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Posts posted by ArcheoOutOfNowhere

  1. No problem, I understand very well how difficult it can be to find infos !


    If you need help on "fleisching out"* the french scene, I can try and see how to help ? I absolutely can't rate a worker to save my life, but finding infos about them such as birthdays and stuff is not too complicated for me since French is my first language. I'd offer the same for Belgium but save for Sal Bellomo and Bernard Vandamme (and, I suppose, Mikey D in the modern era) I can't say there are many guys (or girls) that really stand out.


    * Yes, I had to :p

  2. Super excited about this mod, as the TEW 2016 version ended up being one of my longest saves ! For now I'll play around a bit with the beta version, so I can decide what I'll do on the final version !


    With that being said, I have a couple of questions/remarks:


    - Am I completly blind, or is Mae Young missing ? Also I think Armando Alejandro Estrada is missing as well (unless you didn't intend to put him in), and while he's not going to debute for a while, I'd say he's relevant enough to be in the mod.


    - To the best of my knowledge, Amy Hayes isn't French but American. As for Pierre Williams, I have no idea who he is supposed to be, so I'm assuming he's Peter William, the German guy from CWA ?


    - Speaking of French wrestling, it is a bit funny to see Jean Corne there but not the french Flesh Gordon (regardless of the fact I hate the guy, he was one the faces of French wrestling at the time and was still wrestling at the time). And I suppose if you want to be a bit more "complete" while not doing the whole scene, you might consider adding Pierre "Booster" Fontaine, Scott Rider, Hellmer Lo Guennec and Jimmy Gavroche. Rider and Gavroche are "known"-ish by the non-fans for their in ring character, Lo Guennec has his own company with good relationships with CMLL and ROH, and Booster is another "big" local name with his own promotion (and, for a time, the biggest one in France with the likes of Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli, Tommy End, Vampiro, etc showing up and Japanese indy wrestlers for a show once a year). Obviously, they're not going to be super useful unless someone plays in Europe, but then again who knows...


    - Still on the topic of adding workers, is there any chances of the following guys getting in ? Tony Roy, Mike Bell (both of which were regular jobbers for WWF at the time), John Chrystal (who also was a jobber, although less often) and Mitch Ryder (who had matches in WWE, WCW, Chikara, IWA MS) are obviously not people who have to be in any and every mod, but I did make a moderately successfull stable with them in one of my saves so it'd be awesome to have a chance to do that again !


    Again, thanks for all the work and I can't wait for the final version !

  3. About to start a save using Real World Chronicles, haven’t decided whether I’ll play as AEW or NXT yet so can I please get rules for both?


    Thanks in advance


    For NXT, how about something like this:


    - "Putting the World in World Wrestling Entertainment": Since NXT is supposed to help develop new wrestlers to feed the machine, you have to hire and push workers from countries that aren't known for wrestling. To put it simply, you'd hire and/or push people like Clement Petiot (French, Tristan Archer if you prefer his indy name), Walter, Dragunov, Shanna, Xia Li, etc. And if you can find some that aren't already indy superstars, that's even better, obviously. Let's inspire some Guatemalan, Vanuatuan, Belgian, Thai, Congolese, etc kid to become like their national wrestling hero !

  4. <p>Just read the new entry and I have a question. </p><p> </p><p>

    As I understand it now (and sorry if I didn't actually understand correctly), it would be feasible while creating a mod to tell the game that company X will book its shows in, say, a Modern Puro style, and so the AI will comply and make it unlikely to have certain types of match (so, typically, there wouldn't be a 20-men battle royal because that's not what you'd see in a Modern Puro style). </p><p>

    My question is this: would we be able to add instructions to the AI ? The example I have in mind is (as usual) a French company who typically does all its shows the same way: a bunch of Single matches, one tag team match, an occasional intergender tag team match or women match thrown in the mix (which would all fit under the Basic Single and Tag booking style) but the Main Event to every of their shows is a battle royale with every person who participated in the show. So would we be able to say to the AI "Ok, for this company, you'll have to use this booking style, but every main event will be a battle royal" ? I don't think this type of nuance request a brand new booking style, since it's not that common, but it'd be interesting to be able to add small instructions, like "The Main Event will be a battle royal each time", or "There should be one intergender match each show", for instance. </p><p> </p><p>

    (Again, sorry if it's already the case and I've missed the info !)</p>

  5. Thanks for the answers guys !


    I should give more context: basically, I'm making my own (and probably never published apart from friends who'll use it) "French wrestling scene" mod so I can use the bizzo2k November 1933's one and do a long term save (who hopefully will go until 2018). Therefore it's relatively complicated to have footages or even informations on some of the wrestlers (there are some where I literally have one picture and the name with nothing else really giving much infos), and I'm forced to do some "average" stats because I can't really know if, say, Michel Allary, was actually able to do a decent comedy gimmick since it wasn't common at that time in France and even if it was, I won't be able to find footages of it. In ring skills is easy, but performance is awfully complicated.


    Now, if it was just me using it, I would just put every gimmick rating at 70 (apart from Brute, comedy, weird and crazy since those are more specific), 90% if I know the person was awesome in that specific thing (so "Le Bourreau de Béthune" would be 90% in heel since he was "the" Heel in the 60's, and his Brute rating would be very high too), but I have at least two persons who will also use it so I want to make it kinda clean and "realistic" looking: I don't want someone to be unable to do any gimmicks other than "Amateur wrestler turned pro", but I don't want to cheat it and have everyone be some sort of acting god either. Even less since my save will be of the "Let's hire every French guy and see what I can do with them" variety, so I don't want to give myself too much of an advantage, but I also don't want to end up with the worst roster ever nor have them all be guys who will never be hired.

  6. <p>I honestly can't answer for everyone, but I feel there's "offensive cliches" and "not acceptable level of offensive": a black guy with a rapper gimmick or a mexican with a sombrero doesn't matter much to me, because 1) it happened in real life (Cryme Tyme, R-Truth, etc) and 2) while it's lacking in originality, it's not "that" bad. Same for children/teenagers fighting adults: Steen did it, there are guys in France who do it, and wasn't there in Japan a match between Kenny Omega and a 9-year old girl ? Not to mention the countless foreign heels of different nationalities the US had in its wrestling history.</p><p> </p><p>

    The important thing is to make it clear that you don't agree with it and that you refrain from crossing the line between "Oh look, this black guy is a rapper, how surprising" and "Oh, look, a N-word". Just don't use slurs, naked pictures and the likes and you should be fine, I think.</p><p> </p><p>

    With that being said, I also have a question: when you guys add IRL workers you don't know a lot about (or worse, nothing other than name, size and nationality), how do you set their Performance skills ? I don't really want to do 330 workers performance, even less since I don't know what should be the basis for local wrestlers: does 50% mean "He's a decent comedy babyface", or "He's not that great as a babyface but I guess he's not terrible either" ? Should a guy who never left France because he's not talented enough even have a 90% in Heel performance, because he's really good at it but just lacks any in ring talent ? </p><p>

    In short, should I just put 50% (or 70%, or whatever other number is the "Basic" stat) for everything, or is there a good method for performance who's not "Just randomly click on a number and boom you're good" ?</p>

  7. <p>My bad, it was indeed generation of new workers rather than regeneration, I just used the term I always had when talking about other games.</p><p> </p><p>

    So at this point I'm not sure I would have enough people during that specific era where French wrestling was almost dead (meaning I can't add people myself like I did for the other decades), but if I understand correctly, I can always add the regeneration and rename the workers who would re-appear if there's a lack. Or edit generated workers nationalities. </p><p> </p><p>

    Works for me, thanks !</p>

  8. <p>I was wondering: when creating an historical mod (or any mod I suppose), is there a way to ensure some nationality will have a lot of regens (or at least that if Country A has 50 people when you start the save, they'll never get much lower than that) ? I know I will never have a shortage of US/Canadian/Mexican/Japanese/Australian wrestlers, since they have a full area for themselves, but I'm not sure if countries like France (who has a region), Germany (who's not alone in its region) or even South Africa (who has wrestlers but where you can't go) will keep having regens or have any chance of "growing" in terms of number of workers. </p><p> </p><p>

    I already know I can influence a dojo by the nationality of the trainer, but that only ensure I'll have a couple of them, not that I'll keep having 70 guys (unless I'm mistaken). And as I'm not experienced at all in mods creation, I don't know if there is something I can add somewhere that will let me say "Put that country's worker generation on high, and that one on low".</p>

  9. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="42115" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>1) Yet to debut wrestler should start with about what they started with in reality for skills. If you set them all at excellent potential, everyone has an equal chance to be good-great, but not it's not a promise. They still need to be booked properly, built properly, and work with talented guys to really develop. Also, Agers are literally only used to change the picture used in the game. Has no effect elsewhere.<p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks for the infos !</p><p> </p><p> I have a question though. Wouldn't putting "excellent" potential means that, provided I hire every one of them and book them properly (including good opponents, etc), all of them would be reaching what I'd call "WWE/NJPW/ROH level" at least ? I'm more or less trying to simulate how the French scene would change if, rather than complete nobodies to train them, they'd have people with a lot of talent and pop (and hopefully a decent booker as well): while not everyone would become a star because you can't train a broomstick to become Chris Jericho, I'm guessing you'd have more Will Ospreay and almost no random amateur jobbers who shouldn't ever wrestler in front of more than 10 people. </p><p> With excellent potential, and considering so far I have 164 guys set in 85 years (so I'd have for the first decades 20 or so guys, then in the 2000 a lot more -but then I expect I'd be at Global level, or at the very least able to hire some of the best), it seems to me that it'd become easy to make them all into stars, so I suppose I should just use Random and hope for the best.</p><p> </p><p> But the first part of your answer is interesting, so now all I have is to create "basic" profiles fitting for each style (or at least those needed), then modify it a tiny bit, rather than have to watch tons and tons of amateur guys to get a better feel if I should set their Brawling stat at 30 or 45 <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
  10. <p>Haven't found the answer somewhere else, so I'll ask here:</p><p> </p><p>

    1) if I'm creating a mod to add people in the future, what's the best way to give them a random chance at greatness: just leave the potential at "Random" and give them basic stats (and if it's that, what should those stats be ?) or rate them like they'd be in real life (knowing that the people I want to add are workers from small French companies, so most of them won't have a higher in ring skill than 40 following TheWho's way of rating) which leaves them with a better chance to start as already decent but might make it so that every single one of them will improve much more than the level they should be (as I'm gonna hire all of them at one point or another) ? I know I can make agers, but that would only mean I can have them reach their IRL level, when I want a debuting guy to have "equal" chances to become as good as Bryan, Jericho or Bret Hart in the ring, to reach a "decent indy guy" level or to become worse than they are. Basically, if there was a possibility to have all stats be random (but influenced by how good the dojo trainers would be, I guess), I would use that.</p><p> </p><p>

    2) is there any way to have the favored product change (and the companies adapt if they're smart enough) over the years without setting it at a specific date like "Once we're in January 1971 Week 1, the product will go from that to that" ? As I'm gonna use bizzo2k excellent mod as a basis, I kinda need the product to go from "We want wrestling only, no angles and only 1vs1" to "We want Sports Entertainment" in some countries, but to do it organically would be better because that way I won't know in advance when I'll need to change my own product. (Note that maybe this would happen already and I don't know it, as I've never played historical mods before)</p><p> </p><p>

    3) if someone is not debuted yet, can I already put relationship/family links for that worker ? Like Eloanne and Ragnar Rok are married in real life, but since they're debuting in the 2000's and I start the save in 1933, can I make it so that they'll get married no matter what (even if after that, they can get divorced) ? Same for friends, brothers, or even father and son.</p><p> </p><p>

    4) Is there any way to ensure two workers won't have bad chemistry, but can have either neutral or good chemistry ? If I'm not mistaken, you can force a choice between the three, but not just let your possibilities open while making sure the team won't be awful. Obviously, I'm not even sure I can make chemistries with people who haven't debuted, but you already know that. </p><p> </p><p>

    Thanks for any answers you can give me to any of those questions !</p>

  11. <p>French wrestling</p><p> </p><p>

    So, as I was rather bored this morning (and afternoon), I thought I'd help you correct some mistakes/holes in the small scene of French wrestling (not that I blame you, since it's not exactly the focus of it and infos are mostly in French):</p><p> </p><p>

    - Angel's Bombita is much older than you set her to be. I don't know her exact age, but she said in an interview that she started when she was 14, and in another that she started in 1989. She seems a tiny bit older to me, but for the sake of fairness let's say she's really born in 1975. </p><p> </p><p>

    - The following wrestlers have stopped their carreer, or at best are in hiatus: Buldog (not a match since 2013), Kim Berley (not a match since 2015), X-Cute Sweet (not a match since 2015, and now does kickboxing instead), Yann St Laurent (nothing since 2014)</p><p> </p><p>

    - I'm also tempted to consider the following either semi-active or on hiatus because they haven't done more than a couple of matches in the past few years: Alexei Petrovitch, Dead Mask, Hooligan Beef</p><p> </p><p>

    - Pierre Fontaine (also known as Booster) has recently announced he would slowly stop wrestling for his owned company (ICWA), as it's now time for the younger generation to take the lead, but would continue to enter the ring when doing joined shows with their partners in the small european "alliance" of sorts they have with other companies (that are not in the mod)</p><p> </p><p>

    - Pauline and Hugo Perez are friends.</p><p> </p><p>

    - Pierre Fontaine and Bulla Punk are married, so are Eloanne and Ragnar Rok. </p><p> </p><p>

    - Pierre Marceau is on hiatus since he left Impact</p><p> </p><p>

    - Sturry's only link to wrestling is now some announcing here and there, as well as a Youtube channel, but he used to referee sometimes, so maybe change "Referee" and "Announcer" to sometimes ?</p><p> </p><p>

    - Teo Tispun now uses the name "El Tetanos"</p><p> </p><p>

    - Kevin Corne now wrestles under the name of Krixus</p><p> </p><p>

    - Lucas di Leo and Peter Fischer's team is now named "Les Artistes" (along with an artist gimmick, not unlike Damian Sandow "Intellectual savior of the masses")</p><p> </p><p>

    - Dimitri Soliotopoulos and Pierre Fontaine have restarted their team "The French Connection"</p><p> </p><p>

    - If you want to replace those who are retired/on hiatus, or add more people for the French scene, I'd recommend to see about adding Louis Napoléon, Vince NT, Cormac Hamilton (who's English), Christianium le Surréaliste, A-Buck (both of whom are Congolese), Jazz Lanka (Sri Lanka and France), Gianni Leone (Swiss, head trainer along with Booster Fontaine for ICWA) and even if I don't like the style they use, people like Flesh Gordon (who's 62, but still one of the most important promoters/wrestler in the French scene right now) and from the roster of his company, maybe Miss Agathe, Tiny Iron, Prince Zefy, Baadsah Pehalwan Khan. Unfortunately, I can't really help you with rating them at this point, since I'm terribly not gifted at that and still trying to figure how to base my ratings for when I'll finally get around creating a French wrestling mod.</p><p> </p><p>

    - Maybe add the WWE French announce table ? Christophe Agius and Philippe Chereau have a solid fanbase in France and Belgium, and are one of the big reasons wrestling got some mainstream popularity back in those two countries thanks to their hilarious work. </p><p> </p><p>

    - Also, since they've done a 4-day show with ICWA in the past, I'd consider adding "available in Europe" for the following: Andy Wu, Yoko Bito and Konami have done the "Euroresu show" in 2017, and in 2016 Yuki Sato, Taro Nohashi and Ken45 did as well.</p><p> </p><p>

    Anyway, thanks for the awesome work, I've been enjoying your mod a lot and I can only wait to see how much better it'll be in the future !</p>

  12. European wrestling


    Not sure if this is where I should ask, but I couldn't seem to find a better option so there it is:


    Is there any good historical mods/combination of mods (no matter the number) when it comes to European wrestling ? I've found plenty of good options for the big scenes of wrestling, but none for the project I have, that is starting from Europe (preferably France, but if France is filled the others probably will be as well for the "big" names) and rebuilding it to be more relevant than it is now. Needless to say, the earlier the start, the better but I'd settle for starting in the 70-/80's if I have to, as long as I don't have a huge generational gap with 30 guys in the 70's then no one until the 2010's.


    Obviously, I could do it all by myself, but if there is already a basis to start with and I only have to add the less known names, that'd be great, since I'm not exactly gifted at rating people I don't know well. Or at rating in general, to be honest.


    Thanks !

  13. <p>Actually, I have one guy whose gimmick consists of him thinking you can only succeed abroad as a French wrestler if you are acting the stereotypical French heel seen in the US (René Dupree, Jean-Paul Levesque, etc), with a huge dose of dishonesty <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

    But yes, I won't have the public chanting "FRANCE ! FRANCE ! FRANCE !", don't worry haha. It'll be more "gimmicky" than patriotism, and the only "patriotic" character I have is a Breton not unlike a face Sheamus/Finlay, and will not use it as a way to feel superior.</p>

  14. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TsuMirren" data-cite="TsuMirren" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41210" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I don't have much advice, but if that's the real life ICWA then wow! Which Mod are you using?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> TheWho57's RW mod, I believe it's the one for May since I didn't want to reactivate all the feds and fill the rosters again. And yes, it's the real French ICWA, with Booster and Bulla Punk. There are a few small mistakes (mainly for french wrestlers outside ICWA though), and I had to create the titles from scratch, but it's there, you just need to reactivate it (same goes for the Association Bitteroise de Catch, if you prefer them).</p>
  15. A French Wrestling Diary


    Hello everyone,


    I'm considering writing a diary for my ICWA run, where I basically try to make french wrestling relevant using only... well, french wrestlers and the occasional guests, but might add french-speaking foreigners in the future if I really get big. Buuut, I have a few questions first:


    1) Is there any tips when it comes to write matches for unknown wrestlers ? My main problem is that, while I do imagine pretty quickly how I want it to go (aka "It'll be an open match, where A the main eventer is the most dangerous but B, a young upper midcarder, is still putting some good offense but eventually A counters B's finisher and wins"), I don't know how to give it more "flesh" so that every match doesn't read the same after a while. And since I'm using mostly unknown wrestlers, I can't rely on the readers picturing by themselves how a Ragnar Rok vs Jack Spayne would go the same way they would for a Rusev vs Matt Hardy. (Alternatively, if one of you really loves to write matches but doesn't feel like writing all the rest, we can talk :D )


    2) How much infos would you ideally need about the workers ? I intend to develop their personalities with promos, etc, but I think it would be easier for you to understand that Pauline destroying Bulla Punk is an impressive feature if you know what the two look like. Same goes for the finishers, etc: if I tell you Dick Riviere uses the 3 Chord Song to end the match, you won't imagine it as easily as if I told you before the 3 Chord Song is really a Lionsault.

    Additionally, how important would pictures be in the shows ? Not surprisingly perhaps, some of the guys in the mods are difficult to find pictures for, even more pictures the right size. Even in TEW, one or two have terrible pictures, not to mention the backgrounds are anything but the same for each, and I'd hate to make it look ridiculous or to bother people asking for help making it "clean" (I'm trying to make it by my own, but let's say I have no talent for this and leave it at that :D )


    3) Is there someone who would like to "coach" me and work as a beta reader (or maybe even a co-booker, helping with match aims and crowd control), so that I make it last long enough to get to the good stuff and the PPV concepts I found when I was bored ? I already have the storylines more or less prepared (maybe not down to the details, but that would make for a more interesting read if everything isn't too set in the stone), and once I've found a good way to write matches, I should have a few shows to post the following week, but a second opinion from an experienced player/writer is always welcome and useful.

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