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Posts posted by Matt_Black

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TEWFan" data-cite="TEWFan" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="47998" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>So after reading this thread I was inspired to start a game with them and I have to say I am having fun. <p> </p><p> I created a TV show and got a TV deal with the second biggest network that would sign me. Why the second? Because I signed a deal for events with the biggest network. </p><p> </p><p> Some of the stories I intend to blow off quickly. Flores and Mephisto will be done after the first big event, with Mephisto taking his hair. I talked to Marcos and he seems agreeable to do it.</p><p> </p><p> Lopez vs Extraordianario is also ending after the first big event with a clean win for Lopez.</p><p> </p><p> Why? My idea is to build towards Lopez vs Mephisto long term, with Mephisto getting the belt and possibly the hair of Lopez as well if he is agreeable. This will play out over the next 3 months (when the game is released I guess). </p><p> </p><p> I will build Mr. Lucha III to become the figurehead. Right now he is still a rudo and I have him issuing open challenges every other week and beating someone (usually a debuting lower card worker) clean. This will go on for a few months (I will probably get him a secondary belt or something) until the Lopez vs Mephisto story plays out. My idea is to have Mephisto proclaim himself as the top star in Lucha Libre after destroying the Legends and proclaim that their is no one else for him to beat. </p><p> </p><p> Mr. Lucha III comes out and takes him up on his offer cementing a face turn and the next big program. </p><p> </p><p> I am putting a rocket on Electric Dreamer. Possibly blowing up her feud with Amazon and moving her right to Celeste Moon.</p><p> </p><p> I made some hires for the tecnico side, guys like El Orgulloso and Mustang Blanco Jr. No Chess Maniac yet. I always envisioned him as a heel so I will establish some names before bringing him in.</p><p> </p><p> Doctor Tecnico and El Medico are now La Cruz Roja (The Red Cross) tag team.</p><p> </p><p> New Stable: The Gringo Alliance (Dragon Americano & The American Cobras). I am working on making them Trios Champs and expanding the stable further.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Have you hired anyone for the women's division. They're a bit unbalanced in favor of the rudos, as well.</p>
  2. You know, I briefly fired up an EMLL save, and one of the Hidden Gems was Soda De La Uva Junior. And now I have a desire to put at least one goofball on the roster just for the odd tonal shift every now and then.


    I have an image of someone like Samael getting all 3 rings, nearly gaining ultimate power to rule the multiverse when...


    "You COULD have ultimate power, but wouldn't you rather have a refreshing grape-flavored beverage."


    Like how supervillains are occasionally defeated by Hostess Fruit Pies.

  3. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Kijar" data-cite="Kijar" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48639" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I will say size does matter, because I fell from the Medium size that I set the company up at and now people are refusing to come over to the country to work for me because of my lack of influence as a Small company. <img alt=":rolleyes:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/rolleyes.png.4b097f4fbbe99ce5bcd5efbc1b773ed6.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Really? Because I've played as QAW, which is Tiny, and I had no problem talking Spider Isako into being open to work in the U.S. Maybe it's also tied to worker pop or experience, or the momentum of the company; if you just decreased in size, that probably took a hit.</p>
  4. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Cyhort" data-cite="Cyhort" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48904" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Man, the hot takes are scorching...<p> </p><p> JR is not out of touch with today's product. Xcalibur is the knowledge guy on the AEW commentary team, JR feeds him lines so he can explain things people need to know. When JR does talk about the AEW wrestlers, he knows what he's talking about. The problem with the AEW commentary desk is, like someone said above, there are three play by play guys. Sometimes, they all talk over each other trying to do play by play, and JR, being the oldest, sometimes comes off slower when they do that. But to say JR hasn't been good for a decade just shows you don't know much about commentary. Or, more likely, are just parroting the current cool smark wrestling opinion.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah. Listen to his work for NJPW or the Mae Young Classic. Was it as good as JR in his prime? No. Did he do a good job? Yeah.</p>
  5. I might try EMLL for more than a month or two this time around. The one vs one always turned me off. I'd stick with it for the TV shows, but all my events (named after video games) would use multi-man gimmicks- Double Dragon, Super Smash Brawl (4-way), Super Smash Melee (Battle Royal), Worlds Collide (trios), etc.


    Now, with the tecnico/ rudo divide not being enforced, the all 1 on 1 thing is less of a big deal, though I'll almost certainly slowly change the auto-booker to do more multi-man matches.


    The big question is who do you hire? Even by Lucha Libre standards, I think ideally you'll want people who are gimmicky as all get out.


    I used the quick fill feature to populate some workers, but their stats came out quite crap. I split the difference but asking a bunch of random workers to come work in India, and everyone seemed pretty up for it considering my company's size. I really don't think anyone that I asked refused. Digging my roster, building up some fresh characters to pair alongside the ones I'm building on that already in the game.


    THAT is a saving grace for the fact that new worker generation can be a bit lacking for certain types of workers (women in general, Indian workers, etc.); so far, it seems very easy to talk people into being open to working in areas they don't work in.


    Option 2: What we have been doing in this game for a decade+ now, is go to the re-render forum and snatch up the free pictures that are released specifically for Indian workers.


    Yeah, no, that "solution" strikes me as lacking. Especially without a button to easily copy a database from the main database screen.

  8. So if I was to run a mixed tag match in OLLIE, would I actually be penalized for it? I'm wondering because I had been considering a mixed tag team tournament, in order to put some heat on OLLIE's womens division.


    Go for it. I've not tried it myself, yet, but if it's anything like 2016, the penalties will be very minor.


    I wonder if someone with knowledge of OLLIE history can help me. Mr. Lucha III's bio says that Mr. Lucha II was a political debacle that tarnished the reputation of the mask. I haven't been able to find anything more about that, so I'm hoping someone can tell me: Who was Mr. Lucha II (son of Manuel Prieto?), what was the political debacle and where is Mr. Lucha II now? Thanks.


    Most of the info can be found in the bio of Pharaoh King. They don't go into exactly what went wrong, but it basically looks like a case of bad creative and booking.

  9. I did find a few funny renders while going through the pictures. Those include the Chaos Demons still having pics in the game, a person dressed as a hot dog, and Johnny Bloodstone, Jase Cole, and one other I can't remember having star wars renders


    That "person dressed as a hot dog" is the GREATEST star of the Thunderverse, EL HOT DOG!

  10. Everytime the AI books CWA they seem to put Lauren vs Brooke in a singles match 5x in a row. They're not even in a feud. It just books the same match, same result (Brooke always wins). And yet the match ratings don't really decline. What's up with that? Do they have some magical connection that the AI drifts towards? :p


    I think the official TV Tropes term is "The AI Is A Cheating Bastard". I mean, it's not nearly as bad as the GM Mode in some of the earlier Smackdown games (the other show never worried about injuries, or morale, or money, and would just spam Hell In A Cell matches on WEEKLY TV).

  11. Never seen, read about or played thunderverse, but will try it out and see it for the 1st time when(if) the mod drops for 2020.


    Whats different between the thunderverse and cornellverse that makes people love the mod so much? Im not doubting it or anything just interested, as I don't want to spoil any of the new and key features of the thunderverse until I can play it for myself


    Well, the two things I hear are the aesthetically consistent character renders, and there being both more women workers and more opportunities for women. There are more women's companies, and there are also more companies that are integrated or have women's divisions.

  12. Personally, I'm not too stressed about the lack of women that are yet to debut in the database. There's not a ton of men, either, which means that you can expect a lot of random workers to start filling the void for you. Two of the games I've gotten to march already have two new women each, which is a higher rate than 2016 already.


    I understand that not everyone likes the randomness of it, though. Personally I'm into it because it makes every game feel totally unique.


    The thing about that, as I noted somewhere else, depending on the area, there aren't going to be enough pictures.

  13. Yeah, but that still raises the question of who would be a good fit, then. Most of the talent that's lesser down the card is either already in a stable (Felicia Luck, The Rage), or they're a face so you'd need to turn.


    And now I just got a silly idea- they hire DupliKate and act like she's Foxy, not unlike when Hulk Hogan got "fired" and then Mr. America showed up. No one was fooled, but it was still funny.

  14. I feel ya on the pictures. Hopefully, in addition to ironing out all the bugs, they're taking the added time until release to throw in a few more free pictures.


    If it's any consolation, once the 2020 Thunderverse mod is done, I'm betting that's going to have a easier go of it. They already have several Indian workers, and if I'm not mistaken, title belts for an Indian company that you could buy (you just couldn't play it in the home area).

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