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Posts posted by ArcheoOutOfNowhere

  1. Who do you take me for, Vince McMahon ?: Regardless of whether they are money maker or not, anyone caught in a serious scandal (so not "they cheated on their partner" or "sex workers" ones, as they aren't that scandalous for fans) gets fired. And yes, that means you can fire Joey Ryan and Austin Aries even if technically it was only known much later than 2013.

    Team Knock-Out: Give your women division a revamp by hiring the best indy talents that would realistically accept an exclusive contract.

    Back to the roots: before the Hogan era was a thing, TNA was known to try and give a chance to young talents rather than push old WWE guys. As such, every wrestler who'll win "Independant Wrestler of the Year" and, when suitable (aka "Not in WWE or an exclusive contract"), "Young Wrestler of the Year", "Tag Team of the Year" and "Women Wrestler of the Year" get a one year contract to prove themselves worthy of the future best company in the world.

    Our own identity: You can't go through multiple "ECW revival", or bring back legends from WWE (Hogan/Flair/etc) nor WCW for cheap pops. If you do sign one of them, it has to be because they can serve you for a good 5 years as full-time wrestlers that can still give great matches (in other words, you can sign people that would be used like Sting was, not like Hogan was).

    World Cup seeason is upon us: Make the World Cup an annual PPV in any shape or form you'd like. However, Team USA can't win every year.

    Total Non-Stop All Elite: At least 5 members of what will eventually become AEW must get a world title reign one day. Ex-WWE guys do not count, nor do people currently in your roster like Samoa Joe.

    Praise thy father: James Mitchell must lead one stable to eternal glory by having its members hold every title available at the same time.

    Age of Hardcore: A wrestler with at least 70 in Hardcore must hold the World title for at least 6 consecutive months.

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  2. I hadn't thought of Ann/Anna/Annie, it could work yes ! Although it might sound a bit less" young" and bubbly.

    I'm assuming you meant Bootstraps ? I could probably use that for a stable, to be fair, but it'd work a bit better for another stable I'm planning down the line. The Corbin group would be more like gamblers that made their money in Vegas, rather than those who would tell others to pull themselves up by their bootstraps: they're not judging others because they deem them lazy, they're judging them because they can't buy a new Lamborghini when the last one has an empty tank, if that makes sense. Less JBL and more... well Happy Corbin, or heel Cameron Grimes.

    Old Glory might sound a bit weird since they're all pretty young: I don't think any high school bully who hasn't grown up yet would consider himself "Old". If anything, they'd go for something like "The Clique", "The Posse", etc (but obviously those are taken already 😛 )

  3. On 10/24/2022 at 12:58 PM, ArcheoOutOfNowhere said:

    Does anyone have a suggestion for a WWE name I could give to a newly hired Solo Darling ? I don't want something with "Candy" in it, nor Christie/Christina, but apart from that I'm open to any ideas.
    Bonus point if there's a small subtle hint to her gimmick/nicknames, but that's not mandatory !

    Since I was going to ask for help naming a couple of stables, I thought I'd also give an update on this: so far, the best idea I have is "Ava Cherry" (which would however force me to rename Simone Johnson rather than use "Ava Raine" as in real life). There are potential catchphrases for that name: "Every match I'm in ends the same way, fans will Ava cherry on top", stuff like that. However, if anyone has a better idea, I'm all for it !

    As for the new names needed:
    - Since I'm in January 2022, Happy Corbin and Madcap Moss are still teaming up, and I've decided to also have Ariya Daivari join them for a stable of arrogant annoying heels flaunting their wealth despite not earning it. The only idea I have so far is "Moneymakerz" but I'm not 100% convinced. Anyone has a better idea ?

    - In NXT, I've hired Bradley Prescott IV (rebranded as Joffrey Cornwell Jr.), Brayden Toon (runder the name Clayton Lansky), Silas Mason (who'll now go by Billy Tanner) and I'll probably add Denzel Dejournette (as Desmond Troy) to the group too. The basis for this stable is a group of bullies who peaked in high school in the middle of Nowhere, Maine, as you'd have them in a Stephen King novel I guess: Cornwell Jr. is the son of the local factory boss, Lansky the son of Cornwell Sr. right hand man, Tanner the local redneck who's being used by the two rich kids, and Troy the friend they made playing football or whatever. They don't understand that the power they held in their small town was entirely due to them being the only rich kids around, and are there to serve as foes for midcarders that aren't ready for the main event (think Brooks and Jensen for instance). I might at some point add a woman to the group as Cornwell Jr.'s cheerleader girlfriend, so ideally, no name like "the Boys" but I'm open to suggestions nonetheless.

  4. 1 minute ago, MidKnightDreary said:

    I like this, except I'm not sure on the one about lesbians. Finding the sexualities of all wrestlers may be a little weird

    Yeah, my bad, I forgot that while the info is in the database, you can't search for it during gameplay or in the editor. You could probably get by with a google search, or just hire those whose sexuality is openly known (Sonya Deville, Mercedes Martinez, etc) but that's a bit more work and I can see why you'd feel weird about searching for the info online !

  5. 3 hours ago, MidKnightDreary said:

    Gonna start modern-day STARDOM, with little familiarity of the product, though I'll research as I go. That said, challenge me!

    You've got a friend in me: Instead of fighting with your direct competitors (TJPW, and to a lesser degree Ice Ribbon, Gatoh and Seadlinnng), create a friendship with them. As such, you can't steal their workers unless they get fired/leave by themselves without the company offering them a new contract. However, the first one who tries to steal your workers and you can "avenge" yourself.

    Free as a bird: For a period of 2 years, you're not allowed to hire under an exclusive contract any of the freelancers.

    Colours of the Rainbow: In the newt two years, you must have at least a "main event"-ish match that features two black women, one with two hispanic women, one with two lesbians (bisexuals count), and one with two non-binary/transgender persons. They don't have to be the actual main event, but be just as hyped.

    Long Distance Relationship: Over the years, STARDOM has done shows, or title defenses, in foreign countries, and had ties with companies all over the world. To celebrate that, if one of those countries (or regions, for any of the countries divided in regions in the game) has a wrestler worth hiring, add them to your roster so they can bring pride to their native country.

    What are you doing here ?!: At least one member of your roster must not make any sense as a recruit in real life. Whether it's Charles Robinson becoming your new referee, Orange Cassidy showing up as an authority figure, or Shane Douglas becoming someone's manager, I don't care as long as it's unexpected and something people would scratch their head at.

  6. It's who you know, y'know ?: Whoever has a close relationship with any of the McMahons (friendship, dating, married, etc) gets a push, and if suitable, wins/hold a title. You can of course try to influence that by meddling so you break and make their relationships.

    This is Spartaaaa: According to cagematch, in 1998 there was a total of 300 workers had a match with WWF. Pick 3 of those who had less than 5 matches (randomly or not): they must stay in your roster at all cost, and be featured in a big storyline that will conclude at the next Wrestlemania (if your next Mania is next month, obviously the Mania after that) at the very least. By big, I don't mean "Main Event" big, but big enough that in real life people would be interested in the storyline (so, for instance, something like the Mandy Rose/Otis lovestory would work: it wasn't deserving of a Main Event spot, but wasn't just "Random guy A and B have a fight because we need to fill the show").

    This is Odd: Give the Oddities (if you have them in your roster) a leader that can successfully win a World title match. If you don't have them in your roster, and never used them, bring them in with only 3 workers allowed to be replaced with better, more talented choices.

    I'm tired of your BS, pal: The next person caught in a negative backstage incident, even something as small as "forgot to shake hands", is immediately fired, never to return.

    The Fates have spoken: You know the picture of a worker that pops up when you're pressing Advance ? Well, Fate, Destiny or whatever you want to call it has decided that you have to hire the first one you'll get the next time you advance, and keep them forever while using them to the best of their abilities (meaning that if it's a wrestler who's absolutely awful, you can use him as a jobber whenever you need one).


  7. Not sure if this is the best place to ask, but at leaqt it shouldn't be the worst:

    In a modified version of the RW Chronicles mod for January 2022 (or, really, 2022 in general), what kind of pop would you give to Armando Estrada ? I'm tempted to say nothing more than 15 in the US but for all I know, he'd still get a huge pop if he made a full-time return so I thought I'd ask people more knowledgeable than I am.


  8. In all honesty, while Simon Dean would obviously be a terrible choice for Mercer, I could probably use him for someone else at some point so if anything, thank for reminding me of that possibility haha.

    Chris Hero would work, but in my mind he'd be a face while I have Mercer set as a heel, and I think Hero/Ohno would get a huge pop upon his return, so turning him heel right away wouldn't be the best. As for Stone, I agree with the dynamic... which is why he's set to become Lesnar (and the future Beast's Lair) manager who's gotten terrified into the job after Lesnar fired Heyman.

    Since I forgot to list them in the previous post, here are the other names I thought of but dismissed for now because they're already managing someone else or wouldn't fit (either for Mercer, or because they would refuse to sign with WWE): Shane Douglas, Sofia Cromwell, Prince Nana, Paul Ellering, Mr. Anderson, Paige, Goldberg, Salina de la Renta and Lana. However, save for Salina and Lana, if someone comes up with good arguments for them, I'm all ears 😛

  9. Does anyone have suggestions on managers for Shane Mercer ? I signed him with NXT in the January 2022 mod, but his atrocious mic skill would quickly make it difficult to push him and have him in storylines there, and I don't want to send him straight to the main roster as a random stable member.

    He'll basically be his indy self, which means I don't see him fit with Diamond Mine at all, nor with Sofia Cromwell and none of the main roster managers I've signed would really suit him either (save perhaps for Konnan I guess, but I have other plans for him).

    Also, if it helps, I'm fine with non-managers names if they could be a good fit in that role, so legends, indy wrestlers who would have a better success as managers, etc are more than welcome too !

  10. If you really, really feel like adding a whole lot of data, I'd say that any mod starting before the 1970's would be awesome: we already have a mod for the 30's, but then there's a huuuuge gap until the 70's without any mod, at least as far as I know.

    Now, obviously that wasn't necessarily the era most people would know about/want to play, but it would bring us closer to the possibility of a mega-mod playable from the 30's to current day, and there are enough relevants things happening to make it interesting: the creation of AWA in 1960, the golden ages of French and Spanish wrestling in the 50-60's, the Rikidozan era in Japan, etc.

    • Like 1
  11. Not familiar at all with the C-Verse, so my advices will be more a couple of possibilities rather than specific examples:

    - Give them a popular manager that fits their gimmick (also known as "Don't give them Paul Heyman if they're going to be your Bray Wyatt"),  or if you don't want/need them to be solo, a midcarder with enough popularity that they can become a tag team for a while, or have them join a stable. Especially useful for those who are great when the referee ring the bell but not so much before.

    - If they are menacing but you don't intend them to go straight at the top (for instance, a rookie with plenty of potential), you could always have them in short squash matches (either in the preshow or as a filler that won't impact much the show result) until they gain enough popularity to occupy more time in your shows. Alternatively, if they're heels, a Wardlow type of role as a menacing bodyguard can also hype them up a bit if done well

    - If they're not menacing but can talk, maybe mysterious vignettes to hype their actual in-ring debut, coupled with people commenting on it (your announcers, workers with a good acting/mic skill and enough popularity, etc). This way, they don't go "OMG, it's X, he's a big name in Chilean wrestling !" but wondering who that voice could belong to, what is going to happen, etc: now, you and I both know that in the game, just having your new worker talk would tank the rating (hence the need to have someone else in the angle to boost the popularity) but in real life, the Countdown to the Millenium, the White Rabbit thing, etc were/are hyping people despite no one knowing for sure who it is about. For all we knew, instead of Jericho (or, for the Rabbit thing, probably Wyatt), it could have been a random guy Vince took a liking to, and they'd have debuted "strong" nonetheless because of the hype (or flopped because they would have been awful)

    - If they're not menacing, not good talkers but pretty good actors, the Danhausen treatment works well enough too: they're in the background of segments, doing stuff, and people wonder who is this person, until they actually want to see them because it made them curious enough.

  12. Mostly, I have three options: a) the pairing works really well and I can turn both of them faces for a while in a "love story" kind of angle where they fall in love and her Daddy (who I'll then find someone to play the role) sends goons to try and separate them because nobody is allowed to touch Daddy's little princess, especially not a bouncer, b) the pairing works well enough that he's her Omos, they feud with a couple of other... well couples (InDex, etc) until Stratton thinks he's the reason they lose and she has him fired, c) the pairing doesn't work at all and I simply have him play the role for someone else, man or woman, after a short storyline where she fires him because she wants to be independent and prove herself, or because she's being her spoiled brat self.

    All in all, I like Devantes but he'll never become a huge thing either, so if it fails it is no big deal, I just thought that since he has a good look and decent skills, I might as well give him something more interesting to do than "Random massive heel for midcarders to step on".

  13. Not super familiar with the roster, but I figured I might give it a go nonetheless:

    The Age of Naoya: Have Naoya Nomura get a top title run in the coming 12 months.

    One legendary mask, please: Have your best young lion (either current or future if none has the talent for it in your mind) become the first holder of a new legendary mask that will rival Tiger Mask in the heart of Puro fans one day.

    Four/Five of a Kind: If there's enough smaller companies wiht similar product in the mod you're using (or, if they are in the mods set as freelancers), have the four aces of small Japanese companies become a stable in AJPW. By "smaller", I mean companies like Osaka Pro Wrestling, Dove Pro, etc.
    For a similar, have Ace Austin be the leader of the stable, just for the pun.

    Euroresu: There was never a European wrestler with the Triple Crown belt. This must change in the next 3 years.

    With Slapjack and bookers !: NJPW has the Forbidden Door, you'll have your own alliance too ! Try and create and alliance with a company from each region (including a joshi company to represent Japan along you).

    Joshi's New Island: Become the first big Japanese company to have an actual women division rather than just a match here and there.

    • Thanks 1
  14. Sure !

    Women revolution before it was (Mc)Cool: Unlike what happened in real life, women wrestling must be taken seriously. As such, you have to hire the 6-to-10 best women in the US indy (only two of which can be over 30). You can also add two luchadoras and two joshis, but not more. Once you've done that, one of them must end up the arch rival of Michelle McCool, the way Bret and Shawn, or Orton and Cena, were.

    Wor(l)d up: You must create a title that will work the same way than Stardom's SWA World Championship: only someone coming from another country can challenge the champion (people will two nationalities count). So, say, Randy Orton wins it, no US wrestlers can now challenge him for it.
    As a bonus rule (if you want one), you have 3 years for a representant of each continent to win it. However, people who aren't actually from a continent do not count: in other words, if Santino Marella wins it, it doesn't count for Europe (but UK wrestlers do).

    Bigger than André/Bigger than Karl Gotch: If a generated worker of French or Belgian nationality has over 70 Star Quality or has good stats, you must sign and try to make them the next André the Giant/Karl Gotch in terms of popularity and how much they'll be considered a legend in the future.

    I could have sworn I knew him from somewhere: One of your midcarders must be rebranded, either as a masked wrestler or with enough facepainting that they can't be recognised, and pushed higher than they are.

    No Country for Old Men: Any wrestler over the age of 50 must be let go or turned into any out-of-ring role. The only way for them to have another match is in a Rumble or for the occasional tag team match if the storyline requires it.

  15. 21 minutes ago, jean-vic said:

    Can I get rules for a January 2006 WWE save please?

    A Regal Journey: You have until Wrestlemania 2007 to book William Regal into a stable Main Event role, with him winning the title at said Mania.

    Random Stable-ity: Put every well known and below wrestlers (women included) in a randomizer and have it pick 4. They now become a stable that must be pushed enough that their leader could be considered a valid choice for a main title run, while other members could win a midcard/tag title (or women title, if suitable). They don't actually have to win the titles if you have other plans, but you have to make an effort in making them a threat.

    NXT Universe: If a company the size of OVW is available for sale in any region outside of the US/Canada, you must buy it (if you can afford to) and turn it into a developmental company that will bring you workers from that region. Whether you wanna book them or do the hirings for them is up to you, obviously, and if there is more than one, you only have to buy the one you like the most.

    Have you visited Ohio ?: Unless they're already stars, any worker you sign must first go for 6 months in OVW or DSW.

    The Second Golden Age of Managers: Let's bring back the good ol' time when people like Heenan, Jimmy Hart, Lou Albano, etc helped those workers who weren't that great with a microphone, but this time with the new generation of managers. You must have at all times three active managers (valets or bodyguards non-included).

  16. Just for the sake of having other ideas than mine, I thought I'd ask here: I have signed Devantes with NXT in January 2022 and he has a "Bouncer"/"Bodyguard" gimmick. However, I'm not fully convinced on who he should protect: I thought of Duke Hudson and Grayson Waller (but both don't seem to me like they'd need someone to do the job: I know Waller had Sanga at that point, but I like him on his own better), Tiffany Stratton (in a "Daddy hired him for me" dynamic) or for new recruits/returns, either August Grey (who gets his Hunnies with him this time and go full "Miami Vicd") or Travis Billund (Mr. Brickster, rebranded as a politician who everyone can see is a big fraud),

    So far, I'm probably going towards the Stratton hypothesis, but I'm unsure how to justify her being away for his matches (since he wouldn't be able to protect her then) nor her allowing him to have matches.

    Anyway, any suggestion for other names (I can include all the available heels if needed) or arguments for any of the above is more than welcome !

  17. If you use cage matches with the possibility of an escape being a way to win the match, you could always simply have both men fall off from the top of the cage at the same time, meaning that they touch the ground at the same time too (which doesn't mean the heel won't say he definitely touched it first, of course).

    And if it's more of a "Hell in a Cell" type of cage match where the winner has to pin/submit the loser, a simple "both men had their shoulders on the ground" or "he taped just as the referee counted three, so the ref had to declare it a draw" always works too.

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