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Posts posted by ArcheoOutOfNowhere

  1. Well, being injured and forced to vacate the title wouldn't leave him free to have a Wrestlemania match and a "Bloodline vs Lesnar and allies" storyline right after, but yes, I do agree that if I had to simply vacate the title, that's probably what I'd do.


    As for Great-o-Khan, I'm not so much asking who I should hire (I may have gone a tiny bit overboard with that already :p), so much as how people think WWE would use people like the ones I listed: straight to the main roster, one year in NXT as it used to be, etc ?

    But thanks for the suggestion nonetheless, I might sign him in another save one day !

  2. What's the Rumble winner doing at Elimination Chamber? Because...


    This is pretty close to what I eventually came up with. I agree that the way it's played out, both Roman and Brock have to lose at EC. I asked about the Rumble winner because I think the move may be to put him in Roman's Chamber match, but have him get eliminated cheaply by the eventual winner, giving him motivation to go after the new champion.


    (Aside: This problem really illustrates how the Fed's insistence on Roman-Brock All The Time IRL has put them into a corner it can't get out of.)


    I wasn't a big fan of having the Rumble winner in the Elimination Chamber, since essentially he has no reason to go there: in kayfabe, if he wins he doesn't really have a challenger and if he loses, it makes him look bad. Now, obviously, in a booking sense, he could indeed just lose by someone cheating or everyone teaming up against him, but I had plans for the non-Reigns Elimination Chamber.

    So, what I'm heading for once I've solved another issue is something in between: at Elimination Chamber, Reigns has a triple threat match because two challengers have the same time in a Beat the Clock challenge.He ends up losing because he's over-confident, however there are shenanigans because both McIntyre and Rollins have pinned him. Hence nobody knows who's the winner but they both get the rub of "beating" Reigns, yet don't get the title. Therefore there's a rematch at Smackdown where this time Lesnar intervenes and at Mania there's a match to finally decide who is the legitimate champion between McIntyre, Rollins, the Rumble Winner, and potentially a second heel if people do not stop injuring themselves, while Reigns can't participate because he lost twice, cheaply or not.

    And I swear to whatever divinity wants to hear it that I won't have another Reigns-Lesnar feud in years once I'm done with the "Bloodline vs Lesnar & allies" one.


    Anyway, as for my other "issue", it's a small question but I'm stuck between two options with some signings I was "forced" to do in the booking challenge between my friend and I: I try to follow what NXT 2.0 is, and so avoid hiring indy darlings as much as I can. Basically, I'm hiring workers with high SQ and under 25 or 30 if they are really really great (so, people like Juicy Finau, Queen Aminata, etc), relatives of WWE legends (Bianca Carelli, etc) or people from niche markets, kinda like Dante Chen for Singapour (Taonga, Georges Khoukaz, etc).

    However, like I said there are people I'm forced to hire, and I don't know what I should do: the former way would have been to send them straight to NXT (like Nakamura, Zayn, Owens, Ciampa, Gargano, Cole, etc did) for a year or so, but how would WWE treat people that do not fit the new era of NXT 2.0, yet aren't popular enough to start straight in the main roster ? People like Robbie Eagles, Dralistico, VENY, Maya Yukihi, or even Dalton Castle, who are already well know by people who live and breathe wrestling in the indies and abroad, but who are complete unknowns to the regular WWE fan ?

    Basically, do I still send them to NXT, because that's how it used to be, or do I have them straight into the main roster, even if their pop mean they'll tank for a bit ?

  3. I'm planning on using Lesnar (and Reigns) as means to massively push newcomers/returning lowcarders, hence why I need the two to face one last time at Mania: Lesnar is tired to have the Usos intervene and realises that as better as he is than the three, it'd help to have someone take care of the Usos.

    So he gets someone to find him back-up (I'm strongly considering to use Robert Stone as his new lawyer who's terrified Brock will kill him), namely AOP. Reigns then realises that his tactic won't work if Lesnar has help, brings Jacob Fatu, Lesnar have Stone (or whoever else) hire yet another man (probably Killian Dain, if I can't think of anyone else) and the storyline occupy both far from the titles until Summerslam (or earlier).

    Then Reigns can go back in the title scene (and maybe lose again so Fatu tries to become the new head of the table), Lesnar can be done with the endless rivalry with Reigns and terrorise other people, and I'll use those months without the two of them in said title scene to build new stars to be on their level (or just under).


    As for Lashley, he's injured but the randomizer I used to imagine what my Rumble would look like had the New Day and the Hurt Business (with MVP instead of Lashley) be next to each other for all entrants, so I figured I could have the two stables fight, with Alexander/Benjamin and MVP doing the heating up and Lashley making his return the week before Mania for a safe match that doesn't need too much to write.

    Lashley however will probably the one to retire Lesnar, if I can't get the Beast to sign a contract that doesn't cost me a kidney to use him to build the new stars of tomorrow.

  4. Well, the thing is, I'm not much more satisfied than you are to have Reigns's... well reign end up like that. However, I need to have Reigns lose the title by Lesnar's intervention (so Reigns also has a legitimate reason to want to destroy Lesnar rather than just pretend it was a fluke and continue as if nothing happened).


    Now, since Reigns is a heel, I need a face to win because I don't want to have the two Elimination Chambers end up with someone disrupting it (not to mention ideally, I want to use the Raw one for the US title, and turn Damian Priest, but that could wait). So it's either have Reigns go against a face in the Main Event, or a triple threat, or a random open challenge in the following Smackdown if I don't want to vacate the title, right ? But at the same time, since the winner I picked for the Rumble and a long reign is also a face, it means I have to find a heel in any case (and turning the face isn't a solution because down the line, once Reigns is done with Lesnar, I want Reigns to come back at said winner).


    Therefore, I need at least a heel that is credible as a World Champion, and possibly a face. The solutions I've (more or less) excluded are:

    • the Rumble Winner challenges Roman without waiting for Mania, and wins because of Lesnar: the man is too badass for that, so it'd be supremely disappointing.
    • the only faces I could make win that "cheaply" (and that aren't already in a storyline for Mania) are Titus, R-Truth, Ricochet, Mansoor, Gulak or Drake Maverick. I like most of them but not to the point of giving them a run at the title (well, I'd love to for R-Truth but that ship has sailed)
    • I could make returning Keith Lee be the face to beat Reigns but he deserves much better than a cheap win caused by Lesnar
    • I could also make Kalisto win (since the whole challenge for this save is to make Lucha House Party a legendary stable), but it'd be way too soon (especially since he'd lost him after a month)
    • have a heel win in a triple threat where Lesnar intervenes, but again I don't have many choices with only Jinder Mahal, Ridge Holland, and Veer Mahan free, none of which I want anywhere near a world title
    • a return I could build in a month, which leaves me with Gargano or KENTA, who both deserve better than to be cannon fodder
    • vacate the title, have the Rumble winner in a 4-Way for the title (by combining him, Zayn who I have set to win the IC title after Mania, and an existing McIntyre-Rollins feud), but I agree with you a title vacated for kayfabe reasons is a title wasted
    • have two people beat Reigns at the same time (so, probably Rollins and McIntyre) but I can't find a way that doesn't make them (or at least McIntyre) look like they didn't deserve the win nor make Reigns looks like he lost clean
    • have Rollins win "by Lesnar" in a heel vs heel match (which I dislike a lot) and have a month-long reign, which again would be supremely disappointing, and would leave McIntyre completly unoccupied at Mania


    If you can find another solution (or good arguments for any of the above solutions) that doesn't make Reigns look "weak", preferably gives me a good reason to have Steph decide new GMs are needed, and does not require me to change my pick for the Rumble winner, I'm completly down. There is a reason I'm asking here for better ideas than my own, you know :p

  5. I technically could, but my planned winner isn't getting any younger and it's probably his last chance to win it before I start giving this kind of victory to younger stars.


    On the other hand, I've decided on a set of action: my Rumble winner (that I'm keeping secret in case my friend decides to read this post :p) will keep his win, Reigns and Lesnar will keep their losses (Lesnar because of the Bloodline, Reigns because of an irrate Steph McMahon who'll then fire Pearce for his lack of control on the Bloodline) and the title will be won at Mania by the Rumble winner.

    However, I'll not have the potential GMs have a storyline, and will instead just have people vote for whoever they feel would be the two best GMs amongst the 10 candidates, and then randomly choose which one goes to RAW/SD based on the draft.

  6. I don't want either of them to stay champion, as I'll have them in a long storyline that will continue after Wrestlemania (and will help build other people) and I don't want the belt to be "stuck" between the two for months, basically.


    The best hypothesis I have for now is to have the current General Manager vacate Reigns title due to his behaviour during the Elimination Chamber matches, and after that Reigns would be even more furious at Lesnar. The only problem I have with that is that it'll make a precedent and I don't want every heel to lose their title for attacking their opponent in another match.

    Of course, I could just have Steph (the new owner) fire Pearce for that, because she'd see that as a proof he can't manage his locker room properly, and it'd lead nicely into the other "big" non-title Mania storyline I'm planning (a "GM-War" of multiple people vying for the post). But so far I haven't found a proper way to do it with more than 2, max 3 people (while I have 10 potential GMs :p) so I'm not sure I'll actually have said storyline yet.

  7. I've been stuck trying to find a solution for a problem I have, but have yet to find something that pleases me, so I thought I'd ask you guys.


    First of all, for a bit of context: I'm in January 2022, and Brock Lesnar is WWE champion while Roman Reigns is Universal Champion, as in real life. However, I plan to have them both lose the title before Wrestlemania, and have an all-out war between the Bloodline (with an unexpected ally) and Lesnar (who'll get allies of his own).

    Basically, at the Royal Rumble, I'll have champions face each other (so, Universal vs WWE, US vs IC, Raw Tag vs SD tag, Raw Women vs SD Women, and probably WWE Women Tag vs NXT tag in preshow or something). Lesnar will win the Universal vs WWE, because the Usos will be too tired/hurt by their own match. However, Reigns will not let it rest, and at Elimination Chamber, the Usos (and possibly Reigns himself) will intervene in the Raw Elimination Chamber so Lesnar will lose his title to Kevin Owens (who will then defend it at Mania against Edge, the man who'll eliminate him in the Rumble despite a great showing of Owens).

    Because I don't want Reigns to keep his title, Lesnar will also cost him the title the next Smackdown.


    The problem is this: my Royal Rumble winner is a face, and the only "good" challenger for the title at Mania is also a face that I can't (nor want to) turn. And I need Reigns to lose the title before Mania so the Royal Rumble winner can win it there without Reigns needing to fight him.

    However, that means I either have to :

    • give a one month title reign to a random SD heel (so, Zayn, Sheamus or Corbin) or a Raw heel I'll transfer
    • have the title go vacant somehow
    • have the Royal rumble win the title in a non-clean way, making his win at the Rumble essentially useless

    If anyone has a good suggestion that does not include Reigns having a match in both days of Mania, I'd be grateful because I really have no idea. Oh, and also I don't have a PPV between Elimination Chamber and Mania anymore, so it means the Reigns title loss must occur either at the Elimination Chamber (but then it'd mean a Face vs Face at Mania) or in a weekly show.,Whether he loses it to someone or the title goes vacant (which to be honest would be better for long term booking purposes) isn't important.

  8. Just figured this out myself, set the champion as a loan to the WWE (for example NXT Cruiserweight champion Jordan Devlin), call the belt up, if the champion is on the roster, it won't vacate it.


    So I have to set them as "on loan" before the creation of the game ? Or does it also work when I borrow them for a specific show ? I have no issue with borrowing them each time I need them (which, to be fair, won't be as often: probably just at the Rumble and perhaps at Mania if I can't fill the card enough).


    Thanks for the suggestion in any case !

  9. If you're looking to expand into France, may I suggest looking into contacting Sturry, he was/is involved in the wrestling scene there and I know he plays TEW, so might be able to help.




    An excellent suggestion indeed ! And if what I've been told about him is true, he'll also be objective enough that he could help with other companies he (or the company he usually worked with) didn't necessarily have a good relationship with.

  10. Any chance of some 2004 WWE rules please? Going to completely redraft the rosters and have some original characters in development at the moment they can be included in rules or excluded.


    It's who you know: blood relatives and best friends of your workers (save for wrestlers recognised as unimportant) have to be signed, and used as much as possible based on their skills. So if you have to hire someone's cousin and they can only really be used as a jobber for 2 min squash matches, you do that... but if they have the ability to be a mega-star, you also have to use as such.


    Mucha Lucha: hire the most popular under-30yo luchador in Mexico and make him into a star.


    Women Revolution: This time, WWE really is going to be a precursor in women wrestling. US women wrestling that is, so you can't simply hire every joshi there is, and so you'll have to find women ready to be stars.


    I'm not Nostradamus: Stars of today can't become instant stars in your roster, just because you know they'll become huge. So, no Daniel Bryan headlining Wrestlemania in 2005, or Becky Lynch as the head of the women division. You can hire them if they have 5 years of experience, or if they have proven their worth in one of the top 10 promotions (well, top 11), and once they're in your roster, you take your time building them into solid midcarders without a rocket push.

  11. In my opinion, having more companies to play with and workers to discover is always a good thing, so I'd be down for a more "complete" pack. After all, if we don't want some of the companies (in this case, the Scandinavian ones, but it could be others too), we can simply decide not to import them.


    As for adding more European companies, there's no doubt I'd be interested to have the French and Belgian ones in a mod, so of course I'd be down for more packs, or for them to be added to the Indies+ mod.

    Speaking of those companies, if you need help translating or searching for some infos in French feel free to message me ! I haven't been able to follow much of the scene lately, and I'm absolutely awful at rating people anyway, but I can try and do my best to help with infos, attributes, etc !

  12. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rick Savant" data-cite="Rick Savant" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47811" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Two quick questions:<p> </p><p> 1 - Where do I see how many dates are left on a limited date contract? I know when it gets down to the final few, it shows up in my assistant, but it isn't listed in Contracts before that and doesn't seem to be anywhere on the worker's profile.</p><p> </p><p> Thank youuuu!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> When you are on their profile, I just go to the Roster screen, pick the worker I want to check the infos of, click on the right arrow over the "Popularity" part of their profile and it show their contract details (type of contract, length, how long is remaining/how many appearances and how much they're paid). It also works for other companies if you go to their roster.</p><p> If you go on the worker profile without the "roster" step, it won't show you as many details but you'll still be able to see the appearances left/time remaining.</p>
  13. <p>So I've found out that you can actually "call up" the titles as the parent company, however it will vacate it and even sending it back to NXT doesn't mean the current champion gets it back. </p><p>

    Worse, even if you were to award it directly to the "right" champion, it would artificially create a new reign for him rather than be a continuation of the former one. </p><p> </p><p>

    I'll have to test if it's feasible during the actual booking of a show, or if I have to start from scratch and manually modify titles into alliance titles.</p>

  14. <p>If I wanted to book NXT title matches at Mania playing WWE, how would I need to do that ? </p><p> </p><p>

    I'd imagine calling up the workers just set the title vacant, and I don't think you can borrow titles unless they are alliance titles, but maybe I'm missing an obvious solution due to the fact it's been ages since I've played a company with a dev company I actually wanted to invest time in.</p>

  15. Hey, another request if anyone feels like doing at least some of those:


    - a logo for a PPV called "WWE Big Six", with a Casino/wheel of Fortune theme. It'll probably take place in Las Vegas every year, but in the case I decide to go with other casino-heavy cities, maybe it's best to avoid direct references to Vegas.


    - More modern logos for WWE Armageddon, WWE Unforgiven and WWE Bad Blood


    - this one is for those feeling really creative, as I'd like to have a bunch of "WWE One Night In" with different cities outside of the US. Basically, I intend to replace Crown Jewel by shows in different big cities outside of the US and Canada. For now, the name will be "One Night in" followed by the name of the city, but if you have better ideas I'm fine with that too. I'd imagine at least the main cities in Europe, the Uk, India, Australia/New Zealand, Japan and Mexico, but if you really want to have a logo for a "One Night in Tijuana" or something, go ahead. Basically, as long as there's a venue I could use for a PPV-sized show in that city, and it's not in the US/Canada, I'm interested :p


    Again, thank you in advance for any who feel like doing any of these !

  16. Depending on the gimmicks and how well known they are:


    - If they don't have a very specific gimmick (like the Undertaker, Kane, etc), and they are well known, I'll just change their first name (Alistair Black -> Malakai Black, Steven Regal -> William Regal, that kind of thing).


    - If they don't have a very specific gimmick, and are pretty much unknown, I'll decide if their indy name is nice enough to modify the same way I do the big names, or use a variation of their real name, or a combination of some of their indy names. For instance, I've signed a dude named Joe Black to NXT: it's a pretty good name, but there will be a Alistair Black in the future so I'll decide between Joe Blackwail (a variation of his real name), Joe A'Gau (one of his indy names) or a combination (Dante A'Gau for instance).


    - If they have a very specific gimmick, then I'll try to find something in the same theme. The Undertaker, if signed early enough that he's not known universally as the Undertaker, could become The Mortician or something like that. Amasis from Chikara (the snake guy) could become Ouroboros, Uraeus, etc.


    - If their indy name is not good, they don't have a really specific gimmick and their real name doesn't sound cool enough, I've been known to use a list of local first names and family names, and find a combination I like the sound of.

  17. Give her a Paris Hilton-esque lifestyle GURU gimmick where she helps jobbers repackage themselves, but it usually just results in them changing their name to be the first name repeated, for example: Drew Drew (Drew Gulak).


    I was going to make her a color commentator because I learned she had gone to a journalism school before her wrestling carreer, but honestly, I'm super tempted to have her as a lifestyle influencer (which would also fit her real life work) and do just what you suggested. If she had better mic/acting skills, I'd do that right away because who doesn't want to hear Rhino being super confused on why she wants him to go by the name Rhino Rhino ?!

  18. Hello,


    Quick question that I could probably test myself, but I thought I'd ask rather than take the risk it breaks the game or something: in a multiplayer save, can I trade Player 2 character for one show ?

    Like, say Player 2 is playing as Triple H owning NXT, and I play as Shane owning WWE: since Player 2 is playing Triple H, does it mean I can never ever book Triple H for a match or an angle ever again, or can I still hire him for one night (and/or basically anything else than an exclusive written contract) ?


    I know I can book myself into matches, but I'm unsure about another user character.

  19. Wrestlingdata says Billy Gunn had a match in February 1989 (as Kip Montana, teaming with Mike Jackson to face the LOD in a taping of WCW), then nothing until a 3vs3 match in October 1992. Since I highly doubt his very first match was in WCW, I'd say it's likely that raspymorten is right.


    The same site says Bart Gunn debuted in the same October 92 match, as Brett Colt teaming with Kip Winchester (so, Billy Gunn) and Frankie Rose against a team of Sonny T, Rick Thames and Mickey Jay, in an ICWA show. This one might be a tiny bit more likely as a debuting match, but again it's just as likely he debuted in small companies a bit before that.

  20. That's fair enough, actually. I mean, it's the same reason I've thought about Bate for the role, so I can't blame you.


    Back on the topic, I've had a couple new suggestions from other places for every role, so if anyone has arguments for/against them, feel free to share, as well as new suggestions !


    Lars Sullivan gimmick:

    Big Damo (aka Killian Dain), Harland, Dylan James, KTB, Madman Fulton, Nick Comoroto, Odinson, Schaff


    Jack Gallagher:

    Tyler Bate, Aiden English, Simon Gotch, Tristan Archer (Clement Petiot during the CWC) Weber Hatfield, Gentleman Jervis


    The Velveteen Dream:

    Dalton Castle, Shane "Swerve" Strickland, Carmelo Hayes, Ace Austin, Effy, Jay Lethal


    Update on this, for those curious: I finally went with Fulton (and Odinson as a back-up that might be used in a viking-themed tag team to replace the War Raiders) for the Lars Sullivan gimmick, Dalton Castle as the obvious choice for The Dream, and I settled on Weber Hatfield so I wouldn't feel too guilty if the Gentleman gimmick doesn't work. Plus, I have a fondness for him from a precedent run as a small company, so...


    On the other hand, I know have a new problem ! Because we had completly forgotten to add a challenge for the women (or, well, my friend did), we picked a new thing to do: each of us gave the other a retired worker that needs to be re-used into a new role. I went with a man (since I gave Nikki Cross as a challenge already), namely The Boogeyman, and he picked for me Kelly Kelly.

    So, anyone has an idea on what I can have her do ? I'm authorised to modify her profile a bit (like, giving her Referee or Announcing skills) but only if she has done a decent job at it while she was still working regularly in WWE. I honestly don't remember if she was ever a guest at the announce table or a guest referee, I certainly have no use for her as a manager and I can't see her as a GM so... yeah, feel free to suggest stuff.

  21. Hello,


    Anyone willing to do a more serious logo for Lucha House Party (that you can rename LHP if you want), in the SAMPP gif style ?


    I honestly have no idea on the colors, shape, etc that would fit to make the stable feel like a big deal that will dominate the roster, but it's clear that the logo they had on their blue t-shirts isn't it. I'm booking a future title winning stable, not a "Saved by the Bell" telenovela :p


    Thanks !

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