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Posts posted by ArcheoOutOfNowhere

  1. 17 hours ago, Vinsmoker said:

    Take a look at arlovski's thread. The later pages contain a huge amount of AI generated masked wrestlers

    I've picked a lot of them myself for future workers, but the way I understand what my friend has planned, those wouldn't fit. Basically, he's looking more masks similar to guys like El Hijo del Ice Cream, Andreza Giant Panda, Dr. Cube, etc. Basically, masks that make you go "???... I... what ?", like you use(d) to find in Chikara, Inter Species Wrestling, Kaiju Big Battel, etc.

    Thanks for the suggestion nonetheless !

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  2. Not sure if this is the best thread to ask, but is there a real world Free pictures pack that focus on masks and/or wacky gimmicks, or at least have enough of them ? A friend of mine has decided to book a company that would essentially be a mix of Chikara, Inter Species Wrestling and kaiju monsters, but for immersion purposes they'd like to be able to use pictures that would not show the people's face but instead their (often new) gimmick.

    Obviously, for generic lucha masks I'd say the solution could be to simply pick random mostly unknown luchador and use those for cuts, but weirder concepts would be a bit more difficult, and before I send them visiting furry forums in hope there are examples there, I thought of asking here first so if someone already has a pack in that vein, they can be spared the time to search for those pictures.

  3. The other point is that, while yes in theory, one who wins 2-0 would be considered as having dominated the match in most cases, it isn't always true.
    For instance, nothing says you can't book someone to lose a 2/3 falls with a 2-0 score, but have the two pins be by lucky roll-up from an underdog worker who otherwise was getting thrown like a ragdoll by their much bigger and stronger opponent. The rumors I might have considered doing so with a Kalisto-Brock Lesnar match are totally just that, rumors though 👀

    And of course, this suggestion also works with multi-men matches: matches like the Iron Survivor match from NXT would be easier to reproduce with a possibility to pick who gets how many "wins", as someone winning that type of match with a single pin over everyone else not having one doesn't feel the same as if you had someone wins by 7 pins while three others workers have 5 and the last one was the victim of unspeakable abuses and turned out to be pinned like 20 times in an hour.

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  4. In ring wise, I'd have no problem with him but I'd lose the "comedy" aspect of what was Ligero doing, since in the mod he has the "Can't play Comedy" attribute. Mind you, if in real life he's actually able to do so, I'm fine with deleting it from him.
    On the same vein, I've thought about just signing a funny luchador/high flyer guy from the UK that doesn't wear a mask and give him one (like, say, LJ Cleary), but I'm the kind of guy who would then not be able to continue before I found a way to give that worker a new picture with the mask on haha

  5. As said in a post a few days ago, I'm trying to replace some people in a shortlist of workers I need to hire for a challenge, and yet again I need someone's help.
    For obvious reasons, I've decided to replace El Ligero in the shortlist, but I'm not convinced by any of the choices I've thought of to replace him: Kid Lykos is going to be an injury machine due to his attributes, Lion Kid is according to the mod the exact opposite of a star, Hallowicked is way too old at 40yo, and while I've thought of a few other ex-Chikara guys that would fit (Desean Pratt, Frightmare, Razerwyng) as well as Space Monkey, I'm not familiar enough with their work to pick one over the others.

    So yeah, if anyone has any suggestion/opinion, it'd be much appreciated !

  6. A second chance at Glory: Every former ROH member under the age of 35 gets a 6 month contract (not necessarily at the same time) and a second chance at becoming a main eventer in their division, with a title win at, you guessed it, Glory By Honor. In other words, one man and one woman (you can add a tag team if you want) not currently in the roster but who was in the past must become one of your stars.

    Honor-able people: You can't hire anyone caught in a scandal ever again.

    Starr in their eyes: For absolutely no reason other than I had her in my roster during a Worldwide Wrestling Dojo save, hire Vita Von Starr and push her as high as she can organically grows.

    Broken future: Whenever suitable, try to hire former ROH dojo trainees over people that would fit the same role but weren't. So, if for instance you need a woman that will essentially be the jobber to your women division, hire someone like Stella Grey or Gia Scott over someone like Brooke Havok.

    • Like 1
  7. Since you intend to go with a satanic theme that will trigger reactions from your bible-loving fans, maybe you could go for the obvious, and take a look at names from famous occultists (after all, Alistair Black was more than likely a nod to Alistair Crowley), satanists, or hell, even demon names that sound plausible as "human" names ?
    I'm sure you could also take a look at names from Death-Eaters in the Harry Potter universe, some would probably fit well enough and there is no need to make things more difficult than they need to be: Antonin, Corban, Augustus, Rabastan, Rodolphus, etc.

  8. Guys, I have a question for those of you who would be the most familiar with what we could call "latin" wrestling.

    Basically, for my current save, I was given the challenge to push Lucha House Party as high as I can in WWE, with other conditions: hire or keep (and use as best as I can) every people they had a match against during their stay in WWE, hire or keep everyone named on their cagematch article (comments included) and hire or keep everyone who held a WWE title while LHP were there.
    If for some reasons some workers aren't in the January 2022 mod I'm using, or if I don't find them "palatable" (for ethical reasons, like "hey, this dude has harassed many women" or "she's openly racist", etc), or if they are the owner/booker of another company, I'm also allowed to (or in the last case, have to) replace them with someone who would fill a similar role, and preferably with a similar gimmick. For instance, as there was no way I'd consider using Velveteen Dream, I was allowed to replace him with Dalton Castle, while I had to replace Turbo Floyd (that wasn't in the mod I'm using nor in others mods I have) with Anthony Greene.

    With that being said, who should I use to replace Konnan ? As he's the booker of AAA in the mod, I can't sign him, but I don't really know who would fit as a replacement on-screen. Like, yes, Chavo and Vickie Guerrero could fill the bill of "Latin legend managers", but obviously gimmick wise they aren't even remotely close. Rey Mysterio, him being a wrestler notwithstanding, is in the "shortlist" of people on his own merit so can't serve as a replacement too (and again, his gimmick doesn't fit at all).
    So far, my best bet would be either Vampiro or Homicide, but they're practically unknown to the WWE fans as far as I know, so I was wondering if someone had a better suggestion for "latin wrestling legend with a street gimmick that could work as a manager".

    Thanks !

  9. In theory, how fast can a worker's popularity grow ?
    Like, say for instance I want to bring one or more indy workers with 0 pop in the US and have them make their debut right away in WWE's main roster: how long approximatively could/would it take for their popularity to reach midcard level, both being paired with popular workers or on their own ? Obviously, the most ideal way would be to first have them in NXT so they can grow naturally, but sometimes the storyline requires a debut straight in the middle of the big league.

  10. These might not all fit the bill right away, but would do so with a bit of a rework on their character/look, although it'd also depend on the size of your company as some would fit only if you don't need popular and/or talented people but can go for people who are a bit more on the "indy" side of wrestling:
    Atticus Cogar
    Caveman Ugg
    Baby Allison
    Nikki Cross
    Karen Q/Wendy Choo
    Ender Kara
    Penta El Zero M
    Su Yung
    Axel Tischer/Alexander Wolfe
    Bestia 666
    Big Damo
    Harlow O'Hara
    Jack Jester
    Joe Gacy
    Parker Boudreaux
    Jurn Simmons
    Marty the Moth
    Mecha Wolf
    Raven Creed
    Vita VonStarr

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  11. While on paper it does sound bad, I think a "These Two X Guys" could work if brought for a short-to-middle-lived tag team with a storyline that explains the name. For instance, I could very well see it work if the team debuted in a tag team tournament as the "created on the spot so there are enough teams" team that decides that since the GM forced them together simply on the basis of their nationality, they'll call themselves "These Two X Guys" as a form of protest.

    Something with backstage interviews where they reply that "since apparently we're just those two japanese guys to the GM, that's what we'll be called" when asked by the interviewer what they want to be called, them interrupting the ring announcer with a "No no no no, friend, we're not "the team of Takenori Doi and Yuta Isono", we"re juste "those two Japanese guys", we don't matter", etc. And then either the fans love it and boo the GM, or consider them as crybabies and they can turn heel that complain all the time.

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  12. For the Nintendo Top Ten, you could theorically pick the 10 men who had the most victories since the last Top Ten, then a 5v5 elimination match where the winning team then is qualified for a ladder match with a champion of your choice, or a "Money in the Bank" kind of thing maybe ? The other option would be a Gauntlet-like tournament, where each show the current "holder" of something (a briefcase, a ring, a clock, whatever) has to defend it against one of the 9 other men: whoever holds the thingy in the end gets a World title shot.

    For Revolution Rumble, it would depend on who you want to use in it: if they're only midcarders or at most Upper Midcarders, then yes maybe a match for the TV Title. If you intend to also use top guys in it, I'd say a shot for the title of their choices, with maybe picking the match type as well ? You could also use the "Gauntlet" type of tournament for this, I suppose.

    I'd also go with an Elimination Chamber type of match for Bunkhouse Stampede, although "Bunkhouse" doesn't sound as ominous as you'd want for that type of match. The other option, because bunkhouses make me think of summer camps, would be a Mixed Match Challenge type of thing, but I don't know if you have a women division worth the gimmick or if you intend to use it.

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  13. If I wanted to simulate in the game the kind of angles (promos, skits, etc) companies will put on their Youtube channel, how would I do that ? Create a weekly "Throwaway" 30 min show and put it on Youtube (if they are in the broadcaster list) or a "Tiny" broadcaster ?

    Basically, I want to be able to do what big companies do (like for instance the "Making it Maximum" angles for Maximum Male Models that are put on WWE's Youtube channels), but also what smaller companies will sometimes do by putting promos of workers challenging another for a future show, etc. The actual pop gains are minimal at best most of the time, but I'd like to use those to give some screen time to people who could use it without always relying on the pre/post show, as well as (when playing WWE) some 24/7 title angles that would be the equivalent of what people wanted for the title when it was created, with random defenses outside of shows to enhance the "24/7" aspect of the title.

  14. Maybe this could also need two precisions in the editor: one would be "is eligible for" so that we can decide when setting up a mod whether we want that company to be able to change its name at any point, or whether we want it to keep it forever regardless of the circumstances, and one "will keep the same initials" so that you can decide whether the game will need to generate a new name with those initials (so if for instance you had a fictional company called Wisconsin Wrestling Pro, it'll know that it needs to go more for "World Wrestling Pro" and not "International Wrestling Pro").

    Perhaps also the ability to set a list of potential names the game will pick from, and have some names only be able to be used by one company ? So you could avoid a company having a name that doesn't fit it at all, or simply so that companies that, in real life, had multiple names depending on the owner, etc can pick from a list of names they actually used, but also so you could avoid a company suddenly using initials and preventing another company to open because of that.

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  15. Honestly, the round robin idea is usually what I'd go for as well: not only is it an easy way to power through a couple of months without needing too much thought, but it also allows you to find new chemistries, realise who work well with who, and it often creates storylines because you end up booking matches you never thought of before. And since (if I remember correctly, as I never play the CVerse) you're booking a Japanese company, nobody would blink an eye if non-Junior wrestlers have tag matches or something "meaningless" so that they're still being used.
    Basically, sometimes keeping it simple and close to what would happen in real life is the best way to go.

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  16. An eye for an eye: For every wrestler that, in real life, has left WWE for another company, you decide to keep, you have to fire one that, in real life, has never left before 2023. Obviously, you can also just decide to let their contract end if it's not too long left. The wrestler you'll fire/let go will depend on who you keep: if you keep Adam Cole, for instance, you'll have to fire another NXT Main Eventer instead. If you want to keep Rusev, who at that time was more or less in the midcard of Smackdown, then you'll have to fire another SD midcarder. Etc etc.

    That's some serious Lucha things: Turn Lucha House Party into a serious, lucha stable that is seen as a legitimate threat for any heel (or faces if you turn them). You can add any luchador to it, as well as managers, but not have any of the original members leave.

    The force is strong in this one: Using a randomizer, pick any wrestler from NXT/NXT UK and have them join the main roster, pushing them as high as you can organically (so you don't have to put the Universal title on them if they're really only ever going to be a decent midcarder at best). If the worker selected would be affected by the "An eye for an eye" rule, you don't have to fire someone to keep them.

    Mr. Clean: Anyone considered toxic is fired automatically due to a brand new "Wellness Policy". Whether you decide to drug test everyone day 1 to avoid that kind of scandal is up to you.

    A brand new toy: You know how you get a portrait for one worker whenever you click on "Advance one day" ? The first one you'll see has to be hired and used to the best of their abilities.

    A logical evolution: In the next two years, someone who, in the save, won the top NXT/NXT UK title, a team who won the NXT Tag or NXT Uk Tag title, a guy who won the NXT North Am/Cruserweight title or NXT UK Heritage Cup, and a woman who won the NXT/NXT UK Women Championship must win their equivalent in the main roster. So either the champions on day 1, or those who'll win those title in the future (selected by yourself or the AI) must then do the same in the following two years in the main roster, but former champions do not count (so for instance, you can't cheese it and have Charlotte win a women title and consider it done for the women division since she's a former NXT champion).

    Belt of Randomness (Luck +2): Create a new intergender belt with this rule: at every show of the champion's brand (and on PPVs), the title will be defended against someone randomly picked. You can decide if the champion keep its title or lose it, or for more randomness decide to let the Fates decide. The initial match must be Xavier Woods vs Tyler Breeze, with Woods winning it.

  17. Most of those are incredible, and I'm definitely going to be using them in the future whenever I have generated workers and no pictures that'd really fit them already !

    I was wondering one thing, though: could this also be used to add/change aspects of existing people (something like "Sheamus but blond", "Sami Zayn but with tribal face tattoos", "Sanga with a superhero mask", "Baron Corbin but fatter", etc) ? Because if yes, it'd have an even greater potential for people who want to give a gimmick to workers that never used those, or like to have the picture reflect physical changes after a match (like, say, a Hair vs Hair match) !

  18. I'm using a January 2022 mod, so Axiom doesn't exist and A-Kid probably will stay in NXT UK for now, as that roster is gutted and will need talented names with enough pop to let me build up new names.
    As for Fortaleza, they'll probably be heels for now as I have enough face teams already, but since Roxanne Perez doesn't have the title yet, she doesn't need protection as of yet.

    I like the idea for Jiro, though ! I was considering pairing him with Session Moth Martina, but having him with Nakamura might work better, although it might be a bit early to call him up.

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