can decide that WWE have Japan, but then they won't be able to sign Mexican workers because it's AEW's territory, while Europe will be NXT's and Oceania will be Impact's. For extra giggles, you can also randomize who has who, with the last two non-explored zones (so, in this example, Canada and India) being a free for all.

    Romeo and Juliet: Couples must work for the same company, so if you have intercompanies workers (including WWE + NXT), you have to use a randomizer to decide who gets the second member of the couple. For instance, in the Jimmy Uso/Trinity couple, you might end up with Trinity back in WWE, or have to fire Jimmy so he can sign with Impact.

    For the WWE/NXT Universe:

    Foretold by the stars: Any wrestler winning a title in NXT must later win its counterpart in the main roster, no exception allowed (but for those that did so before you started the game, where you can choose whether you want it or not). So if you decide to have Noam Dar win the NXT title, he must later become either Universal or Heavyweight champion, if Javier Bernal wins the NA title he must later become US or IC champ, etc etc.

    I'm so Bouncy: At least one person must in the next five years win a title in NXT, then in the main roster, then NXT, then main roster again. The titles do not have to be the same.

    We're everywhere: Have a stable have members in both Raw, Smackdown, and NXT (as well as any brands you might want later).

    For AEW/Impact:

    Papa's got a brand New Bag: You're only allowed one former WWE/NXT worker every 6 months, unless it's on a loan or for a tribute show. None of them can win the title in their first year within their new company unless they're over 75 in pop. Workers affected by the "Romeo and Juliet" rule do not count !

    You're hot then you're cold: If a worker stays for more than a year in the "Who's Not" category of your creative meetings, they have to be fired and be hired by the other non-WWE Universe company, and have a whole year to enter the "Who's Hot" one for their new place. If they fail to achieve so, they can't be hired again for either AEW or Impact during the next three years.

    For AEW/WWE:

    The Alphabet Song: Considering the massive sizes of their roster, have for one of the two companies a worker for each letter win a title in alphabetical order. Say you've picked AEW for this rule: the first title change you'll have must have for its new champion a worker whose name starts with A (Adam Page, Adam Cole, Andrade, Athena, whatever). You can then change in the next three months any champions you want, but after that, can only do so with a worker whose name starts with B, etc. Tag teams, stables and name changes do count for that rule, but they then have to use that name for at least a whole year, and you're allowed to create a title just for that purpose (wink wink 24/7 title wink wink)

    • Thanks 1
  13. Any chance someone could recreate AJPW's logo, but instead of having a Japanese map, replacing it with the USA, for a company called "All America Pro Wrestling" ? The colors can either stay the black, white and red used in the original logo, or if you want to try other combinations (white-red-blue, black-white-blue, etc), feel free !

  14. One of the things that have bothered me the most in TEW compared to other "sports" management games is that, unlike say FM where you at least have fake diplomas and all to justify it, in TEW you can start unemployed and be hired by a relatively big company without in kayfabe having the tiniest bit of experience. Granted, as you're playing as an actual person, you could justify it by being a former pro wrestler or whatever, but still.
    Combined to this, there is no accurate way to portray the small promoters who, rather than rent a place to promote their shows, are invited by a city, a company, a casino, etc to have a show. For example, my local Belgian town has thought recently to have a wrestling show for the town festivities, and contacted different promoters to see what could be done: none of those promoters have a regular schedule, an established roster and some don't even have belts.
    The same goes for wrestling conventions: they can be somewhat portrayed by having a touring schedule if booked by the player, but not at all by the AI as they'd hire a fixed roster and book their shows in the same region until they grow enough.
    Finally, while you can start your own company, it automatically has you as the Owner and gives you an arbitrary amount of money and popularity, as well as the choice of product.

    My suggestion would be to kill three birds with one stone: when you're unemployed, you should every once in a while get a message from the AI offering you the opportunity to book an independent show for a local event, more or less like unemployed workers get to have indy shows booked by the AI to give them in-ring experience. You'd then get an amount of money, a timeslot, a productand a few goals (similar to the owner ones) and would negociate with workers say one week or two before the show to see if they would be interested in taking part. The more successful the indy show you book, the more you'd gain reputation.
    For instance, say you're based in the Western Europe region: a local city (not named) would contact you to book an event with a budget of 3k for workers and a 2 hour slot. They'd tell you as "owner" goals they want a "Family-Friendly Pro Wrestling" product, and a focus on Belgian workers, and to avoid any Hardcore wrestler. You'd then contact Belgian workers as well as a couple of foreign stars, and book a show to the best of your ability.

    Further down the road, you could also either get an offer from wrestling conventions to book their shows, or from an investor wanting to create their own company and offering you the job: in wrestling conventions, a concept a bit closer to an actual company, you'd get to pick where you want your next show to be and not be as limited since you wouldn't have to hire local workers only, have a regular budget and schedule, but still would need to hire people on "One Appearence" deals (unless you create titles, in which case you could offer a lengthier contract to the champions, that would terminate automatically when you have a title change, I suppose). Again, you'd get your booking rep grow a bit for each successful shows, with the bonus being bigger than for indy shows but still smaller than with the regular companies.
    With an investor, however, you'd get (if you accept their offer, that is), an actual company but would not pick the product, the amount of money, popularity, etc as they'd be randomly selected, with a generated worker being created on the spot to be your owner. They could be a filthy rich famous heir and give you 50m to create their very own "Lucha Underground" company, a local entrepreneur who has 50k to spare towards a "Risque Adult" company, a pastor who uses the church's funds to have a Morality Wrestling company set up, etc etc.

    Obviously, you'd also keep the choice to simply create your own company, as that system still works for those that just want a custom challenge.

    TL;DR: Rather than simply candidate for one of the companies with no booker when we are unemployed or create our own custom one, let's also have the possibility to book independent shows and later on wrestling conventions shows with limitations, as well as randomly generated companies offering us the job.

    PS: Sorry if it is a bit confusing/not written properly enough, it was just a random idea I had this morning that I tried to put on "paper" quickly in between interruptions !

    • Like 8
  15. Not sure if it's the best place to ask so feel free to move it away if needed, but I have a question/need tips on finances.

    Basically, I'm tempted to try a "AWA Revival" save on Fleisch's 92 mod, but have it so that rather than the company being bought from Verne Gagne by someone wealthy enough to pay the debts, I'd want the debt to stay and have to work towards paying it slowly. Since it's 2,5m$ we're talking about, what would be the best method ?
    The roster is completly empty, so I'd need to build one, but what should I do ? Hire the biggest names I can find, even though for most they would at best be Upper midcarders in the WCW/WWF (King Kong Bundy, Nikita Koloff, Tully Blanchard, etc), along with a couple of solid populard midcarders (Chris Adams, Paul Roma, One Man Gang, Boris Zhukov, etc), and the rest be hot prospects ? Hire only local guys, and tank the huge hits in popularity while building up the few young stars I can find, and hope they'll grow quickly enough that I can start making money and paying the debt ?

    Alternatively, my other option for a 92 save would be creating "World Pro Wrestling", Jerry Grey's company, that was mostly doing small indy shows when hired by casinos and the likes to have an event (as far as I can tell, to be fair I didn't research it for long either). What would be an accurate amount of money to start ? 10k as suggested by TEW seems a bit low, as they hired old timers and had apparently a TV show on a local broadcaster, but I honestly have no idea how much money such a company would have.

  16. My own suggestions for your mod, feel free not to use them though if you find them lacking !

    Name: Reyna Boudica
    DOB: Whatever you need
    Place of Birth: Norfolk, UK
    Ethnicity: White
    Sexual Orientation: Whatever you want
    Body: Small/Lightweight
    Gimmick/Wrestling Style: Masked Luchadora, inspired by a Celtic queen.
    Bio/Noted: Based in Mexico, she fell in love with lucha libre in her early twenties when she went living in Mexico for her University. Recognizable by her long red hair, and her Irish roots, hence why she picked Boudica as her name. Is rather tall for a luchadora.

    Name: El Arqueólogo
    DOB: November 1990
    Place of Birth: Yucatan
    Ethnicity: Hispanic
    Sexual Orientation: Whatever you want
    Body: Lightweight
    Gimmick/Wrestling Style: A cheap knock-off of Indiana Jones (much like the cheap knock off of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles you had in CMLL I think ?)
    Bio/Notes: A talented worker saddled with an awful gimmick, comes to the ring with a whip and everything.

    Name: Nick Godlaugh
    DOB: November 1990
    Place of Birth: Belgium
    Ethnicity: White
    Sexual Orientation: Straight
    Body: Lightweight
    Gimmick/Wrestling Style: Referee
    Bio: A (decently) talented referee from Belgium. Is known for bringing beers and chocolates to the roster, and is rather cheerful. Maybe one of the attributes that help mitigate problems in the locker room ?

  17. 3 minutes ago, Original_Broski said:

    Can I please get some rules for an AEW save? August 2023 database but I'm moving up the timeline so that CM Punk has been fired.

    The End of Toxicity: Any worker caught fighting another backstage is fired, period.

    Fresh blood: Your next two champions for every belt can't be former WWE/NXT/NJPW champions, unless they've already been AEW champions.

    Mucha Lucha: Bring a masked luchador to stardom, so they'll be remembered as fondly as Rey Misterio in the US.

    Which one are you, already ?: You can only have one people for each first name, and have to either fire/rebrand the ones you don't choose. For instance, you have Matt Hardy, Matt Jackson, Matt Sydal and Matt Menard, but can only keep one under the name "Matt", the others three having to either be let go or renamed.

    AEW World Tour: Every year, you must have one PPV in a region other than the US, and you can't have the same region picked two years in a row. So next year, you can't have another Wembley show, but you could have one in Paris, Tokyo or Mexico if you want.

    Random is my Jam: Every month, have the challenger for a title be picked at random amongst every person that has, according to cagematch, participated in a match of the year we're in. So, for August, you might end up with Powerhouse Hobbs challenging for the TNT Championship, but in September have to justify Carlie Bravo or Liiza Hall getting a title shot.

    Focus on ourselves, we must: Only your own titles can be defended during your shows, unless the challenger(s)/champion(s) also have a title in a company you're allied to.

    Trigger Happy: For each show you book, have a dark match be one of your workers against a local, unemployed worker. If the unemployed one has a performance over 50, give them a year long contract, and if over 30, a 6 months-one.

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  18. Looking for a gif logo (and possibly events if you feel inspired, all names are welcome, and the same for belts) for a company called "World Pro Wrestling". I've decided to start a 1992 save on Fleisch's amazing mod, and randomly picked Jerry Grey as the user character before realising he actually has promoted shows during his career.

    As such, if you happen to know what the real logo look like, feel free to use it, but if not, a custom logo that wouldn't look too modern for 1992 would be perfect !

    Edit because my dumbass found a picture with the logo on it right after posting this:

    A picture of Jerry Grey with the logo


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