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Posts posted by ArcheoOutOfNowhere

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="James The Animator" data-cite="James The Animator" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47898" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I will fully admit it’s an aesthetic preference more than anything else. I’ve seen him come to the ring in that awesome bomber jacket, and I just think the transition from “mod” to “gentleman” wouldn’t be difficult.</div></blockquote><p> That's fair enough, actually. I mean, it's the same reason I've thought about Bate for the role, so I can't blame you.</p><p> </p><p> Back on the topic, I've had a couple new suggestions from other places for every role, so if anyone has arguments for/against them, feel free to share, as well as new suggestions !</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Lars Sullivan gimmick</strong>: </p><p> Big Damo (aka Killian Dain), Harland, Dylan James, KTB, Madman Fulton, Nick Comoroto, Odinson, Schaff</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Jack Gallagher</strong>:</p><p> Tyler Bate, Aiden English, Simon Gotch, Tristan Archer (Clement Petiot during the CWC) Weber Hatfield, Gentleman Jervis</p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Velveteen Dream</strong>:</p><p> Dalton Castle, Shane "Swerve" Strickland, Carmelo Hayes, Ace Austin, Effy, Jay Lethal</p>
  2. For LHP, just repackage Fantasma’s stable. Harland can be your new Lars, Carmelo Hayes can be your new Dream, and Morgan Webster can be your new Gallagher.


    Well, I need to use the original workers in the stable, so Kalisto, Gran Metalik and Lince Dorado. However, I can add people to it, but not make them more important than the original members unfortunately.


    I honestly had forgotten about Harland, but it might be a bit too early for me to use him on the main roster. Still, an interesting suggestion, I'll have to think about it because he does fit a lot, despite his abysmal Mic and Acting skills !

    Carmelo Hayes could work, although for now I'm not super convinced he has the IT factor that Dream had. Not to sound harsh, but character wise I find him (for what I've seen, I don't really follow NXT 2.0 all that much) a bit of a copy of Isaiah Scott. Who I suppose could also be a decent pick for the gimmick, but also lacks the "Flamboyant" part I'm searching for.

    As for Webster, I'm interested to know what made you think about him, actually, because I'd never have thought about him and now I'm wondering if I've missed something important haha



    Trent Seven or Tyler Bate could pull of the Gallagher gimmick, if they’re not already doing a better version of it. Nick Comoroto could be a good pick up for the Sullivan gimmick. Struggling for suggestion with Dream though as it was so well done by him that anyone else would like a poor mans equivalent. Dalton Castle would be my best shout. As for repackaging Lucha House Party, turning them Rudos could really help shed the jobber feel to them.


    Actually, I had thought about Bate ! But I like the team together, even if ultimately Bate will have to one day be on his own since Seven is much older than he is. So for now I'm hoping to find someone else, but I might end up choosing him nonetheless. My other pick would be Aiden English, but since he's already well known by the fans, it'd be a bit disappointing to have him start from scratch.

    Comoroto is definitely going on the candidates list ! However, with his AEW contract it'd be difficult to get him, so he won't be my first choice for now.

    Uh, Dalton Castle didn't really cross my mind, but now that you mention it, I could see it... Maybe not a Prince-like, but he certainly does know how to play Flamboyant characters...

  3. Hey guys !


    I'm currently doing a challenge with a friend of mine where each other gives a former stable and a couple of former NXT gimmicks to the other to push: the stable must become a big deal (as in "The Bloodline" or "Hurt Business" big: one guy wins the main title eventually, and the others win the secondary titles/tag titles/whatever is available) while the NXT gimmicks (that can be used by the same guys or new hirings) have to be used regularly but the rocket push isn't mandatory.

    While I was a bit nice with him, giving him Retribution as the Stable and as far as NXT gimmick goes, Nikki Cross crazyness, the "Leo Kruger" gimmick and a "Perfect 10" type of gimmick, my friend on the other hand was a bit harsher. I now have to make Lucha House Party into a legendary stable (that is, if they even agree to sign back...) and find workers that will incarnate the gimmicks of Lars Sullivan, Jack Gallagher and The Velveteen Dream.



    Now that you have the context, here's where I need your help: while I can think of a way to make Lucha House Party relevant, I have no idea who I can hire in January 2022 to replace those three others.

    Obviously, there is no way I'll hire them back, but I don't know who could play their gimmicks. I could always just pick a random big guy for Sullivan (or even just bring back Killian Dain, although I'm open to other suggestions), but an old-time cruiserweight gentleman and a 2022 version of Prince ? Yeah, no clue at all.


    So, if by any chance you have an idea on who I could hire/bring up from NXT (even if they have zero pop, as long as they are more or less as talented in the ring -or more, obviously- than the 3), I'd be really grateful !

  4. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="mjmiller2010" data-cite="mjmiller2010" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48209" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Would appreciate some rules for my AEW save using RWC Sept. update. I've booked a few shows but can adjust to the rules. TIA</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong>Enough is enough</strong>: For now, unless they fit a role/a gimmick you need and you absolutely can't find anyone else, you're not allowed to hire any workers who wrestled/were on-screen characters in WWE in the last two years. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>AEW Worldwide</strong>: In the next 3 years, you must have at least a show in each region outside of the US (so one in Mexico, one in Japan, one in the UK, one in Europe, one in Canada and one in India). B shows and throwaway events do not count, obviously <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>European Doors</strong>: You must try and find future stars in Europe and the UK, much like AEW already does with the US indy scene. Basiscally, find the Tay Conti, Wheeler YUTA and Lee Moriarty of the Old Continent.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Women, women everywhere</strong>: Since they have a women division, a woman referee and women legends, now is the time to have a woman at the announce table ! So try and find the future replacement for Jim Ross amongst them.</p>
  5. Now I will admit this is partially based on personal bias. But the first thing I would do is rebrand LSG. The gimmick you have for him works well but I would never promote him under those initials. I get this full name is too clunky for wrestling but the initials are far too close to a drug reference, Close enough I can envision the parents in the community I grew up in banning their kids from watching him or any company he was with because of that near drug connection. The name I've always thought he should use is Giovanni Ellis. Still ties back to his actual name and sounds so much like the pompous pretty boy than using his initials ever could.


    You do make a great point about using another name, although I'm going to try and make it into a storyline first. The way I see it, right now he's just trying to be edgy and look cool because he realises "Leon St Giovanni" sounds like he's the kid from a rich family and he wants to be the rebel cool dude. So, LSG because as you said, it sounds close to a drug's name.


    So, I might consider it when he's going to turn face: maybe hire someone to play his rich pompous daddy and make him want to rebel even more, and leave his heritage behind. Maybe first turn Gabby so she influences him away from the drug reference and have him grow up a little.

  6. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hashasheen" data-cite="Hashasheen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47434" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Giovanni is Italian and Ortiz is Hispanic, so maybe play into that Latin connection? Latin Heat, maybe ?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I thought about "Latin Heat", but it's a bit too close "Eddie Guerrero" and as much as I like the two, they will never be nowhere near his skills. A friend suggested "LSGO" but I'm not convinced either, as I wouldn't be able not to call them "Let's go" in my head.</p>
  7. <p>Does Star Quality suffice even if they're awful wrestlers ? </p><p> </p><p>

    I checked who other dojos had as graduates since the beginning of the save, and I've seen a guy with a 87 in Star Quality, but with wrestling stats lower than 20, 3 in Charisma and 0 in Mic skill (which I'm going to assume means he's mute, because I just can't picture someone being that bad with a microphone). Would that still be an interesting prospect, or did you mean "decent-ish wrestling skills and Star Quality = sign that worker" and I just missed the obvious implication ?</p>

  8. As a native French speaker, I can't see why von Essen would sound French rather than German, to be honest :p I do agree Markus von Stegen sounds great, though and reminds us a bit of the 70's team of Karl and Kurt von Steiger.


    Also, I'd like to find a couple of team names for my roster, as I don't like just having "X & Y" as a name even for those I don't intend to give a real run as a tag team. These are the three I'd need a name for:


    - Shaheem Ali and Ric Reese: Ali is (for now) my top heel, and is a cheating cocky heel who lets his manager/wrestler Reese do the talking for him until he gets mad and shouts. Reese is Reginald mixed with MVP and Heyman.


    - LSG and Gabby Ortiz: they're a real life couple as well, and I use them in the midcard. LSG (which stands for Leon St Giovanni) is basically a "better in ring worker but less talented with a microphone" Miz from his early career: the cocky guy that everyone wants to slap. Gabby Ortiz is on screen the pretty ill-tempered latina that will gouge your eyes out out of the ring with her nails.


    - Dylan Mesh and Vita VonStarr: those two are my resident weirdos. Mesh is a tall dude who defines himself as a "Warlock", wears steampunk glasses and (in my mind) acts a bit like Toad from the X-Men series. Vita VonStarr is also on the crazier side of wrestling gimmicks, and I mostly keep her character work from ROH's "The Righteous".


    I wouldn't say no to team names for Eli Isom and Damaris Dawkins, as well as Stella Grey and Markus Skyler, but since I haven't fleshed them out as much as characters than I did with the others, it can wait until I do that.

  9. I am almost certain that you do not gain experience if you are not a named tag team. I'm not sure if you do or do not if the team is set as Inactive.


    Well, damn. I guess I'll have to set the couple of teams I use as "Power couples", just in case I ever create an Intergender tag title.


    Other small question, this time about regens: are there things I should absolutely look for when hiring generated workers ? Obviously, if they're already great in ring workers, I won't hesitate but are there clear signs someone has a great future in front of him/her ? I'm the day before graduation in my save and since I haven't had a small company with a Dojo, I intend to try and see if I get a future star in the making for free :p

  10. Is there a way to book people from the wrong brand on a show? That is, if I'm booking Raw, and I want to book someone from the Smackdown brand, when I go to book the match, they don't show up. Even if I change the Search filters to only show workers from the brand I want, it's empty. Am I missing something?


    I'm not 100% sure, since it's been a while since I've played with a company who needs brands, but I think you have to make them "unbranded" from the Bland Split screen before the show. I don't remember if you can also make the show an unbranded one for a day, then put it back on, so it might be worth checking it as well.


    Also, quick question on my own for anyone reading: do tag teams gain experience only when they're set as an active tag team, or do they gain from it even if set as Inactive, or even just not created at all ? Basically, do workers gain experience as a tag team if I'm putting them together in random post show tag matches every once in a while, or do I have to set them as a tag team with a proper name and everything ?

  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="CQI13" data-cite="CQI13" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48560" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>My spacing is off on this - not the best, but the best I can do.<p> </p><p> <strong>JPEG</strong></p><p> <img alt="6zyGhCS.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/6zyGhCS.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> <strong>GIF</strong></p><p> <img alt="7GzXw93.gif" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/7GzXw93.gif" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I mean, it looks pretty nice already, and way, way better than what I'd be able to do ! </p><p> Although I may have explained myself wrong: there was no need to remove the US, Mexican, Japanese and British flag, just adding the others.</p>
  12. <p>I've asked a couple of times already without any luck due to bad timing, so err... hey, it's me again I guess ? <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

    I was wondering if anyone could make me an improved logo for a company called Worldwide Wrestling (W³ for short), either based on the following or if you feel super creative, a completly new one. Preferably in the gif style used for the RWC mod, but I'm not picky so don't worry about it too much if you don't know how to do it/don't want to do it.</p><p> </p><p>

    I was thinking on this one, removing the "Dojo" and (if at all possible) changing the "Worldwide" font for the one used for "Wrestling" then moving it in the spot used by "Dojo". Then adding the Canadian, Samoan, Puerto Rico, Australian and European flag (and removing the "British", "Strong Style", "Lucha" and "American" words). </p><p> </p><p>

    <a href="https://i0.wp.com/rohworld.com/images/Ddu7C6vUQAEpnIp.jpg" rel="external nofollow">The Logo in question</a></p><p> </p><p>

    If you prefer to create it from scratch, as long as it's "sober" (so no flashy, eye-watering colors) and has something that reminds the fans that the company is about training people in every of the "traditional" styles, that'd be perfect !</p>

  13. Quick question, since I modified it in the June version (and, were I to restart a new save on the August one, I'd do it there too) but shouldn't Eli Isom contract with ROH be non-exclusive ?

    Since the two other companies he's worked with in 2021 aren't in the database, it isn't that important and it might be done that way so he will only work with ROH in the game rather than risk being hired by PWG or whatever, but I was wondering if it's made on purpose or just a very small mistake ?

  14. New market you say ?: find, hire and make a star out of a wrestler from a new, relatively untouched market. India would count, Japan or Mexico wouldn't, but obviously if you can find a worker from countries like China, Indonesia, Pakistan, Brazil, etc it's even better.


    A history of violence: from now on, gimmicky matches like Hell in a Cell, "hardcore" or cage matches must either be used for people who (in kayfabe) hate each other, or be a punition by the GMs. Hence, you'll have to rethink PPVs and get rid of Hell in a Cell and Extreme Rules.


    Sure, Vince: Since Vince wants young, big guys, give him young, big guys and get rid of any smaller worker who isn't already popular with the fans. You don't have to fire them, but you can't give them a new contract. Same for new workers. Basically, only keep/hire smaller workers if they can go straight to the uppercard without much effort (or if they're women, obviously)


    We Are Family: The only exception to the rule above is that you can (and have to) hire any workers coming from a family with a former (or current) WWE star, or more accurately, any that could still turn into a star. I won't force you to hire Rikishi, LA Smooth or Black Pearl for instance :D


    Don't be greedy, pal: Workers can't hold two titles nor challenge for the rights to another. So if your IC champion wants to participate in the Rumble, he has to give up his title before the Rumble, regardless of whether he will actually win it or not. Same for MITB, etc.

  15. Hmm, so the IWTV title would not have a "real" storyline, although I suppose I could do the (small) cheat of having an announcer be in the storyline so every match YUTA would have, and every angle as well, would count towards the storyline. I like that suggestion, actually, it would fit what happens in real life while leaving me with interesting matches.


    As for the opponents, after talking about the situation I wonder if the best choice wouldn't be to alternate between upcarders from my roster (since said roster is full of rookies anyway), young talented prospects that I could "test" that way to see if they can already fill a spot in the roster, and a couple of big (but more expensive) names so the company, the belt and YUTA all gain from it.

    And yeah, I would love to have Cobb but, if I'm not mistaken, he considers us too small while surprisingly enough, Curtis Axel does not (and is relatively affordable). But you're right that some of the ex-WWE guys might not want to lose against YUTA, so it might not be worth it. I guess due to the size of my company, I might have to focus more on the second tier of indy workers rather than the top stars :p

  16. Sorry to desecrate the grave of this august topic, but I happen to have a question that our ol' beloved Booking Committee might help with.


    Currently playing with a self-made company as some of you might know/remember, and now that I've finally crowned my very first champion (as well as first women champion), I decided it was time for me to consider doing something with the fact I have Wheeler YUTA holding the IWTV Independent Wrestling belt. At first, I thought I might have him bold that title and my own W³ championship, but I never quite know how to deal with two belts on one worker so got Cheeseburger, the owner of the company, to become the inaugural championship.


    Anyway, now that you have the context, here's the question: how do I book YUTA from there ? I'm not meaning "Where do I click to have him defend the title", but what kind of stories do I write with him holding that title ? Basically, I don't know if I should consider the title more important than my own championship (in real life, it would be, obviously) or if I should consider it as a midcard-ish title.

    I already have a good idea on who YUTA will lose it to (unless of course the other companies decide to have him lose it first), but save from that, I'm unsure of pretty much everything:

    - Do I hire "big" names I can afford (like, say, David Hart Smith Jr, Nzo, Matt Cardona, etc) and have YUTA successfully defend against them ?

    - Do I keep the spirit of that title with only defense against young talented workers that haven't yet gotten a chance in the big leagues ?

    - Do I limit myself to workers that are already in companies in the alliance ?

    - Do I strictly have YUTA defend against my own roster, to elevate them rather than elevate him ?

    And if I hire people, do I make a whole storyline out of it or do I keep it as it is (as far as I know) in real life, where most of the hype is done away of the shows and there is only one single match between the two workers in one company ?


    I usually tend to keep it close to what happens in real life, in terms of the "spirit" of the company/belt/etc, but I'm not opposed to change stuff so it would make more sense/be more interesting. So yeah, any suggestion would be welcome !

  17. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="raspymorten" data-cite="raspymorten" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="53176" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> BTW, should probably say this now, we've been in the early stages of talking about making multiple different... <em>packs</em> of companies, if we start reaching the point where it really chugs. That way you'd be able to just download what you want, without heavily impacting performance.</p><p> </p><p> Also, it'd give me a chance to come up with cool lil' expansion pack names. (And give me an excuse to add companies that I can't REAAAAAAALLY justify adding over other companies, like Olde Wrestling.)</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Sooooo... does that mean there is hope to one day have "regional" packs, either in or outside of the US ? Because I might die of happiness if I can get French and Belgian companies in a quality mod like yours. Just saying. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
  18. <p>Playing the RW Chronicles Mod from June and now in late October, with a created company called WorldWide Wrestling (W³ for short). The whole story behind it is that Cheeseburger, seeing how the pandemic affected bookings, decided to create his own company so the students of his dojo would always have a place to wrestle just in case. The original alumnis (aka "People they recognised as alumnis on their website") have all been hired (and, when needed, created), with Sam Leterna picked as the GM, Adam Gault as the referee and Joe Sposto and Scott Holladay at the announce table, and I will (until I'm big enough to do otherwise) only hire people who have trained, have been trainers or have done shows at the Dojo. </p><p>

    The full roster for those interested: </p><p>

    - Babyface men: Cheeseburger, Eli Isom, Markus Skyler, Ryan Nova, Jordan "Smoke Jones" Sharpe, Wheeler YUTA</p><p>

    - Heel men: Adam "Alpha Dog" Chandler, Dylan Mesh, Ethan Wilde, LSG, Ric Reese (also a manager), Shaheem Ali</p><p>

    - Women Division: Damaris Dawkins (face), Gabby Ortiz (heel), Stella Grey (heel), Sumie Sakai (face), Vita VonStarr (heel).</p><p> </p><p>

    I currently have three "loose" storylines going on, and will probably add one more although I'm not yet sure how I'll do it.</p><p> </p><p>

    - The W³ championship finally has an owner after a 10-men tournament (so, everyone but Smoke Jones and Ric Reese in it). Except for the last two turns, I let the AI pick the winners and the tournament ended with a draw between Cheeseburger, Shaheem Ali (who cheated in the last match against Cheeseburger) and Wheeler YUTA. Therefore, our beloved GM Sam Leterna booked them in a Three way, and the AI picked again Cheeseburger for the win. While I was not really planning to book him that strongly since he's the owner and all, he's clearly the second best worker I have by far and it was probably the best pick (see further for more infos on why).</p><p>

    For now, the plan is to have him keep the championship for a while until either one of the heels step up or I hire a new top heel: Ali is the top heel at the moment but has been a bit lackluster in that role, and LSG and Mesh aren't yet ready to carry the company in the main event.</p><p> </p><p>

    - The women division also got her first champion, with Veteran and Head Trainer Sumie Sakai beating Ortiz and VonStarr for the title. Much like Cheeseburger, Sakai wouldn't have been my first pick if I had someone just as good, but in her case, I think Ortiz might soon be ready to be the leader of the division. I expected Von Starr instead, but Ortiz is already giving me match rated around 28 when Vita is still at 22-23 most of the time.</p><p>

    In the end, and unless I can't find any good babyface to hire in the shortlist (which seems unlikely with women like Trish Adora and Willow Nightingale on it), Sakai will probably hold the title for a while and get retired by Ortiz if nothing changes. </p><p> </p><p>

    - Since I have a good feeling on Smoke Jones but he's (as of now) not good enough to be relied on for a winning streak straight into the main event, I have him act as Sam Leterna's bodyguard and enforcer. Basically, everytime someone comes in her office to shout at her or, worse, threaten her, that person is booked in a match against Smoke Jones. Think of him as a less massive Omos, if you will. I also have him work pre-show matches against decent opponents so he can improve. </p><p> </p><p>

    - As for the potential fourth storyline, as well as the reason why Cheeseburger was probably the best pick for the W³ belt, I have Wheeler YUTA still holding the IWTV Independent Wrestling title and since I'm in the alliance, I should be able to book him into matches. However, I'm not sure of the best way to use the belt: do I give title matches to my own roster, and have YUTA win ? Do I hire wrestlers on my shortlist for a one-night match or a short storyline, and test them that way ? Do I keep things realistic by only borrowing workers from the alliance ? Do I hire "big" names I can afford and have YUTA win against them ?</p><p> </p><p>

    Obviously, feel free to ask questions (or even for the shortlist) or suggest stuff !</p>

  19. Usually, if playing a regular save rather than my self-inflicted tortur... challenges, I'd keep what I thought was amazing in real life and change everything I thought was only okay-ish or was bad.


    So, if I'm booking WWF/WWE, I might keep the good ideas (say, I don't know, the "creation" of Stone Cold Steve Austin, the Summer of Punk, etc) but unless it was a whole feud I enjoyed, I would probably change the participants or the filler storylines.

    To keep the Nexus example, I would still have most of the original members but replace Tarver and Otunga by two other people. Or I might decide the Undertaker's streak would be more impressive if in 2006 he had faced a recently hired Sting.


    Basically, in my opinion the best way to stay entertained with an historical mod is to keep what you enjoyed in the company you'll book, but change everything else and give yourself new objectives. Either chosen ones (push a wrestler you really liked and was in your opinion not used properly, create a new division, etc) or even if you want to make it original, have someone else pick them for you or choose them randomly. Also, if you're playing in an era/a scene you don't know very well, feel free to watch wrestling from there so you can immerse yourself in it and find stuff/people you like !

  20. Wouldn't that one force me to point fingers at the culprit of the distraction ?


    Basically, right now the scenario is this: I have Shaheem Ali needing to win against Cheeseburger to catch up on Cheeseburger and YUTA at the top of the bracket on his last match. Since he already cheated a couple of times with his manager, Ric Reese, interfering to distract the referee, Reese has been banned from ringside for the rest of the tournament.

    So for the last couple of matches, he's found new ways to help: first they hired the guy who was dead last in the tournament to fake an attack on Ali and give him the win by DQ, and when the GM realised that, she decided to make the very last match (Ali vs Cheeseburger) a "Everyone is banned from ringside" match.

    So, during said match, I intend to have Reese go to the audio truck and bribe them to air another worker (probably Isom or YUTA) themesong: that way, Cheeseburger gets distracted, Ali does a flash pinfall for the win, and since there is no proof of Reese implication, the suspicions will be on Isom/YUTA even though he'll be complelty innocent.


    The thing is, with that distraction note, it seems like I have to say "Reese is the culprit" right from the start and I can't seem to find a road agent note that in kayfabe leaves the doubt.

  21. Quick question: which road agent note should I use if I want a match to end with "Worker A is about to hit his finisher on Worker B, but hears a themesong and lose focus to deal with the potential intervention, only for no one to come out and Worker B to do a flash pinfall" ?


    I'm already putting in "Tainted Finish" (since it's the heel who'll pick up the win that way) and "Flash Pinfall Finish" but I can't figure out which note I should use (if any) for the distraction since there isn't someone actually distracting him (or, more accurately, the audience won't be sure until it's revealed in a later show).

  22. Oi!


    I'm looking for a name for a sorta-French wrestling stable, that basically functions more as a MMA Camp, than a traditional wrestling stable


    I second hailthebulldog in that you could call it something like "La Légion Étrangère", although that would also give it a military vibe. Similarly, stuff like "La Défense" or "Saint-Cyr" (the name for the biggest French military school) would work if we keep that vibe.


    If you want something more neutral, maybe "Les Combattants" (literally "The Fighters"), "Corps à Corps" (which would translate to "Melee" in English), "Les Pugilistes" (, or if you want to make it understandable they are in training, "Les Conscrits" ("The Conscripts" in English) ?

  23. Depending on whether it is going to be an "Evil-demented Carnival" or a "Funny, spectacular circus", the name could change.


    Basically, if you're going for a Circus with Fiend-like characters, I'd go with something like "Bizarre Circus", or if you want to give them a manager, maybe something like "Professor Trunchbull's Eccentric Circus" or stuff like that. You could also just go with "CarnEvil", or something really simple like "Black Star Circus".


    For a more babyface-ish type of carnival, either something in French like "Cirque de la Lune" (if "Cirque du Soleil" works, that one would too and has no copyright :D ) or maybe something related to the great families of circus ?

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