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Posts posted by ArcheoOutOfNowhere

  1. Does anyone have RWC gif cuts of Brandon and Brent Tate in their "The Boys" gimmick, with the mask and all ?


    Re-asking just in case someone didn't see it the first time, and on the same vein, if anyone also has RWC gifs for Jake Tucker/Channing Lorenzo, Xtina Kay/Kiana James, Notorious Mimi/Sloane Jacobs, and Tatum Paxley, I'd be grateful for those as well !


    (And if someone also happens to have a pack of free pictures for masked luchadors and Japanese style ones, it isn't impossible I'll build a statue of them in toothpicks or sell them my first born, just saying :p)

  2. If you had to keep Goldberg in your roster, no matter what, in January 2022, what would you do with him ? As I've mentioned plenty of times already, I'm starting a WWE save with a loooong list of rules, one of which is a group of people I have to keep in the roster.


    While for most they're part of the roster anyway, and for others I've found an use, I have no clue what to do with Goldberg.

    He only has 3 appearances left and I'm struggling with what to do with him:

    - I could have him re-sign as a full-time roster member (since that is also a rule, no more Occasional wrestler outside of the Rumble), which would require editing him back into a Wrestler role. But then, how would I use him, since I can't see him becoming a midcarder, and I sure as hell won't put him in the Main Event all the time ?

    - I could use the 3 appearances left to build a storyline on him wanting to fight someone for a specific reason, and if he loses, he retires. I already know exactly who would retire him and why, but then what ? Goldberg would be terrible as an announcer, and I'm not sure he'd fit the role of a GM, let alone a manager. As for road agent, he doesn't have the right skills for it either.


    So yeah, any idea would be welcome, or even just arguments towards one of the possibilities I've listed already. Thanks !

  3. I don't know, Dalton Sparks made me think more of a cheap street-magician that would throw confettis in the air and have cards appear in his hands. Which in itself wouldn't be such a bad gimmick if done for comedy, but doesn't really suit him.

    However, I really like Freddie May, or perhaps just May as a last name and something like Raphael as a first name ! I could even see him use that as the kind of catchphrases WWE loves: "Freddie May hurt you if you don't behave, Boys", "Freddie May win the NXT title at TakeOver", etc.

  4. Does anyone have good WWE-style names ideas for Shane Mercer and Dalton Castle ?

    The best I could come up with are Alex Wesker for Mercer, and Dalton Sparks for Castle, but obviously they are not that great...


    Gimmick wise they're going to be pretty much their non-WWE character, and all I ask is that it avoids using names from current WWE roster and (if at all possible) do it the way WWE would, so not use former indy names/real names.

  5. Depending on how open you are to sign someone, and if you want/need every worker to fit the Cartel gimmick, I'd just go with someone who is not on the roster currently, to be honest, as Corbin would feel weird. Damian Priest could kinda work, but in my opinion he would naturally be higher on the card than Santos already so it wouldn't be the best pick.

    Maybe someone like Jeff Cobb or Jonah Rock, who aren't hispanic but could look the part somewhat, and be talented enough to eventually turn against Santos if you wanna go that way ?

  6. The question I have is how should I achive it during the match - get Angel/Humberto elimated first, then come back in for the final fall to get LdF the win? Or just lay down for the LdF win at the last fall? The latter is far more anti climatic to me an doesn't make much sense. Maybe as I type it out if I make the match for a title shot it would have a bit mre weight behind it. Thoughts on how to achive this?


    Then, once they are aligned, how to best spread a stable over 2 shows while sticking to a brand split as much as possible? Make Angel the deputy and have him run it on SD, and then in joint PPVs they can combine and have joint promos and matches?


    I'm not sure which road agents notes would be suited for this, but the way I'd go for the match is that right from the start, Angel/Humberto are shown helping LdF the way some heels ally during the Rumble (but without the inevitable betrayal, of course). It goes to a near fall on one of the face teams (the other being eliminated before), but instead ends up with Angel/Humberto being eliminated themselves and staying in ringside acting like they can't believe their plan didn't work. They then just cheat behind the referee's back to help LdF win, and because of that, are welcome into LdF.


    As for what to do after, I'd say have whoever you want as the deputy be the one in most matches , but have Santos Escobar show up for angles and every once in a while as a "manager" ringside/a guest announcer so it's still clear he's the one in charge. The angles however can just be him being in his villa or something and playing the Cartel boss you want him to be, cutting the promos before the match where Angel will represent him (although, as much as I like Angel Garza, I'd argue you could use someone with an enforcer role too, since Garza would be more the weasely heir who hides behind his goons then pick up the victim to kick him).

    (By the way, I totally don't have a very similar stable planned in my own save, only with Andrade as the leader :D)

  7. Is there any upside or downside for a child company (or any company, really) to only have alliance titles ?


    Like, say I want every NXT/NXT UK title to be alliance titles so they can also be defended in both child companies and in the main roster every once in a while, would they lose prestige because they're not reserved to a company ?

    Is there the need for the company to have at least one title that is only defended in their shows, or not ?

  8. Hey everyone,


    I have a loooong list of workers I'm "forced" to hire for WWE (well, most will be on NXT/NXT UK), with an added challenge that I had to rename them the way current day WWE would (although I had the permission to keep part of the names for some). I think I've managed to do so well enough but a second opinion would be greatly appreciated anyway :p


    Is there a way to put the whole list in a spoiler so it doesn't show as a huge post for those who have a question of their own ? Or should I just not post it at all because a 74 workers list is more than a bit too much ?

  9. Do you have any idea on what you'll have them do, what their common gimmick will be, etc ? I find it helps finding names for stables.


    On another topic, I once again come to you all in my time of need, for yes, I need a WWE name for someone once again. The creative meeting thingy said I should hire Mr. Brickster because he'd turn into a great asset, and since his stats were nice enough, I figured I might give him a try.

    However, I have no idea what to name him. Or well, I have a few, but none that I feel would be "that" great (even more in the future I could see him getting a "politician" gimmick where he tells us he will want to "build the future" or something).

    So far, these are the ideas I had: for the first name, I thought I'd go with either Christian, Chris, Travis or Dan. As for the family name, I can't go with Bricks since I already have a Briggs, but I thought about Brickset, Brickhouse, or Billund since his indy gimmick seems to have a lot of reference to Legos. Obviously, I can't just use "Lego" because I really doubt they'd be able to afford the trademark IRL, but any subtle hints to it is great :p

  10. I have two questions:


    1) Is there a way to rename/delete an alter ego directly in the game ? I created an alter ego for a new recruit, but made a typo and only realised it once I saved the alter ego...


    I know I could simply recreate one, and pretend I didn't see that one whenever I need to change, but I'd like to make it "clean" if at all possible.


    2) If I create a database based on the save, like there's the option to do, does the new database start Day 1, Week 1 of that month, or does it start from the day I created the database ?

  11. 1-2-3 Kid all over again: A jobber gets a win over someone who's at least a midcarder with a good momentum.


    Mixed match: Much like that one time Edge had to count on Kelly Kelly to defend his title, have one of your champions defend his title in a mixed tag match.


    The shortest storyline: Have a show be about a very short storyline (even if you don't count it as one). Something like "Face A accidentally do something to Heel B", and you put some angles about the two during the show until they finally face in the Main Event.


    Stable wars: Your whole show is nothing but matches where someone from one stable fights against someone from the other stable. Whether it has a purpose for a storyline or not doesn't matter.


    I am Iron Man: This show only has one match, an iron man match.


    Women's Day: This show only has women matches.


    Coop Day: Only tag team matches.


    Raw Roulette: Have every stipulation drawn by a randomizer online.


    Feel free to tell me if those weren't what you had in mind !

  12. Hello, world.


    Any name suggestions for the groups below?


    Carlito/Epico/Primo (I'm considering calling them the Shining Stars all together but if anyone has something better I'll take it)

    Alex Shelley/Chris Sabin (I could use MCMG but I'm looking for alternatives, how would WWE name them?)


    Also, this is for a 2016 save.


    Do you have any "theme"/direction for the Colons stable ? Sometimes, it helps knowing what you'll want them to be portrayed at: if you're going to have them be a stable of masked puerto ricans, you can't call them "The Colons" for instance, but if you're never going to add anyone who isn't a member of that family, it would be simple enough and work perfectly fine.


    As for MCMG, you could just use the initials, or maybe another nickname of Detroid ? Like "D-Town Boyz", "The Arsenal", "Straits to Hell", etc.


    I brought some NJPW workers into AEW. Should they go by "InvASIAN" or "Asian Invasion"?


    I'd go with what the other said and use "Forbidden Door", but if you really want them to be a stable on their own with another direction than "So yeah, they're NJPW guys on loan", maybe translate it in Japanese so the fans know they're not automatically ally with other workers coming from said Forbidden Door ?



    Also, I need a suggestion on my own. Yes, again. I swear, at some point I'll just post a list of all the guys I've hired so you won't think I'm asking for everyone :D But anyway, any suggestions for a WWE name for Jurn Simmons ? I've hired him to densify a bit the roster of NXT UK, although I might have him join the main roster at some point if a plan I have works out well.

    So far, the best I have is "Jurn Rutten" or "Jurn Rouka" but I'd rather avoid any clear references to past Dutch wrestlers (and to give myself a depression by imagining how Michael Cole would pronounce it, just like I do everytime he says "Coup de Gras" rather than "Coup de Grâce" for Finn Balor's move).

  13. As to what I'm doing as a player in my 1991 game, I'm still big noob so I'm sticking to a tiny promotion in France where there is very little competition. I run Super Première Association du Catch. It's a more fast paced, cutting edge product than CWA, featuring plenty of international rookies, and some token Big Old Guys just to get more butts in seats until they can pass the torch to these younger talents.


    My big names: Salvatore Bellomo (my Super champion), Ulf Herman, Mile Zrno (my IC champion), Alan Kilby, Steve Wright, Skull Murphy, Mick McManus (that's me! I'm too old to be wrestling but I do good road agent work.)


    Guys that I wanna push: Tazmaniac, Satoshi Kojima, Super Crazy, Evil Eddie Watts, Primo Carnera III

    Sal <3

  14. While I'm still searching for the people mentioned above (although I've settled on "Will Piltdown" for Caveman Ugg, at least for now), does anyone have a suggestion for a "WWE-name" I could give to Session Moth Martina ?


    Essentially, she'll keep the same gimmick, but if at all possible I'd rather avoid her name to be too related to the gimmick. Basically, more of a "Baron Corbin" that can be turned into a "Happy Corbin", rather than go directly for a gimmicky-name that I can't reuse if I ever decide to change her gimmick.


    Thanks !

  15. European dream: You must hire an European worker (as in "TEW European", so no British/Irish/Scottish guy) and turn them into one of your biggest stars.


    This is a stable roster: At the end of the year, your best stable must be one you've created yourself, and it has to have wrestlers of both genders.


    Homegrown talent... kinda: You can't hire established women stars, as in "No one from the current WWE division" (but NXT/NXT UK is fine outside of Io, Dakota Kai, Kay Lee Ray, Meiko Satomura, Bea Priestley and Mandy Rose), AEW division (save for those who mostly/only work b shows like Megan Bayne or Skye Blue) and/or whose US popularity is over your women midcard.


    Fiiiine, I'll hire you: Anyone fired from a company must wait at least three months unemployed (outside of small companies) before you can hire them. However, you can try to outbid others for their workers as usual.

  16. Does anyone have an idea for individual WWE names for Caveman Ugg and Odinson, as well as a team name ?


    So far, I'm more or less planning to use modernized version of their gimmicks, so they won't pretend to be an actual caveman and an actual viking, but just re-use the imagery for those cultures. Basically, the lovechild of the Bludgeon Brothers and War Raiders.

    Alternatively, one of the two can adopt the gimmick of the other, but yeah, pretty much they're going to be big badass dudes with a shared love of ancient cultures symbolism.


    So far, for team names I've thought of "Ancient Warriors", "Warriors of Old" or "War Path", but I'm not convinced at all, so...

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