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Posts posted by ArcheoOutOfNowhere

  1. 11 hours ago, PaperMachete said:

    Making some notes for myself in my spreadsheet about some of the rules I wanna use, this one included, but I need some help with names. I know Mandy Rose is one and she's the top of the list, but who else? Anyone got any ideas? :)

    Having helped out a friend who wanted to do a Burlesque-ish company before giving up, which made me think out of the rule, here are the names I can remember finding out about: Mandy Rose (as you said), Steph De Lander, Solo Darling, Jordynne Grace, Katie Forbes, Kiera Hogan, Paige VanZant, Taya Valkyrie, Deonna Purrazzo, Charli Evans, Rachael Ellering and Allysin Kay. Also I think on the non-wrestler side there's So Cal Val and Melissa Santos, but I'm not entirely sure about that.

    Sorry I can't help more, I can't find the list we found online again, I think it was either deleted or made private on reddit.

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  2. A couple of rules if you want even more !

    So you like random, I hear ?: Bring back the 24/7 title. For every show (including NXT if you were to also book it as a separate brand), have a randomizer pick someone in your roster (with the inclusion of "Local Jobber", "Local Legend" for both genders in the list). Whoever is drawn must either win the title or have a segment with the current champion.

    I set Fyre to the Raine: Have Alba Fyre and Ava Raine team up in the next two years and win the Women Tag Title.

    The end of an experiment... and the debut of another ?: Pick one of the workers and/or teams and/or stable that never really got popular enough with the fans, and fire them, only to replace them with people who will have exactly the same gimmick apart from the name. So, for instance, fire the Viking Raiders or whatever they're called these days, and replace them with Odinson, another guy with a viking-ish gimmick, and Max the Impaler because I couldn't think of anyone else to replace Valhalla.

    You should always pay the Piper: Have Piper Niven feud with Ronda Rousey and absolutely demolish Ronda until Piper is an obvious candidate for a solo title run.

    OnlyFans friendly: Any woman who was either fired or wouldn't be hired IRL because they have done that kind of photoshoots is now your next target whenever you'll want to hire a woman for your roster. At least one of them must be turned into a Star.

    Gimmick, gimmicks everywhere: Save for the big 4, every PPV must have a gimmick that CAN'T be just "There will be a couple of matches with a specific gimmick to go with the name, despite no reasons being given". So no "Hell in a Cell" PPV, for instance, but you could have one like Cyber Sunday or King of the Ring, etc. Obviously you can keep the current gimmick PPVs if you want to.

    All roads lead to Rome: Turn Mike Rome into a manager, and have one of his client get a long title run (midcard and tag team works, but not 24/7).

    If I close my eyes it never happened: Have Maxxine Dupri get back together with Ma.cé and Mån.sôör, and give them storylines to work with.

    A new emperor is crowned: Roman Reigns can't win a World title for the next 3 years, unless he's first gone through a 6 months losing streak to cool him off. He can however win all his feuds for the next 3 years, as long as it isn't always the Main Event.

    Ginger Snap 2: Electric Boogaloo: Have a stable with only redheads in it, that has to have the OG "Ginger Snap" in it (so Becky Lynch and Sami Zayn).

    Mixed Match Challenge Season 3 confirmed !: Bring back the MMC, and find a kayfabe reason for the big names like Lesnar, Reigns, etc to also be part of it.

  3. I've been planning for Subculture (Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster) to go to NXT and then the main roster once they've gained some popularity, and my plan is to have them win a "qualification tournament" in NXT UK to be the brand's team in the Dusty Rhodes Classics that will be awarding the new NXT International Tag Team belt, and have them also win that one to be the first champions. The idea being that they're going to be the outsiders that always win despite the odds, then show that they were more than deserving of the title until they're main roster ready.

    However, I'm unsure on how I should have the NXT UK part of the plan go: a single elimination tournament would more or less force me to sacrifice the other good face teams I have (Carter and Smith, Mastiff and Starz) for teams that are rather "meh" (Dempsey and Raja, T-Bone and Primate). On the other hand, having it be a "Gauntlet" type of thing, where each week the winner of last week's match face a new opponent, seems like it wouldn't necessarily reward the best team, as the last duo to enter would have an huge advantage (even if obviously they'd lose), and since the GM is the most fair face you could ever hope for, it'd seem weird for him to pick that solution. Should I still go with the Gauntlet thing, and find a reason why they picked that (like, I don't know, "there isn't enough teams for a proper tournament", or it's the result of the fan's vote or something) ? I only have 6 weeks to have Subculture earn their spot, and don't want to do another round robin tournament when I already have a huge one going on in NXT, but I'm open to any hypothesis I haven't considered yet !

  4. Does anyone have a pack of custom WWE/NXT belts lying around somewhere and/or feel like making some belts ? I have a couple myself, but I'm on the hunt for the following, or equivalents if nobody has them, as I'm trying to leave the era of "Let's put a big W on the color of the brand and call it a day":
    - WWE World Women Title (I could use the old one, but a modern one would be neat as well)
    - WWE Universal Women title
    - WWE Universal Tag Team Title
    - NXT International Title
    - NXT International Tag Team Title
    - NXT International Women Title
    - NXT TV Title

    Also still searching for a better gif picture of Sam Leterna if anyone has one.

  5. Guys, I need an opinion on the best stipulation to crown a new champion. Well, more accurately, I'm crowning 4 new champions for NXT in the next 3 to 6 months, and I don't want to use the same way over and over.
    As such, I've settled on a round robin tournament for the new Main event title (although I miiiight have gone a bit too far with the tournament being 6 groups of 9 wrestlers, but that was a way to showcase the new workers quickly). The new Tag title will be awarded to the winner of a Dusty Rhodes Classic tournament, and once the round robin tournament will be over, some of the best from it will get into a ladder match for the new midcard title.

    However, I don't know what to do for the new Women title: I don't want to redo a ladder match, but the few ideas I had (Iron Survivor Challenge, Iron Woman match) either need less people than I'd like in the match, or wouldn't feel as "spectacular" (Battle Royale, or a regular match). The only other idea I have is a Scramble match, which would introduce nicely the opportunity to have an outsider win, then successfully defend it and prove it wasn't just a fluke, but I can't find one in the mods I have (and same for the Cibernetico matches, although it wouldn't fit for NXT under Regal's management anyway).

    Any ideas I haven't considered yet ? Especially ones that would have been used by WWE/NXT in the past but would fit in the "budget" (aka "no Elimination Chamber") ?

  6. Basically, you'd want the game to recognise ties in a family that aren't based on the bloods: step-siblings, adopted children, maybe even spouses, etc.

    I'd even go further than that, and give different bonuss/maluses to the two: sometimes, you have blood relatives you can't stand, and sometimes the guy who married your aunt is considered family more than your direct blood relative who've never really acknowledge your existence. So having different ways to set family relationships would help with that:

    - "Blood relative" would simply show that A is related to B, and have a higher chance to give a good relationship between the two
    - "Family Ties" could be automatically created for workers who are married (or perhaps even just dating after a while ?) into a family, and/or have a child with one of the family members: Naomi would have family ties with Roman Reigns for as long as she's dating one of the Usos, for instance, and Triple H would get family ties with the McMahons despite not being a direct blood relative, even if he was to divorce Steph.

    You could also simply have gradations: now that we have attributes, it'd be more accurate to have a system where you can say Worker A is the father of worker B, Worker C is the nephew of worker A, Worker D is the brother of B but from another father, etc, and from there add Step-parents, spouses, etc for more accuracy.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, suplexclub said:

    I've just started a Jan 2006 WWE save and would enjoy some rules to make it more exciting. I'm hoping to fix up the women's division and want to play it close enough to reality (regarding hirings etc) if that helps.

    World Top 10: According to cagematch, in 2006, the 10 busiest wrestlers within WWE were Cena, Edge, Carlito, Triple H, Shelton Benjamin, RVD, Finlay, Lashley, Matt Hardy and Kane. Of those that never won, or didn't win more than one World title (so, Carlito, Benjamin, Finlay, RVD and Matt Hardy), have them share together 10 world titles: for instance, you could decide to go for RVD 4, Carlito 3, and Benjamin 3, or just share them equitably.

    I want to believe: The Highlanders. The Basham Brothers. The Dicks. All three of these teams were highly forgettable, but it doesn't have to be, right ? One of those three must therefore become that team that somehow will keep being used in storylines here and there over the years.

    Sharp-Dressed (wo)Men: Stipulations like "Evening Gown Match", "Bikini match", "Bra and Panties", ... will never ever be considered again.

    ... They had a match in WWE ?! In 20XX ?!: For every year, find and push to at least a midcard-level one worker that had less than 3 matches in WWE before they became (kinda) famous (either in WWE or somewhere else). For 2006, that would leave you with choices like Corey Graves, Robbie E/Robert Stone, Raymond Rowe, Mercedes Martinez, Cheerleader Melissa, Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose, Caprice Coleman, Doug Williams, etc.

    We should have realised, our bad: Every talented women who ever jobbed for one match in WWE has priority over every women who never did when it comes to recruiting.

    NXT before it was cool: Every year you go over 100M in the bank, create a new NXT (if not in name, at least in spirit) in a new area. The first two have to be in the US and the UK, but every other ones can be wherever you want. Hire local workers under 30 to populate them if you can.

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  8. My bad, I should have been more specific: they aren't all going to be GMs in the future, some are just there for the pop on one show then go back to whatever they were doing before: so for instance, Long and Bischoff will go back to being unemployed, while Maria and Maryse will stay as a manager (mostly for their respective husbands at the time, but maybe more people later on).

    Shawn Michaels is currently in NXT UK acting as the GM, since Regal is in NXT already and there weren't anyone in the role for the UK brand. As for Hogan and Flair, in the lore of my save, Vince went to jail for sexual harassment, contract tampering and plenty of other stuff, so Trips and Steph are trying to have the cleanest roster they can. Hence it'd feel pretty weird to hire the very next day Flair when we know what he did, while Hogan is someone I would never consider hiring regardless of his popularity.

    Long, Bischoff and, on a smaller scale, Angle, Foley, Coachman and AJ Lee are there for the "I used to be a GM" nostalgia, and in a way, that's why Otunga is there too: Vickie Guerrero was supposed to be in the list, but then I heard about the controversy with her daughter, so I had to replace her. Since Otunga was already on the payroll, much better on the mic than some of the others in the roster (Kidman, Tyson Kidd), more familiar to WWE fans than other names (Shawn Daivari, Abyss, Steve Corino) and had more of a GM feel than guys like Jamie Noble, Shane Helms or Sylvain Grenier, I decided that he could be the guy who would end up last in the ranking without needing to hire someone. But if you (or anyone else, really) have a better name for a nostalgia pop that can still be dead last, I'm all for it.

    As for Damian Sandow, honestly I would hire him for the job if I wasn't "forced" to push a random jobber with a very similar gimmick of "The Connoisseur": since the guy is too old to begin a wrestling carreer at a high level, I've turned him into a wrestling-manager that will quickly become a full-time manager.

  9. Guys, I'd like your opinion on what I could do with Paul Heyman in my current WWE January 2022 save that should (finally) start.
    Basically, my plan is to have him separated from both Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns, using the moment that in real life he was fired by both: I want the rule to be "if you're not a wrestler under contract, and have no manager, you have X days before you're not allowed in the building anymore", and because he's desperate to stay in WWE, he bashes Dana Brooke (current 24/7 holder) on the head and become the new 24/7 champion. He'll then hire mercenaries to protect him, but will end up with a group that is mostly my way of using people I have no plans for yet have to use as per a rule I've been given: Shane Thorne, Erick Rowan, Arturo Ruas and Cezar Bononi. I might also add Sonya Deville to the group, but am not yet sure.
    The thing is that eventually, he'll become the "leader" of that group, and realise he doesn't need the belt anymore, but that's where I don't know which direction to go: should he try to find a "second" that would become the wrestling leader of the group (and then, who ? Because they're not many people who can challenge for the world title that would actually fit in the stable), or should I have him become the new GM, and use those guys as his henchmen much like Teddy Long would send heels against Khali or the Undertaker ?

    Also, on a not-so-entirely unrelated topic, I have a storyline where Stephanie McMahon and Trips decide to have a competition for the new GMs since they're not convinced entirely by Adam Pearce's performances at the job. As such, from the first Raw to the last Smackdown between Mania, 24 potential GMs will be each booking a show (with no brand separation for those three months), and those picked by the fans as the two best will then become the new authority figures, the best picking the show he wants as well as having the first pick at the Draft. Here is the list (and the probable order they'll get their shot), is there anyone you feel isn't a good choice and would get no pop ? Some choices are on the "weak" side on purpose, but I would still want the fans to be intrigued by the possibility if I was to have such a storyline in real life.

    Adam Pearce -> Teddy Long -> MVP -> Jonathan Coachman -> Kevin Nash -> David Otunga -> Mick Foley -> Alundra Blayze -> Kurt Angle -> Maria Kanellis -> X-Pac -> Alicia Fox -> Paul Heyman -> Lana -> Scott Hall -> AJ Lee -> Ted Dibiase Sr. -> Maryse -> DDP -> Trish Stratus -> Dario Cueto + Ricardo Rodriguez as a lackey -> Booker T -> Eric Bischoff -> Steve Austin.

  10. 14 hours ago, Captain Kayfabe said:


    I've thought about this one already, but in French, it would read as "Cassez-tout", so "Break it all". Now, you might think it's not a problem, since breaking stuff is more or less expected in wrestling, but my stupid brain has been looping a song because of that. So yeah, I like the idea, but I'll keep my mental health in check and choose not to use KC2 (and 2KC, who has the same result but with a different song).

    11 hours ago, Derek B said:

    Surely those two would be The Sunshine Band 😛


    ... I mean, as stupid as it sounds, I kinda like the idea honestly. They would never turn heel that way, but I kinda want a pairing with Naomi in a Disco stable now. Dammit.

    2 hours ago, Mokoa said:


    Is there a secret meaning behind the letters, or is it just a pun, either on Jericho or "Why two KC ?" ?

  11. Does anyone have any name for the Kacy Catanzaro-Kayden Carter team that isn't "Team Ninja" ? I've come up with a few ideas myself, but most sound a bit too much like other teams I already have: Light of the Party, The KCs, 2KC4U, The Killer Cats, The Killer Cuties, ...

    Ideally, I'd want something neutral enough that it can be re-used if I change their gimmicks, but really, I'm open to any suggestions.

  12. 1 hour ago, The Outlaw Granta said:

    Can I please have a stable gif logo for The O.C? 

    I've found this one in a pack I've downloaded here, but I honestly can't remember which one it was since I mixed all the stable logos in one massive file, so, well, uh... credits to the author whose name I don't know.


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  13. I'm thinking of restarting WWE Superstars as a B-show with little to no storylines, and random match-ups (literally, I'm going to use a randomizer with every wrestlers name in it). Therefore, I have a few questions about the idea:

    • Is there any way I could also bring up champions from the dev companies to defend their title, without vacating said titles there or putting the developmental titles as alliance titles ?
    • Would the workers called up for that show, or even local jobbers hired for the night, gain popularity from it, or is it reserved to full-time members of the roster ?
    • If I had someone massively popular be drawn for a match against someone from NXT, and decided that the NXT person needed to win, would there be risks for the popular main roster worker to be annoyed at the loss, or would they be more ok with it because it's only a B-show ? Would it only depends on their attributes or their status in the main roster ?
    • Would there be any downsides to having a title change there (not that I intend to do it often, but the 24/7 championship is still a thing in my save) ?
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